RELATED TOPICS: animal people - other highly intelligent groups: whales and dolphins - ravens and crows - not enough dreams for a parrot list yet, but read Animal Speech - wolves - octopi and squid - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ANIMAL DREAMLETS: by Wayan; 1996/11/20, four dream vignettes A night of gorilla-guerillas, feminist backlash among wolves, and horse-ballerinas, first in chorus lines, then a sexy soloist... |
ANIMAL SPEECH, ANIMAL ESP: by Wayan; 1997/7/31, from Wayan's journal. When you really observe animals in language programs it's obvious WE'RE the dimwits... |
BONOBO AND BEAR: by Wayan, 1999/10/14, a mystic war-dream. The gods of our cave-past and star-future fight over us--using us, of course. After I see the toll it's taking on a bonobo buddy of mine, I decide to bring the war back home, and go gunning for God--BOTH of them... CAUTION: APES AND EXPLOSIVES DON'T MIX |
BUT THAT'S BESTIALITY!: by Wayan; 1994/10/29, an alt-world dream. In a world with a dozen intelligent species, dominated by dinosaurs, I get in trouble for publishing a kinky tale of forbidden mammal love... |
CARDANO'S DREAMS: by Girolamo Cardano, 1521 & 1547/8/15, two confusing oracular dreams 1521: I ask a talking ape how long I'll live. "Four years" he says. "No longer?" "No." 26 years later, I'm still hoping to get truth from dream-figures--two dead guys tell me... CAUTION: JUNGIANS BEHAVING BADLY |
CHIMP FINAL: by Wayan; 1984/5/19, a dream about failure. I'm in school on a chimp scholarship and it's time for my final exam... |
DEAF TO MY SIGNS: by Wayan; 1997/6/17, a wise frustration dreamtale. In a darkened room of deaf women watching a slideshow, I find no one can hear me in either English or Sign... |
(THEIR) DREAM HOUSE: by Wayan; 1986/1/1, a New Year's nightmare. A house with a fire-ghost infestation. Worse than termites! And the ghosts tell me it's all my fault.... |
A DREAM OF HEREDITY: by John Calvin Rezmerski, 1986 or earlier, a shape-poem of a comic nightmare I'm in a tower of men, each son on his father's back, down to a patient overburdened ape. His savanna's full of angry women who can only see him to yell at. Standoff. We can't escape. I wake saying "Ease off, let the ape breathe. Let me down... |
ENTER, NERO!: by Emperor Nero; c. 58 CE, a series of guilty surreal nightmares. After murdering his mother, Nero dreams he's losing control: ships drift, statues chase him, and his own tomb says... |
FAERIE: by Wayan; 1995/7/18 & 95/8/6: two linked dreams of postmodern Faerie, with sketches I'm the daughter of a mortal doctor working in Faerie as it faces social upheaval (and I look for a decent date...) |
FISHERGIRLS: by Wayan; 2.6M, 42 illus.; 1996/7/15; a sexy dream epic. I had an epic dream lasting subjective weeks--a true other life. It wasn't Earth and we weren't human. I was a teenage lemur, sailing with two friends into unknown waters--a rite of passage. One night, my friends curled round me, I saw I didn't WANT to pass the test, be declared a woman, marry, and have pups. I loved my girl friends. In a world lacking the very word, I was groping toward queerdom. Sailing into unknown waters! "Here be dragons," the old maps say. And they were right... 2600K loads slowly? Try it in parts: 1: HOME, 650K, 2: VOYAGE, 1200K, 3: BACK 750K. CAUTION: NUDITY, SEX, QUEER TEEN ANGST, ANTI-FUNDAMENTALISM |
FISHERGIRL IN WATERCOLOR; OVAL: by Wayan; 1996/7/26 pencil & watercolor Leaf and me, on our boat in the lost city, from the epic dream FISHERGIRL. My first sketch of the dream... CAUTION: TRIBAL NUDITY |
GAFTA: by Wayan; 1996/5/9, a pro-sabotage dream. The aliens offer us a Galactic Free Trade Agreement, but my friends and I think it's a disastrous deal... CAUTION: MORAL AMBIGUITY |
THE HOMONKEYLUS: by Wayan; 1992/6/15, a looping dream about blinders. A smiling beauty queen on a float gives birth to a monkey with blinders, then re-absorbs the baby, then... CAUTION: NUDITY AND ODDITY |
IN THE SHADOW OF MAN: by Wayan; 1994/3/4, a dream on how to escape the cage I'm a lab animal who discovers voice software and creates a personal zine, testifying for our rights... |
JADE JACKPOT, or, A HEAP O' CHANGE: by Wayan; 1990/1/7, a dream of shaking down God. I'm slipping dimes into a boulder of jade: a vending machine that fills every order wrong. Why feed it? Well... |
A JOB WELL DONE: by Wayan; 1981/3/2; a dream-farce with a serious warning The tale of a fawn named Fawn and her mom, a bank-robbing hippopotamus... CAUTION: GLAMORIZES THIS ALARMING TREND |
KOKO'S LOSSES: by Wayan; 1999/10/9, an elliptically predictive dream. Koko the gorilla has had some terrible setbacks lately... the double amputation, especially... |
MANDALA DURING A TIME OF WAR AND DISINTEGRATION: by Jenny Badger Sultan; Jan-Feb 2003, painting of a dream-series My dreams were troubled by war. So I painted them in concentric rings--lotus, fire, children, animals, and nightmares... |
MONKEY WITH A GUN: by Wayan; 2010/8/7, a predictive nightmare A monkey who stole a handgun aims at a troopmate and fires, ignorant of the consequences. The next evening I hear gunfire for real, and... |
THE MONKEY'S HEAD: by William S. Burroughs, c. 1990? A dream of wishes gone wild. I find a magical monkey's head. It grants wishes--too many, everyone's, they cancel, they clash, it's a wish-flood... CAUTION: ASSUMES WISHES WORK |
MY PEGASUS: by Regina van der Poel; 2000/6/1, a dream of my Life Painting I free a friend unjustly imprisoned. On the run, we encounter our Life Paintings. Mine is a beautiful pegasus flying. But on its back is a monkey in a red suit... |
NEANDERTHAL EXTINCTION: by Wayan, 2008/7/30, an academic argument turned horribly personal I challenge my teacher's claim human historical patterns are universal. She challenges me by dragging us both back to the Ice Age and... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
PLANET-SCULPTING APE: by "AE" (George Russell); mid-1870s, a childhood characterological dream. On a cloud in space I met an ape molding a model of Earth, glancing at the original far below. We were much alike... |
SASQUATCH FOOTPRINT: by Roswila; May 1996, a dream-poem on the loss of wildness I meet a female Bigfoot, who, to my surprise, quietly speaks my tongue. She's mourning the death of her infant son... |
SHIVERIA: by Wayan; 2002-3, travelog/sculpture/sketches of an alternate Earth I tilted the Earth, and worked out its new ecology--part Mars, part steambath. Visit the Mediterranean Abyss ruled by giant ravens, and Patagonia, ruled by mammoths, and Antarctica's jungles, ruled by lemurs... |
TAG WITH A BOUNTY HUNTER: by "Caradon"; 2010/3/3, a playful lucid dream A bounty hunter stalks me through a jungle, but lucidity turns a potential nightmare to joy... |
TWO GORILLAS IN THE FIELD: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2008/12/5; painting in the Box of Dreams I see two gorillas in the field. One waves at me and approaches. I feel excited but a little scared... |
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