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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

GABORS: by Jack Kerouac, late Jan. 1954, a dream of celebrity delusion
Starlets Zaza and Eva Gabor grow old shopping, smiling, covering their fears, until...
GAFTA: by Wayan; 1996/5/9, a pro-sabotage dream.
The aliens offer us a Galactic Free Trade Agreement, but my friends and I think it's a disastrous deal...
GAIA'S SONG: by Wayan, 2.1MB (MP3 + lyrics), 2002, an old folk ballad on robotics
Gaia appears in a warning vision. However, she's not addressing humanity, but our silver successors...
GALILEO FALLS: by Wayan; 1979/11/7, a mysterious dream .
I was a closet unicorn. SO closet, I didn't even know what a unicorn was,
till I went to college and met Lindsay, who was half and could pass...
GALAXY FLOWER: by Wayan; 1992/10/28 digital painting of a (nondream) vision.
My take on what Georgia O'Keeffe claimed she was up to with those giant flowers...
GALLERY GAWKERS: by Wayan; 2003-5; sketches of San Francisco characters
For two years, I sat at the desk in our co-op gallery, and
secretly sketched our bewildered, art-assaulted customers...
GALLEY SLAVE: by Wayan; 2008/11/27, a punning career-advice dream; Dreamverse #47
Shipwrecked and claimed as salvage on Crete, Ed the writer became
a dishwashing slave! In contrast, Marie the musician...
GALLOWS by Stephen King, c.1956, a childhood nightmare used decades later
I was climbing a hill and found a dead man on a gallows. His face was purple and puffy. Very dead. And then he
opened his eyes and grabbed me. I woke screaming. Decades later, writing Salem's Lot, I needed a nightmare...
A GAME OF CARDS: by Anna Kingsford; 1883/12/7, a god kibitzes on a Tarot game
Anna trusts to luck, but her mentor urges her to plan--"Think it out!" And what are these cards?
A GAME OF CROQUET by Graham Greene, Jan. 1984, a theatrical joke of a dream
I was at a play, A Game of Croquet, with lines that flowed so well I felt as if I'd written it myself...
A GAMER'S DREAM: by Mark Nelson; 2002/3/5; A collage of real-world events brought into dreams
I face a barrage of deadly challenges out of every action film I've seen and every game I've ever played...
GAMESHOW PRIZE: by Wayan; 1998/1/6, a let-down dream.
I win a prize on a gameshow, but collecting is another story, since the show is run from Hell...
GAMESTERS: by Wayan; 1990/8/31, a dream on slavery.
Forced to turn gladiator, I learn these slaves think our free world outside is just another game...
GANDHI OR WAR!: by Wayan; 2021/4/26, a dream warning my anger-dialect gets misunderstood
DAY: I watch Chef starring Dustin Hoffman as a guy with rage issues--like every guy in the film!
DREAM: On a TV show, I must defend my perks from other men. Anger's a male dialect...
GANDHI RUNS: by Wayan; 1997/8/1, a fusion dream.
Gandhi and I must run barefoot across a burning racetrack miles wide... the Ascetic Desert?
A GANG OF GHOSTS: by "Mrs. Claughton", 1893/10/14, recurrent dreams of ghosts
Mrs Claughton moved into a house known as haunted. She dreamt multiple ghosts asked her for help.
She crossed England to pass messages to heirs, containing private details Claughton couldn't have known...
GARDEN OF SWORDS: by Louis MacNeice; 1937, a dream foreseeing World War II.
I'm at a garden-party when They attack. I flee through a garden of swords, but a guard with a bayonet...
GARDEN OF THE GODS: by Wayan; 1995/10/6, a dream of slowth.
In the Garden of the Gods, I sit through sun and rain. For gods aren't the gardeners, they're the crop...
GARDENIAS: by Laurel and Frank, 1979 or before, shared marital-advice dreams
Laurel and Frank each dream the gardenia in their bedroom went
neglected & unwatered, but with care is now blooming again...
GARGOYLE GO-BETWEEN: by Wayan; 1996/11/22, a Hogwartish dream.
I'm odd kid out in my wizard school till gargoyles raid us, and I puzzle out their tongue, to become...
GAS UP THE CAMEL by Tim Nickels, 1965, a surreal childhood dream
At the beach, a Bactrian camel at the self-service station fills his humps and walks off whistling. The
station owner wants me to pay, but I'm a kid; no cash. "Then sing." But I have no mouth. Or head...
GAUZE: by Georges Limbour and Michel Leiris; 1924/7/27, a dream shared for a moment?
My friend Georges was sleeping on my couch. I woke to find him fighting free of gauze that
tied him to the sofa. As he woke, it faded away. He'd dreamt of it. I'd seen his dream...
GAZING INTO MYSELF: by Michel Leiris; mid-1926 and 1940/7/12, a dream-theme recurring over decades
CYLINDER OF LIME (1926): I find I'm in bed facing a man-size cylinder of lime, who happens to be me...
THE GRANARY (1940): I peer through a porthole into a shadowy chamber like a granary--and it too is me...
GEEK SHORTAGE: by Wayan; 1990/2/12. Epic primitive digital painting on body image
A mural on how I became a dancer--the day I lost my old
body-image, failed to recognize myself in the mirror...
(ON THE OLD) GENDER TRAIL: by Wayan; late 1995, digital picture-poem with dream intrusions.
For me, the path to love is difficult, elusive, convoluted...
GENDERBENT LUCID DREAMS: by JHM Whiteman, pre-1961, compared to Wayan, 1979/8/29
Celia Green, lucid dream expert, claims nearly all lucid dreamers keep their waking
bodies, their self-image. But Whiteman & Wayan both have genderbent lucid dreams...
GENDER-SKEW IN DREAMS: by Wayan; 1998/2/2, a brief essay on dream-differences
In older studies at least, women dream of both sexes but men dream largely of men. Just like TV, huh?
THE GENERAL: by Wayan, mid-December 1975, a nightmare warning of real danger
I'm a child in a Latin American city who's murdered on the street. Then I'm my brother,
seeking my own murderers. I find the General behind it! Unfortunately...
GENERAL COGNY'S CRASH by Graham Greene, 1968/9/10, a psychic little warning dream
Greene woke shaken. "I dreamt of catastrophe. I hope nothing has happened to one of my family or a close friend."
A few miles away, an airliner had been shot down, killing all. On board was his friend General René Cogny...
A GENERAL HISTORY OF TRANSPORTATION (AN EXCERPT): by Georges Perec; April 1972, his Dream #115
Parking structures with spiral ramps are, secretly, screws harvesting motion from parking cars, slowly drilling
into near-impenetrable rock. Thus are skyscraper-foundations made...
GENIUS! PRODIGIES AND THE GIFTED: A BOOKLIST: by Wayan, 2010-2018; a nondream bibliography
A booklist (plus a few articles, films & comics) of interest to prodigies and geniuses. Just 100 so far; email suggestions!
GENNADIUS: by Gennadius, ca. 415 CE, apparently the first recorded lucid dream
Gennadius re-dreams a previous dream, helping him see he's dreaming. His guide points out spiritual implications...
GENRE NICHES: by Wayan, 2008/4/17, a dreamlet of literary advice
A friend claims literary "personalities"--humorist, craftsman, kook, lowbrow--are really just marketing
niches. So write as you like! If readers like you, industry will make a niche for you, almost arbitrarily...
GEODE: by Anonymous #30; pre-1961, a clairvoyant dream
I dreamed of a valuable geode on a gravel bar in a nearby river, a place I'd never been. The next day I went...
GEOMETRY OF DAWN: by Bruce Kawin, c.1983, a sexy metaphysical dream?
My anima sends me on peculiar journeys--smoke rings, islands, conversations with a stone--
but at last it's just us. She has something more she wants to teach me. On that bed...
GEORGE AND WILMA: by Wayan, 2011/10/25, an animation-mashup dream done as a poem
George Jetson is married to Wilma Flintstone--though they're both big cats.
When George comes home high on mushrooms, he doubts what's on his bed...
GERRYMANDERING DESIRE: by Wayan; 1994/1/20, a modest sexual orientation proposal
The two commonest sexual orientations have no names, or even concepts! Yet they're obvious, once...
GESTAPO, OPERA by a 30-year-old woman, 1933; a dream of isolation & vulnerability
I'm at my favorite opera, The Magic Flute. When I hear the line 'That is the devil certainly,' I think
of Hitler. The Gestapo have a device that reads my thought, and come for me. Bystanders spit on me...
GESTELLA: see The Fur Side
GET THE PICTURE? by Barbara, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; a prompting dream
I was half-drowning, holding our son up in the pool, while my husband tried to take a
photo. I kept gasping "Did you get the picture yet?" but he kept saying "Not yet"...
GET THEIR ATTENTION: by Wayan; 1999/4/24, a queer little dream.
My friend Linda and I are walking in the Castro, when a tourist girl jams her tongue in Linda's mouth...
GET YOUR BODY BACK: by Wayan; 1997/6/11, a dreamed parable.
A man dies--his body's chopped up. He ends in Hell. But he's a stubborn guy; he wants his body back. So...
THE GEYSER: by Wayan; 2014/3/22, a mock Dickinson poem on a dream telling us what to be
I dream my sister has an epiphany--we should relax, blur our boundaries, and just be
sloppy old Geysers of Good. Surprisingly, my financier mentor agrees...
GHOST DOGS: by Wayan; a 1993/4/2 temptation dream done as a 1-page digital comic
I meet a wolf who invites me to join Dr Who's pack of sexy Ghost Wolves.
Just one catch nobody mentioned. To be a ghost, you have to...
GHOST GATOR: by Wayan; 1984/10/9, a lip-reading dream.
A child from another universe materializes--part way. Too bad we called in that expert from Stanford...
THE GHOST IN MIRIEL'S BUG: by Miriel & Wayan; 1985/10/1, an apparently shared dream
WAYAN: I dream a transparent ghost steals my sister Miriel's white VW bug...
MIRIEL: I dream about a ghost and my old white VW bug that was stolen...
THE GHOST OF CREATIVE CATASTROPHE: by Wayan; 2020/3/25, a dream of Covid as... playful?
A whimsical spook causes a chain of crashes--a pedestrian dodges an elephant, swerving a car
that shoves a cyclist into a luggage-wrangler whose rolling suitcase panics a dog who runs into...
GHOSTLY WEDDING DRESS by Anonymous #64, before 1977, a dream of strange advice
I had to design a gown for a pregnant bride. I felt stuck. Slept on it. Woke with an odd dress in mind. She loved it.
That night I dreamt a faceless girl said "Glad you liked it. It was my dress, but I died just before my wedding..."
THE GHOSTMASTER: by Wayan; 1992/6/16, a dreamtale of the Shadow.
I win a starship from the hostile Ghostmaster; in space I gain the confidence to confront him, and find...
GHOSTS PUSH TOWARD THE SUICIDE DOOR: by Wayan, 1997/8/7, a nightmare that wants a break.
I live in a haunted house where ghosts push you to suicide. But they're as tired of it as I am...
THE GIANT: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a dreamlet on rage about... what?
At a beach, a man attacks the genitals, buttocks and thighs of a giant who sits half in the surf, ignoring him...
GIANT'S HANDS: by Wayan; dreamed 1981/12/23, a split-consciousness nightmare
I was a giant carefully & guiltlessly flattening San Francisco--just following orders
to recycle it! Killing how many? While my mind inside the giant's mind was appalled...
THE GIANTESS OF THVERA: by Viga-Glum Eijolfsson; early 940s?, a very public clairvoyant dream.
Viga-Glum dreamt a giantess came to visit. "She is the spirit-guide of my grandfather in Norway. He is dead...
THE GIF SERIES: These digital dream-comics each have their own separate blurb, but here's a series list.
GIFTSHOP OF THE DAMNED: by Carmen Knoke, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a comic nightmare
It was Christmas and we needed to buy gifts. But the shopping dragged on
and when at last we went to the register, the sales clerk laughed...
THE GIFTED CHILD: by Brenda Ferrimani, 2013?, a painting of an incubated dream
Previous dreamwork had made it clear my mother had betrayed me; I asked
my dreams how to protect myself from those who do not love me...
GIFTED CHILDREN NEED...: by Wayan; 1980/8/6, a journal extract on geniuses.
Advice of a specialist on the care and feeding of child prodigies, embarrassingly relevant for adult geniuses...
GIGANTIC SAND MOUNTAINS: by Jack Kerouac, early Sept. 1953, a dream on fun versus work
Perched on a huge sandpile by the train track, I wrote. Then met a narcissistic
hipster chasing happiness and sex. But this globe's austere and full of hurt...
GIMME YOUR CAR: by Wayan; 1987/9/16, a predictive/warning dreamlet
Dream: a woman wants to drive my old hippie bus. But a tire's missing! She pushes. I don't think it's safe...
Next evening: my housemate wants to drive my old hippie bus. She pushes, but I don't think it's safe...
GINSBERG UNMASKED: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a diagnostic dream
Comics character Doctor Blasphemy, on stilts, bares his secret identity:
poet Allen Ginsberg! But who chopped off his missing fingers?
GIRAFFE CAMOUFLAGE: by Wayan; 2020/9/1, a dream of the anti-closet?
A human and a talking giraffe fall in love. But some hunters still shoot animal people.
So he camouflages her with paint. Bright paint. Now she's more visible than ever!
Not that I can criticize his eccentricities. I'm in love with a unicorn songwriter...
GIRAFFE MISSION, or, THE 17TH FOOT: by Wayan, 2017/1/30, a Seussy dreampoem on breadth of view
I was in the Mission with friends. A giraffe saw me as narrowminded, and lifted me up
to show me HIS viewpoint. No insights--till we topped the roofline...
GIRAFFETAUR GROVE: by Wayan; 2009/7/27, a science-joke dream hiding serious diagnostic advice
I meet the new improved giraffe people with hydraulic chrome skeletons--
such light, powerful jaws and stretchable necks. Wow, Lamarckianism is back!
GIRDERS AND DUST: by Wayan; 1983/10/23; a dream touring the ruins of childhood.
I dreamed I returned to a childhood park and found mostly ruin. But one magical thing survived...
GIRL-HEAP, OR CHOICE?: by Wayan; 1998/10/29, a dream on initiative.
I'm on a women's sports team, and I should be in paradise. But I want more; not love exactly, but...
GIRL IN THE WATER: by Wayan, 2000/10/7, twin dreams on... dreamwork?
In a California with no Gold Rush, wild deer carry a girl over the San Fernando hills to a secret dream-pool...
Then in a Japantown hotel lobby, that girl floats meditating in a huge aquarium, as local gossips lie about her...
GIRL INTO HERON: by Wayan, 2017/11/7, a dream-poem of an uncertain choice
Four thugs stalk a gawky girl through the Everglades. She treads on a black stone and...
becomes a blue heron! Her stalkers vanish--did they become birds too? Should I step up?
THE GIRL IS ARMED: by Wayan; 2009/1/28, three diagnostic/advisory dreams.
An abused girl survives grotesque situations to become a job/health counselor with a talking sofa...
GIRL TELEPORTS BALLOONS: by Wayan; 1984/8/23, a dream recurring after 26-year gap
A snotty shopkeeper won't let a kid have a balloon, so she teleports one through the display
window! Blind to the magic, he just scolds her and takes it away. So her mind reaches
through the window to liberate every balloon in his store! And then, 26 years later...
GIRL WITH A PROBLEM: by Wayan; 1997/4/12, a surreal dream.
I date a girl with a mysterious syndrome, but soon I become a monkeyfaced con-man. And SHE becomes...
GISLI THE OUTLAW: by Gisli the Outlaw of Iceland; 966-973, a series of at least ten life-saving dreams.
Gisli had two spirit-wives who told him in dreams how to evade the bounty-hunters after him... for 13 years!
GITANA AND REX AND KIT: by Wayan; 1988/12/11, a comic nightmare.
My friend Gitana has a grim view of men--a view that materializes, and starts chasing us...
THE GIVE-AWAY: by Wayan; 1982/6/7, a career nightmare.
My parents pray for my success, and arrange a great learning opportunity for me. Really.
GIVE TRAVIS ONE MORE CHANCE: by Wayan; 1980/10/13, a desperate dream.
I'm detective Travis McGee's lover. But we always die by the book's end! My solution is drastic...
GLADSTONE AND DISRAELI by Edward Maitland, 1881/2/1; a character-reading dream
The two great political leaders of the Victorian Age bare their souls to me. Gladstone's ashamed that
he betrayed his ideals; Disraeli dances about, vilifying his loathed rival, but he feels no shame at all...
(MY) GLASS BODY: by Wayan; 1993/9/16, a dream on sensitivity.
After I visit the crystalline people, a young diamond-wizard
stalks me all the way to my home in the Meat World, and says...
GLASS EATER: by Wayan; 1982/12/10, a dream on managing ESP.
I live in an asylum for fragile psychics. When one man over-uses his talent, he compulsively eats glass...
GLASS GAME: by Wayan; 1985/9/23, a nightmare.
A swimming pool game with color-sorted broken glass. It's social, it's fun! The whole family can play!
THE GLASS MISSED ITS CUE: by Frederik van Eeden, 1904/9/9, a lucid dream experiment
I knew I was dreaming but the world looked quite realistic. I struck a wineglass with all my strength--a risky act,
if I were awake. It didn't shatter. But when I looked again, it lay broken! Like an actor who'd missed its cue...
FROM GLIDING TO FLIGHT: by Wayan; 1993/11/15, a gradualistic dream.
Hypnotherapy is hopeless with these blind architects flopping all over the cafe, but my flying has improved...
THE GLOWING CLIT: by "Allison Skywalker"; 2009/6/21, a bizarre dream-surgery fragment
I'm a revolutionary hiding in the woods. I wake to find an erect penis crudely stitched onto my crotch...
A GLUM BAR: by Wayan; 2000/4/12, the quietest of nightmares.
My house is a bar that never closes. You know what a gay bar is. Well, we're the opposite: a....
GO YOUR OWN WAY: by Peter Birkhäuser; 1942-45?, three advisory dreams plus a realist painting, '44.
Peter draws painstaking realism til his tense hand turns into a horn!
An anima urges him to walk into a blue light.
He & Sybelle struggle against a crowd walking the wrong way...
GOAT DARE: by Wayan; 1984/8/22, a sex nightmare.
A girl and I climb a half-built tower to get some privacy from my nosy, sneering parents.
But they find us during oral sex, and their scorn melts my girlfriend into a goat...
GOAT WITH A HUMAN HEAD: by Steve Carter, 2008/7/12; a dream image.
Walking around my brother's farm, I met this goat with a human head. He'd been playing with matches...
GOBLET OF GOLD: by Sophocles, between 450-406 BCE; a detective dream.
A huge gold cup was stolen from the Temple of Hercules. Sophocles thrice dreamt Hercules named the thief...
GOD DRESSED YE, MARE: by Wayan; Christmas carol misheard 1968/12/25, dreamt I sang 1984/9/16, & drew 2008/6/28.
At 15 I misheard God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen and liked my version better. "Lit muffin, rude Esmé"...
GOD OF THE GULF: by Wayan; 2021/3/3, a dream warning piety has hazards
I'm in the Gulf of Mexico watching the Creator of North America place mountains, rivers
and ancestors just where they belong. I wake knowing this pious, static view is immoral...
GOD SELLS CIGARETTES: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a sad dream vignette
I dreamed God was naked, selling cigarettes in a nightclub...
THE GODDESS OF WYRE: by Edwin Muir; 1925, a dream of soul-rebirth
After 25 years I land on my native island of Wyre, to touch an ancient clay figurine, who grows young and wakes...
GODEVILLE: by Wayan; 2013/9/1, a nightmare of that Old-Time Religion
I'm at a vaudeville for gods. Cthulhu the squid-god nearly tramples me--and then gets horny...
GOD'S DANCE CLUB: by Wayan; 1995/5/2, an apocalyptic dream.
God's dance club, the Universe, is shutting down. God broke his promise that we staff could get on stage...
GOD'S SONG: by Mike Marrelli, 3.4MB (MP3 + lyrics)
God tells all! "I admit I've a split personality..."
GOD'S THREE DIALS: by Wayan; 1992/11/20, a heavenly dream.
God built 3 dials to check: body, soul, and time. But the Holy Spirit's lazy, only checks one! It's up to us...
GOD-SHIELDS: by Wayan; 1990/8/21, a confusing dream of growth.
I'm a fat guy hired as a temp by some unethical gods. Or are they trying to teach me something?
GOEBBEL'S NOSE by Graham Greene, 1965 or after; a real spy's spy-dream
I infiltrated a Nazi nest to give Goebbels a poisoned cigarette. All I could do
was to light it, jam it up his nostril and flee, hoping the dose was enough...
GO-GO GANG: by Wayan; 2013/8/26, a dream warning that abuse casts a long shadow.
The Go-Go Gang, fashionistas, sing "This town is OUR town" and kick a girl who
wore their colors--giving me flashbacks to the kids who broke MY ribs...
GOD'S EVOLUTION by Graham Greene, between 1965 & '73, a long-view dream
God has a night-side, as we do. We evolve, with slips back into darkness,
generations long; and God does too, though perhaps with more pain...
GOLD EATER: by Wayan; 1993/1/15 dream drawn as 9-page comic.
I'm an orphan shapeshifter enslaved by a gold-eating monster. But I meet a cat-girl with a hammer...
GOLD EGG: by James Russell Lowell: 1850s? a dream-poem
I dreamt a couple toss out a shabby old hen. But it lays golden eggs! She becomes an eagle and carries me off to...
GOLD NECKLACE: by Elaine, c.1970, told to Ann Faraday; a subliminal or psychic warning dream
DREAM: My husband was slipping a gold necklace onto a slim, dark girl I'd never met. I woke and sketched it...
AFTER: He was having an affair with the girl, and gave her the necklace the night of my dream--her birthday...
GOLD VERSUS DIAMONDS: by Wayan; 1972/1/20, a shameful dream fable.
We're children seeking gold in a fairy wood. We meet some elf-kids,
chase them off, and dig where they played. Then their parents show up...
GOLDEN CHAIN: by Cicero, 46/1/1 or 45/1/1 BCE, a prescient dream by an anti-interpretationist
Dream-skeptic Cicero dreamed a youth descended from heaven on a golden chain.
The next day he first met Octavius, and exclaimed "but there is the actual boy I dreamed of!"
The boy became Augustus Caesar, presiding over Rome's golden age...
GOLDEN EGG: by Larry Vigon; 1984; a real, nondream, synchronistic... summoning?
I was on a London train. An ad had an image from "Jack and the Beanstalk" and I pondered
the tale--the meaning of the golden eggs. A man got on, held out a golden egg, and opened it...
THE GOLDEN JOCKSTRAP: by Wayan, 2017/3/8, a dream on meeting your own needs
I walk into a Castro fashion shop with Dalí décor--golden underwear draped on branches. And my friends all buy it...
A GOLDEN KEY IN A CHEAP LIGHT: by Wayan; 1996/7/9, a subtle dream lesson
I was so lonely the potheads on Haight looked good. I dreamed I had the Golden Key, but under a cheap
sodium streetlamp, ALL my keys looked gold! Then I met true gold: a woman meditating until she shone...
THE GOLDEN PAW: by Wayan; 2009/4/12, a dream on speaking up
An Oxford teaching assistant sexually blackmails one of his law students, but to his shock she goes public...
THE GOLDENE BOOK OF VENUS: by Anna Kingsford; 1881/3/15-16, a poem read in two dreams
Poem from a book on how love can save lives & souls, read in two dreams of a Renaissance astrologer's library...
GOLDFISH: by Michel Leiris; June 1940, a surreal waking vignette
The Nazis advance on Paris. We help refugees at the train station. An old woman has a pet goldfish
and a black cat. She can't carry a fishbowl across wartime France, and doesn't want to abandon...
GOLDIE AND GRIMOIRE: by Wayan, 1987/3/2, a dream foreseeing My Little Pony?
I get a crush on two mare-girls--sunny palomino Goldie is cute,
but it's dark-silver, lunar Grimoire that really stuns me...
GOLDIE'S RHINOPOTAMUS: by Wayan; 2013/4/10, a Fellini dreamjoke with advice.
I'm in Venice. The police chief (armored) and Goldie Hawn (near-naked)
ride a skittish monster. Turns out bareback works better...
GOOD DOG!: by Wayan; 1992/4/15; sketch of inner me, doggily insecure.
The shy, doggy need for reassurance I often crave from a lover--do I crave a mistress, an owner?...
GOODNIGHT MOON: by Margaret Wise Brown, early 1947, drawn by Clement Hurd
Brown dreamed of this green bedroom, striped curtains and red furniture--not hers, but her down-
stairs neighbor's room. It was full of her (adult) possessions, and she said goodnight to each...
GOOEY DICK: by R. Moreau; c. 2015/12/25, c. 2016/3/12, 2016/3/26, a recurring ambivalent sex dream
I keep dreaming of sex with my friend Connor. But a wound on his dick oozes white gunk. He says it's common...
GOOGLE DREAMS: by Michael Flora; early 2010, three (psychic? cryptomnesic?) dreamlets on names
After an article suggests we roam the multiverse in sleep, I dream of three strange names. Awake, I google them...
GOPA'S NIGHTMARE: by Gopa Gautama, c.534 BCE, a breakup-warning dream
Gopa dreams the earth shakes, stars and meteors fall. She's naked, her marriage bed is broken, her husband
Siddhartha's treasures lie scattered. He says "How auspicious!"--and prepares to abandon her and their son...
GORDO'S EYES: by Wayan; 1981/2/14, a dream warning.
The old cartoon character Gordo has another girlfriend. But his pets say he only loves the hunt, not her...
GOSHEN: by Percy Konqobe; 1940s-1960s?, a lifelong recurring psychic dream
I hear voices: "The road to success is in Kafkat, in a place called Goshen." I look back, and see seven male shadows...
GOSPEL GIRL: by Wayan; 1986/11/17, a stubborn dream.
I'm a girl in a desert who God tells to preach a new gospel. But the locals, unlike ancient Rome, have guns...
A GOTHIC TALE: by Roswila; 2000/4/7, a dream-poem
Nightwalkers lured our empath away. We come to their castle to rescue her.
But she's pregnant with magic. Will she come or stay?
GOTTA BE ME, OR...: by Wayan; 1989/9/5, a surreal sex dream with advice
A friend tells me her sex fantasy. We try acting it out, but roleplaying has bizarre effects...
THE GRALA: by Eugene Jolas, c. 1934, a nightmare written as a surreal prose-poem
I was having dinner with friends when I saw on the wall a huge skullbone
spider. But I lost the word for spider, and my friends seemed not to see it...
GRAMPA GOT AIMED: by Wayan; 1987/6/17, a psychic dream.
The girl I love has a family that'll stop at absolutely nothing to destroy us. But I'll fight for love...
GRAMPA HAS SPOKEN: by Wayan; 1989/11/26, an oracular dream.
In a worldwide junkyard full of warring spooks, I finally meet the one whose message I need to hear...
THE GRANARY by Michel Leiris: one of two dreamlets in GAZING INTO MYSELF
GRANDMA: by Eileen and Bill, as told by Gayle Delaney, c.1976, parallel dreams
My grandma couldn't drive, but after she died, I dreamt she drove my brother Bill and me
around--speeding, in fact. When I told him the dream, he filled in details--he'd dreamt it too!
GRANDMA LILY: by Wayan; 2023/6/18, a dream on... dream interpretation?
I wake in a suburb with Dire Wolves next door. I'm told an herb will appease them.
But the local herbal expert's a regal talking lily--and can I speak plant-language?
GRAPE: by Wayan; 1992/2/1. Digital painting of daydream.
There's the watermelon of passion, and then there are the little grapes of fun that foxes eat...
GRAVE: by Wayan; 1999, a poem of everyday life, if this is your everyday life.
So I looked out my window and saw this guy burying a tiny robed woman in a trench in the street...
GRAVES: by J.S., 1901, a predictive nightmare
I dreamt my wife and I lived on a farm. I was summer and all was ripe. But I found I wasn't
digging vegetable beds, but graves. I woke. By next summer, my wife and child were both...
GRAVESTONE: by "Miss S."; late 1930s-1946, a recurring clairvoyant/predictive nightmare
I'm walking up a churchyard path. My hair clings to me, damp. Horses wander. I'm drawn to one graveside...
GRAVITREE: by Wayan; 2008/3/21, a character-evaluation dream.
Just singing about the antigravitree lightens me. I bound around town. But then I find a diseased antigravitree is
holding me down. It's become a gravitree! Gotta clear out that deadwood, no matter how messy, if I want to fly...
GRAY CATGIRL: by Wayan; 2014/2/21, a short dream in FOAM FURS
THE GREAT DREAM by Victoria, between 1988 & '94, introduced by Gayle Delaney; a sex dream on creativity!
My husband's sweet, supportive, but not that attractive. It's my brother (meaning creativity) who
gives me oral sex to die for, as my parents quarrel and a chorus chants "Ecstasy, ecstasy"...
GREAT GODDESS, or, SACRIFICE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 1970; an epic painting of a troubling dream
I'm a priestess standing on a stone terrace, holding a ritual axe. Before me kneels a sacrifice to the Goddess...
A GREAT NIGHTMARE, or, The Autistic Dream Lecturer: by Wayan; 1997/1/2, a diagnostic nightmare.
I dream I'm addressing a dream convention, but I'm autistic! I MUST act bizarre, just to function...
THE GREAT PEACE: by George Antheil; early 1922; two predictive dreams that change a pianist's life
I dream it's after a great war; I hear the music I must write, and meet the girl I must marry...
THE GREAT WAVE: by Wayan; 2009/4/24, a dream-poem about the future; Dreamverse #52
I find myself sketching the slope of progress up to the coming singularity, and notice a hidden stability...
GREEN ANGELS: by Wayan; 1985/9/2, a dream-idyll seething with politics.
I stalk a platoon of levitating surf-bunnies who may be out to bomb a Greenpeace submarine...
GREENBIRD SAVIOR: by Wayan; 1983/6/2, a divine comedy.
Time-travel the Navaho way! But our bread-pipe gets hijacked, so we call the Bird. Who shows up, all right...
GREEN DAY DREAM: by Cristy C. Road; early 1995. A recurring dream.
Green Day singer Billie Joe hocked a lugie on me in concert. I felt blessed...
GREEN DRAGON BANE: by Tom LogosEinTheos, 2019/5/13, a dream of an odd gift
I'm in a cavern. A large green & brown dragon goes over to a machine
and gives me a green egg. A gift. It comes to me this is "dragon bane"...
THE GREEN GODDESS: by William Archer; 1919/9/1, a playwriting-idea dream that paid off
I was held hostage in India by courteous revolutionaries who avoided spelling out that we were soon to die...
GREEN, GREEN, SPIRIT OF THE SPRING: by Jenny Badger Sultan; dreamed 1991/2/3, 1995/8/13 and 1995/11/10
I meet a girl with a plant growing out of her head...
Someone prays to the spirit of a spring to heal me...
I watch people practice exercises with the ritual feel of voudun or candomble...
GREEN RAY, BLUE WINGS: by Wayan, 1974/7/14, a joyful apocalyptic dream
High in the Sierra during a thunderstorm, I dream aliens steal the gold, and the sun's
going nova. But Life wants us to conquer space, so we all grow wings...
GREEN SCREEN ANGEL: by Wayan, 2018/10/18, a bizarre predictive dream
A reporter interviews the guardian angel of my dead sister Jill in front of a
green screen. He's dissolving in grief--luminous holes show through...
GREEN SHOES: by Debbie Ifasi and "C."; late 1988? shared or parallel dreams
DEBBIE: I dream of my friend G's new girlfriend C (who I've never met) and tell her "you'll never fill my shoes."
C: I dreamed I met Debbie. She wore green shoes, and said "See these shoes, you could never fit into them"...
GREG'S GIFT: by Sheila and Trish, reported by Janis Amatuzio; June 1995, three dreams (?) of a ghost
A woman dreams of her boyfriend recently killed in a car crash. Unremarkable so far. But he
also haunts his ex-babysitter, two thousand miles away, who had no idea he'd died...
GRIEF KIVA: by Wayan; 1980/2/16, a lucid psychic dream.
In a Hopi underworld, I find even lucid dreaming can't cure guilt and grief over losses yet to come...
GRIFFIN: by Wayan; 1995/8/2, digital portrait of two dream-selves.
Gryphon meets Dragon, mid-air, and they're both me--sometimes...
THE GRIFFINS' LESSON: by Wayan, 2018/6/1, a pair of predictive dreamlets
I live through two teens' nightmares, then "wake" with them to find they were drugged by a third party! Why?
Then I'm with a cheery wagon-crew of flirting griffins & talking horses, pulling a cart made of grammar or logic.
Six days later... detailed images from both dreams appear on TV!
GRIMOIRE AND PACT: by Wayan, 2013/8/4, twin dreams of infestations of... health? illness? sex? magic?
Two sisters want to lick me all over, but they lick everything; weird gut-fauna make them immune to toxins...
Fairy eggs infest my home--become worms, then tiny horses, then mothwinged hobbits, then adult fairies....
GROTESQUE: by William S. Burroughs, c.1986; a primal nightmare of emotional abuse
Genteel gay guests first humiliate then torture their hosts--the rich but sick wife, then her weak, gay, parasitic husband...
GROTTO OF BREASTS: by Gary Snyder, 1965/7/3, a bizarre High Sierra dream
In Europe, I enter a cave-shrine. Rock walls with... breasts! I suck one. It gives milk. A plaque says...
GROUND ZERO: by Al Davison; 2001/9/9, a predictive dream-comic.
Two days before 9/11, I dream I'm a child at ground zero, mourning the devastation--and witnessing rebirth.
GROUNDHOG DAY: by Wayan; 1994/9/2, a dream-comic (or text with pix)
James Hillman is the first psychologist on the moon! He sees a shadow and
panics like a groundhog--mistakes it for Death. Not his own shadow, but MINE...
GUARD ON THE BEACH: by Wayan; 1980/9/17, a dream of moral suasion
Very nearly a nightmare, till the guard on the beach relented in the face of people power...
THE GUARDIAN ANGEL COURSE: by Wayan; 1984/9/29, a long-term predictive dream
I get bored with crime, so I take a course in finding my Guardian Angel. But my test results are strange...
GUARDIAN ANGELS FEUD: by Wayan; 1995/10/9, an epic, heretical dream.
You know angels feud over regional underfunding of Divine Grace. But you don't know how low they'll go...
GUARDIAN GHOST: by an Oklahoma girl; 1919, a dream (?) of ghostly advice
I dreamed my late stepdad warned me to stand by my mom--she'd be in trouble soon--gossip & blame...
GUDEA'S TEMPLE: by Gudea of Lagash; c.2125 BCE: one of the first false-waking or nested dreams
A winged god whose body's a wave urged me to do... what? I couldn't understand him! I woke...
A scribe with a shining stylus listed stars; an architect gave me plans and a brick-mold. I woke
again! My dream had clarified itself. So I built the temple shown me, aligned with those stars...
GUDRUN'S FOUR HUSBANDS: by Gudrun Osvifursdottir; summer 988, plus spring 1026
Four childhood dreams predicting Gudrun's life; plus a predictive dream by her husband Thorkell Eyjolfson
Gudrun dreams of four treasures: a hood, a bracelet, a ring, a jeweled helm. Her cousin sees them as four marriages...
GUIDE IN THE RUINS: by Wayan; 1996/11/20, a hopeful dream of ruin.
Through vast Soviet ruins to the modest rooms where the new Russia lives. As I fall in love with my guide...
GUILLOTINE: by Alfred Maury; 1865, a dream researcher's most inexplicable dream
They led me to the guillotine. As the blade struck my neck,
I woke to find my headboard had broken loose and fallen on my...
GUILTLESS LIAR & HONEST EXHIBITIONIST: by Wayan; 2020/9/2, a dream on sex? Or politics?
I fall for a girl whose charm turns out to be partly her utter lack of worry and guilt--as she lies & cheats!
At last I face facts, and drop her. I end up with a quieter but honest girlfriend, though she too has quirks...
GUILTY! (Around #3): by Wayan; 1998/7/21, digital sketch of recurrent nightmare.
I tried a Redon theme: huge, floating eyes. His are scary, but mystical; mine came out as guilty terror...
A GUINEA-BISSAU REVOLUTION: by Wayan; 1999/4/24, a dream of necessary pain.
My part in the revolution in Guinea-Bissau: substantial, but not exactly planned. I just wanted out...
GURU IN BLUE: by Wayan, 1990/5/10, a dream-poem of BEING a nightmare
I want to meet my friends' spiritual teacher, but he cowers, runs from me in horror.
I chase him yelling "BOO!" Why am I acting as his nightmare? I don't know...
GUNNHILDR’S BIRTH DREAM: by Gunnhildr; c. 1150, a surreal predictive dream.
I dreamt I gave birth to a white-hot stone shedding sparks. Most folk would find my son strange...
GUNSHIPS: by Wayan, 1982/4/24, a nightmare predicting the Falkland war
Helicopter gunships invade. I repel bullets with pure willpower. But
they too have shields making guns useless. I duel two soldiers...
GUNTRAM'S SNAKE by King Guntram, c.570 CE; a profitable out-of-body dream
On a hunt, Guntram took a nap. His courtier saw a snake emerge from his mouth; it tried to cross a creek. The
courtier lay his sword out like a bridge, and the snake crossed, climbed a hill, and went in a hole. It returned
and crawled in Guntram's mouth. He woke and said "I was crossing a river on a great iron bridge..."
GURNEY TO WHEELCHAIR TO WALKER TO CANE: by Wayan; 2011/10/10; a dream on persistence
After seeing the cast of Glee interviewed, I dream I'm a paranoid cripple in music school who goes from...
GURU GUTS: by Wayan; 1989/4/12, digital sketch of my perceptual world.
If it takes a whole village to raise a child, it also takes a lot of guts to raise a kundalini. Voila!
THE GURU OF CASH: by Wayan; 2009/7/7, a comic predictive financial dream
My friend Dawn drags me to a cultish workshop. But I fall asleep! Or is
that bad? The Financial Guru awards me $1250 for spiritual napping...
GYRLFALCON: by Wayan; 1971/11/26, a genderbent, speciesbent & predictive dream
I'm a Gyrlfalcon in a theater, fighting the Wolverine and his Morlocks with my lover the Green Lion...
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