RELATED TOPICS: contemporaries Hervey de Saint-Denys - Alfred Maury - the next generation: Havelock Ellis, Frederick Greenwood, Freud
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
FLAYED COLUMN: by Antoine Lavalette, fall 1815; a time-compressed nightmare In prison, the midnight bell chimed. I dreamt I saw a cavalry column of men and horses skinned, gory, still marching. Wagons of the dead passed for hours. As the guard changed, the gate crashed, waking me--just minutes after midnight! CAUTION: PROVES NOT ALL DREAMS ARE REALTIME |
HOT FEET: by Patient 2 of William Hammond, c.1868, a nightmare--but subliminal or mystical? I'm in the Rocky Mountains. Gold-hungry Mexican bandits capture me and put my feet to the fire, demanding "How do you transmute copper into gold?" I scream "I don't know!", waking to find... CAUTION: TORTURE PLAYED FOR LAUGHS |
ROWLAND'S DREAM: by R. J. Rowland, 1790s? a dream of a useful ghost. DAY: R.J. Rowland needed papers for a legal case, but couldn't find where his father had stashed them. DREAM: his long-dead dad told R.J. that a lawyer he'd never heard of had the papers, 'but the man may need some reminding', and gave details of Portuguese gold and a drinking bout. Next day, it worked. But how? CAUTION: GHOST? E.S.P.? |
SAVONAROLA: by Mrs C., circa 1867; a dream mocking excess self-criticism Mrs C. dreamed she was the ascetic preacher Savonarola, who wanted to burn all vanities. In her audience she saw... Mrs C! So she, Savonarola, aimed her barbs at all of C's flaws... |
THUMBSUCKER!: by a patient of William Hammond, c.1868, an epic comic taste dream I paint my thumb with bitter aloes to break my habit of sucking it at night. I dream of wormwood, ox gall, mineral salts. I consult Dr. Save Me and even the Pope, but... |
VOLITION ON THE BRINK: by Dr William Hammond, c.1867. I'm on a mesa, looking down in terror. I try to pull back but a compulsion overrides my will--I crawl helplessly forward until I go over. As I fall... CAUTION: PRE-FREUDIAN DISMISSAL OF WARNING |
WHISTLE: by Dr William Hammond, c.1865; a self-flagging predictive nightmare On a long steamboat voyage, a living skeleton swaps a warning for my watch; when the whistle sounds, the boiler will blow. As it does, I dive in the river and wake to discover a real whistle... CAUTION: UNCANNY SYNCHRONIZATION? |
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