RELATED TOPICS: embarrassment and blushing - grief and tears - worry and fear - nightmares - anger - envy - humor - play - sex - love - joy - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ABJECT OBJECT: by Wayan; 1992/5/11, a nondream digital picture-prose-poem It's OK to be a sex object as long as you're also a subject. What's no fun is being an abject... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEXUAL FEARS/SHYNESS |
ANIMAL HEAVEN: by Wayan; 2008/8/16, an astral dream-poem; Dreamverse #6. At a party in Animal Heaven, I fall for a rabbit-girl doomed to be human dinner. But how can I rescue her? I'm Fate's part-time intern! CAUTION: BREASTS, BEASTS, INCOMPETENT ANGEL OF DEATH |
ANIMAL TRANSFIGURATION: by Edwin Muir; c.1920, a dream of an animal Resurrection A man with luminous hair leads me out to a field where all the world's animals but one gaze at heaven... |
ANNE SEXTON: by J.D. McClatchy; 1974/10/4, a predictive dream. I dreamt my friend Anne Sexton's death was on the news. I woke, the phone rang, and I learned she'd... CAUTION: SUICIDE |
THE ASHE SISTERS: by Wayan; 2010/1/26, a dream portrait. My two moms sell art fabrics made by grayish batwinged sisters whose newest ad is risqué... CAUTION: ADS WITH NUDE BATS |
THE BABY: by Gloria Reiser; 1991/3/20; a nightmare of a migratory pregnancy I'm pregnant. I feel abortion's wrong, but can I safely bear a child at 45? But then... It's my son's ex-girlfriend who's pregnant and my son's the father! But then... It's my daughter who's pregnant. At least her boyfriend's supportive. But... CAUTION: THIS FETUS GETS AROUND |
BABY HITLER'S DOG; 2012/2/7 by Wayan; a grotesque time-travel dream (of health advice?) An old actor tells me "I met Hitler when we were both babies. I knew what was coming so I wanted to kill him, but then I'd BE him..." |
BAGGING PETER BEAGLE: by Wayan, 2017/7/7, a predictive little nightmare of manslaughter-guilt Drunk, I fight writer Peter Beagle. He falls. Out cold. I wake sure I'm a killer... Next day I read Ellen Klages's Passing Strange. Its climactic scene is curiously familiar... |
BETRAY MY ANIMAL FRIENDS: by Wayan; 1999/11/12, a dream of brainwashing. As humans settle infospace, will we cheat other species trying to evolve into people? Are we already doing it? Admiring & documenting creatures we've written off as doomed? CAUTION: NUDE CREATURES; DISTURBING PREMISE |
BLOODLINES: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2005/7/30, 9/1 and 9/3; a compound dream-painting A man obsessed with blood and death disturbs me, but I have to admit I share his interests... Next the blood comes home; a surgeon wants to flay my tongue... Next, witch-children rebel against a bloody flossing ritual and fly away on broomsticks... |
BONES DON'T LIE: by Emily Joy; 2006/12/13, a gruesome nightmare on guilt. I know I'm a murderer; what isn't so clear is what I killed and why... CAUTION: DISMEMBERMENT, GUILT, DREAD |
BONK VERONICA: by Wayan; 1997/4/1, 9-page dream-comic on body image The world's first all-bulemic band, Veronica and the Vomits, provokes a riot at our local punk club. So I go to Anorexic Bootcamp where models learn self-defense under fire, as calories and fat jokes whiz by... CAUTION: BARF, HORNY ANOREXIC, FOOD FIGHT |
BOYS DON'T CRY: by Wayan; 2000/1/7, twin sex nightmares reacting to a movie seen two days later! DREAM 1: My date Lana changes to my housemate Alder to my dead friend Beryl, who talks of pastlife trauma... DREAM 2: Sexy deer-girls and ice dancers get me and my sister hot, but a ghost disrupts impending incest... TWO DAYS LATER: I see Boys Don't Cry--settings, situations, characters & even names from my dream! CAUTION: DEER BREASTS, NEAR-INCEST, FILM ON TRANNYCIDE |
BREAK FREE: by Emily Joy; 2006/5/11, an encouraging dream on the price of safety. I search for family skeletons, but then a talking plant on TV inspires me to seek the sun and fly free. But certain velociraptors and barbarian swordswomen object... CAUTION: DUELS, FISH ABUSE, THE F-WORD |
BROWN DRESS: by Wayan; 1984/2/11, 9-page digital comic of a sexy healing dream. A champion swimmer tells me how she turned a sexual humiliation into excitement and liberating power... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, SHAME, PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY |
BROWNIE: by Wayan; 1984/9/26, a sexy dreamtale. At last my girlfriend and I manage to peel off the Brown Dress of Shame, and ... CAUTION: SEXUAL HEALING |
BUT I WANT TO LIVE!: by Wayan; 1995/8/5, a life-altering dream. My job's to clarify people's deepest wishes. But when I meet two women who truly want to die... CAUTION: SUICIDAL IMPULSES |
CALVIN'S DREAM: by Calvin, c.1960?, a teen's sex dream on family & religious abuse I'm naked in a forest where the trees talk. They want my cock. A girl materializes, and we make love, but now the treefolk are our congregation, cheering us on. Only they call her my sister! She says "Yes. But I was never born. Dad beat Mom to abort me." She fades away, a ghost! I pick up a knife to protect Mom against Dad... CAUTION: PORNY SEX, SUDDEN GRIM END |
THE CAMBODIAN GIRL: by Wayan; 1996/4/2 dream, sculpted 1998/11/9. VERY mixed media--the boat is warped wood. And the story is warped more... CAUTION: SEX, SHAME FROM EARLY TRAUMA |
CASSANDRA AND OTTER: by Wayan; 1982/3/14, a reassuring nightmare. I take Cassandra's prophecies seriously, but she can't make sense of my future. So we go see an otter with a crystal ball. But he's installed a new security system... |
CLEO'S REVENGE: by Wayan, 2017/1/7, a sculpture of a dream warning "Don't hide sexual attraction" I meet Cleo from Monster High. I like her. Why, that's pedophilia! (Huh? She's AGES old.) Once I hide my Cleophilia, ALL sexual feelings vanish! "I'm sickly & sexless." Oh. The Mummy's Curse! CAUTION: SEX-DENIAL; NUDE CENTAUR |
COGTRAIN ANGEL: by Wayan; 2024/10/8, a surreal dream of angelic assertion Biking back from the beach, I'm stopped by a weird cogwheeled church-train. A man on board treats a child angel as his Muse, lifting her over his head. She yells "Enough!" Which turns me insanely horny... CAUTION: SEXUAL ISSUES |
A CONVERSATION WITH ANOREXIA: by Wayan; 1994/6/25; two wild shamanic dreams. That day I read Hilde Bruch's "Conversations with Anorexics" and face the fact I am one. That night, in the land where anorexic horses heal, I enter the Kiva of Shamanic Pamphlets, and... |
THE CRYPT: by Kathleen Raine, between 1965 & '71; a chthonic dream poem Holding a luminous crystal sword, I enter a crypt where a king lies--ill, not dead. An old woman wants to punish him, but as he stirs, I sheathe my sword... |
CURSING ISABELLA: by Wayan; 1992/8/19, a thoughtful dream of sorcery. How I cursed Isabella the sofa sorceress, cursed her with a blueberry. And why that stinks... CAUTION: UNDER THE MAGIC, IDEAS |
DAD SMASHES COPCAR: by Wayan, 1977/5/26, a warning dream physically enforced the next day My dad drives recklessly, hits a copcar hard, smashing our front end. I wake knowing it says "Kay's a batterer. Leave her or I'LL be smashed." That day... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE, BATTERING ISSUES |
THE DARII: by Wayan; 1994/8/15, a predictive dream of another life. I'm trying to prevent a race war, but can I kill someone I admire? And if so, can I live with it? CAUTION: RACISM, VIOLENCE, INTENSE GUILT |
DAWN'S TOILET: by Dawn Z and Wayan; 1999/1/6, two strongly parallel dreams Wayan dreams of surprising Dawn on the toilet while she dreams that flushing away evidence of Foul Play won’t work... |
DATIN' DEMON: by Mark Varitz and Wayan; 1989/12/3; Mark's dream triggers one by Wayan. I meet my personal demon, and discover it has a personal demon: me! Am I worse than my Shadow? CAUTION: LANGUAGE, NUDE MONSTERS |
DEMON-SUMMONING IS JUST A MISDEMEANOUR: by Jo; 2017/7/26, a gender-bent diagnostic nightmare I protect my friends from a demon, but the dream-guardians I summon terrify me... |
DIAGNOSTIC BATTERY: by Wayan; 1988/4/20, a nightmare of backstabbing that came true My sister & her new guru tests me psychologically--only it looks like a test to destruction... CAUTION: EMOTIONAL CRUELTY |
DID YOU THINK IT WOULD BE EASY?: by Wayan; 1995/1/15, a dream of slow liberation. Our Appalachian town revolts against fundamentalists, but brainwashing takes time to undo... CAUTION: SEX AND INJUSTICE |
DISSECTING PESSIMISM: by Wayan; 1997/4/14, a stubbornly educational nightmare. A serial killer stalks our office, but our bosses deny it and do nothing. I kill him. He revives--over and over! A robot I have to disassemble... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
DOCTOR VENTRIL: by Wayan; 1978/9/22, a nightmare where I'm the nightmare. A doctor lures me into his office. What he turns out to be scares me less than how I defend myself... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, ARACHNOPHOBIA |
DOG BITES CAT: by Wayan; 2015/2/17; a grating dream-poem I get bullied into dogwalking. A biter--leaves a cat bloody. You'd think a talking dog'd listen. But Cheney... |
THE DOGGYSEY: by Wayan, 2009/11/26, a dream Odyssey predicts my own artistic path I find I'm a fox singing the Disney musical version of a canine epic: the tale of Odysseus the Mutt and his purebred Big Brother vying for the paw of Penelope--and the throne of Ithaka... CAUTION: POLTERGEIST |
DONE FOR: by the Reverend Francis Kilvert; 1872/10/14, a nightmare within a nightmare I dreamt a friend poisoned me. I "woke" and slew him in fury. But guilt gnawed me. I confessed and was due to hang... CAUTION: NOT A CALM GUY |
DOUBLE FUNERAL: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a nightmare on the First Gulf War? Two kids I grew up with are dead. We carry their still-smoking corpses by the home of George Bush... CAUTION: BURNT BODIES |
THE DRAGON ECONOMIST: by Wayan, 2011/1/7, a surreal dreamlet prodding me An economist gets a job as a dragon guarding a data-treasure. Heroes plot to slay him, but I trust the dragon more than the heroes... |
DRAGONFLY BUS: by Wayan, 2023/3/28; four dreams on halting runaway feelings A girl writes a whole movie to get a shy boy to hold her; I stupidly summon a monster dragonfly-bus; a devil-suited jerk hogs a musical's stage TWICE; leeches crawl from the treasure-box I opened... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, SEXUAL FEAR/GUILT |
DRUGGED, SHRUNK AND DAUBED: by Wayan; 2008/11/1, a dream-poem (Dreamverse #38) I'm worried an alien charity is brainwashing an ex-prostitute. When I wake, she's still there--at 2/5 scale!... |
EDITH KEELER: by Wayan, 1975/10/8, an incubated dream giving multiple answers I asked my dreams to show me my Shadow--what I deny. It showed me at least FIVE! And in every time-branch, a runaway truck crushed me--the Truck of Ideology. Not that I seemed able to avoid it... CAUTION: RECURRING DEATHS |
THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHIC INVASION: by Wayan; 1999/4/17, a dream about ESP What are the psychological effects of growing up psychic, as others' thoughts and feelings invade you? When other's bodies invade you, it's molestation... |
EMBER IN THE BRAIN: by Wayan; 1983/3/31, a dream about old anger. I'm the Incredible Hulk, forced to do emergency brain surgery. For the patient's burning from within... CAUTION: VIOLENCE AND UNLICENSED MEDICINE |
ENTER, NERO!: by Emperor Nero; c. 58 CE, a series of guilty surreal nightmares. After murdering his mother, Nero dreams he's losing control: ships drift, statues chase him, and his own tomb says... |
ETHICAL INVESTING: by Wayan; 2012/8/11, a financial-advice dream I go to an investment counselor who asks ME for advice! I lay out a plan, then wonder it'd work in nonfinancial affairs too... |
FAIRY WIFE: by Wayan; 1985/1/17, an epic dream of love and choice. A fairy woman and a mortal man? Can't work! They're flighty, we're crude. Doomed, right? Well, some people are so sure of it they decide to help things along a bit. Or a lot... |
A FAMILY ALBUM: by Wayan; 1981/3/9, folio of nightmarish dysfunctional family. A series of family shadows, as I saw them then. These scenes are NOT literal, is that clear? But the tensions they show were very real... CAUTION: GRIM! SEXUAL VIOLENCE, INCEST, MUTILATION |
FATHER LOOMS: by Wayan; 1983/?, a nonliteral diagnostic nightmare. I was a 30ish woman discovering that my chronic pelvic inflammation was from childhood molestation... CAUTION: MOLESTATION IN DREAM-PAST |
FINANCIAL PORN: by Wayan; 1980/12/24, a Christmas dream on capitalism. On Christmas eve, I ask my dreams what they think of our annual orgy, and... CAUTION: THE F WORD AND THE C WORD (CAPITALISM) |
FLEEING KAMPUCHEA: by Laura Lawrence; early 1990s?; recurring nightmares of a future client's life My Cambodian village was burned, my family murdered. At 12, I was the oldest survivor; I led a band of kids to the border... |
FLOWERING:: by Wayan; 1996, pencil digitally tinted; nondream portraits. Sketches from a San Francisco street music festival where, after a long sleep, I woke up sexually at last... CAUTION: NYMPHETS, QUEERS, AND OTHER REAL PEOPLE |
FLY, DANCER!: by Wayan; 1993/4/2; an advisory dream. In my ballet class, we were learning to leap. But I wanted to FLY. So I went outside alone... |
FOUR DAYS BEFORE THE FLU: by R.T., 1918; a predictive nightmare I dreamed that in four days a plague would hit our reservation and people would start dying. Four days later it happened just as I was warned---the 1918 flu. And my dream caused it... CAUTION: NOT JUST SURVIVOR'S GUILT, SEER'S GUILT |
FOUR OF TEN: by Wayan; 2021/4/3, four examples from ten dreams in one night Books are clothes, and always were. A potato makes me lie, and everyone gets it but me. Sex in a crowd disarms the Mom Squad! And a Mystic Autistic's soul explores my room... CAUTION: PUBLIC SEX? PROBABLY. |
FOUR TABOOS: by Wayan, 2016/3/15, four dreams on inhibitions I hoped I was over. Climbing out of Childhood Abyss, I literally get a leg up from a girl seeking the Ledge of Teens. A shy girl has to hide she's a were-creature. Gay men make out in the witch-registry to rattle its homophobic guardians. My sister stripteases while scolding me for a mess I didn't make... CAUTION: DUH, SEX TABOOS! KIDS, FURS, GAYS, SIBLINGS |
FURSA'S DREAM: by Fursa, c.633, as told by the Venerable Bede; a Christian shamanic dream Fursa the preacher, sick, dreams flaming devils & angels are trying his case; one failure to coax a deathbed repentance gets him scorched. He wakes with burns... CAUTION: DREAM HAS PHYSICAL EFFECTS |
THE GENERAL: by Wayan, mid-December 1975, a nightmare warning of real danger I'm a child in a Latin American city who's murdered on the street. Then I'm my brother, seeking my own murderers. I find the General behind it! Unfortunately... CAUTION: DYING. DYING TWICE. AND THEN NEARLY AGAIN, AWAKE... |
THE GEYSER: by Wayan; 2014/3/22, a mock Dickinson poem on a dream telling us what to be I dream my sister has an epiphany--we should relax, blur our boundaries, and just be sloppy old Geysers of Good. Surprisingly, my financier mentor agrees... CAUTION: DECLARES CAPITALISM OBSOLETE |
GIVE TRAVIS ONE MORE CHANCE: by Wayan; 1980/10/13, a desperate dream. I'm detective Travis McGee's lover. But we always die by the book's end! My solution is drastic... CAUTION: HARD-BOILED HANDGUNS |
THE GOLDEN JOCKSTRAP: by Wayan, 2017/3/8, a dream on meeting your own needs I walk into a Castro fashion shop with Dalí décor--golden underwear draped on branches. And my friends all buy it... CAUTION: UNDERWEAR JOKES |
GOOD DOG!: by Wayan; 1992/4/15; sketch of inner me, doggily insecure. The shy, doggy need for reassurance I often crave from a lover--do I crave a mistress, an owner?... CAUTION: NUDITY, PILLOW TALK |
GRIEF KIVA: by Wayan; 1980/2/16, a lucid psychic dream. In a Hopi underworld, I find even lucid dreaming can't cure guilt and grief over losses yet to come... |
GUILTLESS LIAR & HONEST EXHIBITIONIST: by Wayan; 2020/9/2, a dream on sex? Or politics? I fall for a girl whose charm turns out to be partly her utter lack of worry and guilt--as she lies & cheats! At last I face facts, and drop her. I end up with a quieter but honest girlfriend, though she too has quirks... CAUTION: PUBLIC SEX, POLITICAL INTERPRETATION |
GUILTY! (Around #3): by Wayan; 1998/7/21, digital sketch of recurrent nightmare. I tried a Redon theme: huge, floating eyes. His are scary, but mystical; mine came out as guilty terror... |
HALF-HEARTED GHOST: by Wayan; 1994/9/28, a dream on the cruelty of shyness. I go invisible in my dance class and hear what the girls I like have to say about me. Uh-oh... CAUTION: PAINFUL RELATIONSHIP TRUTHS |
HATCHET JOB: by Ann Faraday, 1972 or 3; a lucid shamanic predictive dream DREAM: I'm in the Arctic facing a hostile mob. I insist "I'm dreaming; you can't hurt me." They try! I look down at my body, stuck full of hatchets, and say "See?" They slink off, looking sheepish... TWO DAYS LATER: I'm in northern England. A reporter snaps "Dreams won't help the miners..." |
HEADING FOR A FALL: by Wayan; 1993/11/2, a dream of drastic shortcuts. I crash my car on the way to therapy. I ask my dream why. And it tells me! Deliberate, but not suicidal... |
HEADLESS NAG: by Jules Engel; 1975/5/25, nightmare of a corpse that won't quit Every good party leaves a corpse or two. Cleaning up, I behead this one and drag it across the street to the empty lot where we leave them. But its throat forms a toothless mouth and starts biting--well, gumming me... |
HERMIT IN THE PIPE: by Wayan; 1999/5/2, a dream of the end. I'm a holy man sneaking into a sewerpipe at the beach, to pop anxiety pills in shame. Do they even work? CAUTION: CHEMICAL CRUTCHES |
HIPPIE MISSILES: by Wayan, 1990/7/23, twin dreams of risky leaps leading to flight 1: I try to grow feathers and fly, but half-fail, half-succeed--experience two bodies at once... 2: I fly to escape a hippie cult. They fire heat-seeking missiles! But I may be too cool to track... |
HIT ROCK: by Wayan; 1985/10/13 nightmare & picture challenging it I dreamed I blinded myself because mere appearances lead to racism & sexism. Only the blind know truth... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY, SEVERE IDIOCY |
HOLD HEAD: by Wayan; 1993; nondream digital sketch. This started as an exercise in dramatic figure-drawing and shifted round into an exorcise in guilt... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEXUAL CONFESSIONS |
THE HOLY HARP: by Wayan; 1994/3/22, a dream of musical guilt. The Goddess's harp, that calls in the seasons, just passed on. But the new harper has a shocking admission... |
HOMO REDUX: by Winston Weathers, 1988 or before, a nightmare of revenants All his guilty dead were coming home, begging to be let in... And then he was on the outside, looking in at the lone living man... CAUTION: GUILT, GRIEF, THE LIVING DEAD |
HOW TO SURVIVE NUCLEAR WAR: by Maxine Kumin; early 1980s, a dream poem. In Japan, sick in bed, reading a book on radiation sickness, I dream of a restorative ritual for trees... CAUTION: GRUESOME |
I GOT OUT: by Wayan; 1992/1/4, a psychic dream drawn as a 9-page digital comic I flee our love triangle when Abe turns mean. He's telepathic, but I have my escape all planned: the goldfish, the snakepit, the caves... CAUTION: THREESOME, SNAKES, MOTORCYCLE FATALITY |
I LET RATS: by Wayan; 1994/4/22, a nightmare on appeasement. A bold rat comes right up to me. I don't want to provoke it, so I stay quiet. And let the rats... CAUTION: UGH! |
I MIST MY SISTER: by Cory and Wayan; 1992/9/20; a dream-comic. Cory's healing dream triggers one by Wayan My friend Cory's sore back is healed by a dream. So I ask for the same, and get this dream of incest... CAUTION: KARMA, SEX/NUDITY, INCEST ISSUES |
I WANT A SHILLING: Anonymous #4; c.1920?, a dream on the precise value of ideals I’m at a lecture on Art, Beauty and the Nude, but no one paid the model and he wants a drink... |
I'M AN INTERSEX AND I'M OKAY: by Wayan; 1992/11/7, a body-image dream. I discover I'm not exactly a man OR a woman; so why not throw out their standards and roles and be me? CAUTION: SEXUAL SELF-EXAM |
INCEST IMPROV: by Wayan; 2005/6/13, a flying-dream poem, Dreamverse #21 Improv-dancing with my sister, I get turned on. But then a repressed Asian girl joins our dance, and... CAUTION: INCEST MENTIONED. OOPS, TOO LATE. |
IRENE'S DREAM: parallel (linked?) dreams by "Irene May" and Jack Kerouac, c. Aug 9 1953 IRENE tries to mold Francesca like clay to bring her back to life, and does--for a moment... JACK finds his brother Gerard dead, and all Jack's words can't revive him... |
IS LONGING A RIGHT?: by Wayan; 2021/6/26, a dream on willpower & guilt I'm in a dance class where we built not just muscle strength but strength of will, too: the idea's to magically summon your soulmate through sheer longing! And my classmates succeed--intermittently... CAUTION: QUEER THINKING |
IT'S A DEAD MAN'S PARTY: by Wayan; 1988/10/18, a nightmare of identity. I find myself at a creepy party supporting a dead man who's running for office. And am I Dan Quayle? CAUTION: HORROR BEYOND HORROR. YOU ARE DAN QUAYLE. |
JACK DANIELS: by Wayan; 1983/10/14, three dreams critiquing a (real!) ESP experiment gone awry A car crashes & burns--but the driver bailed! No one to save... A miner stabs a baby "because everyone not underground is evil"... Radar O'Reilly from MASH, President Calvin Coolidge and I confuse who's who... |
JASON: by MariNaomi; 1989, a romantic-warning nightmare The Mummy chases me, then unwraps his bandages to show the mutilated face of my boyfriend. "I'm getting out of jail!" he says. Then the phone wakes me. My boyfriend. He says "I'm getting out of..." CAUTION: CODEPENDENCE, MUTILATION, GUILT AND GRIEF |
JENNIFER MONTGOMERY: by Wayan; 1995/4/24, a film review Montgomery's film about her teenage affair with a pedophile is troubling enough before the FBI tries to blackmail her... CAUTION: MOLESTATION/ABUSE ISSUES |
JIM'S POWDER: by Helen; pre-1961, a telepathic warning dream I dreamt I was begging Jim not to kill himself, but when I woke, I couldn't bring myself to call. I hardly knew him... CAUTION: GUILT OVER (PREVENTABLE?) DEATH |
JUDGE, FLASHER, PIG: by Wayan, 2023/10/22, two parallel, surreal dreams A pig-man hybrid--huge mouth, tiny body--happily eats trash, smirking as I pass... Then a woman bends over to flash me, smirking, as a censorious Judge glares... CAUTION: SCENE 1 GROSS, SCENE 2 SEXUAL |
JUST BEFORE 9/11: by Patti Viscardi; 6 AM 2001/9/11, a predictive nightmare I was on a plane... It was almost graceful, the plane actually entered the building before everything dissolved into flame... CAUTION: DEATH. DEATH TWICE. |
KARMA AND HER SISTERS: by Emily Joy; 2006/12/27, a sexy dream that turns tragic. One boring lonely day, I meet a cute teenage bunny who wants to play with me! But half an hour later… CAUTION: LANGUAGE, INTERSPECIES FLIRTING, AND LOSS |
KEVIN'S CRASH: by Wayan, 2018/10/1, a politically-tinged nightmare After watching the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, with their rape accusations, I dream of a reckless driver named Kevin who runs down a skateboarder and blames everyone else... CAUTION: KAVANAUGH SUPPORTERS WON'T LIKE THIS |
KEYBOARD TO PIZZA: by Jonathan Coe; c. 1996, a surreal dream of musical failure. Our band from a decade ago plays a reunion gig. It's a disaster even before my keyboard turns into a giant pizza and my fingers start burning on the mozzarella... |
KICK HER: by Wayan; 1994/8/9, a gameshow nightmare. I'm a blonde gameshow bimbo. Each week, I'm beaten up. Ha ha ha! But my bruises are real. At last, I... CAUTION: GAMESHOW FROM HELL |
KICK THE PRESIDENT: by Wayan; 1999/6/1, a dream on consequences. I win a free game of Kick the President. But what if everyone can see your kick-ass Prez but you? CAUTION: THIS DREAM IS MONITORED BY THE SECRET SERVICE |
A KNIFE AT HIS THROAT: by Wayan; 1991/1/1; a political dream-cartoon-fable A courtroom hostage-drama where I'm forced to commit... tracheotomy! And then the Gulf War begins... CAUTION: CARTOON VIOLENCE |
LAMIA by Wayan, 1988/11/1 with a nightmare by John Ruskin, 1869/11/1 I ask my dreams about sex, and get... sex on a beach with a sea-serpent girl--a lamia. But she gets queasy-- landsick! Too hot for her up here. Help her back in the sea. What a contrast with Ruskin's lamia nightmare... CAUTION: SCALY SEX |
LBJ'S CAGE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; May-June 1924, recurring teenage nightmares I found myself in a cage, with only a bench and piles of old books. A mirror showed I was old and twisted with speckled skin. In horror I said "I must get away"... |
LBJ'S RIVER NIGHTMARE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; Feb-Mar 1968, a nightmare on political paralysis I was trapped in a river, trying to swim to shore. But I was in a powerful eddy. No matter which way I swam... |
LBJ'S STAMPEDE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; 1913-14?, a childhood nightmare anticipating a presidency As a boy I dreamt I was trapped in a wooden chair, paralyzed, as a stampede rushed toward me, just as my grandmother was paralyzed and chair-bound... |
LIES!: by Wayan; 1992/7/10, a dream that thinks it's a two-page novel. To investigate a criminal couple, I have to lie. And that's hard, since all my lies turn true... CAUTION: NEW AGE AND FILM NOIR DON'T MIX |
LION NOW, EMANCIPATION LATER: by Wayan; 2000/5/5, two dreams as my dad lay dying We must hunt a man-eating lion to protect our village--our village full of slaves. But we can't deal with our looming social crisis now--gotta focus on the lion in front of us.. CAUTION: SLAVERY, ILLNESS, DEATH |
LIZARD OR WIZARD? Or, ARACHNOLYPSE by Wayan, 2021/2/10; a cynical magical dream An idiot wizard lures car-sized spiders into town. I find a spellbook that repels them, but have to hide it so my community college professors, Gandalf & Saruman, don't take it. For I'm no wizard, just a lizard... CAUTION: HUGE SPIDERS, HUGE SELLOUTS |
LOBSTER ECSTASY: by Wayan; 1970/11/1?, a teenage lobster love dream. One of my first recorded dreams--how I foolishly turned away from Lobster Love... CAUTION: CHITINOUS SEX |
LOON LADDER: by Wayan; 1993/5/13. A dream of rising above. I had this near-nightmare about climbing a DNA stair up to the sky, and stepping off... CAUTION: NUDITY, INCEST ISSUES |
LOSE YOUR TEMPER!: by Emily Joy; 2007/8/30, a tough-love dream. My mom hires a therapist who really goes for my throat! Why is she so desperate to make me lose my... CAUTION: OVER-THE-TOP CONFRONTATION |
A LOVE AFFAIR: by David B.; 1993/3/23, a 11-page comic of a dark dream My lover's face is shadowed and we are never alone together. Things slip from film-noir to open nightmare when... CAUTION: SEX, DEATH, GUILT |
LOVE OR HATE?: by Wayan; 1994/5/4, an untwisted dream. My sister and I are groping toward sex when our mom bursts in. Her scolding's not what I expect... CAUTION: INCEST ISSUES, PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY |
LUNCH WITH THE STARS: by Wayan; 1981/2/2, a dream on beliefs. I'm in a loving animal dance troupe, but wake to find I'm alone. For consolation, I eat at The Terrace, and meet stars. Not film stars... |
MAGICAL GRADUATION: by Wayan, 2018/4/22, twin dreamlets on letting go and being yourself I befriend author Andre Norton--an ageless high-school kid writing enthused fan fiction, forever... I find my Niche--the stone nook that decides if I'm a journeyman mage! Here comes my prophecy... |
THE MAN WHO DESERVED TO DIE: by Jim Shaw; c.1994; a dream of moral rescue I don't want to kill my friend, though his clothes say I must. But a sculptor lets us sit on her metal trees and drink tea instead... |
MATILDA, or, HITLER'S GIRLFRIEND MULTIPLIES: by Wayan; 1998/10/1, a dream of math and courage. I'm Hitler's girlfriend. Not Eva Braun, just me--gentle, weak, thrown in among killers. What can I do? |
MELTDOWN BABY: by Wayan; 1996/10/13, a guilty nightmare. In a Mormon future, my baby climbs a tree and spontaneously disintegrates! I try repotting, but... CAUTION: BAD PARENTING |
MEMORY SNIP!: by Wayan; 1999/5/15, a dream on the cost of kindness. My friend Mark does something I thought impossible: removes a snippet of my memory. Disastrous! CAUTION: VIOLENCE... SORT OF |
MERLOO'S BROTHERS: by Joost Merloo, two apparent psychic nightmares, 1943 and c.1946 Joost Merloo escaped the Nazis, but had two neurologically impaired brothers who couldn't flee. On a troopship, he dreamed the Nazis burst into their ward... |
MONK: by Anonymous #2323; 1945-1991 (at least); a recurrent dream of a past life All my life, from age three or four, I've dreamed of being a young monk named Stefan somewhere in southern Europe. And aspects of his short life have shaped my own... CAUTION: SEXUAL EXPLOITATION |
MORAL FIBER: by Wayan; 1997/11/10, a dream of trouble in Ecotopia. We hippies won, but now we're backward and isolated; it's time we joined the rest of our alternate Earth... |
THE MUMMY: by Wayan; 2003/10/13, a Rarebit Fiend nightmare. A horror film and Rick Veitch's dream-comix provoke a nightmare warning me that guilt about my dad is wrecking my life... |
MURDERER: by Dusan Makavejev, c.1960, twin nightmares with peculiar joyful moods I'm given photos of what a murderer saw, but I recognize these scenes. I am the murderer! At least I've solved the case. I'm in a bare white room. On the wall, a long fuse sparks. I feel euphoric from ozone--it means I've had a fatal radiation dose... |
THE MURDERS: by four Wayans! 1971/7/14; a family has simultaneous psychic nightmares. Nearly everyone in my family dreams of a mass murder as it happens nearby. But my dad's sure it's his own evil id, and my mom clams up, and my sister forgets. And me? I doubt the whole thing for ten years, until... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE VIOLENCE |
MY MUSLIM MOTHER-IN-LAW: by Wayan; 1995/3/25, a dream on repression. How exactly did I acquire a mother-in-law snooping on my phone calls, when I don't have a wife? |
MY CUBIST CONSCIENCE: by Wayan; 1982/8/5; a dream warning of overharsh ethics. I dreamed I was trapped in the maze of my pacifist vegetarian feminist anarchist eco-conscience... |
NAIAD AND GOD-DOG: by Wayan; 1980/11/7, a manipulative dream-tragedy. I love a Naiad who's lost her God. Tragedy strikes us. I'm devastated till I meet the aliens who explain... |
NIP OFF HIS NOSE: by Wayan, 2020/2/20, four surreal dreamlets about Covid? or... overwork? 1: I sketch two deer-girls making videos. 2: I pull a man's nose off, and milk the scene for drama before... 3: My old boss is convicted of murder! 4: I wake and two friends interpret #3 as "Overwork is killing you..." I wake again. My dream-notebook's blank. No friends here; their interpretation was a dream too.... CAUTION: NUDE DEER |
NOT SELF DEFENSE!: by Wayan; 1999/4/29, a warning dream. I'm Tarzan, fighting off attackers. But I kill one helpless prisoner! Am I going too far? CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
O MAIDENS IN YOUR SAVAGE SEASON: by Wayan; 2024/4/15, a sex dream on... fish? After reading a manga and gorging on sushi, I dream a mob of little ninjas dressed as catgirls pile on me, begging to be petted. Excitement, guilt... CAUTION: PEDOPHILIA, NON-FREUDIAN INTERPRETATION |
ON BEING NEEDY/NEEDED: by Roswila; February 2002, a dream-poem In her kitchen she offers me shortcake. She's short herself, for she gives away all to everyone--only her bodiless head is left... |
OTTERS DON'T FAKE: by Wayan; 1989/10/15, a sex dream that's not about sex at all. I'm scared to show my dream-paintings to my art class. That night I find an large otter in my bed... CAUTION: SEX |
THE PARABLE OF THE CAVE: by Wayan; 1993/9/18, an antisocial dream. Plato never did say what shed the light that cast those shadows on his cave wall. I find out. CAUTION: CUT-RATE APOCALYPSE |
PINBALL SHOWDOWN: by Wayan; 1995/3/18, a flirty game-playing dream. I suspect the pinball champion of Jupiter is cheating. I try to scare her psychic confederate out of hiding... |
POKEY?: by Wayan; 1993/4/15, a dreamtale on my soul. My lover's turned into a tiny living pull-toy, trapped ankle-deep in a wheeled platform. Can I free her? |
POOL ASSASSINS: by Wayan; 2017/3/1, a nightmare after hearing of a real assassination Four women with guns attack me at a public pool. Trapped in the water, can I survive? Only by being ruthless... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
PREGNANCY FROM HELL: by Wayan; 1994/6/6, a predictive dream-farce. I'm pregnant with the Antichrist. This is going to ruin my vacation! Why do I think this is all about money? |
PRINCESS OF PASSION: by Wayan; 1993/7/10, a chthonic dream. Led by a rebel demon into the heart of a Chinese mountain, should I wake the Sleepers in the Cave? |
PROBLEMATIC ASSUMPTION: by Wayan; 1992/3/3, four sexy dreamlets exposing a delusion. DAY: In yoga class, a sexist teacher and angry student don't question assumptions I know are false... DREAMS: I flee sexy but underage Easter bunnies, fox-girl marathoners, a witch and a wolf in love... and a horde of single girls of all ages & species! I run away, because MY problematic assumption is... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, REVERSE SEXISM |
QUOD VITAE: by Rene Descartes; 1619/11/11, three mystical dreams. In one night Descartes had three dreams convincing him he had to change the course of his life... |
RECONCILIATION: by Martha Sherwood; 2003/6/19, a dream-parable Even after the Resurrection, a mother and daughter still have issues to clean up... |
A RENAISSANCE WOMAN: by Wayan; 1997/7/3, a dreamtale. I'm an abused girl turning tricks to survive. But this is San Francisco: I join a prostitutes' co-op, and meet... CAUTION: PROSTITUTES WITH SELF-RESPECT, OH NO! |
RESCUE FEVER: by Wayan; 1994/2/3, a dreamtale on rescue fantasies. A refugee girl crawls into my bed. We become lovers. I protect her. But over time... am I holding her back? CAUTION: ABUSE? OR NOT? |
THE RINGMAN'S SQUIRREL: by Wayan; 1982/9/17, a dream of a time after us. One day, in the ruins of an American city whose name was lost, I met a Ringman under an oak... CAUTION: GROSS WORK, IF YOU CAN GET IT |
(THE MEANING OF) RINGS AND TURQUOISE: by Wayan; 1998/11/1, a dream on independence. I'm in the park, feeling sad, till a girl on the lawn near me semaphores a message via rings and turquoise... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM |
SECRET SCREEN: by Wayan; 2018/4/19 and 2018/5/16, three linked dreamlets of escape A friend nags me to be lookout as he steals a cult's papers. I know it'll end in murder, but foresight paralyzes me! In a videogame that keeps freezing unplayably, I find a button calling up a secret screen of second chances... I'm lost in a grim basement, but two kids show me a cobwebbed glass door you can walk through like air... |
THE SELL-FISH WITCHES: by Wayan; 1983/6/29, an epic corrective dream My sister and I are runaways, developing psychic powers. A cult of fish-selling witches wants to use us... CAUTION: SIBLING INCEST, SPELL ABUSE |
SHAPESHIFTER FEVER: by Wayan; 1989/1/30, a dream poem. A summer love affair with a shapeshifting alien turns awkward when she gets a high fever, and... CAUTION: UGH! |
SHOOT THE MIRROR!: by Sir Oliver Lodge; 1927/10/15, a dream of stagy twists A man frames his big brother, til their sister makes him shoot his own reflection. Neither one expects... |
SIEGFRIED MUST DIE: by Carl Jung; 1913/12/18, an archetypal (and predictive?) dream. Jung and a little brown man shoot down Siegfried the German Hero, riding his chariot of bones. Wait... his what? CAUTION: GRIM |
SINGULARITIES: by Wayan, 1995/5/18 etc. (recurrent dream); drawn late 1994. Black holes can be scary enough outside you, but what if you have dormant ones inside you? |
SINK JOHN: by Wayan; 1981/5/25, a dreamtale on "when in Rome..." My friend sleeps with an alien. He's ugly, but I don't care. What bothers me is, he eats bits of himself... CAUTION: SEX, RECREATIONAL CANNIBALISM, PROSTITUTION, THE KITCHEN SINK |
THE SKIN SECEDES: by Wayan; 1990/1/30, an unappetizing dream. A baby's own skin secedes, forming a snake. It prepares to eat the skinned baby. Shall I intervene? |
SLAVE MARKET: by Wayan; 1998/9/10, a dreamtale on freedom. Business solved the problem of cheap foreign labor: slavery's legal again. So our firm buys cheap losers... |
SNOT-BIRD FORGERY!: a dream by Samuel Pepys, 1667/6/29, & a nightmare by Thomas Macaulay, c.1857 Samuel Pepys dreamt of kidneystones, pee, come, & snot--or did he? Thomas Macauley dreams his niece confesses... |
SOCK PUPPETS OF THE GODS: by Dee and Wayan; 1994/4/14. Parallel shamanic dreams! I dream I'm suicidal; but I'm saved when I'm shown the flow of human development--the same pattern, from souls to civilizations! Eddies and knots recur, but the challenges slowly get more spiritual. NEXT DAY: I learn what my shaman-friend Dee just dreamed. And now I'm unsure whose dream this is... CAUTION: IDEAS |
SOLNIT'S DOG FIXATION: by Wayan; 2017/4/2, an awkward dream mixing a writer I admire & one I don't I dream peaceful Rebecca Solnit turns into violent Valerie Solanis. Her excuse is, she was kidnapped and raped-- now she only trusts dogs. I mean, sexually, too... The dream warns that furries like me may relate to animals better, due to abuse by humans. If so, I've got more therapy to do.. CAUTION: ABUSE ISSUES (text only; no abuse images) |
SPINSTER: by Michel Leiris, 1934/3/27, a Freudian orgy-frustration dream A little girl flirts with me as she grows into a teenage ballerina. We join an orgy, but my spinster sister-in-law disrupts it. The sailors don't resent her, but they shoot at the voyeurs in the closet... CAUTION: PEDOPHILIA, ORGY, GUN-HAPPY SAILORS |
SPLINTER: by Wayan; 1981/3/14, a dream of love and nagging. I love Splinter, but her mom insists I got BOTH of them pregnant. Then I notice I'm pregnant too... CAUTION: SEX, NAGGING |
SPONTANEOUS DUCK: by Wayan; 2010/9/14, two dreams on feeling magically inadequate I spy on a girl learning magic in a quilted ditch. She lets me join her telekinesis lesson! Can my mind move a balloon? Then I tour a witch-world where normality's shameful. One kid's not witch or normal--he keeps turning into Donald Duck! CAUTION: DISNEY = DISABILITY? |
SPORECOUNT: by Wayan; 1990/1/5, a dreamtale on patience through change. I'm a hot archeology student till I open the wrong tomb. A plague turns us into green moldy monsters--at first... CAUTION: DISEASE, DEATH, GRIEF, SHAME |
THE STAIRWELL TEST: by Wayan; 1980/9/7, a... pedophilic defenestration dream??? An underage girl comes on to me, and begs me to... throw her down a stairwell?! CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! |
STANLEY, or, GOOD DOG!: by Wayan; 1994/6/1, a dream on... obedience. My friend Stanley is a social icebreaker: blundering in where I'm too shy, and too thick-skinned to worry much. He is what he is. So why am I mad at him? |
STOP ME!: by Wayan; 1994/2/22, a nested nightmare on guilt for simply feeling I kill with an angry wish, just pointing my finger! No one sees, but I secretly pray others will stop me before I snipe again. Yet when I meet a telepath who can see my guilt, I start to wonder just what my crime was--beside guilt itself... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, GUILT |
STRUCK BY THOUGHT: by Wayan; dreamed 1956-7, 71/11/26, 78/12/28, 82/10/5, & 83/9/12 A picture-poem experiment: one dream per stanza! Five short dreams exploring the weight of culture on our animal selves... |
SUSHI CIRCUS: by Wayan; 1982/2/17, an illustrated psychic dream. To avoid being stabbed, I flee the Psychodrama Circus. Wisely--the place explodes! But it's the filling of the sushi roll that really upsets me... CAUTION: CANNIBAL MAKI |
SUZETTE: by Wayan; 1981/2/20, a defiant sex/art dream with no one to defy I dreamed I drew our dog and me mating, then found the drawing on a gallery wall for all to see... CAUTION: CARTOON BESTIALITY |
SWAN-SCATTER: by Wayan; 1998/10/9, a dream of flight and guilt. Not easy to fly without a plane, but I practice over a lonely lagoon. Even if I panic some nesting swans. They'll get used to me... |
TANYA'S DREAMS: by Tanya, as told by Gayle Delaney, Jan 1971-June '72; a set of 6 breakup dreams My friend Tanya tries hard to save her marriage, but in her dreams Isidora Duncan, Carl Jung, even the gods themselves warn her to face their deep incompatibility... |
TAROT: GUILT TRIP: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. When the card CARING comes up reversed, you get this crucified guy floating over your bed... |
TELEKINETIC KIDS: by Wayan; 2017/9/8, a warning and exploratory dream A black separatist commune hides two little girls who are psychokinetic. They fear I'll expose them. But I've spent my whole life passing too... CAUTION: PARAPSYCHOLOGY, RACIAL SEPARATISTS |
THIEU, I'M SORRY: by Wayan, 1997/11/1, a troubling dreamtale. Visiting Time City, I witness the "suicide" of a woman named Thieu but suspect it was really assassination... CAUTION: SUICIDE? MURDER? |
THIRD EYE: by Wayan; 2009/3/25, three diverse dreamlets on the same theme: enlightenment 1: Three sisters flash me; one has a third eye in there! Clothed, it's blind. Was she just enlightening herself? 2: In the future, most cars self-drive. I'm the last driver using my own muscles and mind. Can I hold out? 3: A friend charts all of history's wars to prove: democracies don't fight each other. So to get peace... CAUTION: NAKED EYE |
THIRD-PARTY DEFENSE: by Wayan, 2004/9/11, a dream challenging lifelong pacifism DAY: At a party, this stranger keeps sniping at me. I see no gain for me in fighting him, and just leave. DREAM: Aliens attack. They've wiped out other planets, so we fight all-out! Not just for us, for the next species... |
TIMESHOT!: by Wayan; 1999/1/2, a warning dream. I provoke a shooting! Wandering through time, I forget how much some cultures fear witches... |
TORTOISESHELL GUILT: by 'Monk Eye'; 2014/9/9; a nightmare on spaciness and its risks I was enjoying an evening with this generic guy. Although there were two cats as big as bobcats in the room, I let Poodle, my tortoiseshell, in... CAUTION: GRUESOME CATFIGHT |
TWILIGHT'S OVAL GAME: by Wayan; 2017/10/4, three dreams arguing "Friendship is Magic"--literal magic. 1: I failed to save a magic tree. It fell and killed someone. I'm racked with guilt... 2: A giant pinball game on a tilted oval relief-map. But you can only win as a team of six friends... 3: A Caribbean girl with a weird aura tries to align two magic crystals to heal herself... CAUTION: BREASTS, MY LITTLE PONY AS ROLEMODEL |
THE TYRANT'S WIFE: by Wayan; 1980/6/9, a dreamtale. In our plot to kill the Tyrant, we used his wife. Or... did she use us? She goes mad, but--she's HAPPY... |
UN-AMERICAN FANTASIES: by Wayan; 1996/7/19, a dreamtale. The All-American Family visits the fabulous Un-American Fantasy Store, where Mom is in for a shock... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY, LANGUAGE |
THE UNCLEAN HAND: by Wayan; 1995/5/24, a dreamtale. An Arabic traveler to China is shocked by toilet paper, which explains the origins of dualism. Really. |
UNDER: by John Collings Squire, c.1917; a surreal dream-poem She tells me there's a stream under the floor, upstairs. Peel back the carpet, pry up the boards. An icy creek. Trout. She brings me a fishing rod. But the fish say they're too young to die. I feel such guilt and grief... |
UNICORN SURGERY: by Wayan; 1996/5/2, a warning dream. After over-editing a weird poem to Silky, my night mare, I dream that well-meaning surgeons think a unicorn's a defective horse, and try to dehorn her... |
VACUUM DOG: by Laura A. Dale, 1942/12/19; a surreal nightmare labeling itself psychic DAY: I'm an experimental subject given a drug in hopes it'll induce ESP. I just babble stupidly. Humiliation! DREAM: my vacuum cleaner comes alive to attack my terrier & me. I flee, but there's an explosion... TWO DAYS LATER: at the movies, a cartoon: a vacuum cleaner comes alive to attack a terrier. Then, BOOM... CAUTION: WILL REALLY BOTHER E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream. I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul... CAUTION: SWEARING, DRUNK LIONS, CYBORG SURGERY, AND GOGGLE-BARFING |
VARTENA: by Wayan; 1986/9/9, a psychic nightmare. I'm the referee, or 'Vartena', of a violent high-school game of waterpolo. A friend nearly drowns! Next day... |
THE VENDOR: by Georges Perec; July 1971, a nightmare of societal amorality. Dream #77 I murder my wife. I try to sell her body as meat to a firm that'll turn her into wine. But the transubstantiation has already happened, and the paperwork's undone... CAUTION: GRISLY |
THE VERIZON EXPERIMENT: by Wayan; 2014/3/31, three linked dreamlets, the last self-flagging as predictive 1: A nature spirit's physics experiment proves that time forks. But how much? How dense is the multiverse? 2: I sculpt a model of this multiverse. A physicist likes it; the nature spirit likes it more. So she swipes it... 3: A 'friend' offers refugees my bedroom, crowding me and my work into a corner. I wake. The phone rings... |
THE VOICE OF GOD: by Wayan, 1993/1/31, a psychic nightmare-epic. Half-mad with fear, I massacre a cult, till my gun manifests stigmata: a gory miracle. Then I'm a cultist, resisting the Voice of God pushing all us mortals to murder in His name. I woke up haunted, and wondered for weeks what this was about... until the Waco Massacre. CAUTION: CREEPY VIOLENCE, CREEPY GOD, CREEPY PREDICTION |
VOLCANIC OATH: by Wayan; 1972/5/20; poem of a teenage Tolkien nightmare. DAY: our ex-cat comes back, needing surgery. Dad doesn't want to pay. Big quarrel. DREAM: Cats, birds, elf-girls; in their asteroid library, a tale of oath-breaking... Now I'm the one who stole a tooth of jade from the volcano hall. Greed... erupts! CAUTION: NUDE BIRD-ELF, DEATH BY LAVA |
VOW, CHOP, DOOR: by Wayan; 1997/1/26, a psychic dreamtale. I make a weird vow--while I absent-mindedly slice up other people's cars! The next day... CAUTION: DREAM VANDALISM |
WASP: by Madellyne Waugh; 2010/4/22, a punning dream on... guilt? A giant insect chases me around our gym. A girl tells me it's harmless but I'm sure it's a... |
WENDY NEGLECTED: by Wayan; 1996/7/22, a paradoxical dream. Ari neglects Wendy till she doubts she's sexy. I show her she is. But am I using her too? CAUTION: SEX TALK |
WHAT MEN HIDE BEHIND: by Wayan; 1992/11/30, an alarming comic dream The real pursuit of happiness: she pursues me, and I run in shame and hide! But she's persistent... |
WHITE-KNUCKLE FAIRNESS: by Wayan; 1999/3/23, a dream of not being me. I'm a conscientious saurian who feels obliged to duel with a hot-tempered friend. Preparing, wanting to fight fair, I don't just file my spurs blunt, I... |
WHO CENSORS BIRTH?: by Wayan; 1994/5/2, a dream speculation. I'm assisting a hard birth as photos are shot for an article. Why's birth so rarely seen, what do we fear? |
WHODUNIT? AND WHAT DID THEY DO?: by Derek Gullino, late 70s? Five nightmares, five years old 1: Dad picks up Bigfoot; he bites off my ear. 2: Dad abandons me in a canyon full of wolves. 3: The man who killed my family hands me his ax. 4: Bees move into my pillow. 5: A marionette with razor-nails lures me close... CAUTION: OUCH |
WINDBAG!: by Wayan; 1982/7/24, ink, dream drawing I didn't even think of "windbag" since it didn't talk a bit. That bag was all action--full of flying magic... |
WINGLESS: by Wayan; 1992/2/21; a dream-poem on flight versus guilt Wingless, I try hard to fly, arm-flapping wild. And I rise! Flight's in the mind. But I'm leaving my friend behind! Guilt ties me down--till I see... |
WITH WILD AND TURQUOISE EYES: by Joan-lee Woehler; c.1950, a dream of a Jungian Shadow I slay the beautiful dragon attacking us, despite my regret. And then, as I sleep, glowing eyes advance on our keep AGAIN... |
WITNESS: by Patagia, 2006/2/16, a poem of a redemptive nightmare A woman I had wronged set her pit bull on me! Hand in its jaws, I gave in, and we both began crying... |
WIZARD GIZZARD: by Wayan; 1996/8/5, a diagnostic dream. I have a tummy ache. Our local wizard says "no wonder, with fascists occupying your colon"... CAUTION: TREATMENT NOT A.M.A.-APPROVED |
THE WORLD'S FAIR: by Wayan; 1983/3/18, an illustrated dream fable. The same night I learn of the Kerouac Tree, a wise old man shows me the world's fair. Not the event... |
YELLOW SERENADE: by Wayan; 1979/2/22, an absurd dreamtale. Restrain yourself! Or you too may end up on a giraffe rollerskating down the freeway singing perverted popsongs... |
"YOU'RE INSANE": by Wayan; 2000/5/26, a nightmare warning I've been misjudged DAY: My dad's sick; my mom nags me to visit, though hospitals endanger me (weak immune system). DREAM: My parents say "You're insane. We must take control of your life." So I divorce my family... CAUTION: UGLY FAMILY VALUES |
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