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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

KAKALEA: by Wayan; 2012/7/23 to early 2017; a good world on a bad hair day
We search for exoplanets whose stats are Earthlike. But mass, chemistry, warmth and air do not a biosphere make!
Geography alone--the mere placement of lands and seas--can also make a world lush or barren...
KAMAR'S DRAGON: by Kamar, May 1977, sketch of a dream-figure
At a dream workshop for kids, Kamar drew this dragon, explaining that
the dragon had a door, and inside lived a witch with two cats...
THE KANGAROO EXECUTOR: by Wayan; 2023/7/3, a surreal dream poem
The will named a strange executor: a kangaroo. Turns out there's some logic to it:
executors need burglar-skills, and few quadrupeds can climb in bedroom windows...
KARMA AND HER SISTERS: by Emily Joy; 2006/12/27, a sexy dream that turns tragic.
One boring lonely day, I meet a cute teenage bunny who wants to play with me! But half an hour later…
KEKULE: by Friedrich Kekulé, 1858 & 1865, two problem-solving dreams.
Kekule dreamed solutions to the thorniest structural chemistry problems of his era not once but twice...
TONSIL: by E.W. Kellogg, 1989 or before, a healing lucid dream
Kellogg jabbed a wooden skewer through one tonsil. It got infected. In a lucid
dream, he willed it to heal. In the next twelve hours, the infection vanished...
KELLY FIELD: by an air cadet, 1941; an almost-lifesaving dream.
I dreamed a plane took off northeast, and flipped by the main hangar, killing two men. I forgot the dream until...
KEN'S DREAM: by Ken, as painted by Rita Wolff; 1979, a flying dream.
Night. A big city. High in a tower, a man in a wetsuit and flippers is
swimming in air--practicing before slipping out the open window...
THE KENNERBIRD: by Wayan; 1973/5/20; a naive shamanic dream.
I'm a cartoon flamingo; with my sisters, the frog and the rabbit-squirrel, I meet our Maker--the cartoonist...
THE KEROUAC TREE: by Wayan; 2 ill., 1983/3/18, a dream of fame and time.
The true story of the very first tree-hugger. Not Kerouac! You'll never guess. In fact, you'll say it's impossible...
KESCIA'S NESTED DREAMS: by Kescia, 2001 or before, two false-waking sex dreams
I'm alone in bed, but begin to see sensual bodies around me. I start to masturbate, climax, and wake. I feel loose and light--
so light I float above my bed! A beautiful woman's next to me. We caress mid-air. I come intensely, and wake again, alone...
KETTLE WHISTLE: by Wayan, 1991/10/8, a predictive dreamlet
I half-wake as a kettle abruptly starts whistling. Odd, it's quite unlike ours. Wake. Silence. A dream!
Dawn. That abrupt whistle again! But this time, real. Somehow, a housemate got our kettle to sound...
KEVIN'S CRASH: by Wayan, 2018/10/1, a politically-tinged nightmare
After watching the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, with their rape accusations,
I dream of a reckless driver named Kevin who runs down a skateboarder and blames everyone else...
KEVLAR: by Floyd Ragsdale; 1991, a problem-solving, life-saving dream
As the Gulf War began, bulletproof Kevlar vests were desperately needed. But Du Pont's production
halted--a vital machine just froze and engineers couldn't see why. Ragsdale dreamed a weird solution...
THE KEY IS HERE, BUT BEWARE; 2012/3/8 by Eleanor; nested nightmares of enlightenment
The moment I find the Key, I'm possessed! I wake to find it's just a nightmare. Only who's broken into my house?...
THE KEY TO HIS LIFE: by an English rebel's wife; 1745; a lifesaving oracular/psychic dream.
Twice a condemned man's wife dreamt of a key lost in rubble below a wall. The second time she went out to find it...
THE KEY TO OUR INHERITANCE: by Wayan; 2010/9/12; a nightmare whose victims organize
The dead treasure-hunter's will ordered us, his heirs, to convene in the wood.
Attacked there by a knight in armor, we near-strangers must unite to win our...
KEYBOARD TO PIZZA: by Jonathan Coe; c. 1996, a surreal dream of musical failure.
Our band from a decade ago plays a reunion gig. It's a disaster even before my
keyboard turns into a giant pizza and my fingers start burning on the mozzarella...
THE KEYRING OF ATTACHMENTS: by Wayan; 1974/5/31, a dream gone too far.
Swayed by sinister surgeons, I go all Buddhist and give up my attachments, including various organs...
KIBBLE FROM HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1986/10/13, a dream on love and money.
I'm a dog princess, on a world where kibble falls from heaven. When I meet our species' guardian angels...
KICK AUTHORITY: by Wayan; 1989/10/25. Early digital painting of a dream figure.
Question authority? Nah. They always have such excuses! Kick authority entirely! Just say no.
KICK HER: by Wayan; 1994/8/9, a gameshow nightmare.
I'm a blonde gameshow bimbo. Each week, I'm beaten up. Ha ha ha! But my bruises are real. At last, I...
KICK THE FAERIE BELL: by Wayan; 2015/8/20, a bizarre dream-poem with a practical message
I'm a courier with a message for the Faerie Queen. Can I avoid all these
colorful, sexy, crazy distractions, and focus on the Studio and the Gong?
KICK THE PRESIDENT: by Wayan; 1999/6/1, a dream on consequences.
I win a free game of Kick the President. But what if everyone can see your kick-ass Prez but you?
KIDNAP LI PO!: by Wayan; 1990/1/16, a poetic dream.
I dream a Chinese fable: how the poet Li Po was abucted by the gods, till they face heavenly justice...
KIDS' WORLD: by Wayan; 1996/8/2, a dream on solitude.
The children of some castaways refuse to go 'home': to them, this shore IS home. So what won't I leave?
KILIMANJARO: by Wayan, 1983/4/3, a predictive climatological dream
I dream I'm visiting a friend who's moved to a high equatorial peak. I'm shocked to find no trees. Next day,
I stumble on a book about Mt Kilimanjaro. Its treeline is below ours in California! A high-altitude desert...
KIM SINGS, CAPOTE DIES: by Wayan; 1984/8/27, a murky telepathic dream of secrets
A psychic dream revealing my co-worker's secret desire gets tangled with the death of Truman Capote...
KINDERTOTENLIEDER: by Oliver Sacks; 1974, a musical dream
I dream of German dirges I don't know. I hum them for a friend, who shocks me by asking
"Have you abandoned any children, or burned a manuscript?" Right on both counts...
KING OF THE KILN: by Wayan; 1996/11/25, a psychic dream.
I dream of a scary king who offers to bake my dreams to strengthen them. Then my friend Mark calls...
THE KING OF PERSIA: by Wayan; 1990/4/1, an annoying family dream.
My dad has a time machine, so he generously invites the King of Persia over. And offers him MY room...
KING KONG CRAB: by Wayan; 2008/9/20, a dream poem; Dreamverse #29
One wizardry-classmate summons strange beings; another's learned how not to.
Because some things need to be dealt with alone, where they can't harm......
KINGMAKERS: by Wayan; 2000/2/21, a dream of mediation.
I'm a political aide to the leader of a hot-tempered, clawed, fanged alien people. And then my boss dies...
THE KING'S LANGUAGE: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/24, a dream on the language of dreams
Swedenborg struggles to grasp the King's broken French. He wakes to realize he's trying to learn
a greater King's difficult language. Still relevant today, for he saw the problem's twofold: the
difficult language of images, but also issues the waking mind missed--or wants to deny!
KINSHIP IN WINTER: by Elia Rowan; 2023/6/2, an exoclimatology dream
On a scorching world not built for people like us,
I find someone who seems to be a lot like me...
KIOSK: by Wayan; 1994/5/1, a 4-page dreamcomic on the power of song (or illustrated text version)
I'm a sexy singing beast, the Krelkin, trying to lure the Reading Man out of his Moral Kiosk...
KISS OF A SAVAGE: by Wayan; 1993/10/28, a dream of deep time.
I wake to find I'm a museum exhibit 15,000 years from now--a primitive man...
KISS THE CATS: by Wayan; 2008/8/23, a dream poem, Dreamverse #13
I have to kiss a mess of cats. Fishy, but I'm not chicken. My real beef is with the humans watching...
KISS THE GLASS: by Wayan; 1979/9/23, a dream on priorities.
My parents' house is now a sex club. I walk in, and meet my soulmate! But in awkward circumstances...
KISSINGER+DENTISTRY=WHY: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream within a dream
I dream I go to my NY dentist, but the novocaine sends me into a dream of having dentistry in Tel Aviv!
I 'wake' and my NY dentist explains he can't do me today: sore hands from doing Henry Kissinger...
KITSUNE (FOX-GIRL) BY MOONLIGHT: by Wayan; 2002/5/1 dream prompting a paint experiment
In a Japanese house I met a charming red-headed girl and had this
weird urge to scratch her pointed ears. Oh! She's a kitsune!...
KITTEN'S QUEST: by Wayan; 2016/2/13, a dream-poem
I met two strange sisters on a train who turn out to be half-cat. They open my eyes
so I realize that my neighbor Elaine must be a shapeshifter too...
KITTENS OR MOM?: by Jesse Reklaw; 1976-77, recurring nightmares of a choice
I was in Hell. My mom was in a cage suspended over lava. The devil
gave me a cruel choice: "Fry up these kittens or let your mom drop!"
KITTY WANTS TO DIE: by Wayan; 1981/11/9, a nightmare baring a side of me ready to DIE to avoid stuff
Kitty, exhausted, stops fighting what's inside her, and lets herself die.
Crystalline alien worms burst out, growing till they loom over the spaceport...
KLIMT'S GIRL FRIENDS: by Wayan; 1998/7/4, a short art rant
Klimt did a deep portrait of a lesbian couple back when most folks hardly saw gays as human...
KNEADING DOUGH: by Madellyne Waugh; 2009, a punning dream on money-shame
I'm in the kitchen making a mess--kneading pasta dough on the bookcase. If my mom comes in and sees...
A KNIFE AT HIS THROAT: by Wayan; 1991/1/1; a political dream-cartoon-fable
A courtroom hostage-drama where I'm forced to commit... tracheotomy! And then the Gulf War begins...
KNIGHTLY: by Wayan, 2019/2/12, a dream-poem on a wide time-vista
Huge gold construction cranes loom over medieval castles. Not rebuilding, but
hoisting knights to the heights. I get a ride up, and see a wide timescape...
KOKO'S LOSSES: by Wayan; 1999/10/9, an elliptically predictive dream.
Koko the gorilla has had some terrible setbacks lately... the double amputation, especially...
KOLCHEC: by Al Davison (Jan.1977-1978) & Sara Welponer 2000, sketches of a shared dream-figure
AL repeatedly drew a bizarre, recurring dream-guide named Kolchec; years later he met
SARA, who'd painted her dream-guide, a distinctive spook named--oh, take a guess...
KORE: by Ann McCoy; 1986, a dream of the Goddess inspires an epic drawing
My guide to the archeological site was veiled, but soon she revealed her scales
and gills. A little girl led a procession in, to reconsecrate the Temple of Isis...
KRELKIN: by Wayan; 1974/10/9, on nonhuman figures recurring in dreams
My psychology professor insists that nature spirits faded away as science rose.
But I still dream of krelkins! Jasha is the one I know best...
KRELKIN AND KIOSK: by Wayan; dreamed 1994/5/1, sculpted 1999/8/31-12/11; a career-advice dream?
A sculpture of me as the sexy singing beast who lures the Reading Man out of his Moral Kiosk...
KRELKIN CONTEMPLATING: by Wayan; 1995/6/7 dream-figure sculpted 1998/7/17 in Paperclay
A small statue of this beautiful creature who keeps appearing in my dreams...
KRELKIN CAMOUFLAGE: by Wayan; 1981/4/21, 3 versions of recurring dream image
A sexy dream-creature hides by splitting her body visually,
her red mane and tail matching her background...
THE KRELKIN SISTERS ON MISSION ST: by Wayan; 1995/6/7, a dream of superior beings
I was walking in the Mission, in San Francisco, when two sisters came up to me who no one else could see...
A KRELKIN SMEARED: by Wayan; 1996/9/23; a dream of bold intervention .
I'm a slender, clever krelkin. I draw me, but then red rage erupts and I trash myself... can I be saved?
KRISS: by Toni Emrich; mid-January 1991, a nightmare personalizing the US-Iraq war
Sunset. Walking home from work. A smiling, creepy American offers a ride. I back away until I'm against a tree.
I don't give away the Arab hiding in its branches. I have a knife, and I know I will kill this American...
KUBLA KHAN: by Samuel Coleridge; summer 1797, an interrupted dream-poem
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure-dome decree (at least till that visitor from Porlock barged in)
KUBLAI KHAN'S DREAM: by Kublai Khan, c.1251, an architectural dream
Coleridge's dream-poem describes a palace itself inspired by a dream! Kublai Khan dreamt
of a huge yet delicate "pleasure dome", sketched it, and sent scouts to find a site matching...

THE LABORATORY UNDERGROUND: by Anna Kingsford; 1880/2/2; an animal-rights nightmare.
I find myself in a vault with tables where half-dissected animals writhe. Hidden in each was a human shape...
LACED WITH TERROR: by Wayan; 1999/5/3, an anti-nightmare.
Researchers show me weird little objects like shoelaces that drive people mad with fear...
LADDER OF FEAR by Mike & Wayan, 2021/2/9; parallel dreams
MIKE: A reckless friend races up a hazardous ladder. I follow slowly, reluctant, scared. Almost a nightmare...
WAYAN: Mike recklessly climbs an outdoor ladder as lightning strikes. Scary! Wait--this dream feels psychic...
LADDERS: by John S. Dykes, 1984; a surreal dream-sketch
Tiny people ride a herd of levitating ladders--badly.
One seems to have gotten bucked loose...
THE LADY BATHES IN GRIEF: by Wayan; 1983/5/31, a long-haul psychic dream.
Why'd a spirit-woman come to our reservation to mourn a drowned guy? Her mirrors & candles tell us...
LADY CASTLEMAYNE: by Samuel Pepys, 1665/8/14, an early lucid dream easing his fear of plague
I dreamt, and knew I dreamt, and I made love to Lady Castlemayne, and had all my desire.
If, as Shakespeere said, death is but sleep, and dreams may come, why then fear death?...
THE LADY LOVES THE HORSE by Wayan, 1990/9/28; a dream mocking fake humility
Richard Russo writes that Westerners cannot dream like tribal people.
So I dream Russo's the Cubist Dictator of Dreams! I prefer the part-equine
Lady Demicorn, and the Fat Meditating Dog, and the Birdiesattva...
LADY UNICORN: by Cindy Prince; 2007/10/16, a dream of a shapeshifter.
I was working in the library, talking to this woman who announced "I think I'll grow my horn now..."
LAING: by R.D. Laing; 1983/2/18, two excerpts from a talk on transpersonal dreams.
R.D. Laing gives two examples of dream-spillage suggesting it's not passive but playful...
LAING SAYS: by Wayan, 1983/2/10; a cluttered, comic, goofy predictive dream
DREAM: I run into a couple I know. I get gridlocked. R.D. Laing gives me a transpersonal message.
DAY: I bump into that couple, get gridlocked, and hear R.D. Laing speak on transpersonal messages...
A LAKE DEMON: by Wayan; 1979/11/3, an anti-lucid dream.
I walk through worlds, fight a deadly lake demon, and work magic--but I mustn't go lucid...
LAKOTA TRAINSCAPES: by Wayan; 2018/10/30, art seen in an anti-lucid dream
In a general store on a High Plains rez, I find two surreal collaged postcards. If only
this were a dream they'd qualify for the World Dream Bank, but sadly, it isn't. Right?
LAMEST CAR CHASE EVER: by Wayan, 2023/10/2, a dream predicting not events but emotions
I'm caught in a surreal traffic jam--balky horses, teeny cop cars. Get so stressed that I split
into a big creature guarding a small human sleeper. But even sleep is now a crime...
LAMIA by Wayan, 1988/11/1 with a nightmare by John Ruskin, 1869/11/1
I ask my dreams about sex, and get... sex on a beach with a sea-serpent girl--a lamia. But she gets queasy--
landsick! Too hot for her up here. Help her back in the sea. What a contrast with Ruskin's lamia nightmare...
LAMPREYS: by Wayan; 1974/6/27, a dream of assimilation
Pretty much everyone in my school is a bloodsucking alien, but, come to think of it, so what?
LANDSCAPE FROM A DREAM: by Paul Nash; recurrent dreams 1895-9, painted summer 1937
As a child, Paul Nash dreamt he flew over rural southern England.
As an adult surrealist painter...
LANTERN DANCE: by Wayan; 1983; nondream collage of dance-observations
I was just sketching figures in the extreme (iconic?) stances they get in when they dance...
LAPUTANS LECTURE BROBDINGNAG: by Wayan; 2014/10/1; a dream defying the patronizing 'conscious'
We ride on a flying saucer made of stone. Atop the great cliffs, we meet a giant and
warn him not to slip. He doesn't appreciate advice from little alien tourist twerps...
LARRY'S MULTIVERSE: by Wayan; 2008/2/16, a dream poem, Dreamverse #14
My shamanic teacher lures me into a labyrinth ruled by wizards whose magic-monopoly's about to fall...
LASERBOMB: by Wayan, 1995/7/3, a dream on paralysis.
I'm on Mars. The terraforming is going well. Then saboteurs set off a laserbomb in the street near me...
THE LAST JUDGMENT: by Esther Raucher, c.1950; a childhood dream grows into a big sculpture group
I fled a snake by flying. I felt guilty, I knew it was cheating. Years passed. I made tiny clay figurines.
Years passed. I drew a chicken lady with a halo. Years passed. I sculpted a flock of BIG...
THE LAST LUNAR STORM: by Wayan; 1999/8/27, a dream of a future squared.
Lunar terraforming lags behind Mars; a global ice storm hits, like the bad old days. But the future...
THE LAST MASS: by E.M. Martin; 1914/11/23, a dream of war invading a peaceful dreamland
For years Martin's dreams were all set in a parallel world untouched by World War, until...
LAST NIGHT I SEEMED: by Kathleen Raine, between 1978, '79 or '80; a revenant dream poem
Last night I seemed in your embrace; you were about to die.
Today I wake into my place: you immortal, I...
THE LAST WORD: by Larry Vigon; 2001/12/5; a wistful apocalyptic dream
A huge explosion knocked the earth off its orbit; it struck other planets and wrecked the whole
solar system. Where will the souls ready to reincarnate all go? Or do they even need a planet?...
LATER IN THE DAY, WE'LL CROSS OVER: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/7/16; painting in the Box of Dreams
I know we will cross the water surrounding the heart of Jerusalem, but not yet...
THE LAUGHING GIRL: by Gordon Wagner, c.1977; a strong anima helps heal a trauma
I was one of just three to survive a roller coaster crash. I dreamed of a playful, laughing girl who drove off a cliff.
Dead, she lay on a bier in a surreal cemetery. But she woke and looked at photos of her old self with curiosity...
LAURA: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/10/24; painting in the Box of Dreams
As we climb down the steep mountainside, clutching bushes to keep from falling,
I ask Laura "Do you want another child?"
LAURIE ANDERSON SHENANIGANS: by Larissa King, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a surreal dream
I'm watching MTV. Laurie Anderson gets inside my remote control. I try to change channels
and she turns my head into an apple. I grope for a potato peeler, and carve a new mouth...
LAVA FOOD GROUPS: by Wayan, 2024/10/16; a surreal diet-advice dream
I work in a lava library. Lava is edible, so we all sample the product--warily.
But I find I'm healthier if I eat two types, avoiding a starchy third lava...
LAYANASHA'S DREAM: by Layanasha, laibon of the Maasai, c.1850, a prophecy spanning 65-70 years
Layanasha foresaw the British would bring a great snake spanning Maasai territory, then a plague killing
half the tribe, a second plague killing nearly all the cattle, and finally huge birds flying over the veldt...
LBJ OR WOODROW?: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; July-Sept 1955 and Feb-Mar 1968, recurring paralysis dreams
From the neck up I was me; from the neck down, Woodrow Wilson in his old age, paralyzed.
My presidential aides divided up my duties, and ignored me...
LBJ SHACKLED: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; c.1962, a nightmare foreseeing his presidency
I started to get up from my chair, but I couldn't move. I looked down at my legs
and saw they were manacled to the chair with a heavy chain...
LBJ'S CAGE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; May-June 1924, recurring teenage nightmares
I found myself in a cage, with only a bench and piles of old books. A mirror showed
I was old and twisted with speckled skin. In horror I said "I must get away"...
LBJ'S RIVER NIGHTMARE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; Feb-Mar 1968, a nightmare on political paralysis
I was trapped in a river, trying to swim to shore. But I was in a powerful eddy. No matter which way I swam...
LBJ'S STAMPEDE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; 1913-14?, a childhood nightmare anticipating a presidency
As a boy I dreamt I was trapped in a wooden chair, paralyzed, as a stampede
rushed toward me, just as my grandmother was paralyzed and chair-bound...
THE LEAD HAZARD OF WITCHES: by Wayan; 2008/11/21; an alternate-world dream
I'm in an America where witches are burned & abused women grow on trees. Yet three of us heal...
LEAN ON ME: by Wayan; 120K; 1987, 1992. Recurring dream image..
This couple keeps appearing in my dreams--as equals, as mount and rider, as friends, as enemies, as lovers...
THE LEAP: by Naguib Mahfouz, 2001?, an aborted flying dream.
I rode with my love in a cart drawn by a winged horse. But as we flew over the Great Pyramid, I jumped...
LEAP OF FAITH: by Emily Y. Chan, 2022/2/5 or before; dream painting
I was at the edge of a cliff and I had to jump to some pillar-like rocks.
I was very hesitant though because the ocean waves were so violent...
LEARN TO FLY: by Hexx-Kitty; 2006/7/15, a nightmare image.
This big red rabbit in a straitjacket was chasing me through a big gothic mental asylum. Scared me silly...
THE LEARNABLE INSTRUMENT PROJECT: by Wayan; 1999-2000. Mad instrument design that might just work
A spiral dream-instrument I'm building, that's easier to play than a piano or guitar, and a lot snakier...
LEARNING SCALES: by Wayan; 1985/6/26, an epic dream of Chinese dragons.
I find myself in astral China. The Empress is banished, the Jester rules. Wisdom is lost.
We need an Imperial Dragon...
LEARNING TO SING AND DANCE: by Marilyn Barrett; 1988 or before, a dream of heritage
I'm a kid again, waltzing with my dad, though he's long dead. He hands me the trumpet inside his chest. When
I wake, I feel it still. My mom just died; I've reclaimed a playful part of him she condemned all her long life...
THE LEASH: by Wayan; 1995/6/26, a dreamfable.
Alien abductions upset us--being studied, treated like animals. But isn't that how we treat other species--
study, exploit, ignore their feelings? That night, I dream one dog on a leash paralyzes a civilization...
LEATHER BOYS: by Sunshine; 2015/3/17, a Lovecraftian dream
Leather boys flap down from the sky, feeding from giant mustard pots. We fight them with honey & boomerangs.
LEBBIRD ECSTATIC: by Wayan; 2006/8/20, not-quite-dream sculpture; 7 pics
A sensual moon-worshiping flying feline who'd inevitably evolve in certain Pegasian solar systems...
LEFT EYE: by "Anonymous #9"; 1938, a predictive, quasi-reassuring nightmare
I dreamed of an explosion--a stabbing pain in my left thigh, right fore-arm, and left eye.
Two years later, in World War Two, a grenade...
LEMON-EYED SPIRIT: by Wayan, 2019/10/24; a predictive dream-poem
I dream I'm a woman possessed by spirits with yellow eyes that tint the whole world lemon...
I wake, the sun rises, and for a single minute, the world turns that exact, strange yellow...
LEMON PEOPLE: by Wayan; 2008/8/11, a dream poem; Dreamverse #1.
A dream-fable of lemons who are really orange-people infected by a spore turns out to be about me...
THE LEMON SEA: by Wayan; 1982/2/22, a dream warning.
I wake up as someone else. I go through her working day, till Captain Kirk comes to take me to...
LEO'S DREAM: by Leon Krier, as painted by Rita Wolff; 1979, a mysterious dream.
A marsh. One figure's wrapped in mummy bandages; another swims--or drowns.
A ruin's being rebuilt. Out in the bay, a faint water-road leads to the open sea...
LEONARDO'S BIRD: by Leonardo da Vinci, c.1455, a bizarre childhood dream or vision--or real memory?
The black bird hovered above my cradle, and several times struck me with its tailfeathers between my opened lips...
LEONINE TRINITY: by Wayan; 1989/11/6 digital print of recurring dream (first: 1987/11/28?)
A goddess in a dream once told me to seek 3 and only 3 qualities in a mate...
LEOPARDESS: by Wayan, 1990/5/19; a predictive dreamlet
Dream: a house-share with this leopardess might be a bit crowded. But she's so much FUN!
Next day: I visit a house in the woods with the most catlike senior tenant ever...
LEOPARDS AT THE FRINGE: by Wayan; 2014/3/28; poem of a cryptomnesic species-bent thespian sex dream
I'm at the Fringe Festival, onstage in a Performance Orgy, playing two roles:
a leopard with human pets and a leopard's human pet. But I'm not quite playing...
THE LEOPARD'S CLUE: by Wayan; 2012/3/17, an incubated advisory dream.
My boyfriend, a leopard, sniffs out a clue to an old murder involving me in a past life. But did I witness, die, or kill?
LEOPARDS AT THE FRINGE: by Wayan; 2014/3/28; poem of a cryptomnesic species-bent thespian sex dream
I'm at the Fringe Festival, onstage in a Performance Orgy, playing two roles:
a leopard with human pets and a leopard's human pet. But I'm not quite playing...
LESBOY: by Wayan; 1996/5/20, a dream on one's identity and place.
My Aunt Squid advises me to join a lesbian artists' co-op. But I'm a man! Not for long, though...
THE LESSON: by W.H. Auden; 1942, a poem on three linked nightmares
I'm told "Your lives are not in order." The golden crown's too heavy. And
I win my lover's hand--only the hand. What are my dreams accusing me of?
LET GO THE SAFE: by Wayan; 2014/2/6; poem of a lucid flying dream
I'm pushing a safe off a roof in Berkeley so it won't be pushed off the roof
(yep, you read that right) but it pulls me with it! Either die, or go lucid and fly...
LET ILLNESS GO: by Wayan; 1999/6/7. Acrylic/digital painting of a meditation not a dream.
Illness is such a handy excuse when you need solitude, care, rest, or just time to think... but...
LET ME DREAM!: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007?, a dream painting.
The dreamer becomes a horse, the horse becomes a unicorn.
Dreams have their own quests apart from the conscious...
LET ME PASS!: by Alice Sheldon/James Tiptree; January 1974, a punning gender nightmare
Alli/Tip is lured/tricked into a pen full of women, and tries to get out by repeating this ambiguous plea...
LET ME REVISE THAT...: by Wayan; 1998/8/28, a dream of clarity.
I pray to the Love Goddess for help, but then realize there's a problem with my phrasing...
LET THERE BE LIGHT by Nancy Price; 1948, a nightmare of helplessness
Snakebite! I'm hooked to a health-monitor. If a red light comes on, I'm doomed. But voices start whispering...
LET'S IMPOSE: by Wayan; 1990/7/3. Nondream digital painting.
Engineers! How they do love to impose clean lines on our messy world...
LET'S PLEASE THE RICH: by Wayan; 1998/6/24, a disgusting proposal
The rich and powerful block reform. So let's offer them what they really want: ranking and attention...
LETTERMAN: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a surreal dreamlet
Sharon Stone kisses David Letterman, and his head starts distorting
as she rants about the film industry's baby-actor monopoly...
LETTUCE HEAD: by Wayan, 1992/1/18; a predictive characterological dream
I'm flying backward over Utah. In the brush on a canyon rim I spot a head of red
lettuce big as a man growing as camouflage from a revolutionary warrior's head...
LI BAI'S PEN: by poet Li Bai and his mother, 700 & c.715 CE, three prophetic / career-advice dreams
Li Bai's mother dreams of Venus shining, and names her unborn son Bai, 'white'. She dreams he'll ride a
red dragon, too: greatness, but what kind? Li Bai when young dreams the answer: his brushpen flowers!
LIBERTÉ: by Marie-Claude Girondé, c. 2005?, a dream painting.
"Freedom is a gift you give yourself." But it doesn't always involve seahorses or babycarriages covered in quills...
LIBRATIA: by Wayan; 2011 (ongoing); tours of a semi-tidelocked planet.
Worlds orbiting small stars need to huddle so close for warmth that tidal forces make one side always day,
one always night. But if the orbit's eccentric, the sun wobbles--and broad regions are Earthlike...
THE LIBRARY: dreamed by Audrey Niffenegger between 1976 & 1982; an book-inspiring dream
I die. But then I find a door in my grandmother's pantry leading to a beautiful library...
LES LICORNES: by Marie-Claude Girondé, fall 2007, a dream painting.
Three unicorns gallop out of the waves...
LIE TO AVOID MURDER: by Wayan; 2016/3/3, a sex dream prompting nonsexual action
Two jealous women symbolize Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump. Trump wants me to KILL Clinton. I lie to avoid...
LIES!: by Wayan; 1992/7/10, a dream that thinks it's a two-page novel.
To investigate a criminal couple, I have to lie. And that's hard, since all my lies turn true...
LIFECYCLE: by Wayan; 1980s. Pencil sketch of daydream
The life-loop. A woman bears a child who grows up to become herself, who bears a child who...
LIFE FORCE: by Patagia; 2006/8/9 & 8/31, three career-advice dreamlets
Out of a Campbell's soup can poured life force: someone's last breath...
A LIFE IN PERCENTAGES: by Wayan; 2013/5/19, a dream about dreams--and timesharing
A man I meet leads half a dozen consistent dreamlives--an experience
so splintered that it's hard to figure out which life is his waking one...
LIFE MATES: by Katie Hofgard; 2003/4/19?, a reincarnation-romance dream
Mysterious doings on an archeological dig bring a creature back to life, but this is no Mummy...
LIGHTEN UP, ROADS!: by Wayan; 1994/6/28, a dreamed eco-proposal.
Recycling used paint to lighten pavements could lower continental temperatures a fraction of a degree...
LIGHTING THE TORCH: by Peter Birkhäuser; dreamed June 1974, painted Sept. '74.
In the dark, a dragonlike god of fire stretched out
one claw to courteously light my own small torch...
LIGHTNING: by Hasteen Hon, 1930, a warning dream
DREAM: the storm was strange and fierce. A voice warned me the clouds were somehow dangerous.
DAY: I got caught out in a fierce storm. I dismounted and sheltered under a tree. Lightning struck, and...
LIKE NOTRE DAME: by Jack Kerouac, early April? 1953, a bizarre dream
As the train pulled into the cathedral William Burroughs and I saw amid the pews
the Hound of the Baskervilles transform into a great black bird and fly...
LILIES, DREAMER, FOX: by Wayan; 1998/5/27, acrylic on 46" plywood disk, life study.
She didn't want to be there. She closed her eyes and went elsewhere. So I painted where she went...
LILY THE LION: by Wayan; 1991/4/7, a small psychic dream.
My housemate Lily is a lion. She bursts into my room. Stare-down. And then she pounces. So I...
LILY OXYGEN: by Wayan; dreamed 1984/1/19, drawn 2000; a strong psychic dream.
I'm Emily Dickinson reborn in 2100 as a breeder of hydroponic lilies, till my dad drafts me as
an Arctic energy-prospector, where I meet a ghost, a fiery Beast, a new me, and the girl of my dreams...
LIME FROST by Anonymous #53, Jan. 1957, a short psychic dream
I felt dread as I peered out my parents' window into the garden. My dad lay on the frosty grass, dead...
THE LIMIT OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE: by Wayan; 1974/3/13, a dream of madness.
Deep in the caves, a Voice announces I've gone as far as the human mind can stand. But ahead, I see...
THE LIMP: by Wayan; 1986/7/18, a dream on difference
I was working for a London architect. His son thought people shunned him for his limp, but...
LINCH-PIN: by George Stevens; c.1895? a frustrating psychic dream
George sees a cart-crash pinning a friend. He yells to bystanders to free the wheel, but they can't hear him...
LINCOLN'S ASSASSINATION DREAM: by Abraham Lincoln, ca.March 31 1865, a predictive nightmare.
Lincoln dreamt his body was lying in state in the White House. A guard said he'd been assassinated. Two weeks later...
LINDA'S NAVAL by Linda W & Wayan, 1991/8/16; parallel surreal exhibitionist dreams
WAYAN: My housemate Linda shows me her weird navel--and pussy, to compare...
LINDA: At Christmas, I run through snowy streets, naked except for earphones...
LINES COMPOSED IN SLEEP: by Owen Meredith; before 1887; a Kubla-Khanlike poem-shard
I dreamt an epic poem on a sinister ruined city now home
only to reptiles. I woke with at least a hundred lines, but...
LINKED: by Michel Leiris, 1923/3/15; a surreal yet joyful dream
I'm dead and skewered on a steel beam. Joy! Friends are here; I hold
the hand of my mentor Max Jacob. We rise toward a globe of light...
LINSCOTT'S NIGHTMARE: by Steve Linscott, Oct. 1980; jailed for a dream!
Linscott dreamt of a murder and woke to find it'd happened down the block. Friends
nagged him to tell the dream to the investigators. He did. They tried him for murder...
LION: by Kenneth John Atchity; c.1983, a flying dream lionifying Death
I fly through treetops, a lion chasing me. For him it's a game;
he smiles at my tiring. And death is his name...
LION EYES: by Patagia; 2007/11/??, a serious dream-prank.
Lions trap me in an African cave with only coffee, paper and pens! Is this what it takes to get me to write?
LION FATIGUE by Xanthe and Wayan, 1989/8/24; parallel dreams on, well, L.F.
Wayan: a mother mountain lion got quantum-entangled with farm animals, exhausting her...
Xanthe: my dogs hurt this lion and I had to tend and calm it all night, exhausting ME...
LION-GIRL TRIANGLE: by Wayan; 2000/12/11, an uncomfortable sex-dilemma dream, possibly predictive
I'm a betrothed teenager having to choose between mates, in an alternate Africa where
lions are another tribe of people--and occasionally adopt humans...
LION IN A LEISURE SUIT: by Wayan; 1974, nondream doodle that shouldn't be here.
It's the 1970s. What's a lion to do? Get fern-bar camouflage: a suit and an I'm-a-bohemian moustache...
THE LION KING: by Wayan; 1995/9/15, a time-travel dream on social skills.
When I wake up, animals rule the earth. How do they cope with specism? Well, it's complex...
THE LION LIES DOWN WITH THE MARE by Wayan, 1986/6/7; a surreal predictive dream
THAT DAY: a play in the park about human-car hybrids. Jaguar girl, Mustang boy! Surreal.
THAT NIGHT: Lions & jaguars hunt a mustang, but she flirts instead of fights, and soon...
LION-MEN: by Wayan; 1995/7/9, an eye-opening dreamlet.
I'm a traveling Zen warrior talking to a circus girl in a barn. Four guys enter--and my life changes forever.
LION NOW, EMANCIPATION LATER: by Wayan; 2000/5/5, two dreams as my dad lay dying
We must hunt a man-eating lion to protect our village--our village full of slaves. But we
can't deal with our looming social crisis now--gotta focus on the lion in front of us..
LION RIDER: by Jo Equinity; c. 2000?, an anticipatory consoling dream
I dreamed I was riding a lion. A few days later, when my husband suddenly left me, I recalled the dream and...
LION SUIT by Wayan, 1987/5/4; a short dream-poem; predictive or clairvoyant?
DREAM: A series of old films with Erroll Flynn looking shy in his glasses, and his... lion suit?
NEXT DAY: Hunting pumas is legalized; the paper shows a sit-in full of people in lion suits...
LIONS AND TIGERS: by William Archer's friend; before 1924, a zootheological dream.
At the zoo, Archer's friend found the tigers caged but the lions roaming free. The reason? Lions fear hell, but tigers...
LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE: by Edward Bennet's daughter, 1757/7/11; a predictive dream
Bennet's daughter dreamt her husband drowned after wading too deep (he couldn't swim). He promised
he'd avoid deep water, but his best friend played a prank, treading water to make it seem shallow...
LISTENERS by Robert Nye, winter 1952, a career-advice dream-poem
At 13, I dreamt of night and rain--and a poem about them. But when I
woke, it was... still there! Here it is. I knew I'd found my life's work...
THE LITERAL EMPIRE: by Wayan; 1997/11/17, a dream on flexibility.
I join the alliance against humorless humanoids who are invading funny-animal planets...
LITTLE BAD DREAM CHARM: by Kathy Fagan; 2001? A slip-filled dream-poem
Half asleep, I scrawl a nightmare of trying to rescue gasping boyfish, but my dreamwriting goes wrong too...
LITTLE BROWN RABBITS IN THE MEADOW: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/3/20; painting in the Box of Dreams
I visit a friend's ramshackle cottage--trees grow through the walls. But glorious meadows! Spring at last...
LITTLE DEVILS: by Roswila, 2007/10/30; a dreamku
A dream haiku of little devils dancing the conga. What's it mean? Well, check the date...
LITTLE NEMO: by Wayan; 2005/2/6; a little rant on the first dream-comic.
Windsor McCay's dream-comic Little Nemo is gorgeous but plotless & passive. Or is it? Dreamwork is gradual...
LITTLE NEMO'S BED: by Winsor McCay; c. 1906, a famous if probably fictional dream icon
Little Nemo's bed gets restless and takes him for a wild ride through town and up onto roofs...
LIU AND YI (not to mention Kong!): by Liu Bang's mom, 257 BCE, and Yi Yin's mom, c.1600 BCE; birth-related dreams
Liu Bang's mom dreams a spirit is making love to her. Her husband sees the spirit is a dragon! Her baby grows up to found the Han...
Yi Yin's mom dreams a spirit warns "if water pours from your mortar, run!" She does, and survives a flood, to help found the Shang...
THE LIVERPOOL TREE: by Carl Jung, 1927/1/2; a World Tree dream painted as a mandala
In dark, grimy, rainy Liverpool, a friend shows me a park with an islet
in a pond, where a great magnolia tree shines--an oasis of light...
LIZ: by Wayan; 1992/3/15, digital painting of a daydream.
I'm not sure just where she slithered out from, but she looks like more fun than most mammals...
LIZARD by Miriel, 2021/9/??, a dreamlet about a familiar?
I'm lying on a foam pad in a Volkswagen bus I remember from years ago
when a lizard half a meter long dances up to perch on my shoulder...
LIZARD-BUG DISCIPLINE by Wayan, 2021/8/7; a Star Trek dream on... negotiation vs. force?
I'm in an alien empire dominated by big lizard-bugs. Humanoids are second-class, but
they're trusted with weapons--I witness a human squad executing a lizard for dissidence...
LIZARD HUSBAND: by Xanthe, 1990/8/30; a nightmare marriage.
I visit the underworld court of the Lizard King, but I can't leave: he makes me Queen...
THE LIZARD LESSON: by Wayan; 1996/12/12, a hard-hittin' shamanic dream.
I'm a shaman in Nunavut who has to teach a guy in a lizard
suit (and his foxy niece) that reparations have limits...
LIZARD OR WIZARD? Or, ARACHNOLYPSE by Wayan, 2021/2/10; a cynical magical dream
An idiot wizard lures car-sized spiders into town. I find a spellbook that repels them, but have to hide it
so my community college professors, Gandalf & Saruman, don't take it. For I'm no wizard, just a lizard...
LOBSTER ECSTASY: by Wayan; 1970/11/1?, a teenage lobster love dream.
One of my first recorded dreams--how I foolishly turned away from Lobster Love...
LOCAL STYLE: by Wayan; 1999/11/24, an assumption-reversing dream.
Brunch, a terrace restaurant, some cute women. I say hi and politely grope them... why do I feel odd?
THE LOCH NESS DANCE: by Wayan; 1987/10/14, a Zen dream.
I'm chasing a guy named Will (short for Willful Conformity) through the classes of a mad dance academy...
LOCKED ROOM: by Catshall; c. 2014/10/6, a dream haiku on a classic Jungian dilemma
Dreamt of locked room, door-knob fell off in my hand when I...
LOCKERBIE: by Alison Fell, early 1953; recurring, apparently predictive childhood nightmares
After we moved to Lockerbie, I kept dreaming that on my way to school, the tail of a huge plane fell from the
sky, and no matter how I dodged, it always killed me. 35 years later, a bomb tore Pan Am 103 apart, and...
LOCKOUT! by Wayan, 1984/12/20; a predictive frustration dream
Dream: my family carelessly locks me out of my own home. Try every window & door...
A few days later: my new housemate carelessly locks me out. Try every window & door...
LOEWI'S NOBEL DREAM: by Otto Loewi, 1920, a dream that led to a Nobel prize.
Loewi thought nerve impulses were transmitted chemically, not electrically. But he couldn't prove it, until one night...
LOGA-SHANA, alternate title of epic dream TWIN GODS
LOIS THE FLIRT: by a Florida woman; pre-1961, a psychic dream of jealousy
My husband was standing against a wall with both arms around this woman's waist, and they were laughing...
LOLA: by Wayan; 1995/4/22, a wild dream: psychic, shamanic and... economic?
How the hell do I summarize this? Lola, a werefox I'm hot for, becomes my feudal Japanese brother, and
her fox-shape reappears as the truck-driving maid for a Han Dynasty lady. We counter the interdimensional
energy vampires by importing ghost unicorns on sailing ships, who have an orgy. Two weeks later,
it all comes true. Literally? No, but closer than you'd think....
LOLLIGAGGING: by Angelique Benicio, betw. 2008 & 2023, a reverse-gravity dream
Embodying that upsetting feeling
when you're crawling on the ceiling...
LONDON TRAFFIC: by Gheury de Bray; between 1923-1938, a warning dream.
De Bray dreamed a speeding car nearly hit him; a month later, he abruptly recognized the street from his dream and paused...
LONELINESS HAIKU by Anonymous #52, 1975/3/26; a haiku in a dream
THAT DAY: I landed in Japan, but felt an outsider, cut off.
THAT NIGHT: I dreamt a haiku expressing my loneliness...
LONELY NO MORE!: by Wayan; 2000/3/27, a sculpture of American singlehood.
The Dating Fairy, built on lonely evenings waiting for her to call me back--whoever "her" was that week...
LONG GREEN DOG: by Zhang Tianxi, before 1644, a warning pun-studded dream
DREAM: a long green dog attacked Zhang from the south. He hid in his bedroom. He woke shaken but did not act.
SOON AFTER: General Gou Zhang (sounds like "Dog Long"), in a long green coat, attacked from the south...
LONG JOHNS by Ann Faraday, 1972; punning dreamlets on two consecutive nights
DREAM 1: A man wearing long white underwear shoots me down with a machine gun.
DAY: Long John Nebel interviews me; his Freudian friend calls me a penis-envying woman.
DREAM 2: Long John and his buddy umpire a rough baseball game. Definitely not cricket...
LONG ROAD TO HEAVEN: by Edwin Muir; 1920, an epic hypnogogic shamanic initiation
Creatures in the primal sea touch my third eye, dragons cry their eyes out, I fight the Sphinx, and arrive at last in...
THE LONGEVITY INSTITUTE: by Wayan, 2019/5/7; a dream on a family mutation
On the show Finding Your Roots, it turns out my dad's a genetic experiment born in...
1880?! The experiment worked; my sisters and I are slow-maturing, long-lived mutants...
LONGEVITY PLANS!: by Wayan; 1998/8/22, a nondream speculation.
Lifespans are growing, but do we incorporate that into our life-planning? Oh, hell, do I plan at ALL?
THE LONGING TO BE SAVED: by Maxine Kumin; 1980? a poem based on recurring nightmares
I save our horses from a fire, but they run back in. Then it's
my family I must save from themselves. At last, it's my turn...
"LOOK IN THE WELL!": by Elizabeth Harcourt; 1777/9/15, an unheeded warning dream.
Elizabeth tried to tell her dream, but her husband didn't listen. When his dad didn't show up for dinner, it was too late...
"LOOK UP, JOE!": by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/10/17; painting in the Box of Dreams
A waterfall leaps from a mountain so huge, steep and distant its base is lost in the haze...
LOOKING FOR LIBRIUM: by Jim Shaw; Jan. 1995?, a mutant Biblical dream
After fighting off an electrified Orson Welles, I meet the twelve
vulture-pine-politicians climbing Mt Sinai, looking for librium...
LOON LADDER: by Wayan; 1993/5/13. A dream of rising above.
I had this near-nightmare about climbing a DNA stair up to the sky, and stepping off...
THE LORD CHANCELOR'S NIGHTMARE: by Gilbert & Sullivan; 1882, a comic song-lyric on insomnia
The Lord Chancelor can't sleep, and when at last he does, he drifts through nightmares full of baby lawyers
and potted tradesmen sprouting fruit, and cutthroat corporate scheming. But that's Victorian dreaming!
LORD OF THE UNDERWORLD by Wayan, 1989/2/11; a chthonic transformation dream
While spelunking, I blunder into the Lord of the Underworld's court where dragons swim--and
become one! My human friends stare at me, coiled with my two mates. Do they even know me now?
LOSE YOUR TEMPER!: by Emily Joy; 2007/8/30, a tough-love dream.
My mom hires a therapist who really goes for my throat! Why is she so desperate to make me lose my...
LOST AGAIN: by Wayan; felt pen, 1983/2/27, sketch of daydream? or dream?
I was a bird-person in a post-nuclear future, touring North America on the wing. But ruins all look the same...
LOST ANT: by William Blake; late 1780s; a dream-poem, one of his Songs of Innocence
A glowworm and nightwatch beetle help out a lost crying ant-woman. It's not always a bug-eat-bug world...
THE LOST DUTCHMAN BURNS: by Wayan; 2011/11/17, a smelly dream censoring itself for safety reasons!
I smell smoke. I know I'm dreaming; did my sleeping body scent smoke in my home, and insert it in my dream to warn me?
But the dream sees my worry, and erases the scent to clarify it's symbolic smoke! Now I can finish my nightmare in peace...
LOST OPAL: by Anonymous #27; pre-1961, a clairvoyant or subliminal dream
The opal fell out of my ring somewhere around town. I was heartbroken at the loss. But that night my husband dreamed...
THE LOST RING: by Helen Fraser; 1924; an astral lost-and-found dream
A friend in Heaven promises Helen a lost ring would return to her. Three days later it did; but its path had been strange...
A LOST STATION ON THE TOKAIDO: by Wayan; erasable crayon, 1981/12/6. A nondream vision.
A tribute to Hiroshige's moonlit landscape prints of the lonely roads of old Japan...
LOUSE: by Wayan; ink, 1982/5/21: an embarrassing true story.
Getting rid of lice was easy. Harder was quelling the gossip and rumors from my co-workers and boss...
LOUSY DREAM: by Jack Kerouac, early Dec? 1952, a rage-filled nightmare
In America the woman has the Police State Telephone in one hand and My Child swathed in
incredible bills in the other... Ah, Kafka, you never had it so good...
A LOVE AFFAIR: by David B.; 1993/3/23, a 11-page comic of a dark dream
My lover's face is shadowed and we are never alone together. Things slip from film-noir to open nightmare when...
LOVE DAY: by Wayan; 1989/3/21, a sitcom dream.
On Love Day you can't mock anyone's come-on, of course; but in the bar "Cheers", Carla's mad at Diane...
LOVE IS REAL, REAL IS LOVE, BUT...: by Wayan; 1993/5/30, a musical mystery dream.
Singing a Lennon love song on a planet of giant women provokes first wonder, then disbelief. Why?
LOVE OF MY LIVES: by James Lyon; 2014/5/25, a life-spanning dream.
I live two complete lives with the same woman in my dreams, then wake up next to her...
LOVE OR HATE?: by Wayan; 1994/5/4, an untwisted dream.
My sister and I are groping toward sex when our mom bursts in. Her scolding's not what I expect...
LOVING A COP: by Wayan; 1981/5/5, a dream on initiative.
I'm a cop's wife, having trouble with his need to protect me. He's hurt if I take too much initiative...
LUCID FLIGHT: by Lisa Reich; March 2003, an ecstatic lucid dream of flight.
I flew as if part of the air--an otherworldly freedom so exquisite I wonder if it's attainable at all in earthly existence...
LUCID FLIGHT TO VALHALLA: by Paul W. Coca; 1991/4/5, a lucid flying sex dream
I realized I was dreaming, and flew. My friends were skeptical and held me down a while, but
soon I had them flying too. At a party in Valhalla, I made love with a mer-angel named Ealswa...
LUCID GIRDERS: by Wayan; 1993/8/18, an illustrated dream about dreaming.
Stayed up late, painting foreshortening. Then I saw a scene in color, motion, 3D, and knew
I had to be dreaming: I was visualizing too clearly, THINKING too clearly, to be awake...
LUCID, HELPLESS, RECURRING NIGHTMARES by Christopher Burns, c.1985-7?
A soul-sucking job all day, lucid dreams at night. But not compensatory, full of lucidity's freedom;
replicating exactly the same miserable milieu. I was lucid, yet I couldn't seem to change a thing...
LUCID LIMITS: by Wayan; 1990/2/13, a lucid nightmare. Yes, they're possible!
A nightmare. I go lucid as the bullets tear through me. Yet I go on with the dream! Why?...
LUCID LIVING: by Wayan; 2007/4/8, a quasi-lucid dream of the future with 9 illustrations
Honesty induces a joyful state with lucidlike powers.
So I bike across the Lake of Time, open the book of my future, and see...
LUCID NIGHTMARE CLINGS by Andrew Cowan, recurring nightmares 1996 or before
I know I'm dreaming but it does no good--I'm paralyzed, and spams wrack my body, I fall out of bed.
When I wake, I tingle and shake for minutes. Yet I'm still in bed; the sheets aren't even twisted...
LUCID ON THE MOON: by Wayan; 1980/2/23, a long-term psychic dream.
I'm on the run, on the moon. Cyborgs toss bombs at me. Yikes! Is this what melted Mare Orientalis?
LUCKY STARR: by Wayan; summer 1964, a childhood cryptomnesic dream.
I fell asleep reading a book I'd read years before. I finished it in my dreams. Every word in place. How?
LÜK: by Emily Y. Chan, 2022/1/8 or before; dream painting
A blind girl had trained for years to get revenge against a winter god named Lük or Lock, who took the form of an ice wolf.
By defeating the god, she would get her sight back, but she didn't know she'd also send the world into an endless winter...
LUNAMOTH (Around #11): by Wayan; soon after 1998/8/7; 2 portraits of a dream-self, one digital, one acrylic
Day Me curls up and Night Me unfolds: a girl with dark moth-wings, not angel-white but camouflaged...
LUNAR REPUBLIC BORDERGUARD: by Wayan; 1996/8/30 sculpture of 1995/11/14 dream.
A looming figure on the border of the new Lunar Republic, who told me it's time to turn from war to art...
LUNAR WEDDING: by Wayan; 1987/2/5, a poem of a surreal futuristic dream
I'm at a fancy wedding on Mars, I think, but slowly realize
the black sky and huge blue ball mean this lawn is on...
...the Moon. In the open. What are we breathing? Well... old money, I think.
LUNCH-SNIFFER, or, THE PRIVATE NOSE by Wayan, 2022/11/7; a silly predictive dream
DREAM: a weird-looking guy says he's a Private Nose, who can read my
life history by sniffing my lunch. He gets a lot right--but just as much wrong.
NEXT DAY: My sister takes me to lunch & orders tea-leaf salad. Our waiter is...
LUNCH WITH THE STARS: by Wayan; 1981/2/2, a dream on beliefs.
I'm in a loving animal dance troupe, but wake to find I'm alone.
For consolation, I eat at The Terrace, and meet stars. Not film stars...
LURCH OF A BUS: by "Anonymous #16"; pre-1963, a successful warning dream
I dreamed the bus lurched, cracking my skull. Next day, on the bus steps as in my dream, I braced myself, and...
LURK: by Wayan; digital collage of a year's dreaming, 1995/3/5.
There's power in dark memories--creatures of the deep strata. But the flowers of now are just as real...
THE LUSIADS: by Wayan, 1984/5/17; a predictive dreamlet
Dream: up on Floor 4.4 of a strange library, I'm shown Os Lusiadas, apparently the Portuguese national epic.
Next day at work, I'm handed a new purchase to input--Os Lusiadas. And yes, it's Portugal's national epic...
LYIN' WAYAN: by Wayan; 1996/4/10, a warning nightmare.
A mob of kids chases me chanting "Lyin' Wayan!" I get dizzy and fall off a bridge... THEN comes trouble!
LYNN HALL'S "FLYAWAY": by Wayan; 1997/7/6, a journal extract on religious abuse
A book that kept me up late. Ariel and Robin get abused as subtly & deniably as me and my sisters...
LYNX: by Peter Birkhäuser; Sept? 1976, his last dream-painting, facing his death
The Lynx, my dream-god,
comes for me at last...
LYR: by Wayan; 7MB, 2005, 80 pages w/200+ drawings and maps; a virtual planet
A vast sea-world with 7 times Earth's mass, whose isles are home to at least 19 intelligent species...
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