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Kevin's Crash

Dreamed 2018/10/1 by Wayan


This week I watched the Kavanaugh hearings--his confirmation hearings for Supreme Court. Christine Ford, who accused him of rape, seems more credible than he does. Airtight? No, but this isn't a trial: no one's sending him to jail. It's a hearing about character and fitness for high office; surely the presumption here is like in a civil case--neutral, not giving him the benefit of the doubt as in a criminal case. He wants the job, he has to face the hearing.

Tonight, an FBI agent researching him says "This case is high-profile, but really, we do this all the time--assess judges, prospective cops. It's not about finding crime but uncovering character. Is he partisan, does he drink, does he lie?" And the answers, as the agent doesn't have to say at this point, are yes, yes, and almost certainly yes. What's depressing is that the case conservatives are making for him is basically "He might not quite be a rapist." Depressing, not shocking--not after Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas and was blown off as irrelevant.

What shocks me is Kavanaugh ranting about "the leftist conspiracy that's spent billions" to ruin him. Oh, he'll make a fine impartial justice! He has the votes sewed up regardless of facts, so he's open about his partisan hatred. Accuse your accusers. Trump's game.

THAT NIGHT Driver goes wrong way, hits skateboarder. Dream sketch by Wayan.

I'm riding in a car driven by a youngish Asian guy named Kevin, though he looks like the guy playing Lin on the mystery series Miss Fisher--not quite as tall in person, and less recognizable in modern clothes, but I think it's him. A girl I don't recognize rides too. We're all talking. Traffic's bad, halts at a corner. Stuck car? Kevin sees a way around it--a narrow notch of an alley. I know the area and never considered it since it's an exit from an expressway! But it's not marked one way, wrong way, keep out... the warning signs are down!

So Kevin takes it. The girl screams "STOP! ONE WAY!" as I yell "NO, STOP!" but he ignores us both. He squeezes the car all the way in. There's a clear view ahead--of an oncoming man on a teeterboard (a one-wheeled skateboard, feet planted fore and aft) coming off the expressway right at us...

What's Kevin do? Guns the car and goes at him! No way for the guy to dodge around us, too narrow, a concrete slot! Crunch. Not a high-speed impact, but bad enough to send the guy flying. The board is crushed.

We squeeze out and check the victim. He stands up, but is in obvious pain--leg hurt. Needs to be taken to a clinic. And we have to call it in to the cops. And pick up his broken board. Repairable? I doubt it, but...

I ask "Can you call 911?" I don't have a phone. The guy backs away from me. Realize he's not just in pain/shock, but is afraid of us passengers. Can't see why that car came at him except to mug him, thinks I want to steal his phone!

Kevin is NOT reassuring. He's sullen. In denial it's his fault. "That guy shouldn't have been riding that on the expressway!"

"Maybe, Kevin, but at least HE was heading the right DIRECTION."

"A sign should have said WRONG WAY!"

"Yes, but we did, BOTH of us, and you didn't listen. What's more, you SAW that guy straight ahead and gunned it anyway--and he had nowhere to go."

So I get why Kevin's mad--he knows his insurance will be astronomical for years. Deservedly so.


DAY: trials, initiations, truth and lies - rape - politics - Trump - ethics (or not)
DREAM: cars - hurry! - oops! - violence - legs - blindness & denial - guilt - politics (again)

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