Dreamed 1986/1/1 by Chris Wayan
A friend asks me to inspect their old farmhouse. It's infested with ghosts, and the last time I saw it the front wall was cracked, letting in rain. But they say "We had it repaired and converted to condos. One unit's already sold."
But the buyers report the exorcism didn't take; the ghosts are still there.
When I arrive, it's much worse than my friends said. The whole front end's torn open, and the ground is hollowed out by ghost burrows. The ground crumbles and heaves; ghost-fires are smoldering down there. Great. Termite-ghosts! They're malevolent, they spread like tumors.
They threaten me, and they can back it up with fire.
The yuppies who just bought their dream-home, the upper floor of this "charming old fixer upper", will clearly lose their investment.
The huge Loop Tree in the front yard looks dead now. Was it the source of the infestation?
Even the house next door is probably doomed: the burrows are spreading under it.
I go back to tell my friends, but their group just doesn't want to face facts. They asked me, but can't face the answers!
Of course, one of them IS married to a monkey. Yep. That monkey. The one who covers her eyes. What's her name? See No Evil?
As I try to warn them, the fire-ghosts mock me at the margins of the dream. I get mad and yell "Come out! Come on, face me!" though I really don't want them to. They're terrifying--and quite deadly.
From the house, from the dead tree, from the earth, they come forth--a phalanx of flame.
I shout "Why are you haunting me?"
Not just in this dream. Over and over, these spooks show up. And every dreamworker knows recurring nightmares are a danger sign.
A ghost swoops forward, and says "We have NOT been haunting you, or creating nightmares. You're so strong now, you've been summoning US. You're the master of all these monsters and fears, now."
The weird thing is, the fire-ghost's whispering voice has the sound of truth.
Spooks spreading, in the open, precisely because I can handle them?
Oh, shit. This is progress? Can't we go back to repression or denial or something?
What'll I tell the monkey?
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