The Geyser
Dreamed 2014/3/22 by Chris Wayan
with a flip o' the bird to Ayn Rand's stupid 'Fountainhead'
This quiet school-dream suddenly veered into weird: my tutor is a billionaire! And the lesson is how to live--though the insight's not his or mine, but my sister's!
I often have self-interpreting dreams--I'll "wake", write my dream, see what it means, write that, then wake AGAIN--to find I dreamed my interpretation! But here, it's all in the main dream--indeed, pretty much is the dream.
Can you be your own oracle? Apparently.
College. Finals looming. I'm
behind on Essays due, Summing up for Summer. I Leave our Study Group in that Airless Room; emerge
High up on the bleacherback
Lounges--sans Care-- the Mentor of my Dreams-- the Magic Billionaire. He asks "What Nugget did you pan
"Miriel's big relax," I say, "felt true
not just for her--for my life too." Billionaire's intern coins a fifteen-
Cumbersome Coinage! I think I'll call
Today my friends discussed Bhutan:
Joy's their national goal. Can we too let go the Coin Weighing down the Soul? Not a profitseeking Brat,
Perfect is exhausting; Tired is no fun.
Blunderpath's the Energizing one! "What" we ask "Would Perfect Do?" Probably sloppily bumble through. So softly count your Beans; forgo
I blush at such a naked Preach,
but Dream peeled off Politer speech. Still, my Billionaire concurred; so it must be true, each Word: Clumsy Moral Toddlers, go
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