Doctor Who
But in the 1980s, Tom Baker played the Doctor, and his gentler interpretation often appears in my dreams. Tom as the Doctor is a tourist and do-gooder, naive perhaps, tripping over his own scarf, but quite stubborn about injustice. An archetypal geek, the mad scientist with a good heart--two of them, in fact.
If, as I suspect, this Dream Doctor symbolizes pure mind, pure thinking (as Monkey does in Chinese legend) the difference is instructive. Monkey needs taming, he must serve the soul; but the Doctor asserts that clear thinking is inherently moral. That science's values (honest, uncensored, unselfish sharing of knowledge) are a moral technology. That science can solve even intractable social problems. That the monkey of the mind needs no taming.
Idiotically optimistic, eh? Well, remember, I'm American...
RELATED TOPICS: aliens - science and its values - monkeys - time travel - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
BLUE BRAINS: by Wayan, 2017/12/11, a false-waking, self-flagging predictive dream Our brains are really squid stuffed in a skulljar. I wake, see the image on TV. "So it's predictive!" I think. Then I wake to find that too was a dream. "Not predictive!" I think. Until my friend turns on the TV, and... |
THE DOCTOR KILLS A TERN: by Wayan; 1988/9/24. A dream poem, Dreamverse #4 Dr Who kills his best friend, a huge white tern, on a whim. Furious, I demand a rewrite... CAUTION: WANTON MURDER |
DOCTOR WHO AND DEATH: by Wayan; 1984/6/30, a hopeful dream of betrayal. Dr Who, that lovable BBC alien, grows a sappy flower-face and allies with Death. An alarming turn-around! What's he up to? CAUTION: GOOD DOCTOR GOES BAD? |
THE DRESS CODE OF GOD: by Wayan; 1988/6/1, a didactic if shivery dreamlet Dancers in weird costumes from around the world audition for a contest, but the judge lets them all in, from silly to obscene. Next day, on Doctor Who... CAUTION: POSSIBLY PREDICTIVE; CERTAINLY EMBARRASSING |
FUTILITY: by Wayan; 1973/11/23, a time-machine dream. I'm Liza Doolittle on Mars. With Mr. Wells's Time Machine. Lost, in fact. Can I get home? Should I? |
GHOST DOGS: by Wayan; a 1993/4/2 temptation dream done as a 1-page digital comic I meet a wolf who invites me to join Dr Who's pack of sexy Ghost Wolves. Just one catch nobody mentioned. To be a ghost, you have to... CAUTION: FLIRTATIOUS WOLVES |
HER FIRST INCARNATION: by Wayan; 1983/11/10, a dream of a surreal shamanic duel Forced into a duel, I let my spirit fight for me using Boomerang Blades. But my enemy becomes giant floating sticky lips! My spirit finds incarnation confusing... |
JETPACK AND TIGER: by Wayan; 1988/3/17, a nonlucid yet lucidlike shamanic dream. After watching both Star Trek & Doctor Who, I find I'm held prisoner by the Rani and her laser-toting tiger guards. So I meditate--and manifest a jetpack and a laser gun! I never deduced I'm dreaming; it's not lucidity. It's simpler. What have I got to lose? |
POTLATCH SMOKE: by Wayan; 1988/5/10, a shamanic dream-inside-dream 4 levels deep! Refugees flood the spirit worlds! War looms. Wolf, Silky, Dr Who, even the Bug-Goddess of Love are alarmed. I'm just a blonde ditz, but I help inspect realities till we trace the source: a Tlingit potlatch! Why? |
PURE LOVE: by Wayan; 1986/10/9, an epic time-travel dream with ego shifts Two shapeshifters meet, fight and love over the centuries-- and I live out scenes from both their long lives... |
RACK: by Wayan; 2006/4/4; a comic business-bondage dream My friend Chris gets tied up at the office--that’s his job, looking martyred! But when the boss is away... CAUTION: NUDITY |
RHINZL'S SHADOW: by Wayan; dreamed 1984/8/28; two unlikely predictive dreams. DREAMS: 1: I can't afford language classes. 2: A beautyqueen rigs a stargate; I kill monsters & sell their bones... NEXT DAY: I'm asked "Why don't you get a language degree?" I can't afford it! I go home & watch Dr Who... A stunning girl fixes a spacetime portal. Smugglers kill alien monsters & sell their ashes as a drug... CAUTION: VIOLENCE AND CREEPY DISPOSAL OF BODIES |
THE SEA-HAG RIOT: by Wayan; 1989/6/5, a wild dream hiding a warning. Aliens, hypnotherapy, dancing molars, riots, witches, flying pianos, lettuce... yet there is a point. |
SURRENDER DARCY!: by Wayan; 1982/6/14, a dreamtale on pride and prejudice. I'm Doctor Who, being chased by an air-surfer who demands we give up a reserved, proud man named... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
TARDIS GAZEBO: by Wayan; 1993/2/17, a 3-page digital dream-comic Solve a pictographic riddle and you can fly, shapeshift, work magic! But someone doesn't want us solving dream-riddles... |
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