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Dreamed 1993/2/17 by Chris Wayan, drawn grayscale 1993, colored and finished 2003.

A puzzling dream, and one I hesitated to include. But the sheer complexity of the pictographic riddle at its heart, a riddle with at least ten possible readings packed into a single short phrase, still fascinates me.

And despite its riddle's ambiguity, the dream held a clear message for spiritual questers and dreamworkers: some dream-secrets aren't just riddles to be cracked, but secrets actively held by formidable, intelligent entities, who can mess with you in very disturbing ways, if you persist in snooping.

Entities who may not give a damn about your interests, or rights, or safety.

Dream: An alien gazebo dispenses codes that act like drugs, transforming people. Dream: An alien gazebo dispenses codes that act like drugs, transforming people. Dream: An alien gazebo dispenses codes that act like drugs, transforming people.


So what does it all add up to? A mystery, still. But one thing's clear:

WARNING! Either I have "alienated" parts, or external, parasitic spirits, that want to remain secret, who can reprogram my unconscious to manipulate my mood, my health, my luck, and my abilities--at LEAST as well as my so-called conscious. Whoever they are, this means trouble!

Yet they can be resisted, and their secrets can be won. And the rewards are transformation, ecstasy, flight...

But it won't be easy.

LISTS AND LINKS: detective dreams - aliens - Dr Who dreams - linguistic dreams - dream riddles - puns in dreams - weird dream machines - rabbits - drugs - flying dreams - birds and bird people - spells and curses - dream-comics - dreamwork - dreams about dreaming - losing my Marbles again - another code-dream: Dreamsuit - another bully, another bell-jar: Gold Eater - more alien artifacts Laced with Terror - another dream inspired by Heinlein's Puppet Masters: Blue Crystals

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