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World Dream Bank:
Index of Names, A-C

by Chris Wayan 2001-2010

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Dream titles and places have their own indexes. Authors of dreams ARE here, among other names; for a list of dreamers only, see authors.

People, books, movies,
poems, songs, comics, etc.
Authors of books
and so on
I skipped bare mentions;
most hits will be significant.

1stargirl, former pen name Starvibes, pen name of a dreamer I Died and Walked among the Living
1stargirl, former pen name Starvibes, pen name of a dreamer Speckled Eggs
1stargirl, former pen name Starvibes, pen name of a dreamer Swimming Cats
1984, novel Orwell, George, writer Cloud of Unknowing
1984, novel Orwell, George, writer The Ancient Book
1984 GOP convention in Dallas Joe Bob, pseudonymous reporter Dallas Gmork
2001, novel Clarke, Arthur C., writer Vertical Planes
53 Stations of the Tokaido (a print series) Hiroshige, artist Tokaido
77 Dream Songs, poetry book Berryman, John, poet Freud Was Some Wrong About Dreams
, film Desowitz, William, dreamer A Film-Oriented Dream
, film Fellini, Federico, dreamer & director I'm Not the Director!
9/11 attacks 9/11 now has its own page: 9/11
9-11: Artists Respond, a comics anthology Davison, Al, dream-artist Ground Zero
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Dr A., a fore-feeler JB Priestley, writer F.I.P.
A., Marianne, dream writer Serling, Rod, TV showrunner The Outer Limits
Hosteen A., predictive dreamer --- Mudhole
"AE" (Russell, George), poet, painter, dreamer AE now has his own page: AE
Abbey, Edward, writer Monkey Wrench Gang, a how-to novel The Telepath Trees
Abbingdon, Earl of, dream-recounter J.H. Esquire Both Mourn, Both Die
Aborigines, Australian Morgan, Sally, writer My Place
Aborigines, Australian --- The Mimi
Aborigines, Australian --- Sea Eagle
Aboriginal views on fat Rustling Leaves, dreamer's pseudonym The Mountain, the Magpie and the Road:
Aboukir, Cressy, and Hogue, three ships Martin, E.M., writer and dreamer Death Chanty
Absolutely Maybe, novel Yee, Lisa, writer Nip Off His Nose
"Abysses", dream-painting Girondé, Marie-Claude, dream artist Dream of Abysses:
Achieving Bilumia alternate title of Beating Uncle Fester
Adam, the first man Southey, Robert, writer and dreamer Old Adam
Adam, the first man Kingsford, Anna, dreamer The Enchanted Woman
Adams, Richard, writer Watership Down, novel Watership Downtrodden
Adams, Robert, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Presidential Taco
The Addams Family, TV show Fester, Uncle, a TV character Beating Uncle Fester
The Addams Family, TV show Addams, Wednesday, a TV character Red-Spattered Dancers
The Addams Family, TV show Addams, Morticia, a TV character Disaster Dream
Adrastus, inadvertent killer Croesus, King of Lydia, c.560 BCE The Death of Atys
Aerial Ladders, a circus trapeze act Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Nina's Ring
An Aesthetics of Junk Fiction Roberts, Thomas J, critic Junk Fiction?
After (poetry book, 2006) Hirshfield, Jane, poet Translucence: An Assay
After the Thin Man, film, 1936 Ralph, Jessie, actor Blind Ancestors
Against the Fall of Night, novel Clarke, Arthur C., writer Non-Ghosts
Agassiz, Louis, geologist and dreamer --- Agassiz's Fish
Agate, James Price, Nancy, dreamer Hail and Farewell
Ahlam Fatrat al-Naqaha, short story collection "Dreams of the Recovery Period (English title) see Mahfouz, Naguib
Aida, a comedian Metropolis, a comedy improv group Aida's Toilet Boat
An air cadet (and predictive dreamer) Rhine, Louisa E., ESP researcher Kelly Field
An Air Force wife (and psychic dreamer) Rhine, Louisa E., ESP researcher Japanese Rail Crash
Air Pirates Funnies, underground comic O'Neill, Dan, artist forbidden to draw mice Hell Chess
Akamatsu, Ken, a geeky mangaka Negima!, a manga series Guiltless Liar, Honest Exhibitionist
Akhurst, Julie, dreamer, daughter, writer The Tiger Garden, dream-compendium Father on the Bridge
Al-Bashir, Omar, ex-dictator of Sudan People power Ignorable Dragon
L'Albatros / The Albatross, poem Baudelaire, Charles, poet Struck by Thought
The Journal of Albion Moonlight: a novel told in typography/design poems Patchen, Kenneth, poet The Vacuum Cleaner Quartet
Alchemy of Stars: Rhysling Award Winners Showcase, anthology Rezmerski, John Calvin, science fictional poet A Dream of Heredity
Alder, a dreamer Alder now has her own page: ALDER
Aleek-chea-ahoosh, Crow chief and dreamer see his English nickname, Plenty Coups
Alexander, the Great --- Batman's Love
Alexander, the Great --- The Key to our Inheritance
Alice, a predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Howard Any Time Now
"Alice", pseudonym of a dreamer Barasch, Marc Ian, writer on dreams Alice's Letters
Alice In Wonderland, novel Carroll, Lewis, writer Alice Miller's Monster Messages
Alice In Wonderland, novel Carroll, Lewis, writer The Blue Blammor
Alice In Wonderland, novel Carroll, Lewis, writer Spoon Challenge
All Dogs go to Heaven, animation feature Anne Marie, human child or dogtaur? Self-Censor?
Allen, Patti, dream writer "Anonymous #25"; cledonic dreamer Whose Dream Is This, Anyway?
Allen, Woody, actor/director/jazz poseur --- Suck my Cone
Allen, Woody, actor/director A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy, film Is the Dreamworld Round?
Allen, Woody, actor/director Zelig, film Zelig Flies
Alpha Ralpha Boulevard, story Smith, Cordwainer Alpha Ralpha Boulevard
Althea my sister Althea has her own page: ALTHEA
Alvarez, Al, dreamer & writer The Tiger Garden, dream-collection Old and Happy
Alvarez, Al, dreamer & writer Hughes, Ted, dreamer (and future poet) Thought-Fox
Amadeus, film Mozart, composer Mahakala, Mozart, and the Crippled Bird
Amalthea, a shapeshifted unicorn Beagle, Peter S., author Bastard Unicorn
Amanda Lynn, muralist "You Are Something Magical", San Francisco mural Martian Airlock
'Amandaclay', a pseudonymous dreamer --- Swimming in Van Gogh's Ocean
The Amaranth Enchantment, novel Berry, Julie, writer Berry Dance
American Gothic, painting Wood, Grant, painter Incremental Heaven
Amaterasu, sun-goddess who speaks in dreams Lady Sarashina (Takasue no Musume), early dream-writer Amaterasu's Mirror
Amfortas, an ailing mythic king Kathleen Raine, dream poet The Crypt
Amida Buddha Sarashina (Takasue no Musume), early dream-writer Amida
Amiga computers Linda, a worried mom Blundering Linda
Amin, Idi, dictator Mugabe, Robert, dictator Idi Amin
Ammaji, the Hindu saint who hugs millions --- Shapeshifting Mentor
Ammaji, the Hindu saint who hugs millions --- Diagnostic Battery
Ammaji, the Hindu saint who hugs millions --- Spiritual Tests
Amos, Tori, composer Not the Red Baron, song Dragged to her Heart's Desire
Amos, Tori, composer Little Earthquakes, song But I Want to Live
An the Black, Icelandic dreamer Gudrun Osvifursdottir, troublemaker Brushwood Belly
Anacreon, poet Herrick, Robert, dreamer and poet The Vision:
The Ancient Engineers, history book De Camp, L. Sprague, writer Dreamwork in a Decadent Age
And He Built a Crooked House, story Heinlein, Robert, writer Cupola
Anderson, Cathy, poet with recurring nightmare Trinity County Poets' Chapbook The Nightmare
Andersen, Hans Christian, writer The Little Mermaid, autobiographical story The Dating Demon
Andersen, Hans Christian, writer The Ugly Ducking, short story Egg River
Anderson, Laurie, composer The Hand that Takes, song The Hand that Wakes
Anderson, Loni, actor WKRP in Cincinnati, TV show The Problem of Pain
Anderson, Poul, writer People of the Wind, novel Struck by Thought
Anderson, Poul, writer A Little Knowledge, story Witweet Wayan
Anderson, Poul, writer a model planet honoring his world-building: Lyr
Ang Lee (director) Ice Storm, film Nixon Nose
The Angel Moroni, guardian of Utah and Mormons --- Capitol Reef
Angerhelm, story Smith, Cordwainer, writer Angerhelm
"Ann", a dreamer Delaney, Gayle, writer Ovaries
Ann, a psychology professor & dreamer Faraday, Ann, writer Easy Rider
Ann, a psychology professor & dreamer Faraday, Ann, writer Maggots
Anna And Bella, animated film --- Animation Today--No Pearls, Lotsa Swine
Annabel Lee, Poe's dead love Poe, Edgar Allen, writer Annabel Rose
Anne, dreamer, Rita Wolff's friend Wolff, Rita, dream-painter Anne's Dream
Anne Marie, human child or dogtaur? All Dogs go to Heaven, animation feature Self-Censor?
Anne's friend, predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Anne got Lost
Annihilation, novel Vandermeer, Jeff, writer & dreamer Vandermeer's Stair
Anonymous, a dreamer, c.1550 --- Hide the List!
Anonymous #2, dreamer, 1930s De la Mare, Walter, writer Black Puppeteer
Anonymous #3, dreamer c.1920 Ellis, Havelock, writer on dreams Hell Hall
Anonymous #4, dreamer c.1920? Ellis, Havelock, writer on dreams I want a Shilling
Anonymous #5, dreamer --- Murders in Hayward
Anonymous #6, dreamer --- Birth, Initiation, Individuation
Anonymous #7, dreamer Johnson, Robert A., writer, therapist Monastery
Anonymous #8, short-term timetraveler Priestley, J.B., writer Chocolate Spill
Anonymous #9, English soldier, 1938 Priestley, J.B., writer Left Eye
Anonymous #10, English boy, 1916 Priestley, J.B., writer Unexploded Sphere
Anonymous #11, English girl, 1920 Priestley, J.B., writer Riverbank Bliss
Anonymous #12, English woman Priestley, J.B., writer 33 Eggs
Anonymous #13, English mother Priestley, J.B., writer Noser
Anonymous #14, student of JW Dunne Priestley, J.B., writer Sparrowhawk
Anonymous #15, Czech boy, 1919 Priestley, J.B., writer Humpbacked Coat-Thief:
Anonymous #16, London transit-rider Priestley, J.B., writer Lurch of a Bus
Anonymous #17, London woman Priestley, J.B., writer Umbrella
Anonymous #18, sports coach Priestley, J.B., writer Boy at the Gate
Anonymous #19, medical photographer Priestley, J.B., writer Two Tanks
Anonymous #20, driver near Manchester Priestley, JB, writer Hit or Miss
Anonymous #21, drama critic Priestley, JB, writer Headlines
Anonymous #22, English actress Priestley, J.B, writer Pirandello's Bat
"Anonymous #23 & 24"; Irish mom & daughter Priestley, J.B., writer Double Dream
"Anonymous #25"; cledonic dreamer Allen, Patti, dream writer Whose Dream Is This, Anyway?
Anonymous #26, a Navy wife Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher His Visit Home
Anonymous #27, NY theatergoer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Lost Opal
Anonymous #28, Oregonian housewife and intuitive Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Ice-Tray
Anonymous #29, long-term predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Bedbugs
Anonymous #30, psychic rock-hunter Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Geode
Anonymous #31, long-term predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Ten Years After
Anonymous #32, rape survivor Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Bill
Anonymous #33, metals firm manager Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Crane Crash
Anonymous #34, chronic death-omen dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Avenue of Trees
Anonymous #35, a psychic dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher The Other Side of the Tracks
Anonymous #36, a psychic dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Cyclone Repair
Anonymous #37, a nightmare sufferer --- The Destruction of Hawai'i
Anonymous #37, a nightmare sufferer --- The Exposure of Humanity to...
Anonymous #37, a nightmare sufferer Krafft-Ebing fantasies Stop Resisting
Anonymous #37, a nightmare sufferer --- The Supercells
Anonymous #37, a nightmare sufferer Star Wars, film series Yes, You can Die in a Dream
Anonymous #38, Zen dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Zen Insurance
Anonymous #39, logical dreamer Dream Scene Magazine What a Concept
Anonymous #40, intense dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Days when Women were being Hurt
Anonymous #41, surreal Joycean dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Torrent of Consciousness
Anonymous #42, musical mystical dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Radiance
Anonymous #43, tech-literate dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Bad Sectors of the Psyche
Anonymous #44, underwater dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Bobcat
Anonymous #45, barhopping dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Where the Wild Things Play
Anonymous #46, epic dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Translucency as an Adaptation...
Anonymous #47, concise dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Urban Arthur
Anonymous #48, epic political dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Return from Exile
Anonymous #49, predictive dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Metal Machine Music
Anonymous #50, wry dreamer Dream Scene Magazine Birth Stamps
Anonymous #51, cathartic dreamer The New Diary I Find Myself Crying
Anonymous #52, isolated dreamer The New Diary Loneliness Haiku
Anonymous # 53, British expat Ullman, Montague, dream researcher Lime Frost
Anonymous # 54, humorous dreamer Ullman, Montague, dream researcher Bottlecaps
Anonymous # 55, psychic dreamer Ullman, Montague, dream researcher Dickens & Caftan
Anonymous # 56 Ullman, Montague, dream researcher Cincinnati Hunch
Anonymous #57, British poet & dreamer Ellis, Havelock, The Dream World Tipcat
Anonymous #58, a dreamer in midlife crisis Delaney, Gayle, dream author Classical Birds
Anonymous #59, a dream-experiment subject Dement, William, dream researcher Banana Cream Pie
Anonymous #60, who swims with dolphins Delaney, Gayle, dream researcher Sexual Dreams
Anonymous #61, who's off to a brothel with... Mom? Delaney, Gayle, dream researcher Sexual Dreams
Anonymous #62, oracular dreamer who rode six days Keable, Robert, bewildered missionary Sovereign
Anonymous #63, a psychic dreamer Phantasms of the Living, book Father's Coffin
Anonymous #64, a dream-based-fashion designer Baylis, Janice, creativity-dream collector Ghostly Wedding Dress
Anonymous # 2323 Somnial Times, a dream zine Monk
Another Girl, Another Planet; photo series Kurland, Justine, photographer Bernal Islet, 2250
Another Picnic at the Asylum, a play Neff, Angela, playwright/actress The New Dalai Lama
Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury William Rufus, King of England Arrow of Fire
Antheil, George, composer Bad Boy of Music, autobiography The Great Peace
Antheil, George, composer Bad Boy of Music, autobiography Three Sevens
Anthony, Piers, writer A Spell for Chameleon, novel On the Night of Change
Antony, Marc, Roman leader Cornwall, Barry, dream-poet A Dream
Aorphe, a shapeshifter Emily, a dreamer Revolution is Messy
Arabella, an abused girl Odd Girl Out by Elizabeth Jane Howard Bike Odyssey
Archer, William William Archer now has his own page WILLIAM ARCHER
The Architectives, a dream organization Pumas and women only, please The Mer Building
Are You My Mother?, a psychobiography in comix Bechdel, Alison, cartoonist Five Hounds
Ariadne, Patricia, therapist & writer Women Dreaming-into-Art: 7 Artists who Create from Dreams, book Women Dreaming-into-Art
Ariana, a writer in my dreams Playboy, a magazine A Peel for Approval
Ariane, the girl next door see also The Lees Ariane's Honeymoon
Ariane, the girl next door see also The Lees The Everest Marathon
Ariane, the girl next door see also The Lees Old and In the Way
Ariane, the girl next door see also The Lees Puff Tide
Ariel, a young unicorn Boyette, Steven, 19-year-old writer Ariel
Aristotle, logician --- Aristotle's Wives
Armless Maiden, short story anthology Windling, Terri, editor The Abuse Panelists
Armless Maiden; story Knives Sickafoose, Munro, writer The Abuse Panelists
Armless Maiden: story Guardian Neighbor Barry, Lynda, writer The Abuse Panelists
Arms and the Man, play Shaw, George Bernard, playwright The Smiling Shaw Machine
Armstead, John, chemist in Kinver, England, 1861 Price, Nancy, actor, writer, dreamer The Red Light
Arnold-Forster, Mary, dreamer, writer Kelvin, Lord (William Thompson), physicist Antigravity Research
Arnold-Forster, Mary, dreamer, writer --- Changing Identities
Arnold-Forster, Mary, dreamer, writer Churchill, Winston, soldier and politician A Flying Dream in War-Time
Arnold-Forster, Mary, dreamer, writer Oliver Twist, novel Mind of a Murderer
Arnorsson, Kjartan, dream-cartoonist A Flock of Dreamers, dream-comix anthology Dream?
Aron, Elaine, writer The Highly Sensitive Person, sociology book Icerink
Aron, Elaine, writer The Highly Sensitive Person, sociology book The Running of the Pigs
Aron, Elaine, writer The Highly Sensitive Person, sociology book Safety Gets Me Hot
Arrazoca, Oscar Carillo, sculptor --- Lizard
Arriola, Gus, cartoonist Gordo, comic strip Gordo's Eyes
The Arrival, wordless novel Tan, Shaun, Australian artist Elf Circles
The Arrival, wordless novel Tan, Shaun, Australian artist Nocturne
Art for Teachers of Children, film Montgomery, Jennifer, filmmaker Jennifer Montgomery
The Art of War, book Sun-tzu, ancient Chinese writer Mentor
Artabanus, brother of King Darius Xerxes I, king of Persia, his nephew Invade Greece, Or Else!
The Artist's Way, how-to book Cameron, Julia, writer The Artist's Way
Asimov, Isaac, writer Foundation, series of novels Coyote's Vault
Asimov, Isaac, writer Nightfall, story The Parable of the Cave
Asimov, Isaac, writer Lucky Starr, kids' science fiction series Lucky Starr
Aslan, a lion-god Narnia, kids' fantasy series, C.S. Lewis Gyrlfalcon
Aslan, a lion-god Lewis, C.S., writer Aslan Swoops
Asner, Ed, actor, activist --- El Asno
Asplenium ruta muralis, a dream fern Asplenium ruta muraria, a real fern Delboeuf's fern
Astra, Mare, a furry dreamer like me --- Unicorn Mentality
Astra and Flondrix, novel Seamus O'Cullen Bumbree Syndrome
Ataka, manga artist I was Reincarnated as the Villainess in an Otome Game, manga The Cloud Over Her
Atchity, Kenneth John, dream poet and editor Dreamworks Quarterly Down Under
Atchity, Kenneth John, dream poet and editor Dreamworks Quarterly Lion
Atkinson, Laura, psychic dreamer International Association for the Study of Dreams Japan, 4:34 AM
Attenborough, David, nature show narrator --- Their Ritual Display
Attic Herbs, a dreamlet one of three short dreams in Ponygirl’s Diet
Atwood, Margaret, writer The Salt Garden, short story Mithran's Lake
Atwood, Margaret, writer The Handmaid's Tale, book Rebellion
Atwood, Margaret, writer The Robber Bride, novel A Writer's Muse
Atwood, Margaret, writer Bluebeard's Egg, retold folktale Andromeda
Atys, doomed heir of King Croesus Croesus, King of Lydia, c.560 BCE The Death of Atys
Aubrey, John, translator Cicero, writer The Megara Inn
Aubrey, John, biographer Deane, Mary, dreamer and admiral's wife The Admiral's Death
Aubrey, John, writer J.H. Esquire Both Mourn, Both Die
Aubrey, John, writer Mary I (Bloody Mary) Hide the List!
Aubrey, John, writer Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury Jack of Greatness
Aubrey, John, biographer Halley, Edmund, astronomer Saint Helena
Aubrey, John, biographer Mrs Cl. of S., dreamer, loving mom, poisoner Yew
Auda, wife of... Gisli the Outlaw Gisli the Outlaw
Auden, W.H., poet and dreamer --- The Lesson
Saint Augustine, ancient writer Gennadius, pioneer lucid dreamer Gennadius
Augustus, Caesar, Roman emperor Brutus, Roman general The Battle of Philippi
Arnaud de Villeneuve, medieval dreamer Sleep, Dreams and Somnambulism, 1857 book Prodromal Dreamlets
Austen, Jane, writer --- In the Vault
Austen, Jane, writer Pride and Prejudice, novel Surrender Darcy!
Austen, Jane, writer Sense and Sensibility, novel Lemon People
Australian Aborigines Moss, Robert, dreamer The Mimi
Australian Aborigines Moss, Robert, dreamer Sea Eagle
Australian Aborigines Rustling Leaves, dreamer's pseudonym The Mountain, the Magpie and the Road:
Automatic-writing experiments Willis, Edith L. Trigo
Autosuggestion see also incubated dreams Otto Suggestion (to a Horse in Drag)
The Autumn Breeze (Dream Song #191), poem Berryman, John, poet Freud Was Some Wrong About Dreams
Avatar II: the Way of Water, film Cameron, James, filmmaker Oracular Ravens
The Avengers, British TV show --- Expecting Change
Aylee, part-unicorn character by... DadWard, online furry artist Bastard Unicorn
Ayres, William, therapist & serial child molester --- Ayres
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B-29 bombers Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Mom on the Wing
B., David, dream cartoonist Nocturnal Conspiracies, comics collection The Cat
B., David, dream cartoonist Nocturnal Conspiracies, comics collection A Love Affair
Mrs. B-- when young (c.1760) a boarding-school girl Wesley, John, Methodist & dream-collector "I shall Hurt you Worse"
Mrs. B, a suicidal Los Angeles alcoholic Dick in L.A., a questioner of the air Dipsomania
Babel-17, novel Delany, Samuel, writer A Used Pope
Bad Boy of Music, autobiography Antheil, George, composer The Great Peace
Bad Boy of Music, autobiography Antheil, George, composer Three Sevens
BADG, the Bay Area Dreamworkers Group --- Badge Slander
Badger, Jenny, dream artist Jenny now has her own page: JENNY BADGER SULTAN
Badenov, Boris, animation character Rocky and Bullwinkle, TV cartoon show Boris Badenov
Bady-Dorzhu Ondar, igil player Ösküs-ool, dreamer Igil
Baerlein, Henry, writer Price, Nancy, actress, writer, dreamer The Other Room
Bagheera, black panther The Jungle Books, Rudyard Kipling Bagheera Suggests Lovage
Bagheera Pardus, lucid dreamer --- Band-Aids
Bagley, Desmond, writer The Snow Tiger, novel Baby, I'll Blow Your Mind
Baha'i faith Jo, a religious dreamer Vrillassa's Only Priest
Mr. Bai, a dreamer & desperate dad Pu Songling, writer The Wolf Dream
the Ballad of Lost C'mell, story Smith, Cordwainer, writer Titania
Ballard, J.G., writer The Crystal World, novel Owl and Cheese
Ballard, J.G., writer The Drowned Giant, story The Martian Feud
Balolokong, Hopi rainsnake --- Balolokong
Baltimore Oriole, song Carmichael, Hoagy, jazz musician Everest Marathon
Bamber, Ben, dreamer --- Asteroid Strikes
Bamber, Ben, dreamer Amin, Idi, Ugandan dictator Idi Amin
Bamber, Ben, dreamer --- Ten Chambers
Bambi, animated film Disney, Walt, animator The Deer's Holy Lake
Bandler, Leslie Cameron, writer on psychology The Emotional Hostage, book Forks and Saucers
Bang, Molly, artist Picture This, how-to art book Twenty-four Panels a Minute
Barasch, Marc Ian, dream writer, now has his own page: MARC IAN BARASCH
Barbara, a dreamer who needed a nudge Delaney, Gayle, dream writer Get the Picture?
Barbara C., dreamer
--- My Best Friend's Home--and Mom
Barbarella, movie Fonda, Jane, actor Angel Showdown
Barbarella, movie Fonda, Jane, actor Holy Zen Monk
Barber, Charles, dead friend returning Hadas, Rachel, dream-poet Around Lake Erie and Across the Hudson
Barbie art 32 sexy centauroid dancers The Cendancers
Barbie dolls and Barbie art Centaur Audition
Barbie dolls and Barbie art Saint Barbie
Barbie dolls and Barbie art You're So GAY!
Barbieri, Suzanne, dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream-compendium The Dance of Time
Barberry, a short dream-poem and mutant fruit, in Small Miracles
Barney, a purple dinosaur --- Newt Wedding
Barrett, D.M., psychic dreamer Lyttelton, Dame Edith, psychic researcher All Hallow's Eve
Barrett, Deirdre, dream artist & researcher now has her own page: Deirdre Barrett
Barrett, Marilyn, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Learning to Sing and Dance
Barrie, J.M., writer Peter Pan, novel Peter Pan Syndrome
Barrie, J.M., writer Peter Pan, novel Time is a Croc!
Barrie, J.M., writer Peter Pan syndrome Shrunken Men
Barrie, J.M., writer Peter Pan, novel Oriole Girls
Barrie, J.M., writer Peter Pan syndrome A Conversation with Anorexia
Barrington, Hermester, dreamer The Incredible String Band, surreal musicians The Musical Amoeba
Barry, Lynda, writer "Guardian Neighbor", story in Armless Maiden The Abuse Panelists
Barry, Lynda, writer/artist My Perfect Life, graphic novel I Thought he Liked me
Barry, Lynda, art teacher Picture This, how-to art book Twenty-four Panels a Minute
al-Bashir, Omar, ex-dictator of Sudan People power Ignorable Dragon
Bast, a goddess --- Bast Sabotage
Bastets (lion-people resembling Bast) Hyal, a dreamer Trespassers in Malanchai
Bates, Alan, actor Oliver's Travels, Brit TV show The Crosstime Health Risk
Bates, Catherine, professional psychic Tweedale, Violet, writer and psychic Marco to Win
Batman comics and film series Catwoman, an ambivalent heroine Batman's Love
Batman, a vigilante --- Sunlight's the Cure
Battleship Potemkin, classic film Eisenstein, Sergei, director Odessa Steps
Battuta, Ibn, world traveler Rumford, James, illustrator Battuta's Dream
Baucis, an old woman who tosses out Zeus's gift, a scrawny chicken Gold Egg
Baudelaire, Charles, poet L'Albatros / The Albatross, poem Struck by Thought
Baum, L. Frank, writer Oz; see also Place Names: Oz The Crows Of Oz
Baum, L. Frank, writer Oz books Misfits on Mars
Baum, L. Frank, writer Oz books and movie Surrender Darcy!
Baum, L. Frank, writer Ozma of Oz, novel Fox Mother
Baxendale, Helen, actor (playing Cordelia Gray) An Unsuitable Job for a Woman, TV mystery Body-Switch
Bay Area Dreamworkers Group (BADG) --- Badge Slander
The Bazaar Cafe, San Francisco a singer-songwriter space Dino Bard
The Bazaar Cafe, San Francisco a singer-songwriter space Mirrorcunt
The Bazaar Cafe, San Francisco a singer-songwriter space Stuck Snake
Beagle, Peter S., fantasy writer Beagle now has his own page: Peter S. Beagle
Beam, Jeffery, poet and dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly He Saw, or, The Dream
Beany and Cecil, a 1960s cartoon show O'Neill, Dan, dream cartoonist Owl Tavern
Beatles, composers --- Face-Beetle
Beatles, composers their first drummer: James Joyce I Dream of Deriverrans
Beatles, composers Lennon, John Love is Real, Real is Love, But...
Beatles, composers Michelle, My Belle, song Bell Curve in the Dark
Beatles, composers Rubber Soul, album Potlatch Smoke
Beatles, composers McCartney, Paul, dreamer Yesterday
The Beatorio, a sculpture-grotto in a dream Southey, Robert, writer and dreamer Creating Wings
Beats, writers' movement London, Jack The Kerouac Tree
Bechdel, Alison, cartoonist Are You My Mother?, a psychobiography in comix Five Hounds
Bechdel, Alison, cartoonist Winnicott, Donald, 20th Century child psychologist Regression Therapy
Bechdel, Alison, cartoonist Winnicott, Donald, 20th Century child psychologist Saint Barbie
Bechdel, Alison, cartoonist Fey, Tina, comedian Tina Fey Tries to Fly
Becoming Wild, book Safina, Carl, nature writer God of the Gulf
Bede (the Dark Age historian) now has his own page: The Venerable Bede
Bedford, Ruth M, psychic dreamer Megroz, R.L., dream collector Pearl Ring
Beggars in Spain, novel Kress, Nancy, writer Beggars in Spain
Beggars in Spain, novel Kress, Nancy, writer The Bell Curve
Beggars in Spain, novel Kress, Nancy, writer Marbles
Sister Begu, a medieval Hilda, her community's founder Hilda's Death
Belanger, Eva, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Bunny Interview
Bell and Stephenson, names on ship's papers Talbot, Matthew Stephenson and Bell
The Bell Curve, book on IQ segregation Murray, Charles and Herrnstein, Richard, writers The Bell Curve
Bell, Gabrielle, dream-cartoonist The Book of Sleep, mini-comic On the Seashore
Beloff, Zoe, editor (or prankster?) Grass, Albert, dream-cartoonist (or hoax?) A Creature
Belushi, John, actor --- Samurai Librarian
"Ben", lucid dreamer Mortal Mist website The Most Fantastic Lucid Dream of My Life
Benicio, Angelique, dream artist Josephine, dreamer Joséphine's Dream
Benicio, Angelique, dream artist --- Lolligagging
Benicio, Angelique, dream artist --- O Sonho Vivido
Bennet's daughter (1757), an ignored psychic dreamer Wesley, John, Methodist & dream-collector Listen to your Wife
Benson, A.C., poet and dreamer --- The Phoenix
Bentinck, William Cavendish, practical dreamer --- Coach and Arch
Beren One-Hand, hero in ancient Middle Earth Tolkien, J.R.R., writer Ann-Thenath
Beresford, JD, father of a precocious dreamer Timms, Mrs., grieving mum "Poor Mrs Timms!"
Bergstrom, Helena, actor House of Angels, film On Her Fourth Body
Berko, Lili, dream-playwright Dreamworks Quarterly Thanos: from Dream to Performance
Bernobich, Beth, writer Fox and Phoenix, novel Amazons' Offer
Berry, Julie, writer The Amaranth Enchantment, novel Berry Dance
Berryman, John, poet Dream Songs, poem-series Freud Was Some Wrong About Dreams
Beverly, a dreamer Delaney, Gayle, writer on dreams Penis in a Breadbasket
Bewilde, web artist (art name of Wilde, Bridget) Fox on a Train
Beryl, a dead nurse haunting Wayan Beryl now has her own page BERYL
Bhatnagar, Ranjit, dreamer Jesse Reklaw, illustrator Humminbbird Hands
The Bible, a book Christ, Jesus, a prophet Alp Vark
The Bible, a book Christ, Jesus The Bible Reduced to Flowers
The Bible, a book Jesus now has his own page Deer Jesus
The Bible, a book Christ, Jesus, a prophet Familiars
The Bible (Old Testament) Nebuchadnezzar II, dreamer Nebuchadnezzar's Tree
Bickel, Mike, dreamworker Somnial Times, a dream zine Blonde or Brunette?
Bickel, Mrs, dreamworker Somnial Times, a dream zine The Stair
The Big Snit, animation --- Animation Today--No Pearls, Lotsa Swine
The Big Time, an early novel of the multiverse Leiber, Fritz, writer Doctor Ventril
Bigfoot, a dream being Gullino, Derek, dreamer Whodunit? And what did they Do?
Biggle, Lloyd, science fiction writer Watchers of the Dark, novel Rhinzl's Shadow
Bill, a dreamer his sister Eileen Grandma
Bilumia alternate title of Beating Uncle Fester
Birdiesattva, a songbird saint Bonner the Fat, a meditating dog The Lady Loves the Horse
The Birds, film Hitchcock, Alfred, filmmaker Hitchcock Bird
Birk, Sandow, painter View of San Quentin Prison, painting Bernal Islet, 2250
the Birren, alien centauroids Ries, Alex, species designer Kinship in Winter
Birth of the Firebringer, novel Pierce, Meredith Ann, writer Kiss of a Savage
Bishop, Michael, writer Unicorn Mountain, novel Hunt of the Unicorn
Bite, a nondream poem introducing the dream Cat Repels Dinosaurs
"Bizekidz7", dreamer's pseudonym --- Elephant Man
Black and White and Red Dot (dream picture-poem) Roswila, dream-poet Dreamku, April 2007
Black Destroyer, short story Van Vogt, A.E. Coeurl
Black Easter, novel Blish, James, writer Owl and Cheese
The Black Goddess & the Unseen Real, book Redgrove, Peter, author The Great Dream
Black, Holly and Larbestier, Justine: editors Zombies Versus Unicorns, fantasy anthology An Alicorn Blade Through the Heart
Black Maria, satirical novel Jones, Diana Wynne, writer Peter Pan Syndrome
Black Rabbit of Inlé, kindly god of death & rebirth in Richard Adams's Watership Down Blue Rabbit
Black Rain, book Ibuse, writer How to Survive Nuclear War
Black Sabbath, band Hildebrandt, Greg, painter and dreamer Crucifers
Blake, William, poet and dreamer now has his own page: William Blake
Blame it on Rio, film Michael Caine & Demi Moore, actors Blame It On Rio
Blame it on Rio, film --- The Black Current
Blame it on Rio, film Moore, Demi, actor On Molly's Forehead
A Blank Book, novel Popham, Melinda, writer A Peel for Approval
Blazing in Gold and Quenching in Purple, poem Dickinson, Emily, poet Cassandra's Otter
Blish, James, writer Black Easter and Day After Judgment, novels Owl and Cheese
Blish, James, writer Cities In Flight, science fiction tetralogy Thieu, I'm Sorry
Blobbs, Peter (pseud. for John Hubbard), dreamer Authentic Dreams of Peter Blobbs, dream journal The Man atthe End of the Passage
Block, Francesca Lia I Was A Teenage Fairy, novel Elven Dancer
Bloody Women in the Water, dream title Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream artist When Blood Flows, the Danger is Past
Bloom, Allan, cranky scholar The Closing of the American Mind, book Illusionists Don't Rule
Bloom, Molly, fictional character Joyce, James, writer & dreamer Minos, Eaque & Rhadamanthe
Blossom, Laurel, poet Night Errands, poetry anthology Now We Are 48
Blow Up, film Makavejev, Dusan, dreamer Murderer
Blue Flower & Blue Face-Flower, dream paintings Edith, a dream-painter Id Flowers
Blue Rider School, art movement Marc, Franz, painter No Blue Rider
Bluebeard's Egg, short story collection Atwood, Margaret, writer Andromeda
Bluebeard's Egg, retold folktale Atwood, Margaret, writer Mithran's Lake
Bly, Robert, writer --- Deaf to the Signs
Bly, Robert, writer --- Temenos
Bly, Robert, writer Iron John, book Shrunken Men
Bly, Robert, writer Iron John, book Wingless
Bo Ji, concubine and dreamer Liu Bang, founder of Han Dynasty Dragon-Nurturer
The Body Snatchers, book Matheson, Richard, writer Freeze!
The Body Snatchers, film Matheson, Richard, writer Hepburning
The Body Snatchers, film Matheson, Richard, writer Pod War
The Body Snatchers, film Matheson, Richard, writer Sporecount
The Body Snatchers, film Matheson, Richard, writer Their Dream House
Bogan, Louise, poet Original title: The Dream Terrible Horse
Bogart, Humphrey The Maltese Falcon, film Mahakala, Mozart, and the Crippled Bird
Bogzaran, Fariba, dreamer Yalda, her friend Fariba and Yalda
Boiled Angel, comic Diana, Mike, cartoonist and free speech martyr Mike Diana was Jailed for Sacrilege
One of Boisil's disciples, a cledonic dreamer The Venerable Bede, Dark Age historian Egbert Defies Dreams
Bollisurdottir, Herdis, dreamer Gudrun Osvifursdottir Don't Tread on Me
Bond, James, a spy Films based on novels by Ian Fleming Bond
bone paintings O'Keeffe, Georgia, artist Artshow
Bonner the Fat, a meditating dog Birdiesattva, a songbird saint The Lady Loves the Horse
Bonobo-headed woman Obolo, a simian fairy Faerie
The Book of Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes, prophet Misfits on Mars
The Book of Sleep, mini-comic Bell, Gabrielle, dream-cartoonist On the Seashore
Book Of The Long Sun, set of novels Wolfe, Gene, writer Rainbow Tunnel
Boreau, José Luis, filmmaker Barrett, Deirdre, dream researcher Film, Dreams & Lucidity
Borges, Jorge Luis, writer --- Rani
Borges, Jorge Luis, writer The Infinite Library, story Hotel Odyssey
Bosch, Hieronymus, painter The Garden of Delights, triptych Berry Dance
Bosch, Hieronymus, pre-surrealist painter --- Boschton Beings
Bottom's Dream (animation) --- Animation Today--No Pearls, Lotsa Swine
Boulet, Susan Seddon, artist Skywatcher, a drawing Burn His Tree
Bowen, Peter, writer Wolf, No Wolf, novel Wolf, No Wolf, or, Let's Blame More Victims
Bowers, Mrs, burn victim Clarke, Gladys, inadvertent foreseer Not a Nice Day
Bowman, Peggy, poet & dreamer --- Chickadees
A Boy And His Dog, short story & film Ellison, Harlan, writer A Cat and her Girl
A Boy And His Dog, short story & film Ellison, Harlan, writer Jack Daniels
The Boy and the Beast, anime Hosoda, Mamoru, director Father-in-Law the Whip
Boy Meets World, TV show Shawn & Feffer, characters Exploration Game
The Boy who Never Lies, a Tibetan folktale The Goose Girl, a Grimm folktale Falada
Boyd, R.W., predictive dreamer Hare, Catherine, his fiancée R101 Airship Crash
Boyle, Kay, poet Boyle, Sharon, dreamer World Tour
Boyle, Sharon, dreamer Boyle, Kay, poet World Tour
Bradbury, Ray, writer Death is a Lonely Business, novel Bradbury's Death is a Lonely Business
Bradbury, Ray, writer The Martian Chronicles, novel Futility
Bradbury, Ray, writer Tyrannosaurus Rex, short story Smoking Rex
Bradley, Marion Zimmer, writer Worldwreckers, novel Rabbit World
Bradley, Marion Zimmer, writer Darkover novels Comyn Restraint
Bradley, Marion Zimmer, writer Darkover novels Junk Fiction?
Brady, Joan, dancer The Unmaking of a Dancer, dance biography The Unmaking of a Dancer
Brakhage, Stan, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Balloons
Brakhage, Stan, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Blue Rabbit
Brandy, a dancer I have a crush on --- Brandy's Curse
Brandy, a dancer I have a crush on --- Blow 'em Up!
Bray, Libba, writer The Diviners, novel Clown Points
"Breakfast", San Francisco singer-songwriter Graffiti Highway, cabaret The Key to our Inheritance
Brennan, Herbie, writer Purple Emperor, novel Fox Mother
The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court, book Woodward, Bob, journalist & political writer The Ripple Effect
a bridge-builder's wife who tells fortunes Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Parlor Game
Bridget, Saint, a manifestation of the Goddess Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream-painter Saint Bridget
A Brief History of Time, book Hawking, Stephen, physicist Hawking Country
Briggs, John, writer Fire in the Crucible, book Fire in the Crucible
Brin, David, writer Earth, a novel God-Shields
Brin, David, writer Glory Season, novel Shields from the Goddess
Brin, David, writer Glory Season, novel The Dragon's Teeth
Brin, David, writer Glory Season, novel Half-Twin
Brin, David, writer Startide Rising, novel Rose and the Thorn
Brin, David, writer Uplift series of novels the concept of UPLIFT has its own page
, Bringing It All Back Home, album Dylan, Bob, songwriter A Sphinx's Sketchbook (p.18)
Brinton, Lieut., British Navy flier Lloyd-Owens, J., inadvertent movie-house prophet Schneider Trophy Crash
Brioni, name of an Adriatic island Whitaker, Frank, dreamer Hanging Car
Brobdingnag, a land of giants Swift, Jonathan, a fantasy writer Laputans Lecture Brobdingnag
Brooks, Mel, filmmaker Spaceballs, film (Star Wars parody) Mounting Problems
Brown, Charlie, nebbish Peanuts, comic strip by Charles Schulz Cubist Charlie Brown
Brown, Charlie, that round-headed kid Peanuts, comic strip A Vial Crime
Brown, Curtis, literary agent Archer, William, playwright and dreamer A Prophetic Dream
Brown, James, singer --- Funky Butt Ugly
Brown, Jerry, California governor --- Jerry Brown's Law
Brown, Margaret Wise, dreamer Hurd, Clement, kids' book illustrator Goodnight Moon
Brown, Molly, dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream-compendium Cut-Price
Brown, N. M., writer Hunted, novel Micmac Towers
Brown, Rosel George, writer Sybil Sue Blue, sf/mystery novel Sybil Sue Flannery
Brown, John, freedom fighter Tubman, Harriet, freedom fighter John Brown's Death
Brown, Willie, politician --- Horsefall... or Worse
Brown, Willie, politician --- The Rosa Parks Effect
Brown, Willie, politician --- Too Much to Bear
Brown paper bag verifying a psychic dream Rochan, an out-of-body dreamworker Rochan's Dream
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, poet --- Quadruple Wedding
Bruce, Walter, dreamer Phantasms of the Living, book Cut Throat
Bruch, Hilde, writer Conversations With Anorexics, book A Conversation with Anorexia
Brun, Cécile, dreamer Onibi: Diary of a Ghost Hunter, travel journal Uncertain Horizon
Brun, Emmy Ingeborg, astronomer Lowell, Percival, astronomer Mars globe, 1909
Brundage, Margaret, painter Passing Strange, novel Dino for a Night
Bruno, Giordano, martyred dreamer the Inquisition Bruno's Dream
Brushwood Boy, a short story on shared dreaming Kipling, Rudyard, writer see BIBLIOGRAPHY
Brust, Robert, dreamer Somnial Times, a dream zine Critic
Brust, Robert, dreamer Somnial Times, a dream zine Quake
Brust, Robert, dreamer Somnial Times, a dream zine Record
Brust, Robert, dreamer Somnial Times, a dream zine Teacher's Name
Brust, Robert, dreamer Somnial Times, a dream zine Timer
Brutus, Roman leader Augustus, Roman emperor The Battle of Philippi
Buchet, Charles, painter Theodore Weiss, dreamer Caliban
Buckley, Major, hypnotist, 1845 Mary Queen of Scots, 1556 Mary's Jewels
Buckley, William F. --- Buckley's Bloated Bomb
Buddha, Gautama Buddha has his own page: BUDDHA and BUDDHISM
Budgiesus, the Parakeet Messiah Trelayne, a Green Bird in dreams The Green Bird
Budgiesus, the Parakeet Messiah Abyssia, where down is up & up is down Abyssia: Nomenclature
Buggas, Mary, detective's sidekick Greenwood, Elizabeth, dreamer & amateur sleuth Stockden's Murder
bulemia see also anorexia Beating Uncle Fester
bulemia The world's first all-bulemic band: Bonk Veronica
a bull elk named Me Turner, Jack, writer Turner's Recurring Dreams
Burgin, George, writer and dreamer --- Flying Machine
Burne-Jones, Edward, dream painter Barrett, Deirdre, dream collector Dream of Nine Muses
Burning Man festival, 2004 --- The Bleeding Heart
Burning Man festival, 2004 --- Trail of Pogs
Burning Man festival, 2005 Storm, Mardi, dream sculptor Twilight Anima Rising
Burns, Alan, dreamer Dvorak, Anton, composer, alive again Bow and Cello
Burns, Christopher, dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream-compendium Lucid, Helpless, Recurring Nightmares
Burns, Frank, fictional surgeon MASH, TV series Misfits on Mars
Burns, Robert, poet To A Mouse, 1785 poem Hell Chess
Burroughs, Edgar Rice Tarzan of the Apes, novel Tarzan and Jane in Suburbia
Burroughs, Edgar Rice Tarzan of the Apes, novel Not Self-Defense
Burroughs, Edgar Rice Mars books Misfits on Mars
Burroughs, William S., dreamer & writer now has his own page: William S. Burroughs
Burroughs, William S., writer also has a cameo in the dream Tiger Tall
Burton, Philip, San Francisco politician Golden Gate National Recreation Area, his legacy Stagman
Burtra, a talking blackbird Price, Nancy, a shamanic dreamer Dead or Alive
The Bus, an ESP report A Saint Louis woman Just Knowing
Bush, George, the elder, politician Hussein, Saddam, politician A Knife at his Throat
Bush, George, the elder, warmonger Veitch, Rick, shamanic dreamer Double Funeral
Bush, George, broccoliphobe --- Why Cowgirls Love Broccoli
Bush, George W., politician Clinton, Hillary, politician A Clintonian Affair
Bush, George W., politician Osama bin Laden, jihadist Birds on Fire
Bush, George and Jeb, politicians Cheney, Dick, politician Dog Bites Cat
Business Man, a closeted psychic dreamer needing anonymity Megroz, RL, dream collector A Business Man's Dreams
Busy Ness Man, a dream character and alternate dream title The Ness Man
Butler, J.D., a mentor to... Muir, John, writer & occasional psychic Muir and Butler
Butler, Octavia, science fiction writer Oankali books Betray My Animal Friends
Butler, Paul, planet hunter Marcy, Geoff, planet hunter Crystal & Gunsel
Butler, Samuel, writer composer & dreamer Handel, George, composer A Handelian Concert
Byatt, A.S., dreamer Murdoch, Iris, dreamer The Mower
Byron, George Gordon, poet --- My Lips are Sealed
Jump to A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

"C", pseudonym of a dreamer Somnial Times, 90s zine Green Shoes
C., Barbara, dreamer
--- My Best Friend's Home--and Mom
C., Miss, dreamer, 1910s An Experiment with Time, book Spy with a Bun
C., Mrs, dreamer, 1860s Sleep and its Derangements, book Savonarola
Cadance, Princess, archetype of romantic love My Little Pony, TV series Chidi & Pony Mistress
Caen, Herb, columnist --- Kim Sings
Caen, Herb, columnist --- My Life Changed
Caesar, Augustus, Roman emperor Cicero, writer and orator Golden Chain
Caesar, Augustus, Roman emperor Brutus, Roman general The Battle of Philippi
Caesar, Julius, Roman statesman --- Caesar's Incest Dream
Caesar, Julius, Roman statesman Calpurnia, wife of Caesar, dreamer Calpurnia's Dream
Caesar, Nero, Roman emperor Agrippina, his mother Enter, Nero!
Caine, Michael, actor Blame it on Rio, film Blame it on Rio
Cajal, Santiago Ramón y, neurologist & dream journalist now has his own page: Cajal
Calder, A.W. Fyson, predictive dreamer Lyttelton, Dame Edith, psychic researcher The Black Stream
Calendar Grids, composite art series Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream artist Huge Ovoid (Aug-Sep 1999)
Calendar Grids, composite art series Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream artist Spider Toilet (Jan-Feb 2000)
Califia, Pat, editor For the Love of Daddy, anthology The Abuse Panelists
a California model Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Six-Month, Seventeen-Year Cabinet
California woman, a clairsniffant Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Scorch
Callisto, a runaway moon Io, Europa, Ganymede... Runaway Moons
Calpurnia, wife of Caesar, dreamer Caesar, Julius, first Roman emperor Calpurnia's Dream
Cambridge man, a fore-feeler JB Priestley, writer F.I.P.
A camel (sentient, Bactrian, gas-burning) Nickels, Tim, child dreamer Gas Up the Camel
Cameron, James, filmmaker Avatar II: the Way of Water, film Oracular Ravens
Cameron, Julia, writer The Artist's Way, book The Artist's Way
Camille Porter, artist Shelf-board paintings, 8'x1' Homage to Camille
Camoes, Luiz Vaz de, Portuguese poet Os Lusiadas, epic poem The Lusiads
Camp, L. Sprague de, writer The Ancient Engineers, history book Dreamwork in a Decadent Age
Campbell, Joseph, mythographer Flight Of The Wild Gander, book Jung's Denial
Campion, Jane, filmmaker --- Jane Campion's Warning
Campusano, Chuy, muralist 'Lilli Ann', mural Marjane
a Canadian girl; predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Yes, Emma, One Pound Onions
Canal, Gabrielle von, model Gotfryd, Alex, dream photographer Appointment in Venice
Capote, Truman, writer --- Kim Sings, Capote Dies
Capp, Al, cartoonist Li'l Abner, comic strip Al Capp's Horses
Capra, Frank, filmmaker It's a Wonderful Life, film Titania
"Caradon", lucid dreamer Mortal Mist website Tag with a Bounty Hunter
Card, Orson Scott, science fiction writer Wyrms, novel Sleepers All
Cardano, Girolamo, Renaissance dreamer Jung, Carl, dream theorist Cardano's Dreams
Carmen Dog, novel Emshwiller, Carol, writer The Sermon of Carmen Dog
Carmen Dog, novel Emshwiller, Carol, writer Sylvia Sings
Carmichael, Hoagy, jazz musician Baltimore Oriole, song Everest Marathon
The Carnal Prayer Mat, novel Li Yu, writer Chronophobia
a Carolina waitress and psychic dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Bigamist
Carillo Arrazoca, Oscar, sculptor --- Lizard
Carroll, Jonathan, writer Sleeping in Flame, novel God-shields
Carroll, Jonathan, dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Potato Engine
Carroll, Lewis, writer Alice In Wonderland, novel Alice Miller's Monster Messages
Carroll, Lewis, writer Alice books Alice's poem
Carroll, Lewis, writer Alice in Wonderland, novel The Blue Blammor
Carroll, Lewis, writer Alice in Wonderland, novel Secret Screen
Carroll, Lewis, writer Alice in Wonderland, novel Spoon Challenge
Carroll, Lewis, writer Terry, Marion, actress Two Pollys
Carroll, Lewis, writer Through the Looking-Glass, novel A Valley Near Hope
Carter, Steve, dreamer --- Goat with a Human Head
Cartland, Barbara, psychic dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream-anthology Alive
Cartwright, Rosalind, dream researcher --- Cartwright's Harlequin
Cary, Joyce, novelist The Horse's Mouth, novel Stabbed Alive
Castaneda, Carlos Matús, don Juan, a shaman Deer-Man Dancing
Castaneda, Carlos Matús, don Juan, a shaman Don Juan and the Flyers
Castaneda, Carlos look-at-your-hands lucidity trick Giant's Hands
Castaneda, Carlos Matús, don Juan, a shaman The Man with the Snake
Castellucci, Cecil, science fiction writer Tin Star, novel Creature Becomes Creator
Castle, Bob, ice dancer Gayle Delaney, Gayle, dreamer My New Passport
Castle of the Pyrenees, surreal painting Magritte, Rene, surrealist Laputans Lecture Brobdingnag
Castle Waiting, epic comic series Medley, Linda, cartoonist I Dream of... Me!
Castro, Fidel, dictator --- Banana Slug
Castro, Fidel, dictator Wertz, Julia, dreamer The Thing about Dreams
Cat-Baby, alternate title of dream series Doucet, Julie, dream-cartoonist The Recurring Dream (Cat-Baby)
Cat-Dragon, a shamanic familiar symbolizing a sixth sense My Symbiotes
Catshall the dream haikuist now has her own page
Catshall also appears in --- "You're so GAY!"
Cat-taur soft-sculpture named Silky Fringe Festival, an experimental theatre fest Leopards at the Fringe
Catwoman, an ambivalent heroine Batman,comics and film series Batman's Love
Catz, Carolyn, BBC TV actor Doc Martin and Murder in Suburbia Adorable Cyborgs
Cavendish-Bentinck, William, practical dreamer --- Coach and Arch
Cave Elves, shy geniuses Snickerpenguins, nuclear troublemakers Razi and the Holy Wino of Shasta
Cavnar, Clancy, dreamer and meditation student a German classmate, not named Tandem Dream in Katmandu
Cayce, Edgar, trance channeler Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, biography Adrenaline Hall
Cayce, Edgar, trance channeler Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, biography Coyote Sent Me Cash!
Cayce, Edgar, trance channeler Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, biography His Mine
Cayce, Edgar, trance channeler Eric, a dreamer and runner... Mouse Workout
Cecil, a seasick seaserpent on 1960s TV O'Neill, Dan, dream cartoonist Owl Tavern
Cecy, a Bay Area writer, artist, and psychic My friend Cecy has her own page: CECY
Celestia, Princess, ruler of Equestria Yakovlev, Vad, furry artist Critters of the Montana Front
Celestia, Princess, ruler of Equestria My Little Pony, cartoon show & comics Deer Versus Pigs
Celestia and Luna, princesses of Equestria My Little Pony, cartoon show Her Cutie Mark
Cendancers, a sculpture group Barbie dolls Centaur Audition
Cendancers (Barbietaurs) get a home planet: Kakalea
Cendancers, a sculpture group Barbie dolls "You're so GAY!"
Cerberus, the dog guarding Hades, land of the dead Emily, a shamanic dreamer--- Bones Don't Lie
Ceridwens_Descent, a dreamer's pseudonym --- "What's in the Basket?"
Chalee, Pop, artist --- The Deer's Holy Lake
Chamberlain, Neville, Hitler, Adolf, dictator Garden of Swords
Chandler, Raymond, writer --- Pier's End
Chandra, Sharad, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Three Flying Dreams
A Change of Outlook, a short dream-poem Roswila, dream-poet Dreamku, March 2007
Chaplin, Charlie, actor Poe, Edgar Allen, writer Annabel Rose
Chaplin, Charlie, actor --- We'll Always Love Chaplin
Chapman, John, a tinker in Swaffham --- The Swaffham Tinker
Chaque cherche a son chat, film English title: When The Cat's Away Torturer
Charade, animation --- Animation Today--No Pearls, Lotsa Swine
Charbonneau, Patricia, actor Desert Hearts, film Eight to a Horn
Charles VI, King of France --- The Flying Hart
Charnock, Graham, fantaphobic dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Queen of Spells
Chast, Roz, dream-cartoonist, now has her own page: Roz Chast
Chatwin, Bruce, writer The Songlines, book The Ripple Effect
Chavannes, Pierre Puvis de, Symbolist painter The Dream: In His Sleep He Saw Love, Glory & Wealth Appear To Him
Cheers, TV show Long, Shelley, actor Love Day
Cheers, TV show Perlman, Rhea, actor Love Day
a cheese the size of Alcatraz a rat horde Sentenced to Cheese
Chef, film Hoffman, Dustin, actor Gandhi or War!
Cheney, Dick, politician Bush, George W., politician Dog Bites Cat
Cherryh, C.J., writer The Pride of Chanur, novel Salia and Chur
Cheryl, Wayan's ex-lover showing up in many dreams: Cheryl
Chesterton, Gilbert K., writer Shaw, George Bernard, playwright Chesterton's Pounce
Cheval, Ferdinand, dream architect a funny-shaped rock Palais Idéal
La Chevauchée Fantastique, dream painting Girondé, Marie Claude, painter Fantastic Ride
Chew-Toy altenate title of Shamanic Chew-Toy
Chihuahua, Destroyer of Worlds; dream figure --- The Power Behind the Gods
Chickadee, a small, wise bird Plenty Coups, Crow chief and shamanic dreamer The Buffalo
Chickadee, a dishonest negotiator White Loon, a ten-year-old vision quester White Loon
Chidi, an ethics professor The Good Place, TV show Chidi and Pony Mistress
Children in Pods, dream painting Jenny Badger Sultan, dream artist Fluid Dream Connections
Children of a Lessser God, film Fawn of a Lesser God, dream, see The White Deer's Experiment
The China Syndrome, film Lemmon, Jack, actor The Deer Party
Chinchilla, Princess, a dream character The Mumbled Fox, inn in a dream Bumbree Syndrome
Chinese language Hong Kong vs Beijing Ai Zhong!
Chinese language --- Cat-Scratch Signs
Chinese language --- Hydrogen Initiation
Chinese spy balloon incident, Feb 2023 --- Waymo Balloonists
A Chinese Ghost Story, animated film Tsui Hark, filmmaker My Sine-Friend
Chinese Gordon, nickname of a dreamer Gordon, Charles George, dreamer and soldier Sabotaged Boat
Chippewa tribe & language Wabase, Catherine, shaman Wabose's Vision
Chirang Faa, a dream mentor Captain of a mission to Jupiter Squirrel Girl
Chirico, Giorgio de, surrealist painter Mystery & Melancholy of a Street, painting Passionville
Chris, a wannabe dead poet The Dead Poets Society, film Making Progress Standing Still
Christ, a religious teacher Jesus now has his own page: JESUS
a Christian secretary whose prayer got answered Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher The Dye-House Records
Christie, Agatha, writer Poirot, Hercule, detective Poirot's Flight
Christie, Agatha, writer Poirot, Hercule, detective Poirot and the Dickheads
Christopher, Nicholas, poet and novelist In the Year of the Comet, poetry collection After a Long Illness
Chuang-tzu, Taoist dreamer --- Butterfly
Chumash people Santa Barbara, Cal. Cat-Scratch Signs
Church, Elizabeth, a dreamer --- The Dream To Last Years
Churchill, Winston, soldier and politician Arnold-Forster, Mary, dreamer, writer A Flying Dream in War-Time
Cicero, writer and orator Sophocles, poet, playwright... detective? Goblet of Gold
Cicero, writer and orator Caesar, Augustus, Roman emperor Golden Chain
Circe, Greek sorceress Mistress of the Herd, dream sorceress Chidi and Pony Mistress
Circle of Life Renewing, painting Sultan, Jenny Badger, dream painter Peggy's Cake
The Circus Animals' Desertion, poem Yeats, W.B., poet The Circus Humans' Desertion
Circus Girl, song Robin Williamson, composer Circus Girl
Cities In Flight, science fiction tetralogy Blish, James, writer Thieu, I'm Sorry
Citron-Baggett, Stephanie, writer on dreams "Alice", pseudonymous dreamer Alice's Letters
The City & the Stars, novel Clarke, Arthur C., writer Non-Ghosts
Civil War (American) See also Confederacy Pull the Plug on this War
Cixous, Hélène, writer Dream I Tell You, dream book De Gaulle
Cixous, Hélène, writer Dream I Tell You, dream book A Delivery
Cixous, Hélène, writer Dream I Tell You, dream book High in the Mountains
Cixous, Hélène, writer Dream I Tell You, dream book Papa
"Clairity", lucid dreamer Mortal Mist website Easter Healing
Clarke, Arthur C., writer Against the Fall of Night or City & the Stars, novels Non-Ghosts
Clarke, Arthur C., writer 2001, novel Vertical Planes
Clarke, Arthur C., writer Second Dawn, short story A Valley Near Hope
Clarke, Arthur C., writer Profiles of the Future, book of futurology A New Mermaid Dish
Clarke, Gladys, inadvertent foreseer Bowers, Mrs, burn victim Not a Nice Day
"Claughton", Mrs., pseudonym for a psychic dreamer RL Megroz, dream collector A Gang of Ghosts
Cleary, Beverly, writer Ramona, set of kids' novels Maturity
Clemens, Henry, brother of... Twain, Mark Twain's Brother
Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt Cornwall, Barry, dream-poet A Dream
Cleopatra 2525, TV sci-fi pulp Sky, Jennifer, actor Body-Switch
Clifton, Marc, writer --- Clifton
Clinton, Bill, politician --- Chelsea's Bottle
Clinton, Bill, politician Bush, George w.--- A Clintonian Affair
Clinton, Bill, politician --- Moral Minnows
Clinton, Chelsea --- Food Came Between Us
Clinton, Chelsea, girl in a media bubble --- Chelsea's Bottle
Clinton, Hillary, politician Bush, George W., politician--- A Clintonian Affair
Clinton, Hillary, politician Williamson, Margaux, artist and dreamer-- Hillary's Eyes
Clinton, Hillary, politician Rainbow Brite, a commercial character Hillary and Teal
Clinton, Hillary, politician Sorcha, a slightly cynical dreamer It Must Be Someone She Ate
Clipper of the Clouds, novel Verne, Jules, science fiction writer Sky-Boat
A Clockwork Orange, film Desowitz, William, dreamer A Film-Oriented Dream
Cloetta, Yvonne, editor A World of My Own, dream-journal God's Evolution
Closing of the American Mind, book Allan Bloom, scholar Illusionists Don't Rule
Clowns as a creepy cult Clown Points
"Cmmndrblu", a shamanic dreamer Le Sorcier, painting in Trois Freres Cave, France Deer-Man Dancing
The Coasters, vocal group Yakety Yak (Don't Talk Back), song Yakety Yak
Coca, Paul, lucid-dream artist International Association for the Study of Dreams Lucid Flight to Valhalla
Cocteau, Jean, surrealist Orpheus / Orphée, film Orpheus and Pooh
Cody, Liza, dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Shiner Town
Coe, Jonathan, dreamer & ex-musician The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Keyboard to Pizza
Cohen, Leonard, singer-songwriter appears (slightly mutated) in Etna-Shasta, or,
Groom Your Own Feathers
Cohen, Leonard, singer-songwriter Passin' Through, song Passin' Through
Cold Pluto, poetry collection Ruefle, Mary, poet Before Bed
Cole, Vladimir, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator I, Meatball
Coleridge, Samuel, poet Xanadu, legendary Mongol capital Kubla Khan
Coleridge, Samuel, poet and dreamer Wordsworth, William, his fellow poet Ebon Ebon Thalud
Coles, Robert, writer The Moral Intelligence of Children, book the Moral Intelligence of Children
Colleano, Bonar, actor Anonymous #21, closet psychic Headlines
The Collective Unconscience of Odd Bodkins, graphic novel O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Pulled Under
Colette, writer and dreamer --- Flights and Cats
Colorado convalescent, a psychic dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Crazy Egg
Comes A Horseman, movie Fonda, Jane, actor His Mine
"Commander Blue", a shamanic dreamer Le Sorcier, painting in Trois Freres Cave, France Deer-Man Dancing
Commodore Amiga, early computer Linda, a worried intruder Blundering Linda
Concerning Revelation (full dream-title) Kingsford, Anna, dream-writer Revelation
Concerning the Three Veils between Man and God (full title) Kingsford, Anna, dream-writer The Three Veils Between Man and God
Confederacy and the Civil War --- Pull the Plug on this War
Confederacy-worship --- His Racist Son
Confederacy --- Statues on Ice
Confucius (Kongzi), ancient dreamer --- The Qilin's Foot
Conjure Wife, novel Leiber, Fritz, writer Ronald Reagan Stole My Soul!
Conrad, Jessie, psychic dreamer Conrad, Joseph, her writer husband Conrad's Crash
Contreras, Ingrid Rojas, writer The Man who could Move Clouds, memoir Oil Derrick
Contreras Zapata, Fernando, recurrent dreamer The Man who could Move Clouds, memoir Oil Derrick
Conversations With Anorexics, book Bruch, Hilde, writer A Conversation with Anorexia
Coolidge, Calvin, politician --- Coolidge's Duck
Coolidge, Calvin, politician --- Jack Daniels!
Cops Go Naked Day, national dream holiday Mark Varitz, dreamer Quadruple Wedding
Coraline, book and film Gaiman, Neil, writer A Feel-Bad Movie
Cormier-Shekerjian, Regina de, writer Dreamworks Quarterly Ojibway Dream Net
Cornwall, Barry, pseudonym of Procter, Bryan, dream-poet A Dream
Cory, a writer and shaman Cory now has her own page CORY
Cosby, Bill, comedian ... and abuser. Bill Cosby's Wife
Costello, Elvis, musician Veitch, Rick, dream-cartoonist Hell I Suppose
Cotillion, story Wheelan, Megan, writer Telepath Country
En Cours de Travail, dream sculpture Girondé, Marie Claude, painter In the Course of Work
a Cow-Buyer (and dreamer) Pu Songling, writer & folklorist The Flying Cow
Cow Tools, cartoon Larson, Gary, cartoonist Cow Puns
Cowan, Nick, astronomer --- Shout in a Crowd
Cowardly Lion of Oz, book character Flynn, Erroll, actor Lion Suit
Cowan, Andrew, dreamer The TIger Garden, a dream anthology Lucid Nightmare Clings
Coyote the trickster who tricks himself... Coyote now has his own page
Cracked Mary, Irish satirist Yeats, W.B., dream-poet; Crazy Jane Grown Old Looks at the Dancers
Craig, age 4, a predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Duck Hunt
Craig, Edward Kent, a dead friend Donaldson, Graham, dreamer "You'll Grow Out of That"
Crazy Cock, novel Miller, Henry, writer; Jong, Erica, introduction The Ancient Book
Crazy Horse, Lakota leader Marshall, Joseph, III, historian Crazy Horse's dream
Crazy Jane, semi-fictional narrator Yeats, W.B., dream-poet; Crazy Jane Grown Old Looks at the Dancers
Creeley, Robert, poet of few dreams Kerouac, Jack, writer of many dreams Hunger
Cressy, Aboukir and Hogue, three ships Martin, E.M., writer and dreamer Death Chanty
CRISPR, a technique to edit genes Doudma, Jennifer, biochemist and dreamer Hitler's Getting CRISPR
Croesus, King of Lydia, c.560 BCE Adrastus, inadvertent killer The Death of Atys
Cromwell, Oliver, Puritan dictator Herrick, Robert, dreamer and poet The Vision:
Cronwall, Brian, dreamer and poet Dreamworks Quarterly Early Morning Dream:
Croquet, game Greene, Graham, dreamer A Game of Croquet
Crow Indians, Montana The Fringe, healer and dreamer Otter Medicine
Crow Indians, Montana Plenty Coups, dreamer Buffalo Person
Crow Indians, Montana Plenty Coups, dreamer Count Coup!
Crow Indians, Montana Plenty Coups, dreamer Horse Thieves
Crowe, Catherine, writer The Night Side of Nature, book The Axe of Death
Crowe, Catherine, writer The Night Side of Nature, book Remarkable
The Crucible, play Miller, Arthur, playwright Why Progress Is Slow
Crumb, Max, painter Crumb, movie Crumb
Crumb, Max, painter Crumb, movie Krelkin Sisters on Mission Street
Crumb, movie Zweigoff, Terry, filmmaker Crumb
Crumb, Robert, cartoonist Joe Blow, underground comic Encanto
Crumb, Robert, cartoonist Crumb, Max, painter Krelkin Sisters on Mission Street
Crumb, Robert, cartoonist --- Ishi and Snoid
Crusher, Beverly, Star Trek character Crusher, Wesley I'm Not Bad for a Robot Mom
Crystal, an anorexic in my 12-step group --- Battered, with Syrup
Crystal, an anorexic in my 12-step group --- Crystal and Gunsel
The Crystal World, novel Ballard, J.G., writer Owl and Cheese
Cthulhu, a yucky deity Lovecraft, H.P., horror writer Godeville, or, Living with Cthulhu
Cubist Conscience, a dream-maze see under full title: My Cubist Conscience
Cubist Emperor, a stiff dream character Russo, Richard, a writer on dreams The Lady Loves the Horse
Cuddley Black Dick #1, sculpture Scott, Joyce, artist Temenos
Culture of Complaint, grumpy book Hughes, Robert, social critic The Shaman Inspector
cummings, e. e., poet fairy tales, picturebook Oops Space
Cusack, Sinead, actor Oliver's Travels, TV show (BBC) The Crosstime Health Risk
Cusk, Rachel, dreamer The Tiger Garden, anthology of dreams 33 Years of Boredom
Cutie Marks (emblems of your life-path) My Little Pony, cartoon show Her Cutie Mark
"Cyberwebspace", pen name of a dreamer --- Monsters from my Soup
Cyclops, a one-eyed man-eating alien Wayan, Chris, a shipwrecked star-voyager Cyclops
Cyclops, a scary character Spencer, Maia, cledonic dreamer You Really Aren't Lunch
Cyrano de Bergerac, swashbuckler Roxanne, film Nixon Nose
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