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Torch the Rose-Rot

Dreamed 2024/7/23 by Wayan

I'm a rabbit girl who lives
in a Beatrix croft. But
this was never England. New
Orleans? Humid, hot.

My garden teems with luscious vegs,
but flowers too. Till now.
Damn this damp! It's rotted all;
dead roses ring my hut.

Clearing them by hand, my poor
paws hit zombie thorns,
mummy fangs defending their
black dust rot.

My life's animal; far as I can,
stay simple! I think
personhood's like pepper; sprinkle
sparingly. But I

do know blade and fire; and now
I choose that power.
Burn the roses. Surgical char,
so roots will rise next year.

But thorns flare into torches, and
every brittle flower
shimmers like a burning book.
I'm Hitler--for an hour.

I'm a rabbit girl burning dead rosebushes. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.



Despite the Beatrix Potter pelt--bunny, garden, flowers--this dream's starkly political. I fear that in 2025 Republicans will try a second coup. After Hurricane Katrina, the mold and rot in New Orleans was toxic; homes polluted had to be razed. This current rot, my dream warns, is equally deadly and demands eradication. I'm an inherently meek creature, but my reason warns me that if the GOP rejects election results again, this time we have to treat treason, insurrection and civil war as treason, insurrection and civil war. Burn the rot away.

LISTS AND LINKS: I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species- & gender-bent dreams - animal people - rabbits - farms & gardens, fruits & vegetables, flowers & thorns - diseases - fire - Trump, politics & war - pencil dream art - 41 years earlier I dreamt I was a rabbit-girl stuck in a sexist book, in Watership Downtrodden - about 3200 years earlier, Hecuba dreams she gives birth to a torch, in Torch-Bearer

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