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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ANGEL SHOWDOWN: by Wayan; 2020/4/2, a dream mixing shamanism and Barbarella I see parasitic spirits sickening their human hosts. Can't get rid of them, so I try to teach them how to keep their hosts healthier. An angel suspects I'm a necromancer, and shows up armed for a shootout... CAUTION: DISTURBING PREMISE, LOWBROW ANGEL |
ARSON PATTERN: by Wayan, 2023/8/13, a troubling political dream Fires erupt all over the Bay Area, but people I meet (and the news) just say "global warming." No! It's no warmer than normal and those fires are in lines! Arsonists are driving around, torching... CAUTION: POLITICAL READING |
THE BALLADEER BUSKS: by Wayan; 2020/11/4, a musical political frustration dream. I'm in a cafe listening to a world-famous musician. He wanders the tables begging for spare change as businessmen talk over his signature song... CAUTION: TRUMP AND COVID, SIGH... |
BIDENT: by Wayan; 2019/9/29, a punning political nightmare The Evil Librarians drop a 19th Century book-character on my head--a blue-skinned paranoid! He tries to kill me with a trident missing one prong... a Bident? Oh, no! He's Joe B... CAUTION: DIM VIEW OF TWO 2020 CANDIDATES |
CHRISTA'S FUR: by Wayan; 2018/6/9, a smutty spiritual dream-poem riffing on Leonardo's 'Last Supper'? In an alternate Judea, I long for a female Christ and her lesbian apostles. My lust is unrequited, till a small Sex Kitten gives me some wise advice... CAUTION: CAT NUDITY, BLASPHEMY |
CIVIL AFTERMATH by Wayan, 2024/1/5, a dream I hope is not predictive A guy smashes homes with a duckbilled train; gunmen shoot up shops near the tracks. The ensuing civil war burns all. Years later, we live on hardscrabble farms. Global Texas! CAUTION: GLOBAL TEXAS! |
CLUB MED OR PRISON?: by Wayan, 2019/5/29, a politicizing dream I'm a woman trapped in a Sahara refugee camp. The only way out is to marry a rich jerk. Try to escape but fail. Now an enemy out to kill me takes over. I have to turn and fight... CAUTION: HARSH ON BOTH TRUMP & BIDEN |
CULT OF CAKE: by Wayan, 2022/4/16, a dream on disinformation? I infiltrate the Cult of Cake. Novices drool over chocolate frosting and hand over their life savings. It's a pyramid scheme! A food... CAUTION: TRUMP REFERENCES; HIDEOUS PUN |
DISASTER DREAM: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream on the struggle of dreamwork? Trump wackos bomb the World Trade Center. I flee New York. Morticia Addams puts us up. Inside the dream, I fall asleep. When I wake I ask "was the attack a dream?" Morticia says it was smaller. I try to write it all down on my bedsheet, but the ink spreads. I wake again, sure I need to wash the sheet... |
AN ELECTORAL REFORM: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a dream-idea that came true In between drawing devil-bunnies, I advocate letting doomed fringe candidates donate their votes to more viable colleagues, letting voters express their real choices, not vote for the lesser evil... CAUTION: POLITICS! |
EXPLOITED UNICORN: by Wayan, 2019/1/11, a disturbing dreamlet Night, downtown. A unicorn in tears, chained to her... barker? owner? pimp? "Just $300" he yells. But for what? Magic? Sex? Healing? CAUTION: PROSTITUTION? SLAVERY? GIG ECONOMY? |
FAMILY JESTERS: by Wayan; 2017/3/15, a dream mixing Kurt Vonnegut and My Little Pony Coastal unicorns are slender; inlanders bloat. Genes, diet, both? Inland bosses enslave their gracile minority. Performing pets! Jesters caged, chained & handicapped to heighten the wonder they can do their art at all... CAUTION: TROUBLING SOCIAL ANALOGIES |
FEATHERHOLDERS: by Wayan; 2020/5/18, a dream of a strange career My friend Xanthe steals a sorceror's magic feathers and creates a police force to curb the misuse of magic. But I'm no featherholder; I'm the dispatcher... |
FOX ON THE TRAIN: by Wayan; 2015/1/9, an advisory dream painted & poemed I'm a guard on a train crossing the desert who falls in love with a refugee fox-girl, despite heavy specist peer-pressure and the archaic Railway Code... CAUTION: NUDE FOX |
GIRAFFE CAMOUFLAGE: by Wayan; 2020/9/1, a dream of the anti-closet? A human and a talking giraffe fall in love. But some hunters still shoot animal people. So he camouflages her with paint. Bright paint. Now she's more visible than ever! Not that I can criticize his eccentricities. I'm in love with a unicorn songwriter... CAUTION: FURRYPHILIA |
THE GOLDEN JOCKSTRAP: by Wayan, 2017/3/8, a dream on meeting your own needs I walk into a Castro fashion shop with Dalí décor--golden underwear draped on branches. And my friends all buy it... CAUTION: UNDERWEAR JOKES |
GUILTLESS LIAR & HONEST EXHIBITIONIST: by Wayan; 2020/9/2, a dream on sex? Or politics? I fall for a girl whose charm turns out to be partly her utter lack of worry and guilt--as she lies & cheats! At last I face facts, and drop her. I end up with a quieter but honest girlfriend, though she too has quirks... CAUTION: PUBLIC SEX, POLITICAL INTERPRETATION |
THE HERONS' TANK: by Wayan, 2020/11/12, a sonnet telling an astral-plane dreamlet I climb a small-town water tower. The tank holds a reedy marsh where sentient herons live! They say the Heartland below them is a nest reserved for greedy, screechy, flightless, half-grown souls like us... CAUTION: DISSES SMALL-TOWN VALUES |
INCREMENTAL HEAVENS: by Wayan; 2016/9/5, a reincarnation-frustration dream, baffling then. Not now. I keep getting reincarnated in dull heavens where all is blocked by know-nothings. After the 2016 election... CAUTION: CAUSTIC |
KEVIN'S CRASH: by Wayan, 2018/10/1, a politically-tinged nightmare After watching the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, with their rape accusations, I dream of a reckless driver named Kevin who runs down a skateboarder and blames everyone else... CAUTION: KAVANAUGH SUPPORTERS WON'T LIKE THIS |
LIE TO AVOID MURDER: by Wayan; 2016/3/3, a sex dream prompting nonsexual action Two jealous women symbolize Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump. Trump wants me to KILL Clinton. I lie to avoid... CAUTION: SLEAZE? OR A SLY WAY TO PROTECT VICTIM? |
LIZARD OR WIZARD? Or, ARACHNOLYPSE by Wayan, 2021/2/10; a cynical magical dream An idiot wizard lures car-sized spiders into town. I find a spellbook that repels them, but have to hide it so my community college professors, Gandalf & Saruman, don't take it. For I'm no wizard, just a lizard... CAUTION: HUGE SPIDERS, HUGE SELLOUTS |
MALWARE IN THE BRAIN: by Wayan, 2017/12/27, a possibly predictive dream. Dream: tourists in our town use brainware to navigate & translate, but it's infected. Turns you fascist. Whaaaat?... Next day: the FBI knocks! Our web provider fingered us as a nest of internet criminals. Thanks, Comcast! Talk about malware... |
MERMAID VERSUS TRUMP: by Wayan, 2020/1/7, one of twin warning dreams Agents of Donald Trump with knives trap a mermaid. I jump one of them, and she escapes, towing me with her. She assumed humans just hate merfolk, but I know... CAUTION: HARSH WARNING ABOUT TRUMP |
NORMAL, CRYPTIDS... MUTANTS?: by Wayan, 2024/6/1; a mysterious dream I'm at a party. Mixed teens: humans, cryptids like vampires, catgirls and fae... and a third group--local mutants who look ultrabutch or ultrafemme... CAUTION: DISTURBING SOCIOPOLITICAL INTERPRETATION |
THE ONI PLAGUE: by Wayan; 2018/2/2, a dream implying our leaders are sociopathic Humans and elves like me can get along, but not oni (Japanese demons)--they'll hurt anyone for gain... CAUTION: POLITICAL BITTERNESS |
PIPES AND TIME: by Wayan; 2017/12/21, a dream of the far future that came true next day A timetraveler shows me a hotspring shrunk to a quarter of its old flow. Valves? Pipes? Or drought, from climate change? This IS the future. A day later, a local main breaks, and our water flow shrinks to a quarter of normal... |
PUTIN GETS OFF: by Wayan; 2022/2/22, a gross political dreamlet. A library book with a brutal attack & rape scene has pages stuck together. Why? Some trollish reader masturbated all over it! Oh. Not an orgasm, a wargasm... CAUTION: HARSH TOWARD PUTIN (AND HIS AMERICAN BRO) |
REJECT THE TRUMP GIG: by Wayan; 2017/7/5, a dream warning me not to sell out Now and then I model. I'm offered a gig doing ads for Trump--at $1000 a session! Tempting, but no. As I go home, my cabbie is shocked--"I'd take that gig!" "But would you really?"... CAUTION: HARSH TO COMPROMISERS |
RETIARIUS: by Wayan, 2024/7/24, a gladiatorial dream Rome never fell. I'm a poor kid. I sign up for a duel against an adult arena fighter. Poor odds, but I have nothing to lose! Street kids like me die young anyway... CAUTION: BRUTAL SOCIETY (unlike, of course, ours) |
RING OF SIX: by Wayan; 2018/11/30; an advisory dream of alternate lives Six women in six similar feudal empires swap places repeatedly. They can never meet, but they can leave notes, each helping out the next soul to swap in... CAUTION: ADVANCED DREAMWORK |
RORAIMA JUMP: by Wayan; dreamed 2016/9/18, a surreal dream of deadly outrage I'm a Brazilian in the Olympic waterfall-jumping finals. The Russian & American cheat--threaten my family. I snap! Fight recklessly, knocking them off their ropes. We all tumble down the cliff... CAUTION: BULLYING, VIOLENT REVENGE |
SEA PARADE: by Rick Veitch; c.1995; a dream on media versus dreams We need to get down to the sea, but Disney Corporation blocks the way. Wait--we're dreamworkers! We ooze through the walls, and cheer the parade marching in on the tide... |
SERAFINA AND RAM DASS: by Wayan; a 2000/11/6 dream anticipating an 11/9 experience with auras A Finnish shaman/witch gives me a lesson in night flying; in the waking world I meet Ram Dass and sense him speak astrally before his body can get the words out... CAUTION: HIGH MYSTICAL QUOTIENT; IF ALLERGIC, AVOID |
SET ON FIRE: by Wayan; 2017/10/15, a dream on reckless stupidity Yuppies with a lighter set me on fire--not even out of malice, just idly. I'm a shaman, I can survive it, but I'm not immune to pain... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE, UGLY POLITICAL COMPARISONS |
SHOVED OFF A CLIFF: by Wayan; 2017/9/7, a nightmare-warning (I'd asked what to do next). Atop a sea-cliff, I meet a young couple in love. One look at me and they push me off! When I see I can't save myself, I try to take them with me... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE BARING UGLY TRUTHS |
STALLION, NOT MARE: by Wayan; 2018/2/12, a road-rage weirdo provokes an even weirder dream DAY: a stranger screams "BITCH! Plant a TREE!" Thinks I'm female and wants to fight over an old bumper sticker? DREAM: I'm a horse detective. In shades, lipstick, & high heels I try to pass as a mare. Absurd! A stallion in drag... CAUTION: HORSE NUDITY. OH WAIT, THAT'S NORMAL. |
TANKBUSTERS: by Wayan, 2020/5/21, a dystopian dream with political advice In a near-future dictatorship, Democrats are afraid to take any action. But in a suburban lot, I find a burned-out tank. I need to find these rebels who can defeat military-grade repression... CAUTION: GRIM |
A THIRD POLITICAL PARTY: by Wayan, 2020/11/30, a dream on deliberate viral spreading I find three street parties full of half-naked dancers, jammed together for warmth--and maskless! Not parties--anti-masker events. Sexy, but their protest risks our lives along with theirs... CAUTION: FLAMES SCIENCE DENIERS |
TIDEPOOL DECLINE, or, DEATH BY 1000 SHARDS: by Wayan, 2019/8/10, an eco-warning dream At the beach, a biology teacher shows me how bottles smashed on the rocks by jerks lead to slow death for the tidepool creatures. I'm afraid the warning is both personal AND planetary... CAUTION: CAUSTIC TOWARD RECKLESS G.O.P. CUTS |
TORCH THE ROSE-ROT: by Wayan, 2024/7/23, surreal dream written as poem I'm a rabbit girl living in New Orleans. Humid summer. My roses all died; a rot that needs to be disinfected. So I light a torch and burn them back... CAUTION: HARSH POLITICAL INTERPRETATION |
TRUMP ON THE RUN: by Wayan; 1990/3/8, a suspiciously predictive dream The manhunt is on for Donald Trump, rich sociopath. But he too is pursuing something: happiness... |
TRUMPOCALYPSE UNDERLING: by Wayan, 2020/5/3, a reality-based nightmare Donald Trump is Satan. I'm just a low-level devil, under his thumb. I feel helpless to stop his businesslike plans for the Apocalypse... CAUTION: POLITICAL RAGE; PREDICTS COVID'S LATER WAVES |
TSUNAMI PERSEVERANCE: by Wayan, 2020/1/7, one of twin warning dreams We flee a tsunami. Inland. Up a hill. Onto a roof. One by one, the flood plucks us away. Long past hope, I climb a flagpole. As I cling to the very top and the mud rises to my lips... CAUTION: GRIM PREDICTION |
WATERMELON MINE: by Wayan; 2023/6/18, a surreal dream with long-term advice I'm the new manager of the watermelon mine. And to free the trapped minors-- oops, miners!--I have to plan. So I cover the floor with My Little Pony post-its... CAUTION: CARTOON NUDITY |
"YOU'RE NOT MY BOSS!": by Wayan; 2019/6/27, a disturbing political dream In a busy, shorthanded market, the store owner's running a checkstand. He mistakes me for an employee and starts ordering me around... CAUTION: AGE & GENDER... BIAS? OR INFORMED JUDGMENT? |
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