The Dreambank by Title: T
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
TACKY IS AN ANGLO IDEA, or, NEW BRACELET!: by Wayan; 1983/6/22. A bilingual undream. I like bad taste. Taste always tasted like another Anglo conspiracy to keep me from having fun... |
TAG WITH A BOUNTY HUNTER: by "Caradon"; 2010/3/3, a playful lucid dream A bounty hunter stalks me through a jungle, but lucidity turns a potential nightmare to joy... |
TAHOE DRAGON: by Wayan; 1980/8/16, a dream of flight and fire A dragon killed a friend, and threatened worse. I had to fight. We dueled mid-air, over Lake Tahoe... |
TAHOE TAROT: by Wayan; 1988/4/13, a silly mystic flying dream. My sister and I are playing cards in the air high over Lake Tahoe. The stakes? The world. But we both cheat... |
TAILOR'S APPRENTICE, early genderbent dream, see TWO RESCUES
TAKE STOCK OF YOUR PELVIS: by Wayan; 1980/1/11, a sexual dream that isn't. |
A friend stockpiling for Armageddon shows me what I thought was lust is really a need to learn... pelvic anatomy? Why? CAUTION: NUDITY; LANGUAGE; WE FIND OUT WHY |
TAKEN OVER: by Eileen, Jony & Kim, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; parallel nightmares |
Eileen rose out of her body. A man dared her "How far away can you go?", then stole her body! Jony and their daughter Kim had nightmares of invasion too; all three woke up shaken... |
THE TAKEOVER: by Lee Olivier; 2004/6/28, a triple diagnostic nightmare |
An alien is taking over our world, and I feel so helpless that even when I wake I want to just forget the dream... |
THE TALE OF A MISFIT COCK: by Wayan; 1999/1/25, a media-fable dream. |
I'm in Japan, where Rumiko Takahashi tells me of a tragic chicken who longs to be a lounge singer... |
TALISMAN: by Wayan; 2016/3/3, a dream hinting I need some long-term dreamwork! |
I'm a boy from a Southwestern tribe whose rite of passage is a bike race. I wear a jasper pendant with mysterious powers... |
TALKED OUT OF MY SPHINX: by Wayan; 2014/2/15, a short dream in FOAM FURS | |
TALL UNICORN: by Wayan; 1990/2/20. Digital nondream picture-poem. |
I've been meeting, talking with, and turning into unicorns in my dreams these last few years... CAUTION: ANTI-FUNDAMENTALIST |
TAMALPAIS: by Anna Halprin, 1979, a dream inspiring annual healing ceremonies |
A murderer was stalking Mt Tam. I dreamed I met the murderous spirit; only by allying with small dancers from inside the mountain could we defeat it... CAUTION: NEW AGE |
TANDEM DREAM IN KATMANDU: by Clancy Cavnar; 1998, two parallel dreams not acted on |
Two of us meditation students dreamed one night that we were ice skating in Holland, helping each other... |
TANGUY: by Wayan; 1963-4, childhood surrealist drawing. | No, not a guy with a tan. Yves Tanguy was a sailor who became a Surrealist. When I was nine or ten, his work inspired me to try my first landscape drawings... |
TANKBUSTERS: by Wayan, 2020/5/21, a dystopian dream with political advice |
In a near-future dictatorship, Democrats are afraid to take any action. But in a suburban lot, I find a burned-out tank. I need to find these rebels who can defeat military-grade repression... CAUTION: GRIM |
TANYA'S DREAMS: by Tanya, as told by Gayle Delaney, Jan 1971-June '72; a set of 6 breakup dreams |
My friend Tanya tries hard to save her marriage, but in her dreams Isidora Duncan, Carl Jung, even the gods themselves warn her to face their deep incompatibility... |
THE TAO OF DENNIS THE MENACE: by Wayan; 1986/4/17, a dream of a wise mentor. |
Chased by purple squid from Jupiter, I seek refuge with a guru the Goddess recommends for me... |
TAOIST DEBUT: by Wayan; 2012/9/16, a dreamlet on book-learning vs. living experience |
I'm at the court of Jenghiz Khan, as rival priests try and fail to convert the Mongols to this faith or that. Then a Taoist demigod walks up... |
THE TAPED WOUND: by Wayan; 1997/10/7, a dream on old tapes... |
My wound's taped up, but hurts bad. I peel off the bandage. Nothing! Gone. So I check my other body... |
TARDIS GAZEBO: by Wayan; 1993/2/17, a 3-page digital dream-comic |
Solve a pictographic riddle and you can fly, shapeshift, work magic! But someone doesn't want us solving dream-riddles... |
TAROT: MEDIA MINDFUCK (2 of swords): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The traditional figure is blindfolded, holding two crossed swords. I used crossed TV antennae... |
TAROT: FRIENDSHIP (3 of cups): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Three friends in a garden pledge loyalty forever with a toast of the wine of the heart... |
TAROT: IN TEARS (5 of cups): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Floating in tears, have you noticed the other cups behind you, unspilled? |
TAROT: RENUNCIATION (8 of cups): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Giving up a wall of material treasure for the moonlit path... |
TAROT: WAKING FROM A NIGHTMARE (9 of swords): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card confirming those silly fears are true. The nightmare is real. You're in trouble... |
TAROT: THE ANOREXIC DANCER: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card of excessive self-denial, whether compulsive or artistic or spiritual... |
TAROT: THE BUILDER: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", of a 1974/5/19 dream. |
The card of building your dream no matter what. I dreamed I met the Primal Builder... |
TAROT: BIRTH (the Empress): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card of fertility--and the pangs and effort of starting a new thing... |
TAROT: THE CENTAUR (Ace of Pentacles): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Mind and body integrated. S/he can hold up even the world-serpent that the gods couldn't lift... CAUTION: ANDROGYNOUS CENTAUR BREASTS |
TAROT: CHAOS: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card of big messes, confused beginnings--and fertilization... |
TAROT: CLINGING: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
When the Birth card's reversed, the child clings to the womb like a burrow in a green meadow. |
TAROT: THE COP (Knight of Swords): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card of force sparingly needed. The Knight says, "Sometimes ya gotta bust a few heads..." |
TAROT: CARING or THE PIETA: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
The card of caring, caregiving, and compassion... |
TAROT: GUILT TRIP: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
When the card CARING comes up reversed, you get this crucified guy floating over your bed... |
TAROT: THE SEA-DADDY (the king of cups): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The sea-captain, baby bottle in hand... The card of the warm man, the nurturer... |
TAROT: DEATH (Resurrection): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
So you die, and to your secular surprise, your soul metamorphoses into... |
TAROT: DIRTY DISHES: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
It's time to tackle that unpleasant task. But so what? You know how. And you have gloves... |
TAROT: DOGGY (The Hierophant or High Priest): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Some folks are dogs, bullying underlings, fawning on superiors. But when the Wizard's a Humbug... |
TAROT: THE YIN-YANG EARTH (the Wheel of Fortune): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Earth is never shown from its axis. Polarly, it's a vast wheel, the real Wheel of Fortune... |
TAROT: THE EXPLAINER (The Page of Swords?): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Using the mind's blade humbly, minding ideas and people, clarity's disciple may not see her full power... |
TAROT: HAW!: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Humor's one of the big emotions--laughter's as loud and uncontrollable as crying or orgasm... |
TAROT: HOKULE'A (the Star): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Hokule'a, the "Star of Gladness", guided Polynesians across thousands of miles of ocean... |
TAROT: A JOVIAL INFLUENCE: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Jupiter's massive presence tugs its moons to geologic life. Just being exerts a power and a pull... |
TAROT: (THE CHARISMATIC) LIZARD: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card of driven leaders. It's so refreshing to hear someone honest and passionate. Right? Well... |
TAROT: THE LOVERS: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card of love. I'm not sure what genders the lovers are, but no matter... |
TAROT: THE MAGE: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Jung said most people let one aspect of life dominate them. The Mage balances them... |
TAROT: THE MAZE: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
When you scheme too hard you can end up "amazed": lost in the maze of alternatives... |
TAROT: THE MAGENTA MESSIAH: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
True teachers and leaders do exist, with vision enough to make seeds (and people) sprout... |
TAROT: MINE CHILD: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Deep in the strata inside you, gems lie waiting in the dark for this child to dig them free... |
TAROT: THE MOON (Full Tide: Life): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Time, tide, cycles. In the full phase, life brims over. Time for passion & action... |
TAROT: THE MOON (Ebb Tide: Memory): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Time, tide, cycles... At ebb, the hourglass drains, the tide recedes, life hides in the cracks... |
TAROT: MUTUAL ATTRACTION: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
That moment when you recognize a kindred spirit, and realize he or she feels that way too... |
TAROT: PHOBIA!: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Groundless fears slow you to a crawl, testing every step of a clear, safe path... |
TAROT: THE PIANIST (Knight of Wands?): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The knight of creative fire who takes over when you've mastered technique and can let go... |
TAROT: THE QUEEN OF FLUTES: by Wayan; 1981/6/19, a brief dream image. |
I dream I'm giving a friend a Tarot reading, and the card she picks for herself is one I've never seen: |
TAROT: THE SMORGASBORD OF LIFE: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
You get to fill one tray. Guns sex jewels pot hamburgers TV God power thrills love? Choose! |
TAROT: THE SOLAR REVOLUTION: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
The card of revolution! The old towers of strength come down, not via war but obsolescence... |
TAROT: THE SPHINX (the High Priestess): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card of intuition, dreams--and asking. She knows all the secrets. And might just tell you, if... |
TAROT: OUTSTANDING (The Seven of Wands): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
How rare it is to meet the Outstanding whose thinking, sensing, feeling and intuition all work... |
TAROT: THE SULKY: by Wayan; Tarot card of a dream, 1979/4/17. |
This grumpy little greenish Scotsman rode a 'sulky', a one-man buggy, pulled by a playful black mare. I worried her clowning was a safety valve leaving her unfree... |
TAROT: TAHOE DRAGON: by Wayan; Tarot card from a 1980/8/16 dream. |
A wild, happy, homicidal dragon who forced me to fight it midair over Lake Tahoe... |
TAROT: DREAMTIGER! (Strength): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
Find your strength in dreams: facing (and befriending) what you've feared, or fought... |
TAROT: REST!: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
The card of fatigue and rest. Tarot's so primal--never a dull moment. Well, take a break... |
TAROT: THE UNICORN QUEEN (Queen of Swords): by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1978. |
Having (or living with) a sharp mind is like living with a unicorn. That horn can kill or heal... |
TAROT: THE WINGED COYOTE (Freedom!): by Wayan; tarot card from a dream, 1979/3/14. |
I dreamed I was the Spirit of Mexico: a winged coyote flying around Sonora howling at the moon... |
TAROT: THE UNICORN WELL (the Ace of Cups): by Wayan; 1991. Digital, based on Tarot card, 3x5". |
The Well of Emotion, guarded by the Black Unicorn, the shadow of all the feelings you deny... |
TARTAN ACID SPIDER TORPEDO: by "Thomas Mountain"; 2008/1/31, a cliffhanger dream. |
I get speared by Irish warriors, slipped an LSD dose, chased by giant spiders, torpedoed--hey, I'm not bored! |
TARZAN AND JANE IN SUBURBIA: by Wayan; 1993/7/11, a dreamtale. |
Well, Tarzan and Jane are living in suburbia now, but though Tarzan's given up so much, Jane complains... |
TASTEBUDS AND LIARS: by Wayan; 1993/8/7, a dreamtale. |
I was warned Wolf-Cats turn on people, but I still befriended one. Now I'm looking down its throat... |
TAWNY OWL by Nancy Price; April 1948, a dream of muses |
On the road with a poet and a philosopher, I insist we rescue an owl. But we get lost, and the poet turns into... |
TEACH DREAM E.S.P.: by Wayan; 2012/2/14. An advisory dream with an intriguing model of time. |
I'm co-teaching a class on ESP. My specialty's sending warnings to my own past self to change the present... |
THE TEACHER: by Lord Vivian, 1874; a predictive dream he bet on... for another! |
DREAM: a stranger tells me "The Teacher" won the Handicap. AWAKE: At the track I meet the man in my dream! He says The Teacher is now called Aldrich. But Aldrich's owner discourages me. A friend trusts my dream & wins £1,000... |
TEACHER-BIRD: by Wayan; dreamed 1986/9/7; a cyclic dreampoem |
Seeking my lost teacher-bird, I dabble with the time machine in the basement. Oops! I summon Bigfoot. But the monster rips out her fur... |
TEACHER'S NAME: by Robert Brust; 1977; an apparent predictive dream |
I DREAM I'm a kid again, in detention after school. The teacher eyeing me is familiar, but... what's her name? I WAKE and go to art group. One member says "I visited my retired sister. She talked of you. She taught you!" It's... |
TED'S DEATH: drawn by Joey Epstein from her aunt's mid-1980s dream; a psychic dream |
Ted died of CO2 poisoning in Hong Kong. His mom dreamed he came to tell her it was painless. To prove he was real, he told her... |
TEETH IN HIS THIGH: by Wayan; 2008/10/30, an embarrassing dream-poem: Dreamverse #37 |
The Conference on Love has two sexy speakers. One says "my teacher's stalking me" but she clings to him. Love? Hate? Both? CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM--but what are these two exhibiting? |
TEHURA TRIES COMICS: by Wayan; 1994/7/19. pencil, Xerox, erasable crayon. |
I dreamed a sphinx artist visited humanity and drew the crazy natives. I copied her sketchbook... CAUTION: NUDITY, PAGANISM, SLACKERISM, ACTUAL IDEAS |
TELEKINETIC KIDS: by Wayan; 2017/9/8, a warning and exploratory dream |
A black separatist commune hides two little girls who are psychokinetic. They fear I'll expose them. But I've spent my whole life passing too... CAUTION: PARAPSYCHOLOGY, RACIAL SEPARATISTS |
TELEPATH COUNTRY: by Wayan, 2010/5/25; a weird dream image heralding drastic change |
I'm on the border of human territory. Beyond is the land of the unnerving Telepaths, each one different but every one creepy... |
TELEPATH TREES: by Wayan; 1993/9/11, a how-the-other-half-lives dream with 7 pics |
I dream Edward Abbey shows me a secret grove of telepath trees. That night, in my dreams inside my dream, they meet me... |
TELEPATHY VERSUS AUTISM: by Wayan; 1997/4/19, an utterly dreamlike but waking vignette |
A weird identity-confusion at a dance hints I'm simultaneously psychic, autistic, and... really stupid. |
"TELL HIM I SAW HIS HEAD IN A BOX": by James Quinn; Jan/Feb 2003; peculiar ghost dream |
Inside a Renaissance reliquary, I see a dried-up head--but is it St. Sixtus really? Weeks later... I dream I'm in a cafe joking with my mom's ghost. I say "If you meet a guy called St. Sixtus, tell him..." CAUTION: READ THE TITLE |
THE TELLTALE HEART: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal); 1970s, ominously prophetic nightmare |
High up a scaffold, I was beating the chaff off a huge seed, unable to stop. I was beating my own heart... |
TEMEMTIM: by Wayan; 1995/3/3 and 3/16; two linked archeology dreams. |
My cold-sensitive dinosaur friend makes a find at our archeological dig by thinking like the Old Ones... |
TEMENOS: by Wayan; 1997/6/17, a psychic dream. |
I'm at a Robert Bly camp for men only. But I'm no man--not even human--some faun or satyr-like species... CAUTION: THIS 'TEMENOS' IS A SACRED PHALLIC IMAGE |
THE TEMPLE COAT: by Gayle Delaney, fall 1972, a pastlife dream |
A ship-captain insisted some castoff clothes were mine. They fit. As I put on an elegant coat, I recalled it was made in a past life to disguise me so I could enter a temple excluding women... |
TEMPLE OF DREAMWORK: by Wayan, 2006/11/13, a flying & predictive dream |
DAY: I have to read three academics who mock ancient, shamanic and modern amateur dreamwork as superstition. DREAM: I'm learning to fly in the Temple of Dreamwork, next to a cute new colleague. NEXT DAY, I meet her... CAUTION: APPARENT E.S.P.; DISSES ACADEMICS |
TEN CHAMBERS: by Ben Bamber; Jan. 2000, a dream on free will vs. predestination |
I flew through a huge space habitat with ten chambers and thousands of people unaware they were caged... |
TEN CLARKS AND LOISES: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, an epic dream on... poseurs? |
Hand-puppets, a devil and a witch, have sex, and implant a lunar ghost embryo into Lois Lane; now Lois & Clarkes, ten clones each, pretend to be puppets... CAUTION: PUPPET SEX; EVERYONE A FAKE |
TEN HEARTBEATS OF WILL: by Wayan; 2011/1/2, an experimental dreamflight | A friend says lucid dreaming doesn't matter--you can even fly awake if you clearly will it. So I jump... |
TEN RULES OF LIFE: by Wayan, 1994/5/4, a nondream fount of wisdom. |
After reading 170 capsule biographies of famous people I conclude life-plans are a joke. But I do deduce ten negative rules--ten universal don'ts--that may be of use... CAUTION: CYNICAL, BUT 170 OBITUARIES WILL DO THAT |
TEN THOUSAND MAD GHOSTS: by Wayan; 1996/9/3, a psychic nightmare. |
A toxic site in Silicon Valley isn't a chemical spill, but angry ghosts, killed in a camp and forgotten... CAUTION: THE CAMP TURNS OUT TO BE REAL |
TEN TRIALS: by Wayan; 1976/10/2, a dream of love distracted. |
While living with violent Kay, I dream I meet a cute, gentle moth-girl. But we must undergo ten trials. Mustn't we? Mustn't we? CAUTION: RELATIONSHIP TROUBLES, BOTH GAY AND STRAIGHT |
TEN YEARS AFTER: by Anonymous #31; before 1951, a predictive dream. |
I dreamed I drove through snow to my parents' home where my mother lay dead. Ten years later... |
THE TENQ: alternate title for BUDDHA BEARS |
(A comic frustration dream hiding a warning) Our tennis game's spoiled by rubber rackets, fierce grandmas, Good and Evil (those identical twins) and a bully on stilts... |
TERESA'S BILLBOARDS: by Wayan; 1988/5/1, a dream about trust. |
Teresa mistrusts men. Her best friend Sabina comes on to me in front of Teresa, who blames me... CAUTION: NUDITY, BETRAYAL, GENDER PARANOIA |
TERI GARR ("FLAMING BITCH!"): by Wayan, 1988/5/16, a nightmare-poem baffling me--then! |
A beer-soaked cowboy barbecue goes wrong when a dog named Teri Garr catches fire and they just laugh and won't waste beer to douse her. Then their big old hats catch fire... CAUTION: SEXIST BLAMING OF VICTIM; PROBABLE DEATHS BY FIRE |
TERRIBLE DREAM, TACTILE DREAM (EVENING ESPRONCEDA): by S. Ramón y Cajal, c.1930; a nightmare |
Doctors remove my upper skull and sew my scalp over my brain. I can get around, if I stay upright, but I'm terribly vulnerable... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE REFLECTS REALITY |
TERRIBLE HORSE: by Louise Bogan; 1941, poem of a healing dream |
A stallion reared to strike me. He was all the fear and rage I’d repressed... A woman said “offer him... |
THE TERROR OF ACCOUNTING: by Wayan, 2011/11/27, a twin-realities half-lucid nightmare |
I'm biking on a crowded, steep San Francisco hill, but at the same time an inexplicably terrifying office meeting gets superimposed. And the AI feeding me the virtual office gets all snarky about my fear... |
TERTIARY INFECTION:by Wayan, 2016/4/28; a therapeutic/advisory dream of a helpful disease |
Flying saucers land, and give us weird compulsions. I catch an unusually mild case, a tertiary infection, and find I'm actually better off... |
TESSERACT: see FALLING INTO A TESSERACT, and Meeting a Being of Pure Energy |
TEST: by Wayan; 1994. Dream-inspired digital poster/quiz. |
I dreamed I had to take a bewildering test on who is allowed in the military. I flunked. So will you... CAUTION: MOCKS HOMOPHOBES |
TEXANS: by Wayan, 2018/8/22, an alternate-world dream |
The Lone Star Planet--worldwide Texas--is weirdly empty. No kids at all! Instead, teens ping into existence pre-formed. An alternate Earth with no concept of change? |
THANK THE MOON I HAD THE STRENGTH TO STOP!: by Wayan; summer 1978; song-inspired image. |
The moon as an early gilled fetus. I feel like a half-developed creature walking around in your dry air... |
THANOS: from Dream to Performance: by Lili Berko, 1988 or before, a dream of birth & death |
The ship carrying my mom to America sails on, as I drown in the sea; They strap me down to pull out the pieces of my stillborn baby Obdale; A family/gang called Thanotos invites me to join them... CAUTION: MISCARRIAGE, DEATH |
THAR SHE BLOWS!: by Madeline; 2008/3/27, a pirate mermaid shipwreck sex dream. |
On the run I meet a lycan, a pirate, and a mermaid. She causes a flood, and something floats by I just have to grab... CAUTION: INTERRUPTED SEX |
THARN: by Wayan; 2006, 45 p, 200+ ill., a nondream virtual world: maps, photos, portraits, tours |
Tour a rugged, scenic moon with air and water in deep canyons sheltering a dozen intelligent species CAUTION: ANARCHISM, NUDITY, SCIENCE |
A sex-fantasy dream that shifts backstage and gets real In Charlotte they want to lynch her just for dancing. I protest. As she leaves town, she tells me... |
THAT SEXY HERBIVORE: by Wayan; 2015/4/28, a dreamlet in FOAM FURS |
| THAT WIND: by Wayan; 1986/8/29; an undream poem on a daymare |
Nightmares can warn. But when awake, what warning can you get from nonstop ill-luck? |
THAT'S NOT ART! THAT'S ART!: by Wayan; 1995/3/19, a true story |
An artist I know dismisses her (gorgeous) art as just therapy... while the museums are full of trash. Why? |
THEA'S HOUSE: by Wayan; 1987/3/23, a life-changing dream. |
I dreamed the Earth Goddess invited me to live with her. She was lonely to be seen for who she was... |
THEFT OF THE ARK: by King Solomon, c. 960 BCE; a dream acted on too late |
Ethiopian records say Solomon and Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, had a son who stole the Ark of the Covenant! Solomon dreamt of the theft but didn't check til it was too late... |
THEIR DREAM HOUSE is under D. Oops. Oh, well.
| |
THEATER HOSTAGE: by Christine M, 2002/10/22, an apparently clairvoyant dream |
Gunmen held me hostage in a grand hall; at last they shot me. Next day: the Moscow Theater hostages... |
THEN I REVISIT SELMA CALIFORNIA: by Jack Kerouac, late Oct. 1952, a predictive dream |
I dream of strange wide brown houses on the tracks... A knock wakes me--our train's moving out. As we pass through San Mateo, I see them on the rails, ready to roll--the first prefabricated homes... |
THERAPHOBIA, OR GOOD SENSE?: by Wayan; 1994/5/30, a journal extract |
I misname my feelings: depressed for sad, paranoid for wary, phobic for scared. It has consequences... |
THERAPIST GARBLES "I" & "YOU": by Wayan, 1987/12/28, a dream warning of bad therapy |
In therapy, I'm wrestling with sex. But workmen invade--hammer & hang pictures. MY pictures! And my therapist keeps confusing me and her, and our sexual orientations! She means well, but... CAUTION: NUDE PORTRAIT |
THERE I WAS: by Michelle Brand, 1972, stream-of-consciousness lucid dream comic |
Kaleidoscopic constellations? No thanks! A nudist town in Italy? Ugh. Ah, but singing vaudeville in a monk's robe & roller skates... CAUTION: CARTOON NUDITY |
THEREMIN'S NOT UP AND RUNNING: by Wayan; 1998/8/28, a dream parable. |
I'm in Theremin's lab, around 1930, trying to play one of his experimental instruments. Why won't it work? |
THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME: by Wayan, 2002/3/17, digital study of dream figure--sort of |
Usually I wobble on high heels--but with four feet, maybe I can follow the Yellow Brick Road... CAUTION: NUDITY |
THEY DON'T BELIEVE ME: by Wayan; 1989/10/4, an unbelievable dream with 15 illus. |
My dog and I are abducted by aliens who turn us into cats. We escape & go feral to survive. How we got back, and what happened along the way, even my own shrink refuses to believe... CAUTION: LEWD SQUID AND KLEPTOMANIAC BUGS |
THEY FEED THEY LION: by Philip Levine; summer 1968; a poem from two dreams |
A workmate said "They feed they lion"; two dreams later, the poem emerged as you see it... CAUTION: POLITICAL RAGE, SURREALISM |
THEY USE ME TO MASTURBATE: by Wayan; 1980/9/18, a two-edged dream. |
My sisters and their best friends all use me for sex. Sick, but I discover it's better than I USED to be... CAUTION: JUST PLAIN EMBARRASSING |
THEY'RE HANGING THE POLITICAL TRAITOR: by Jack Kerouac, late Sept. 1953, a sad dad dream |
They're hanging the political traitor in my closet. I stand horrified. The old man's resigned--no complaint. It's my father, I now realize... |
THIEF OF DREAMS: by Wayan; 1996/11/29, a sexy soul-swap dream; a 22-page comic (or text w/pics) |
I was a mermaid trying to find Count Coyote's stolen dreams, so I could marry my human girlfriend... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, LESBIAN MARRIAGE, ANTI-FUNDAMENTALISM |
THIEU, I'M SORRY: by Wayan, 1997/11/1, a troubling dreamtale. |
Visiting Time City, I witness the "suicide" of a woman named Thieu but suspect it was really assassination... CAUTION: SUICIDE? MURDER? |
THE THING ABOUT DREAMS: by Julia Wertz, a dream autobiography, 1980-2010 |
As a kid, my nightmares were of Sesame Street characters. In my teens I graduated to slasher nightmares and recurring lucid dreams. Alcohol trashed my dreams for years, but now they're not nightmares--just surreal. Hitler wrecks my sex life! What a spoilsport... CAUTION: (MOSTLY FRUSTRATED) SEX |
THINGS WASH OFF: by Wayan; 2009/4/22, a dream fingering the cause of a breakup; Dreamverse #49 |
Those Hollywood lovers in the tub seem perfect together, until... oh, read the title! CAUTION: RACE- AND GENDER-BENDING |
THIRD EYE: by Wayan; 2009/3/25, three diverse dreamlets on the same theme: enlightenment |
1: Three sisters flash me; one has a third eye in there! Clothed, it's blind. Was she just enlightening herself? 2: In the future, most cars self-drive. I'm the last driver using my own muscles and mind. Can I hold out? 3: A friend charts all of history's wars to prove: democracies don't fight each other. So to get peace... CAUTION: NAKED EYE |
THIRD-PARTY DEFENSE: by Wayan, 2004/9/11, a dream challenging lifelong pacifism |
DAY: At a party, this stranger keeps sniping at me. I see no gain for me in fighting him, and just leave. DREAM: Aliens attack. They've wiped out other planets, so we fight all-out! Not just for us, for the next species... |
A THIRD POLITICAL PARTY: by Wayan, 2020/11/30, a dream on deliberate viral spreading |
I find three street parties full of half-naked dancers, jammed together for warmth--and maskless! Not parties--anti-masker events. Sexy, but their protest risks our lives along with theirs... CAUTION: FLAMES SCIENCE DENIERS |
THIRTEEN PEACE SIGNS IN A TIME OF WAR: by Wayan; early 2002, acrylic sgraffito on wood. |
The animal goddess of peace, stubbornly raising her sign, my sign, as you all slide into your nice holy war... |
THE THIRTIES REVISITED: by Maxine Kumin; late 1970s; a dream-poem |
Dreams of my childhood--bootlegger dad, critical mom, gun- happy uncles, slaughtered squirrels, slaughtered Jews... |
THIRTY DAYS; 1980/4/15-16 by Wayan; a poem on an ill-timed premonition--or something worse |
Did sex turn creepy because I sensed the madman stalking us? Or did our sin (casual sex) summon him? CAUTION: CREEPY SEX, CREEPIER PREMONITIONS |
THIRTY THOUSAND RADIATORS: by Wayan; 1999/7/30, a dreamtale. |
I dream normal women don't turn me on--I like the 30,000 little aliens who just landed! I wake to see an ad about them on a passing bus... and it turns out I'm NOT still dreaming... |
33 EGGS: by "Anonymous #12"; pre-1963, a short, pointless, precise predictive dream |
I dreamt a farmer gave me 33 eggs in a bucket. On the stair, he handed me 3 more. I woke, told my family... |
THIRTY-THREE YEARS OF BOREDOM: by Rachel Cusk, 1996 or before; a lucid comic nightmare |
An Arabian Nights city--but I'm enslaved. I escape. I'm caught. My sentence? I must sit 33 years atop a column, watching for Vikings. I get a Walkman, but no music, and a book, but I suddenly can't read... CAUTION: LUCID YET TOTALLY FRUSTRATED |
THIS CAN'T BE REM!: by Wayan; 1981/8/18, a predictive stinky dream. |
An article claimed smell is rare to absent in dreams. My dreams felt insulted and sent me a stinky one! But why THAT stink? Well... next morning on my way to work... |
THIS DREAM HAUNTS THE DAY: by Roswila; 1999, a dreampoem on transference |
My father's trapped in a crashed car. But I'm distracted by a young man whose palm cups a living flame... |
THOREAU'S MOUNTAIN: by Henry David Thoreau, 1857/10/29, a recurring hypnogogic dream |
I dreamt again of that mountain east of Concord where no hill exists. I ascended that long rocky ridge where wild beasts haunted, into a superterranean grandeur and sublimity... |
THORHADD'S FOURTEEN DREAMS: by Thorhadd of Berufjord, c.1018; 14 warning dreams (2 predictive) |
Thorhadd's been slandering his enemy Thorstein. He spars publicly with a dream expert who interprets all his dreams as: "Your tongue just can't quit!" True. It can't... CAUTION: VIKING EGOS (AND BODY COUNT) |
THOSE BITCHES! OOPS, I MEAN... GREAT GODDESS!: by Wayan; 1988/8/19, a dyslexic dream. |
I live in a beehive. We must mate with dogs. I'm assigned a bitch. But I'm allergic to gods! Oops, I mean... CAUTION: SEXUAL THEME, DOGGESS WORSHIP |
THOUGHT-FOX by Ted Hughes, 1960, as told by Al Alvarez; career-advisory dreams |
Hughes got stuck writing a dreary literary essay. He slept on it. In his dreams, a fox came into his room, read his essay, and with a touch of his paw, burned it! Hughes wrote a poem about a fox and left THAT on his desk. That night he dreamt the fox returned, read the poem, and gave a thumbs-up. Hughes had a new career.... |
A THOUSAND BIRDS: by Wayan; 2008/2/28, a mystical little dream |
I watch Disney animate the Legend of the Thousand Birds, who pull a wireframe sleigh of light right through a dark, material Santa... |
THREATENED CITY: by Rita Wolff; 1978, a disturbing dream. |
Night. A hill town. Temples with huge stone statues. But the original figure looms monstrous over the hills. Which is the threat? The giant, or the cult appeasing it? |
THE THREATENERS: by Wayan; 1997/4/23, a small psychic dream. |
Two gunmen break in, call me by a strange name, and demand I repay a loan I never borrowed... |
THREE CATS: by Georges Perec; April 1972, a painful comic dreamlet. Excerpt from Dream #114 |
I go home. Our cat is there. And a small, striped new cat. Then I step on a third, much bigger cat. This is just one cat too many! "This cat's not real!" I say... The nonexistent cat leaps up and scratches my face. |
THREE CLASSES: by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1928/12/10; a dream on scientific integrity |
I dream I'm teaching my students that those willing to let evidence change their minds are rare. Climbers seek fame and status, while iconoclasts seek to upset order without regard for truth... CAUTION: SOBERING FROM A NOBEL PRIZE WINNER |
THREE DREAMS: by Al Davison and two friends, 1985, a shared nightmare |
I dreamed I checked my neighbor's flat for prowlers; I got shot and fell out a window. The same night my neighbor dreamt she asked me to check her flat, I got shot and fell out a window; the same night her best friend dreamt she came by and saw from street level the gunmen and my fall out the window... CAUTION: VIOLENT ATTACK FROM THREE VIEWPOINTS |
THREE DREAMS: by Robley Wilson; July 4, 1975?; a dream-poem |
Dead fish in a poisoned stream, dead kittens in a pit... and advice from the woman who revives them with a touch. |
THREE DREAMS & A COINCIDENCE: by Rick Veitch, c.1996, predictive shamanic dreams |
Three dreams set on Abenaki holy ground, of weird shamans--one ashen, one pumpkin-headed, the third goofy-faced--lead me to visit the site. Where I find the river's washed up that third shaman's face... CAUTION: WILL BOTHER E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
THREE-EYED WOLF: by Wayan; 1992/12/14. Digital comic of a dream, done movie-poster style |
A 'toon liberation dream. I cartooned a new self and slowly she grew realer, until she ran Disney... CAUTION: FRANK SINATRA SWEARS |
THREE FLYING DREAMS: by Sharad Chandra, 1988 or before, mystical advisory dreams |
1: I ask how to fly. "Breathe air from high levels; its light and purity will wash away earth's heaviness..." 2: To join a flying game, you must cut off your own head! Players acquire new heads and can work miracles... 3: I float up to reach a book in a shop. People call the police but I defiantly soar--over Paris, up to the stars... |
| |
THREE HORSE MARSH: by Wayan; 1983/9/27. Acrylic triptych, each panel 18 x 24", group ca. 2x5' |
Dream-inspired landscape with herons and wild horses in a vaguely Japanese style...
| |
THREE SEVENS: by George Antheil; summer 1932; a psychic dream in a dreamlike time |
I dream I play 7 and win three times at Monte Carlo. I wake and head for the casino with witnesses... |
THE THREE VEILS BETWEEN MAN AND GOD: by Anna Kingsford, March 1881, a messianic dream. |
I was shown what veils the God in us: Blood (violence), Idols (dogmatism), and the Curse of Eve (sexism)... CAUTION: FUNDAMENTALISTS (OF ANY FAITH) WILL SEE RED |
THREE WAYS TO FLY: by Wayan; 2010/11/10, a dream urging the World Dream Bank to shift |
I'm shown pictures of three different magical ways to fly. But the third shows no actual flight--just someone giving away the magical means... |
THREE WOMEN IN ONE: by Katherine Metcalf Nelson; 1984/2/5; a multiple-self dream |
Intimidated by stylish friends, I split in three--myself, and a small child nursing at the breast of an earth-mother priestess--or Earth herself... |
THREE-YEAR PREGNANCY: by Ithmonike of Pellene, c.320 BCE, Two dreams of an odd god. |
I was barren. I asked Asklepios, God of Healing, to make me pregnant. Soon I was--for 3 years, until... |
THROATS and SLOT MACHINE: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, two odd dreamlets |
THROATS: Men put babies into giant throats inset in a funhouse wall; SLOT MACHINE: I see a slot machine generating random art-speak phrases...
| |
THROUGH WALLS TO SEX CLASS: by Wayan; 2017/6/22, a therapeutic/advisory dream |
A trusted college advisor says "Slip through cracks in the classroom walls!" There's no direct route. Yoga to taekwondo to ballet to... a sex workshop! CAUTION: ABOUT SEX |
THROUGH THE WIRES: by Wayan; 2007/9/16, two surreal contrasting dreams |
I meet some alien wolves, and see the social scene as they do--pack, status issues. But then... I cross a pasture & slip thru a barbwire fence, as I explain cows, wires & organic life to an energy-being... |
THROWN FREE: by Robert, before 2002, a warning dream |
DREAM: a car crash; my parents both die, though my sister & I are thrown free, unhurt. DAYS LATER: Aunt & uncle invite me on a car trip; my dad says no, I have to study. TWO WEEKS LATER: Aunt & uncle die in a head-on; their kids are thrown free... |
THUMBS: by Wayan; 1989/6/12, a dream vignette. |
Worldwide, hands have gone soft and pliable. I meet some animals evolving into people and advise them.... |
THUMBSUCKER!: by a patient of William Hammond, c.1868, an epic comic taste dream |
I paint my thumb with bitter aloes to break my habit of sucking it at night. I dream of wormwood, ox gall, mineral salts. I consult Dr. Save Me and even the Pope, but... |
THUS BE: by Patricia Garfield, 1970/7/10, a worm-turns dream |
I'm overcharged at a grocery store--the checker confused my food with someone else's. I grab him, fly high up and drop him, splat. I chant "Thus be: Splat! Squashed flat..." CAUTION: DEATH PENALTY SEEMS A BIT MUCH |
THYROID: by Marc Ian Barasch, c. 1985; a set of life-saving diagnostic nightmares |
In 1985 I was flooded with nightmares about heads and necks. They had an unparalleled intensity... |
TIAMAT'S REBELLION: by Wayan; 1988/1/1, a dream about neoteny. |
That day: I read of a young healer in rural Indonesia harassed by the local mullah. That night: I dream she leads a revolution on a starship against her elders... |
TIBETAN DISASSEMBLY: by Wayan; 2007/7/5, a dream of a desperate ploy |
A woman in Tibet disassembles herself! A local god hires her spirit, but she uses the office equipment to backup her memories and... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
TICHANE: by Wayan; 1992/11/7. Nondream digital "woodblock print". |
What the world looks like when you have environmental illness, like me... |
TIDEPOOL DECLINE, or, DEATH BY 1000 SHARDS: by Wayan, 2019/8/10, an eco-warning dream |
At the beach, a biology teacher shows me how bottles smashed on the rocks by jerks lead to slow death for the tidepool creatures. I'm afraid the warning is both personal AND planetary... CAUTION: CAUSTIC TOWARD RECKLESS G.O.P. CUTS |
TIE MARK UP: by Wayan, 2019/2/1, three dreams warning lifelong habits demand serious change |
1: Crystal-skulled wizards, dino & lionfolk parade by. 2: I curl up with three skittish beasts. Patience! 3: My friend Mark tries to rape me. I tie him up, seek a restraining order. Will the cops believe me? CAUTION: RAPE ATTEMPT |
TIGER: by Andrea McFarland, 2023/4/21; a dream of an anima? shadow? familiar? |
A Bengal tiger slips into my room. Others panic and want to call the police, but I feel protective... |
THE TIGER AND THE WOLF: by Jo; 2011/1/15; a dream of temptation |
A black dog leads me into the fairy wood. I'm curious what happens to those who walk under the tree where the Lightning Tiger lurks.... |
TIGER CALLS MY BLUFF: by Wayan, 2022/10/8, a nighmare critiquing American positivism |
DAY: I hear Angela Duckworth (writer of Grit) talk on positive thinking. She thinks we're our own worst enemies. DREAM: I test my grit an African savanna--and outbluff lions! Unfortunately, that Siberian tiger won't be bluffed... CAUTION: TROUBLING ASSESSMENT OF... PUTIN? BULLIES IN GENERAL? |
THE TIGER CUBE: by Wayan; 1996/1/19, a mysterious not-quite-nightmare. |
An alien tiger and his human girlfriend herd me to their house and show me a cube of raw flesh... but why? |
TIGER DIALOGUES: 1973-4 by Ann Faraday, plus a dreamlet by John Wren-Lewis; recurring dreams |
When I overwork, neglecting my body's wants, I dream of an angry tiger. Over time, I've learned (mostly) to feed my tiger, and sometimes he's an ally now... |
TIGER HONEYMOON: by Wayan, 1987/3/16, a dream of a trickster |
I buy a charming ruin in the woods. Newlywed tigers prowl! The tiger bride tells me "He expects predictability. But I'll show him what a tiger really is..." |
TIGER PODIUM; c. 2003/9/29 by Monica M; a predictive dream |
The stage curtain opens. Tigers sit on podiums. In the center is a huge one with a bloody mouth. A few days later... |
TIGER STUDENTS: by Wayan; 2015/4/21, a dreamlet in FOAM FURS | |
TIGER TALL: by Wayan; 1992/7/3, a marathon dream. |
I'm a tiger from Planet Cat, visiting Earth to run in San Francisco's "Bay to Breakers" race. I knew racial tensions were high, but why is William S. Burroughs out to kill me? Oh. Because... |
THE TIGER WHEEL, by Wayan, 2009/4/25; a dream-poem, Dreamverse #44 |
A tiger-couple on an ice floe must choose: swim for land, or ride the current full circle back home, risking starvation? |
TIGERBORN: by Wayan; 1996/7/28, a dream of an alternate life. |
I was raised in the redwoods in the nest of a black tiger. Only a foster child, but emotionally, I'm tigerish... |
TIGER'S EYE CAVE: by Brian MacGregor, 2002-2003?, a predictive dream | I dreamed of this tree growing out of a cave-mouth. Years later, in Guatemala, I was shocked to encounter my dream. That tree and that cave were all too surreal... |
THE TIGER'S THROAT: by Wayan; 1994/4/12, a psychic dreamtale. |
I'm walking down a tiger's throat, but it's not what you think. Diagnosis! My friend suddenly couldn't roar. She's here too, exploring her own trachea.... |
TIL: by Patricia Garfield, c.1986, a mystical work-advice dream |
I'm a spirit flying over the dead, blessing them. They're in mass graves, sorted & grouped only by their life-stages--kids, adults, elders. Wait... is this how to structure my book? |
TILT!: by Wayan; 2002-3, a nondream study of four alternate Earths |
I drilled new poles in my globe and tilted the Earth. Ice Age or Carboniferous? Flood or drought? Come visit tropical Antarctica, the Thai Desert, the Hawaiian glaciers, the jungles of France! |
1987/8/15, 1990/3/31 & 6/10, 1993/8/10, four dreams prompting Planetocopia I dreamed I took a globe off its stand, drilled new poles, and put it back on tilted, so that most continents are greener; Tokyo, Alaska and Tierra del Fuego are now all tropical... Over a decade later, dreams forgotten, I start what I think is a nondream art project, by tilting... |
TIME-BUBBLE: by Wayan; 2008/9/1, a dream-poem, Dreamverse #19 |
In a city crawling across a marshy world, I find a detonating bomb frozen in a time-ball. Why not detonate it somewhere harmless, why carry this around? |
TIME-CAT: by Wayan; 2013/11/23; a self-flagging predictive dream |
I'm a cat person, grooming. But not MY fur--it's a woolly mass of timelines! We cats travel time, smoothing out snarls... Then I wake, go to a party, and... |
TIME IS A CROC: by Wayan; 1993/3/29, a dream on time. |
Golfing in the basement with Giselle! But her ball goes through a Stargate to land on a world where the water hazards are hazards... |
TIME PIRATES: by Wayan; 1979/6/6, a genderbent pirate dream about... healthcare? |
I'm a modern girl facing pirates from the 17th Century Caribbean. Outgunned, but I have something intimidating to bluff with: perfect teeth... |
TIME TO QUIT SWINGING: by Wayan; 2015/2/25, a punning, erotic, cledonic dream |
In the steampunk world of the Parasol Protectorate, I'm on a swing, fondling four friends who I'm in love with--all four! I won't give any up. Yet it's time to quit swinging... CAUTION: SEX ED CLASS, POLYFIDELITY |
TIME WARP: by "Erwre Qerwgeqwr"; 2010/2/5, a nightmare recurring 4 times in one night |
A timewarp started to swallow my house. It looked normal outside, but everyone inside was in a trance... |
TIME WARRIOR: by Katie Hofgard, c. 2004, a daydream on transformation |
She was a girl playing in the woods when she found the dying silver fox. His body transformed into a fox-mask. His spirit said "When you come of age..." |
TIME WITH A NIGHTHEAD: by Barbara Gordon Paine; c.1960, a nightmare-poem on overconfidence |
A toy's delivered, unasked. A jumping jack. It tries to eat me! I defeat it but then peer in the box to be sure... |
TIMEDOORS OF THE GODS: by Wayan; 1998/2/17, a mysterious initiatory dream. |
I'm mortal, yet I'm offered a residency in the Commune of the Gods, along with Xena the Amazon Warrior and... Little Red Riding Hood? |
TIMER: by Robert Brust; July 1990; a clockish dream. Subliminal, circadian or psychic? |
In my dream I worry I'm going to wake up late, so I ask what time it is. Immediately, white digits form in the air saying 10:00. I wake, but can't read my clock until I put on my glasses. It says... |
TIMESHOT!: by Wayan; 1999/1/2, a warning dream. |
I provoke a shooting! Wandering through time, I forget how much some cultures fear witches... |
TIN FISH: by a ship engineer's wife; 1914-1918, a precise lifesaving dream |
I dreamed my husband's ship headed for India, but a 'tin fish' sank it with just one casualty--him. I rushed down to the dock... |
TINA FEY TRIES TO FLY: by Wayan; 2017/4/24, a mystical feminist farce of a dream |
In a world where speech is in Mayan glyphs, comedian Tina Fey (dressed for prom night) climbs a Tibetan peak to learn levitation. But the flying monks are scared of women... CAUTION: COOTIES; ROWDY JESUS; MAY FLUNK THE BECHDEL TEST |
TINGLE: by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, c.Sept. 1825, a dream of Good Vibrations |
I experienced a delicious tembling throughout my being, sweeping up from my toes to my head. It shook me to the marrow of my bones... |
TIPCAT: by Anonymous #57; c.1920; a funny little dream-poem |
Four lines of comic nonsense composed in a dream... |
TITAN: by Morgan Robertson, 1898; a fiction that came uncannily true |
14 years before the Titanic sailed, Robertson wrote of a great liner, the Titan, with 3000 people aboard, that strikes an iceberg and sinks in the North Atlantic... |
TITAN, or, SATURN'S WEDDING BAND: by Wayan; 1981/3/22, a billion-mile roadtrip dream. |
Our band's touring Titan. Road trip blues: diners, feuds, romances. Have I been chasing the wrong girl? |
TITANIA: by Wayan; 1981/12/7, 83/1/7 & 2/13 and 84/10/2, a dream-epic in installments |
Clarence the sappy angel from It's A Wonderful Life and Milton's Lucifer land on Earth, offering treaties. Who to sign with? Clarence thinks we're fine as is, but the Devil's a tinkerer, learning from failures. Failures like me and my girlfriend Titania, the first android with a full palette of feelings. Like the feeling she's fake... |
TITANIC: by Nina; 1979 or before, an incubated nightmare |
I ask how my relationship with Scott was going. That night he asks me to sail on the Titanic. I say "That ship will sink!" but he won't listen. I see a skeleton-baby and know I have even more to lose... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE, UNFIT DAD, ABORTION |
TITANIC IMAGE: by Graham Greene; 1912/4/14?, a child's nightmare as the Titanic sank |
One image has remained with me for more than sixty years: a man in oilskins bent double under the blow of a great wave... |
TITANIC NIGHTMARES: by J. C. Middleton; 1912/4/3 and 4/4, two predictive dreams saving two lives |
I saw the Titanic go down and people struggling frantically in the water. After my second nightmare I told my wife... |
TO GET DOWN FROM OUR APARTMENT: by Jack Kerouac, ca. Halloween 1957, a telepathic nightmare? |
My mom had to climb a ladder down the side of the Empire State Building; I'm told she fell and died... |
TO HELL: by Katie Hofgard; 2003/4/19?, a nightmare of loyalty |
I loyally served a demon who punished me until at last he sent me to hell. And STILL I didn't rebel... CAUTION: BLOODY ABUSE |
TO KEEP HIM COMPANY: by Robert Southey; 1806/1/23; a Wertheresque suicide dream-comedy |
My German friend resolved to commit suicide, so I agreed to poison myself to keep him company... |
TO SAVE HUMANITY: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a spit-swappin' dream |
Worldwide drought. I have a mutation making me produce lots of saliva, so to keep people alive, I drool into their open mouths. Gross, but it's take my drool or die... CAUTION: UGH |
TO THE SNAKE: by Denise Levertov; 1959?; a short dream-poem |
I loved the feel of the green snake, and reassured my friends it wasn't poisonous, but really... |
TOADFISH TOWERS: by Wayan; 1992/8/6, a psychic little dreamtale. |
I'm in Houston, gawking at giant starfishy towers looming through the smog. Their shapes are familiar... |
TOADS: by Michel Leiris; Sept.1933, a Surrealist's dream of toad envy |
By a pool, toads the size of chimpanzees. The finest is bottle-green, with huge eyes like frosted lightbulbs. It occurs to me if I dressed in knickerbockers and wore a felt green cap, I might look like such a toad... |
THE TOAST OF CREATION: by Wayan; 1981/11/21, nondream crayon/ink image |
How the world was really created. God said "Let it be well done" and it was well done. CAUTION: TECHNOLOGICAL BLASPHEMY |
TOASTING FORK: by Charles Dickens, August 1843, a surreal tragicomic dream. |
A gentleman clad but in a sheet notified me that an old friend had died of a terrible disease. What disease? Well... |
TODDLER SHOT BY SPOUSE: by Gloria Reiser; 1948-49; recurring childhood nightmares |
As a toddler I repeatedly dreamed I was a married adult with a daughter of my own, but the dreams always ended with my husband shooting me... CAUTION: RECURRENT MURDER |
TOES: by Wayan; 1990 digital cartoon-map of dreamselves |
My foot is a torso and my toes sprout conflicting personalities... CAUTION: NUDE CARTOON |
TOLD IN A DREAM: by Kathleen Raine, between 1965 & '71; a mystical dream poem |
A voice tells me I have 100 months to live. I vow it'll be enough to finish my work here... CAUTION: THAT VOICE WAS WRONG |
THE TOMBSTONE TEST: by Wayan; 1986/8/18, a deceptive dream. |
I walk in a vast graveyard full of history's most famous people and treasures. But it's all fake, built to test your... |
TONY DIGS THE RED EARTH: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2008/2/23; painting in the Box of Dreams |
It's Thanksgiving but my brother won't come in; he's digging up red earth. In our family he always digs up... |
TOO MUCH TO BEAR: by Wayan; 1997/4/28, an alt-world 10p. dream comic or text w/pics |
I dreamed that huge nouveau-riche polar bears invaded San Francisco, evicting us locals... CAUTION: CORRUPTION, URSACIDE, MATH! |
TOO PROUD FOR MARS: by Wayan; 1990/6/23, a dreamtale. |
A hero has solved all Earth's problems. Now what? A trucker friend invites him on a road trip to Mars... |
THE TOOTH: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal), 2003?, an epic, oracular, baffling dream |
Psychics give me an incomprehensible reading. A book from the tree-library gives only Victorian dating advice. At last a madman gives me a treasure-box holding a tooth that unfolds into slices carved in unreadable symbols... |
TOOTHSMOOTH by Yves Delage, see under full title:
| |
TOP-DOWN FREEDOM: by Wayan; 1984/7/19, a dreamtale. |
The government quietly ends all taxes and services in a small town just to see what'll happen... |
TOPOGRAPHY OF EXCESS: by Wayan; 1996/1/22. Digital painting on digital painting. |
They call it the information highway because we're all supposed to march in formation... |
TORCH-BEARER: by Queen Hecuba of Troy; c. 1270 BCE, an alarming dream. |
Hecuba dreams she gives birth, not to a child but a flaming torch! But she lets Paris live... CAUTION: MORAL NO-WIN SITUATION |
TORCH THE ROSE-ROT: by Wayan, 2024/7/23, surreal dream written as poem |
I'm a rabbit girl living in New Orleans. Humid summer. My roses all died; a rot that needs to be disinfected. So I light a torch and burn them back... CAUTION: HARSH POLITICAL INTERPRETATION |
TORNADO AND STARSHOWER: by Dream Junkee; 2008/8/15, a nightmare that goes lucid |
A killer tornado traps us in the cellar. I bite my finger. It's boneless--I'm dreaming! I summon... |
TORNADO FADE: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a time-travel nightmare |
We escape tornadoes by fading out and rematerializing in a future dream... But one of the tornadoes manages to follow us from the old dream to new... |
TORNADO INSURANCE: by a car salesman's wife; pre-1961, a useful predictive dreamlet |
I dreamed a tornado loosened our showroom sign; it swung down to smash the window. I told my husband, and... |
TORNADOES AND TESTOSTERONE: by Dream Junkee; 2008/9/3, a lucid dream of transformation |
I've always been scared of tornadoes, until I went lucid and became one... CAUTION: HORNY TORNADO |
TORRENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS: by Anonymous #41, 1996?, a surreal word-association dream |
Asparagus, wings, an unhinged hand, a boxed ghost, butter, sister incest, tomato-pincushions, secret volcanoes, one-eyed integers, chickenleg dresses, mirrors and bananapeel beds... |
TORTILLA EARS: by Wayan; 1994/6/2, a short shamanic dream. |
Why's Mexico City built where it is? And why is corn called "ears"? It turns out these questions are linked... |
TORTOISESHELL GUILT: by 'Monk Eye'; 2014/9/9; a nightmare on spaciness and its risks |
I was enjoying an evening with this generic guy. Although there were two cats as big as bobcats in the room, I let Poodle, my tortoiseshell, in... CAUTION: GRUESOME CATFIGHT |
TORTURE--A DREAM: by Rita Wolff; 1985, a nightmare painting. |
In a prison cell, two robed figures with horned hoods like the heads of black owls question a limp figure who looks far beyond answers... CAUTION: IMPLIED TORTURE |
THE TORTURER: by Wayan; 1997/7/13, a predictive nightmare |
A free-lance torturer chooses me for his victim. He has the right. I bluster, but when I fall asleep at last... CAUTION: NO PAIN, BUT GORE |
TOUGH GLOVE: by Wayan; 1999/12/4, an advisory dreamlet |
I finally find a way to safely indulge in heavy petting as well as puns) with a playful but scratchy cat... |
A TOUR OF YOUR BRAIN: by Wayan's brain, 3.4MB (MP3 + lyrics), May 2004, a rock-jig. |
A lobe-by-lobe musical tour of your brain with Buddha as your tourguide... |
TOURIST TRAP: by Wayan, 2024/3/24, a nightmare of ignored warnings |
I bike up a Hawaiian hill toward a lava fountain. A house catches fire, but it's blocks ahead. I go a bit closer. Then a heat-shimmer shows deadly gas has crept ahead of the flames... CAUTION: FATAL MISJUDGMENT |
TOVE JANSSON DRAGON: by Wayan; 1999/8/23 nondream 11" sculpture: papier-maché, marbles. |
I kept seeing the image of a creature like someone in a Tove Jansson book... |
TOWARDS BREAK OF DAY: by WB Yeats and Georgie Yeats, Dec. 1918; |
Simultaneous dreams sharing mood & theme not images. Yeats sees but cannot touch the waterfall he loved so in childhood; Georgie, the magical white stag in King Arthur... |
TOWELS: by Hilary Mantel, 1982; a comic anti-stress dream |
I dreamed I was a chubby, happy, boneless creature made of purple towels. Five snaps held my head on, so if I got a headache I just pulled it off... |
TOWER OF THE MARTIAN DEAD: by Wayan, 1983/7/7; a dream-poem of an exo-Valhalla |
Climbing a mountain on Mars, I reach a hall where I'm transformed into a cryophilic being. Then I feast on methane soup with the heroic Martian dead... |
TOWERS: by Wayan; 1998/11/15, digital. Based on flying dreams (but no specific dream) |
Cities are fun when you're a bird--all those updrafts and perches and nests with great views... |
THE TOWN THIEF FEELS CHEATED: by Wayan; 1993/7/27, a dreamtale. |
Long ago he cut a deal with the cops. But town's grown, and one victim fights back. Our thief is outraged... |
TRADING PLACES: by Wayan, 1983/6/20, an intuitive flash overriden by rational relatives |
My sisters want to see Trading Places in the nearest theater. I ask to go to a more distant theater but can't explain why. We arrive to find the showtime had a typo. Gotta wait an hour. At last we file in, the lights go down...and out. Totally out. Power failure! They can't fix it. I never did see that movie... |
TRAIL OF POGS: by Wayan; 2004/9/6, my dreams' response to the first Burning Man dream-workshop |
A trail toward Freedom has extra markers, for it's three trails, superimposed! Not all the cues are for us... |
TRAILER PARK ELF: by Dolores J. Nurss; 2001/11/18; a troubling dream of incompatible realms |
I dreamed I was a blond guy tracking down an elf who lived in a trailer park. She'd gone mad; elves trapped in the human world mostly do. Awake, I sketched her, then saw she's a lot like my younger self! Disturbing... |
THE TRAIN: by John Hollander; spring 1974; a poem based on a shared dream |
A couple slips in and out of sleep, dreams, one another's bodies and dreamworlds, trying to connect... CAUTION: FREUDIAN SYMBOLISM, LITERATE WRITING |
THE TRAIN ON TIME CAFE: by Wayan, 1981/12/20, an epic political dream. |
Silicon Valley goes enthusiastically fascist. I hide in a berry patch. They build a shining world, and then... |
TRAINS COLLIDE: by Dudley Walker; 1928/6/27, a clairvoyant nightmare |
I've never done railway work, but here I am signaling a train to approach a station at dawn. A second train hits it head-on... CAUTION: EIGHT DEATHS
| |
TRANSFUSION by a New York woman; 1950s? 3 predictive dreams over a 5-year span |
I dreamt of the Du Pont lab where I'd work, and my neighbor's future coffin, and the hospital where my sister-in-law would get a transfusion... |
TRANSLUCENCE: AN ASSAY: by Jane Hirshfield; c.2005?, a dream poem of a lost opportunity |
A dog implausibly large, with fur the color of rose-quartz, wanted me to follow her... |
TRANSLUCENCY AS AN ADAPTATION IN ARBOREAL CRUSTACEANS: by Anonymous #46, early 1994?, an epic dream |
Arboreal marsupials with megaphones narrate a Polynesian documentary, while the rare translucent lobster sings its death song, sacrificing itself for lunch CAUTION: WILL CAUSE VEGETARIANISM |
TRANSPERSONAL PUPPIES by a dog breeder; pre-1961, a cledonic dream of a ghost |
The stranger seemed to know me. He said "Tell her about the little dogs, it will comfort her." Two weeks later... |
TRAUMDEUTUNG; before 1983, by Charles Gullans, a cryptic warning dreampoem |
I was walking on an endless plain, upright and tense, walking beside you, hurrying. What were we doing on the burning plain? What war... |
TRAVEL: by "SchlofM"; 2008/2/10, a dream about protection |
I'm on a trip to who knows where, with my young-again mom, my dead dad, and--who's that guy? |
TREASURE UNDER STONE, or, OOPS: by Daniel Healy; Jan. 1774, a recurring dream of treasure |
Daniel thrice dreamt of money hidden under a great stone in a nearby field. He dug and found a surprise... CAUTION: IRISH HUMOR
| |
TREE OF LIGHT: by Carl Jung, mid-Nov. 1922; a vision of the World Tree |
The cosmic egg nests in the branches of the tree of life, glowing with Muspel-fire. But the tree must periodically burn to regenerate life... |
TREE, RIVER, BIRD, MOON: by Davi Kopenawa, 1959-62, a child's shamanic dreams |
I climbed a tree with a beautiful view, but climbing down I fell, and woke. I visited the people under the river. A beautiful ayocora bird danced for me. But so did the moon spirit, baring its fangs. Terrifying! |
TREFIL, ON SCIENCE: by Wayan; 1994/1/26, a rant on dreamwork as science. |
In an oneirophobic society, it's easy to forget that when you do dreamwork, you're doing basic science. No funding, no team, no lab coat? Can't be science! Unless they mistaught us what science is... |
TREMENDOUS FAMILY SAGA: by Jack Kerouac, mid-September 1952, a tender violent dream. |
I try to protect the kitten from being strangled and girl geniuses from the depth charges; ... |
TRENCHCOAT ANGELS: by Wayan; 2010/1/21; a flying diagnostic visitation dream |
I'm flying around a half-built house when I'm cornered by three scary archangels in trenchcoats. But they want my help... |
TRESPASSER TRIANGLE: by Wayan, 2022/3/6, a comic frustration dream |
My girlfriend and I find ourselves naked in my neighbor's yard! A second neighbor spots us, and knowing my house is empty, she breaks in! The first neighbor, seeing her home's empty, breaks into hers. We go home, stomping loud so our burglar flees back home, driving her burglar out, and... CAUTION: UNINTENTIONAL NUDE PICNIC |
TRESPASSERS IN MALANCHAI: by Hyal; Feb 1996, an epic dream with a psychic intrusion. |
A maneless lion-boy wins his people's respect. While training, he sees weird trespassers who seem to be from someone else's dream... and ten years later, he finds that dreamer.
| Tribble: see My Soul |
TRIBUTE TO JOAN MIRO: by Wayan; 1984/2000. Erasable crayon, 14 x 17", nondream |
Nearly abstract but not quite. The snake, the quill pen, the secretary bird, and the rose. |
TRICERATOPS, or, THE GUY WHO SCRIPTS MY DREAMS: by Wayan, 1982/8/24; a dream on dreams |
Stuck in a horror movie, I get to meet the triceratops-headed monster who scriptwrites all my nightmares. But he's open to suggestions... |
TRI-GUARDIANS: by Wayan; 2005/8/5, a stalking nightmare that peels away layers |
Three men follow me. But they're not men; they fly. They shapeshift into teenage archeologists... then into pure energy-beings! "We don't care about you; we're watching another entity you let into your dreams." Wait--I've got FOUR foreign entities stalking through my psyche? CAUTION: ALARMING, IF TRUE |
TRIGO: by Edith L. Willis; 1929/6/4, an induced automatic-writing prediction (profitable, too) |
In an idle moment I held a pencil and asked the air who'd win the Derby. 'Trigo' meant nothing to me, but was listed at 32 to 1, so... |
TRINARY: by Wayan; 2012/3/17, a base-3 dream. | I meet a woman named "2-0-1-0", realize that pronunciation means it's not base ten, but mistake it for binary. Not with a 2 in it! It's trinary, and hides a diagnostic message... |
TRINITY: by Nashoba Hostina; 2002? A nightmare of losing best friends to romantic love |
We were inseparable: the tiger, the fox, and the wolf. Together our magic lit up the darkness around us, until... |
TRIO IN SEPIA: by Wayan; 1992. Digital anti-fantasy. |
Everyone squishing away contentedly but me... watching curled up in the corner as usual... CAUTION: EXPLICIT SEX, BESTIALITY |
TRISKELION: by Kristopher Saknussemm, c.1986, a surreal false-waking dream |
Only up close do I see that the map of these mysterious continents is made of moths. I wake in Polynesia. By the bed, in a jar, floats one of my hands. For no reason, I begin to cry... |
TRISKELION; 2011/6/21 by Wayan; a repeated false-waking dream of dating advice |
I wake up in a weird sexual situation. But I'm still dreaming--I wake again to find I'm in an even weirder sexual situation. But I'm still... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, (ANTI?)ROMANTICISM |
TRITONIAN FOXTAUR U.: by Wayan; 2016/9/10, a wish-fulfilling dream set on Triton |
I'm an exchange student at the Solar System's best university for the magic arts; my classmates are methane-breathing foxtaurs... |
THE TROUBLE WITH TUBAS: dreamed 1997/7/1 by Wayan; song composed in a dream
Improv singing with my friend Mark, this bizarre songlet popped out: "It's my understanding you shouldn't make love to a tuuubaaaa." Silly, but when I woke, I realized I sorta had been... |
TROUT BECK by Nancy Price; summer 1933, an aerial comic dream-epic |
I'm carried off by a crane to meet birdfish, singing sheep, fell-spirits, mad shopkeepers and devil-bulls... |
TRUE LOVE = CHOICE! by Ms. Mira; Jan. 2008, a dream-lesson on compassion and free will. |
I'm on an alien world inside the minds of two women and a child struggling with moral choices in a civil war... CAUTION: DEATH, LOSS |
TRUMP ON THE RUN: by Wayan; 1990/3/8, a suspiciously predictive dream |
The manhunt is on for Donald Trump, rich sociopath. But he too is pursuing something: happiness... |
THE TRUMPETER: by John Hollander, Dec. 1971 or Jan. '72, a (self-aware?) hypnogogic dream |
In the border-mountains, there is a Trumpeter. His clear, triadic melodies break out through the frosty air, or through the swirling mists. No one knows whether the Trumpeter is theirs or ours... |
TRUMPOCALYPSE UNDERLING: by Wayan, 2020/5/3, a reality-based nightmare |
Donald Trump is Satan. I'm just a low-level devil, under his thumb. I feel helpless to stop his businesslike plans for the Apocalypse... CAUTION: POLITICAL RAGE; PREDICTS COVID'S LATER WAVES |
TRUST YOUR CANOE: by Wayan; 2012/8/16, two diagnostic dreamlets |
I ride a magical self-guiding canoe, seeking the right beach and cove for me. Even when the boat climbs hills so I can explore inland, I expect it to fail... |
TRUSTING FOXES: by Wayan; 1997/8/20, 2-page comic of a psychic dream. |
Evicted. Lawsuit. I dream a lawyer sends me a letter full of fox-girls! In East Asia, foxes mean trouble, but these are friendly--good news is coming! I wake to find we've won a home... |
TSUNAMI: by Wayan; 2011/12/31, a feverdream, maybe predictive, definitely prescriptive |
I cling alone to the cliffs of Lands End, so when the tsunami hits, I survive. Had I been in the low, crowded Sunset district I'd be dead... |
TSUNAMI PERSEVERANCE: by Wayan, 2020/1/7, one of twin warning dreams |
We flee a tsunami. Inland. Up a hill. Onto a roof. One by one, the flood plucks us away. Long past hope, I climb a flagpole. As I cling to the very top and the mud rises to my lips... CAUTION: GRIM PREDICTION |
TUBA BEANS: by Wayan; 1996/3/24, a Star Trek dream. |
Changelings invade our orbital station, selling drugs, kidnapping teachers--but Constable Odo can handle that. What's weird are the beans pouring out of that kid's tuba... |
THE TUBA MAN: by Wayan; 1982/7/8, a career-advice dream; watercolor sketch. |
Tuba Man plays from the top of a tower, even when Loveless Man opens fire; for music is life to him... |
TUCCOTINE: by William Archer; 1917/1/14, a tasteful dream. |
The innkeeper insisted I try a strange-looking liqueur, a house specialty called "Tuccotine"... |
TURKEY: by Erin Wagner, fall 1994?, recurring nightmares |
I get painful menstrual cramps, and with them come nightmares of birth. Not always child birth; once it was five kittens. Most recently the baby was human but encased in a Butterball turkey... |
TURNABOUT: by Henry James; 1870s or 80s; a nightmare reversed by sheer courage. |
A night-fiend strove to open the door I held shut between us-- until I realized I too was terrible, and opened it to find a great... CAUTION: THE DREADED PROSE OF HENRY JAMES |
TURNER'S RECURRING DREAMS: by Jack Turner, 1991-2, a set of genderbent grief dreams |
After my mother died, I dreamed I was a girl living after the Apocalypse. I rode my elk past cars full of corpses, saw friends die, and never could find a single fertile mate... |
TURNOVIA: by Wayan; 14 illus, 2003/4/18, a Planetocopia sculpture/photoessay/travelog. |
Turn a globe upside down. All Earth's winds and currents reverse; wet coasts turn dry, dry turn wet; ice caps shift, sea levels change... |
TURTLE HARANGUE: by Wayan; 1997/1/29, a warning dream. |
A man mocks a turtle he caught, calling it "inept"--he knows adept turtles, then? I distract this fisherman-ranter while the turtle quietly tiptoes... |
TURTLE BOATS: by Yi Sun-shin; 1592, a nation-saving dream. |
Japanese fleets invaded Korea. Admiral Yi dreamt of a giant turtle: no weapon pierced its shell, and it spouted smoke. Yi built his nightmare turtle, and defeated the invaders in battle after battle... |
MY TUTELARY UNCLE: by Wayan; 1993/5/28, a shamanic dream. |
I'm half Anglo, half Kwakiutl. My uncle the shaman died, but he still wants to teach me his medicine... |
TUTUCHMAN: by Wayan; 1994/4/11; book-inspired digital sketch |
I read Barbara Tuchman's history of the American Revolution and had to paint this portrait of George... CAUTION: TRANSVESTITE PRESIDENTIAL ICONOGRAPHY |
TV DEVIL FLU: by Wayan; 1994/10/24, a comic nightmare hiding useful advice. |
A "friend" gives me her TV. No wonder! Turns out it's haunted by a small-minded devil who cheats on all his deals... |
TWAIN'S BROTHER: by Mark Twain, early May 1858, a premonitory nightmare. |
My brother Henry lay in a metal casket. He wore a suit of mine. On his breast were white roses, with one red at the centre. A few days later, the boilers of the riverboat Henry worked on exploded... |
THE 1200-STEP PROGRAM: by Wayan; 1987/12/17, an illustrated dreamtale. |
I'm climbing a tower, as my dad, Apollo, drunk, throws bottles at me from the top, breaking bones... CAUTION: DENIAL ABOUT ALCOHOLISM |
12 SWALLOWS, 700 DAUGHTERS: by Wayan; 1972/10/14, a dream poem on compassion; Dreamverse #5 |
Alchemy demands I kill ten swallows. I refuse! Instead, twelve birds and I fuse and fly over a magic wood... |
24 FRAMES A MINUTE: by Wayan, 2023/3/16, an undream comix improv |
Twenty-four panels of improvised comics in unerasable ink, letting the shapes and themes in each panel suggest the next... |
TWENTY OF ME: by Robert MacNish; before 1830. A dream of multiplicity. |
I possessed ubiquity: twenty of me, and each possessed by my same soul, so I could not say who I inhabited... |
TWENTY-SIX LETTERS, or, A Complete Summary of Poesy; by Cory & Wayan, early Aug. 1992; a haiku slam | You get 26 dice with letters on every face. Roll them all. Your haiku must use every letter. Go! |
TWILIGHT ANIMA RISING: by Mardi Storm, 2005, a dream leading to artistic defiance | I dreamed of a unicorn rearing in the desert. I wanted to sculpt it and applied to Burning Man but was rejected. So I sculpted the unicorn anyway, out of playa mud. It was a hit... |
TWILIGHT'S OVAL GAME: by Wayan; 2017/10/4, three dreams arguing "Friendship is Magic"--literal magic. |
1: I failed to save a magic tree. It fell and killed someone. I'm racked with guilt... 2: A giant pinball game on a tilted oval relief-map. But you can only win as a team of six friends... 3: A Caribbean girl with a weird aura tries to align two magic crystals to heal herself... CAUTION: BREASTS, MY LITTLE PONY AS ROLEMODEL |
TWIN GODDESSES, or, LOGA-SHANA: by Patricia Garfield, 1980/12/26, a self-flagging psychic dream |
DREAM: at a dreamgroup, I tell a predictive dream that my artist friend's front tooth will get infected. Then we all chant "Loga-Shana!" THREE WEEKS LATER: my artist friend's front tooth gets a serious abcess... CAUTION: WILL TROUBLE E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
TWISTED!: by Wayan; 2003/6/23, 18 images; a nondream experiment |
I twirled pinups into surreal not-quite-abstracts, to see just how twisted sex could get... CAUTION: NAKED PRETZELS |
TWO BISHOP APPLICANTS: by Wayan; 1984/11/21, a surreal but mercilessly logical dream. |
My mind and my soul both apply for a job in Stanford Cathedral. Their rivalry grows to a shamanic duel... |
TWO CENTURIES OF PROGRESS: by Edwin Muir; 1938-9, two dreams and an extraordinary mini-essay |
Yesterday, Hitler marched into town. I was born before the Industrial Revolution, and am now about 200 years old... |
TWO CHILDREN MENACED BY A NIGHTINGALE: by Max Ernst, an 1897 feverdream |
As a child sick in bed, Max had a fever dream that the shapes in the knots and grain in a wooden panel were children terrorized by a bird. Adult, he assembled a sort-of-painting... |
TWO DEATH NOTICES: by Vladimir Nabokov; 1939/6/9 & Oct. 1945, two apparently predictive dreamlets |
Khodasevich (1939): I dreamt a call announced my friend was dead. Really he was still alive--but not for long... Sergey (1945): My brother died in January but the news took months to reach us. Just before it did, I dreamed... |
TWO DRUNKS: by Wayan, 1995/10/26, nondream fantasy; color pencil. |
A tribute to Hokusai's sketches. A crane and a fairy were out drinking, and now can't fly home... |
TWO-FACED LAPIS AND THE MOTHER: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 1992/7/6, a distractable dream |
I'm shown a mysterious two-faced carving; I shush loud people disturbing my therapy; I'm told of a documentary on the archetypal mother... |
TWO GORILLAS IN THE FIELD: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2008/12/5; painting in the Box of Dreams |
I see two gorillas in the field. One waves at me and approaches. I feel excited but a little scared... |
TWO GUILLOTINES: by Vladimir Nabokov, 1973/1/9, a sustained hypnogogic delusion |
Half awake, Nabokov interprets shadows as guillotines and believes he and his wife will be executed... |
TWO GUITARS: by Marc Ian Barasch, c. 2000; a multileveled psychic dream |
I dream my daughter's selling two unused guitars. They seemed symbolic until I told her the dream and... |
TWO-HEADED BEAST: by Wayan; 1997/7/31, a 5-page Gothic dream-comic (or as illus. text) |
In Castle Frankenstein, will Mary Shelley wed Elmer Fudd? His two-headed monster has marital advice... |
TWO INUIT WERE TALKING: by Wayan; ink 1982, digital color 1998; nondream fantasy. |
Two Inuit talk of sun and moon and birds and little ghosts who sneak up on you... |
TWO PLANES: by Ed Emshwiller, c. 1977, a lucid dream modeling the mind |
I saw a vast transparent plane inscribed with pictograms and symbols. Through it, at an unknown distance, lay a second plane of less clear shapes and colors, but with great mass, depth, and unknown currents... |
TWO PLANES: by Wayan, 1994/9/6, a multistaged psychic dream. |
An assassination plot using two planes triggers an invasion of our kingdom. Flee? Fight? I'm a peaceful hobbit who'd rather be playing Frisbee with the dryads... |
TWO POLLYS: by Lewis Carroll; 1879/5/15, a dream of psychological splitting. |
With no sense of incongruity, I planned to take the child Polly with me to the theatre, to see the grown-up Polly act... |
TWO RESCUES: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, 1836 & '60-66?, early genderbent dreams |
A TAILOR'S APPRENTICE: I become her to fight back against his abuse... DAMSEL ON THE PYRE: I become a girl being burned alive, but get so distracted by my beautiful body I forget to escape until it's too... |
TWO TANKS: by "Anonymous #19"; pre-1963, a small but precise psychic dream |
Two photographic developing tanks disappear. I assumed theft until I dreamt they were in a room I'd never seen, in locker FJA 39... |
TWO WITCHES: by Melissa McClanahan, 2013/9/8, a short painted dream-comic |
Two witches, maiden and crone, ride a flying monster made of two magically fused trolls. But I know somehow that the two are really just aspects of a single powerful sorceress... |
TYPEWRITER: by Kevin King, before 1983, an ink-noir nightmare |
I dreamed my mouth was full of typewriter keys and a typewriter ribbon issued from the back of my head. Joan was hanging out the window by the ribbon. I reached for her, but my hands kept hitting the space bar, and down... |
THE TYRANT'S WIFE: by Wayan; 1980/6/9, a dreamtale. |
In our plot to kill the Tyrant, we used his wife. Or... did she use us? She goes mad, but--she's HAPPY... |
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