World Dream Bank
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- WHAT'S HERE: more than keywords. A dream about trust is on the 'trust' list even if it never uses the word; a dream just containing the word won't be listed.
- IMAGES are fully indexed. A beach scene appears in 'beaches' even if the word is not in its title or its text.
- NAMES (of people, films, books, etc) have their own index.
- PLACES have their own index; a few common ones have sublists: Heaven, Hell, Luna, Mars, space, Middle Earth, London, Paris, New York, LA, San Francisco
- FUNNELING and SPLITTING: Many topics funnel to a shared page. 'lizards', 'crocodiles', and 'reptiles' all go to one page on reptiles. On the other hand snakes now have a sublist, since they were getting numerous. A common topic like death may split several ways: dying in dreams, witnessing death, funerals, or death as a topic, revenants--loved (or hated!) dead returning in a dream, and meeting Death personified (the shortest of the four lists, but not zero!)
- BIG TYPE means a large list--over 100 dreams or so. Not exact, but a rough guide.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
abiku (longing for the spirit world) --
abstract art --
healing from abuse --
acrylic art --
acting --
addiction --
dream advice:
love/sex, &
career/goals --
aging & seniors --
age changes in dreams --
agism (ageism?) & other prejudices --
AI (artificial intelligence) --
air --
alcohol --
my friend Alder --
aliens --
alien planets --
allergies & environmental illness --
alligators --
alter egos --
altered photos & photocollage --
/b>altered states see trance, out-of-body experience, astral plane, hypnogogic images, meditation, drugs, visualization, etc. --
alternate histories --
my big sister Althea --
ambassadors --
ambition --
American Indians --
amnesia --
amphibians --
amputation --
amulets --
anarchy --
androgyny --
androids --
angels & winged people --
anger --
animal intelligence --
animal people (furries) --
animal refuges & shelters --
animal rights & uplift (speeding the evolution of intelligent animals) --
animal sexuality --
animas & dream guides --
animation & anime --
animism (culture & rituals; for practical shamanism see shamans) --
the ankh (Egyptian symbol of life) --
anniversaries --
anonymity --
anorexia --
anthropoids --
anthropomorphic animals (furries) --
antiques & museums --
apes --
apocalyptic dreams --
appliances --
approval --
aquariums, arboretums & zoos --
archeologists --
William Archer --
archery --
architecture --
arctic dreams --
arrogance --
arrows --
ART--dream art in all media --
art: abstract --
art: acrylic --
art: brushwork --
art: crayons --
Art Deco --
art: digital --
art: experiments --
art: felt pen --
art: figure studies --
art: graffiti & tagging --
art: ink drawings --
art: landscapes --
art museums --
Art Nouveau --
art: pastels --
art: pencil drawings --
art: perspective work --
art: portraits & self-portraits --
art: posters blended words & art but not comics/sequential art --
art: round (and oval, & other nonsquarish shapes) --
art: sculpture --
art: sepia ('tanscale') --
art: surrealist --
art: watercolor --
art: woodblock prints --
artificial intelligence --
artists & the arts --
artist's process --
artist's studios --
ascent --
ascetics --
assertiveness --
asteroid strikes --
astral planes --
audio files --
auguries --
auras --
austerity --
authorities & authoritarians --
authors in dreams --
authors OF dreams: dreams listed by dreamer --
autism --
automatic writing & improv art --
autosuggestion & dream induction --
aviaries & zoos --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
babes (cute females. See also hunks) --
babies --
badgers --
baking --
balance --
ballet --
balloons --
bankers --
Marc Ian Barasch --
Barbie dolls & Barbie art --
bars --
baseball --
basins, tubs & pools --
bats --
bathing & washing --
battering & abuse --
beaches --
Peter S. Beagle --
bears --
beards --
the Beats (mostly Jack Kerouac, sorry) --
beauty & ugliness --
beds --
beefcake (cute males. See also babes) --
bees --
beheading --
weird dream beings --
bell curves (math) --
Linda's Naval,
Slaves Don't Dance &
Flannan Preparation --
belonging --
my ghoulish friend Beryl --
bestiality --
bets & dares --
biases --
the Big Bang --
big cats: lions, tigers, pumas, cheetahs... --
big cities --
bikes --
biochemical dreams --
biographical dreams: spanning a whole other life --
bioluminescence --
biotech --
birds, general --
birth --
black holes --
blackmail --
blades & edges --
blimps --
blindness --
blood --
blown opportunity --
blush! embarrassing dreams --
boars --
boats --
bodhisattvas --
body image (& distortions) --
bodywork --
bondage --
bonobos --
books in dreams --
book-inspired dreams (broader) --
books about dreams (bibliography) --
boom! --
boundary-setting --
bow & arrow --
bowls --
brains (high intelligence) --
braaaaains (brain trauma, skulls & heads) --
bravery --
break-ups --
breasts --
breathe! --
breathing underwater --
bridges & crossings --
brothers --
brushwork --
buccaneers --
buckets --
Buddhism --
bugs --
builders --
bulemia & anorexia --
bullies --
bullying conscience --
bureaucrats --
burglary --
buried memories --
business --
business advice --
busses, trucks, cars --
butch & femme --
butterflies & moths --
bye-byes --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
cages --
calderas --
calendars: dreams noting the date --
cameras --
camo, spots & stripes --
cannibals & man-eating monsters --
capitalism & its delights --
cards --
weird dream careers --
career advice --
carpenters --
carrying capacity --
cars --
cartography --
catalog of World Dream Bank art, comix, books & music --
cats & cat people --
cats, big: lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, pumas... --
cauldrons --
caves --
my psychic friend Cecy --
celibacy --
cellphones --
censorship --
centaurs --
centering --
cetaceans --
chakras --
chalices, cups & grails --
charms, amulets & talismans --
charts --
cheesecake (cute females; see also hunks) --
cheetahs --
chemical sensitivity (EI) --
chess --
child prodigies --
children's dreams --
children in dreams --
child sexuality --
chimpanzees --
choice --
choking --
Christianity --
Christmas dreams --
chronic illness or fatigue (CFIDS) --
chronological dreamlist --
chthonic dreams (caves & the underworld) --
churches, temples, holy sites --
circles --
circuses --
cities --
clairvoyant dreams --
social class --
classism & other biases --
cleanup --
cledons (messages for someone not the dreamer) --
climate change --
climbing --
clitoral dreams --
clocks --
clones --
the closet --
clothes --
clouds --
clubs & pubs -
cocks --
codes of honor --
coils & helices --
cold & heat --
collaborative dream art --
collage & altered photos --
collectors, collecting --
college life --
color --
come-ons --
comedy --
comets & comet strikes --
comics & comix --
commemorative dreams (on a certain day) --
communes & co-ops --
communication & language --
community --
compassion --
competition --
compound images (pictures composed of smaller images) --
computers --
computers, sentient --
concentration & focus --
concentration camps --
conformity --
construction & half-built structures --
containers & vessels --
contemplation --
contraception --
contracts & promises --
contributors to the World Dream Bank & their dreams --
conundrums --
cooperation --
co-ops & communes --
cops --
corporations --
corsairs --
corvids --
Cory, a shamanic dreamer --
cosmetics --
cosmic eggs --
cosmology --
cougars --
courage --
courts --
protective coverings --
the Covid-19 pandemic --
cows --
co-workers --
coyotes --
crabs --
cranes & herons --
car & plane crashes --
crayfish --
crayon drawings --
crazy people --
creationism --
creativity --
dream creatures --
crime --
crippling & amputation --
criticism (reviews) --
criticism (nagging) --
crocodiles --
cross-cultural dreams --
cross-gender dreams --
cross-species dreams --
crosses --
crossings & bridges --
crosstime travel --
crows --
crudity & courtesy --
crusaders & fanatics --
crustaceans --
crying --
cryptomnesia --
crystals & crystal balls --
cults --
cunts --
cups, basins & pools --
curses & other spells --
cyborgs --
A - B - C - D
- E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
dads --
dance --
Daoism --
dares --
dreams by date --
dating --
dating advice --
my friend Dawn Z., artist & dreamer --
daydreams --
special days --
day & night --
the dead (visits from) --
deadlines --
deafness --
death in general --
death (experienced in the dream) --
Death personified --
death wishes: --
decisions --
my fellow shaman, Dee --
deer --
definitions --
deformity --
Delaney, Gayle --
delusions --
demigods --
demons --
denial --
dentists --
depression --
descent & ascent --
deserts & oases --
detectives --
developers --
devices --
devils --
diagnostic dreams --
Dickinson, Emily --
digital art --
dinosaurs --
diplomats --
direct action --
dirigibles --
disabilities --
disasters --
weird dream diseases --
diseases: AIDS --
chronic & recurring illness --
disguises & masks --
divinations (see also Tarot) --
divorces --
doctors --
Doctor Who --
dogs & dog people --
dolphins --
dolls, figurines, statues --
dolls come to life --
doors between worlds --
doppelgangers (doubles) --
doubts --
downloadable dream-music --
dragonflies --
dragons --
drama --
dreams by author --
weird dream beings --
dream incubation or induction (proposing a dream-topic) --
dream research --
dreaming personified --
dreams about (or analyzing) dreams! --
dreams within dreams --
dream poetry --
Dream Scene Magazine --
dream songs --
Dreamtales (series of digital dream-comix) --
Dreamtales: The Gif Series (early dream-comix) --
Dreamtoons --
Dreamverses (a cycle of dream-poems) --
dreamwork in general --
Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly --
dreamworlds (a consistent, episodic second life)--
driving --
drowning --
drugs --
Druidism --
dryads --
dualism --
duels --
dumb dreams --
duty --
dwarfs --
dying in dreams --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
eagles --
early works (art, writing etc as a kid) --
earthquakes --
ecological crashes --
ecology in general --
economics --
ecstasy (non-chemical) --
ECT (shock therapy) --
Eden --
eels --
eggs --
egrets --
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome --
EI (environmental illness) --
elders / seniors --
electrocution --
electromagnetic fields --
elementals --
elephants --
elves --
embarrassment --
emotions: see anger, grief, fear, guilt, shame & embarrassment, envy, humor, playfulness, sex, love, joy --
empathy --
endless stairs --
the endocrine system --
energy --
energy beings --
energy bodies & auras --
enlightenment? Third eyes, at least --
the environment --
environmental illness (EI) --
envy --
epic dreams --
episodic dreams --
equinoxes --
equipment --
ermines & other mustelids --
errors --
eruptions --
ESP (examples) --
ESP (as an issue) --
essays & rants --
esthetics --
ethics --
evangelists & fanatics --
evil --
evolution --
ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends --
exclusion --
exercise and sports --
exhaustion --
exhibitionism & dreams of public nudity --
ex-husbands --
ex-lovers --
exorcisms --
experiencing death in dreams --
experiments & lab research --
experimental art --
expertise --
exploitive sex & prostitution --
explosions --
ex-spouses --
extinction --
extremism --
ex-wives --
eyes --
third eyes! --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
faces & heads --
factories & workshops --
fairies --
fairness --
fairs --
falling dreams --
fallout & nukes --
false waking or dreams in dreams --
family dynamics & values --
famine --
fanatics --
Ann Faraday --
farce --
farewells --
farms --
Fascists --
fashion --
fast and slow --
fasting --
my father, Jerry --
fathers (see also parenting) --
fatigue --
fauns --
fear --
felt pen art --
feminism --
femme vs. butch --
feral kids --
fertility --
field effects (from magnets to gravity wells) --
figure studies & studio sketches --
figure-field confusion --
figurines --
figurines come to life --
film --
financial dreams --
financial-advice dreams --
fire --
First Person: the Dream Issue --
fish --
flamingos --
flirting --
flood -- extra/hidden
floors in your home --
flowers --
flying --
flying saucers --
focus (concentration) --
fog --
food --
football --
forests --
fountains --
four elements: air --
four elements: fire --
four elements: water --
four elements: earth --
four Jungian functions --
foxes & fox people --
fractality --
Frankenstein creations --
free speech & censorship --
freedom --
Freud, Sigmund --
Freudian slips -
friendship --
frogs --
fruits --
frustration --
fundamentalists & fanatics --
funerals --
fungi --
funnels --
funny dreams --
the Furies --
furries (animal people--not all of them furry!) --
furry babes & hunks --
furry sex dreams --
fury --
the future --
future shock: The Wheel & The Great Wave --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
games (see also sports) --
gameshows (TV) --
gates between worlds --
Gaussian distributions (math) --
gay sex (see also lesbian sex) --
gay men --
gender issues in general --
gender-bent dreams --
gender dysphoria (rejection of the body's gender; spiritual transsexuality) --
gender roles: butch & femme --
generosity --
genes & genetic engineering --
genital dreams --
genius & geniuses --
Gestalt dreams --
ghosts --
ghosts of your past --
giants --
The Gif Series (early dream-comix) --
giftedness --
gifts & giving --
giraffes --
glass --
global warming --
go-betweens --
Go (the game) --
goals --
goats --
God (the patriarchal one) --
Goddess worship --
various gods & goddesses
(see also Hinduism, Wicca, etc.) --
golf --
good & evil --
good-byes & partings --
gorillas --
Goth dreams (longing for the spirit world) --
GPS --
graffiti --
grails & chalices --
The Grand Tour (dreams set on each planet in the Solar System) --
grasslands --
gravity wells --
greenhouse effect --
grief --
griffins --
group minds --
group sex --
gryphons --
guards & guardians --
guides --
guilt --
guilt tripping & nagging --
guitars --
guns --
gyms --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
habit --
Hades --
haiku --
hair & hairstyles --
Halloween --
hallucinations --
hands & handlessness --
happiness --
hares & rabbits --
harps --
Harpies --
Harry Potter --
haste & patience --
hatred --
hawks --
heads & faces --
healing springs & pools --
healing from abuse --
health advice in dreams --
healthcare & doctors --
hearing range & testing --
a href="../2/2PARADIS.HTM">Heaven --
heirlooms --
the Heisenberg principle & observer effects --
helicopters --
helices (helixes) --
Hell --
help --
helplessness --
heritages --
hermaphrodites --
hermits --
herons --
hidden rooms, passages, floors, wings --
hierarchy --
high school --
hijackers --
Hinduism --
hippie roots (effects of a radical childhood) --
hippos & hogs (wait, are they related? Too late...) --
historical dreams: set in the past --
Hitler --
hive minds --
hobbits --
Hogwarts --
holidays & dreams linked to dates (New Year, solstices etc) --
holy/sacred sites & structures --
home --
homelessness --
hominids --
homophobia --
homosexuals (men) --
homosexuals (men) sexuality --
homosexuals (women) --
homosexuals (women) sexuality --
honesty --
codes of honor --
hormones & transmitters --
horses (see also centaurs, pegasi, & unicorns) --
hostages --
hostility --
hot & cold --
hot boys --
hot girls --
hot monsters --
hotsprings --
houses --
hue --
my uncle Hugh --
humor --
hunches & urges --
hunger --
hunks (cute males; see also babes) --
hunted! --
hurry up! --
hypnogogic images (quasi-dreams while half-asleep) --
hypnosis & trances --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
I'm Just Not Myself Today! (the dreamer transformed) --
I the dreamer transform inside the dream --
the IASD (Int'l Assoc. for the Study of Dreams) --
ice & snow --
the Id --
identity changes in dreams --
idols & ikons --
illness --
illusions & delusions --
illusionists (stage magicians) --
imagination & imagery --
impatience --
improv & automatic writing -- Improv comics:
Wing It!,
24 Frames a Minute --
impulses --
incest --
incubation (suggesting a dream-topic) --
Indians (Native Americans) --
individuality --
induction (suggesting a dream-topic) --
infinity --
inheritance --
initial dreams in dreamwork or therapy --
initiations & ordeals --
initiative & passivity --
ink art --
insanity --
"installment" (episodic) dreams --
instinct --
instruments --
integration --
intelligence --
the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) --
the Internet --
intersexuality --
interviews with dream beings --
intuitions & hunches --
invasive medicine (surgery, shock, chemo etc.) --
inventors & inventions --
investment-advice dreams --
invisibility --
invocation --
IQ & intelligence --
Islam --
islands --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
jails & prisons --
my friend Jamie --
jealousy --
Jerry, my dad --
Jesus --
Jews --
jihads & general fanaticism --
job-related dreams --
weird dream jobs --
joy --
The JPEG Series (digital dream-comix) --
Judaism --
judges --
jumping to conclusions --
Carl Jung --
Jungian dreams --
Jungian shadow figures --
jungles --
junkyards --
justice --
juvenilia (first works) --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
kangaroos --
Kerouac & the Beats --
keys --
kid's dreams (i.e. authors) --
kids in dreams (i.e. subjects) --
kindness --
kings --
Anna Kingsley --
kisses --
kites --
kitsune or fox-people --
knights --
knives --
krelkins --
kundalini --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
L.A. --
lab dreams --
labial dreams --
labyrinths --
lactation --
ladders to the sky --
lamias (snake-people) --
landscapes --
language --
"The Last Unicorn" --
you're late! --
latitude --
lava & magma --
Le Guin, Ursula --
leaders & leadership --
Lean On Me (recurring dream image) --
leather --
legacies --
legs & feet --
leopards --
lesbian life --
lesbian sexuality --
letting go, surrender --
Denise Levertov --
libraries --
Liberty (both the ideal & the character) --
lies & truth --
life-paths --
light --
lightning --
lilies --
lilliputians --
my friend Lily --
linguistic dreams --
lions --
lips --
literary figures in dreams --
living dolls & statues --
lizards --
lobsters --
locks --
logic & math --
London --
loneliness --
loners --
"long pig" --
long-term predictions --
longevity --
longitude --
Los Angeles --
loss of control / runaway situations --
lost opportunities --
loud dreams --
love --
loved ones returning from death --
lucid dreams --
luminescence --
Luna: dreams set on the (often terraformed) Moon --
Lyme disease --
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MP3 sound files --
M.P.D., multiple personality disorder --
machinery --
mad scientists --
madness --
magic & mages --
magical items --
magnetic fields --
maintenance --
make-up --
malice --
malls --
mandalas --
mania & manic depression --
manners & rudeness --
mantas, rays & sharks --
maps --
Mark, a dreamworker --
Mars --
Marcy, my mom --
marsupiality --
masks & disguises --
masochism --
massage --
mastery --
masturbation --
math & logic --
mazes --
McKillip, Patricia (writer) --
Meat is murder! --
the media --
mediators & go-betweens --
medicines --
meditation --
dream collector RL Megroz --
memory & amnesia --
men: see gender, hunks, sexism, dads, gay men --
menageries --
menstruation --
mentors --
meridians --
mermaids --
messages & advice in dreams --
messages for others (not the dreamer) --
messages from the dead --
messiahs --
metabolism --
metamorphosis --
mice --
Middle Earth --
mind-reading inside a dream --
minerals (nutrition) --
ministers --
miracles (see also prayers & wishes) --
my sister Miriel --
mirrors --
misfits --
mist --
mistakes --
models --
molluscs --
money --
money-advice dreams --
monkeys --
monotheism --
monsters --
dreams set on the Moon --
moose --
morality --
mosques, temples, holy/sacred sites --
mothers & parenting --
my mother, Marcy --
moths & butterflies --
motivation --
mountain lions --
mountains --
mourning --
moustache (only 1 so far) --
mouths --
movies --
Edwin Muir --
multiple personalities (MPD) --
the multiverse & alternate timeforks --
museums --
mushrooms & fungi --
dreams of music & musicians --
music (soundfiles) from dreams --
musical instruments --
mustelids (otter/skunk/ermine family) --
mutants & mutations --
mutilation --
My Little Pony --
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nagas (snake people) --
nagging --
naiads --
NAMES of people, films, books, etc --
naming & the power of true names --
Natalian dreams (dreams leaving physical traces) --
Native Americans --
natural catastrophes --
natural laws --
nature & wilderness --
nature spirits --
navel & umbilicus:
Linda's Naval,
Slaves Don't Dance &
Flannan Preparation --
navigation --
Nazis --
necrophilia: Nightmare Transubstantiation --
negativity --
negotiators --
nereids --
nested dreams (dream inside dreams) --
the Net --
neurotransmitters --
NEW STUFF: the most recent dreams uploaded --
New Year's dreams --
New York City --
news media --
newts --
nightmares --
the 9/11 attacks --
nocturnes: night scenes --
noise --
non-dream stories & observations --
nonhuman characters --
nonviolence --
non-Wayan dreams (author index) --
Norse sagas --
nudity in dreams (see also sex & figure studies) --
nukes: nuclear plants, bombs, fallout & waste --
numbers & math --
nurses & nursing as a career --
nursing (breastfeeding) --
nutrition --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
oases & deserts --
oaths & contracts --
observer effects (physics) --
octopi --
officials --
office settings --
old age & elders --
omens --
Only in San Francisco --
Oops! dreams of mistakes --
opportunities wasted --
opportunities grasped --
opposable thumbs --
optics (see also mirrors) --
oracles --
oral sex --
orbiting --
orcas --
ordeals & initiations --
oreads (mountain spirits)--
orgies --
orientation --
orphans --
ostracism (see also voluntary loners) --
other worlds --
otters --
out-of-body experiences --
out of the closet! --
out of control! (runaway dream situations) --
outcasts (see also voluntary loners) --
overpopulation --
owls --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
pacifism --
Paganism --
pails --
pain in dreams --
paintings --
paleontology --
Pan --
pandemics --
parades --
paradise --
parallel worlds --
paralysis --
paranoia & trust issues --
parenting --
pariahs (see also voluntary loners) --
Paris --
parks --
parties & socializing (see also weddings) --
partings & farewells --
passivity & initiative --
past lives --
the past --
pastels --
patience & haste --
peace --
pebbles --
pecking order --
pedophilic dreams --
peeping & voyeurism --
pegasi (flying horses) --
pelts & furs --
pencil art --
penis dreams --
perfectionism --
periods & menstruation --
perseverance & persistence --
personality integration --
personifications of Death --
personifications of Dreaming --
perspective, viewpoint & foreshortening --
pessimism --
phallic symbols --
phobias & fears --
phones --
photocollage & altered photos --
photography --
physical dreams (i.e. leaving physical traces) --
physics & natural laws in dreams--
pianos --
picture-poems (nonlinear mixes of words & art) --
pigs --
pinnipeds --
pinup girls --
pirates --
place-spirits --
Places --
planes & helicopters --
other planets --
plants --
platform changes in dreams (i.e. you're not even carbon!) --
play, playfulness --
poetry telling dreams --
poetry: heard, read or composed inside dreams --
poetry: dreamku (dream haiku) & other short lyrical forms --
shape-poems --
poker --
polar dreams --
politeness & rudeness --
politics --
poltergeists --
POOF! You're a... --
healing pools & springs --
the poor --
popes --
Popeye --
population crashes --
porcupines & hedgehogs --
porpoises --
portals --
portraits --
possession --
post-apocalyptic dreams --
posters (nonlinear mix of words & art) --
Potter, Harry --
pouches --
poverty & wealth --
power of true names --
power --
prairie --
praise --
prayers & wishes --
preachers & priests --
predictive dreams --
predictions, longterm (5+ years) --
pregnancy --
prejudice --
preserves & refuges --
prescriptive dreams --
presidential dreams --
pressure points --
priapic figures: satyrs, fauns, etc --
Nancy Price --
pride --
JB Priestley --
primates --
princesses & princes --
prisons & prisoners --
privacy --
private eyes & detectives --
prizes --
probability-sheaves --
problem-solving dreams: general, health,
work, social, love/sex, &
career/goals --
procrastination --
prodigies --
projections (three different sorts!) --
promises & oaths --
prophecy (long-term predictions) --
prosthetics --
prostitution --
pseudo-psychic dreams --
genuine psychic dreams & experiences --
psychedelic drugs --
psychics in society --
psychodrama --
psychokinesis in dreams --
psychokinesis in waking world --
psychologists --
pubs -
puberty --
Puff the Magic Dragon --
pumas --
puns --
puppets --
purposes --
pussy symbolism --
puzzles & games --
Pygmalion dreams (statues come to life) --
pyramids --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
qi energy --
quakes --
queens --
questions & riddles --
quests --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
rabbits & hares --
Rabid Eye (dream comix) --
raccoons --
races & competitions --
race changes in dreams --
racism --
radical roots (effects of a radical childhood) --
radioactivity --
rage --
railroads --
rain --
rainbows --
rainforests --
rank --
ransoming & kidnapping --
rants & essays --
rape & sexual intimidation --
rare & endangered species --
Rare Bit Fiends (dream comix) --
rats --
ravens --
reality shows (TV) --
rebellions --
rebirth --
recovery from abuse --
recurring dreams --
Red Diaper Babies (children of radicals) --
redwoods --
reflections --
reincarnation --
rejection & ostracism --
religion --
religious leaders --
renunciation --
repairs --
repression --
reptiles (see also dinos & dragons) --
rescues & rescue fantasies --
reserves & refuges --
resistance --
responsibility --
revenants (dead loved ones returning) --
reviews (art, lit, etc.) --
revolutions --
the Rhines (see also ESP) --
dream researcher Sidarta Ribeiro --
the rich --
riddles (see also cledonic dreams) --
right & wrong --
rings --
Rita Wolff, dream-painter --
rites of passage --
rivalry --
robbery --
robots --
rocks --
rodents --
romantic advice -- hidden
rooms -
roses --
round & other nonrectangular dream art --
JK Rowling --
royalty --
rudeness & manners --
ruins & archeological digs
(see also junkyards & buried treasure) --
runaway situations --
runaways --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
sabotage --
sacred springs --
sacred sites in general --
sadness & grief --
sagas --
Samhain /Halloween --
samurai --
Only in San Francisco --
San Jose --
satyrs --
savanna --
scary dreams --
scenic dreams --
school --
science & scientific method (see also lab dreams) --
sculpture --
sculpture, living --
sea dreams --
seals, sea lions --
seasonal dreams --
secret rooms --
secrets & privacy --
self-defense --
self-flagging dreams --
self-image distortion --
self-portraits --
self-righteousness --
self-similar images (composed of smaller images) --
seniors & old age --
sense of taste or smell in dreams --
separation, divorce, & exes --
sepia art (tanscale) --
sex dreams --
sex changes in dreams --
sex, children and --
sex, exploitive --
sex, furry (animal people) --
sex: gay men --
sex: groups --
sex: lesbian --
sex: oral --
sex roles --
sex: trios --
sexism --
sexual advice --
sexy creatures --
Shadow figures --
Shakespearean dreams --
shamanic dreams --
shamanic initiations --
shamans in dreams --
shame & guilt --
shape-poems --
shapeshifters --
shared dreams --
sharks --
Jim Shaw, dream artist --
sheep --
shells --
shiatsu --
Shinto --
ships --
shit --
shock therapy --
shoes --
shopping malls --
showers --
showing off & exhibitionism --
Shroedinger cats --
shyness --
siblings --
sickness --
the Sidhe or Fair Folk --
signs & symbols --
Silicon Valley --
Silky, my spirit wife --
silly dreams --
singles --
sisters --
size matters: giants & little people --
skepticism --
skill --
skin --
skulls, brains, heads --
skunks --
skyjackers --
slackers --
slavery --
sleep & dream research --
Freudian slips -
slowness --
slugs --
smelly dreams --
smoke, smog, fog --
snails --
snakes --
snow country --
social advice --
social issues & sociological dreams --
socializing & parties --
the Solar System (dreams on each planet) --
solitude --
solstices --
dream songs --
sorceresses --
soul-mates --
souls --
sound files --
space --
spears --
speciation --
species changes in dreams --
specism --
spectra --
speed --
spells --
sphinxes --
spiders --
spinning --
spirals --
spirit worlds --
spirits --
sports --
spots & stripes --
spray --
squid --
squirrels --
stairs --
stalkers --
Stanford University --
starships --
Star Trek dreams --
a Star Wars dream --
statues --
statues come to life --
dreams leaving stigmata (physical traces) --
stock-tip dreams --
stones --
stores --
storms --
stream-of-consciousness & improv -
streetcars --
stripes & spots --
stubbornness --
studies --
studio exercises --
subliminal images --
submarines --
submissions to the World Dream Bank, indexed by author --
suburbs --
suicide --
summoning --
the Sun --
suppression --
weird dream surgery --
surrealism --
surrender & letting go --
swans --
Emanuel Swedenborg --
swimming --
swords --
symbols --
symbiotes & symbiosis --
sympathy --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
taboos --
tag (game) --
tag art (graffiti) --
tales of the waking world --
talismans --
talking animals --
tanscale art (sepia) --
Tantra --
Taoism --
Tarot --
taste in dreams --
'taurs, both cen- & others --
teachers --
teamwork --
tears --
technique: art experiments --
teeth --
telekinesis in waking world --
telekinesis inside a dream --
telepathic & shared dreams --
telepathy inside a dream --
telephones --
temperature --
temples, churches, holy/sacred sites --
tennis --
terraforming --
testing --
the art biz --
theater --
theft --
therapy --
third eyes --
threats --
sexual threesomes --
throw-away kids --
tigers --
time forks & loops --
time shortage --
time travel
(past or future) --
timeline of dreams --
tiredness --
toads --
tobacco --
Tolkien & Middle Earth --
tools --
topdogs --
tornadoes --
tortoises --
touch --
towers --
trace minerals --
traffic accidents --
tragedy --
trains --
trance --
transcendent dreams --
the dreamer transforms --
transformation in general
(see also shapeshifters) --
traps & being trapped --
trauma & abuse --
treasure --
trees --
trials --
sexual triangles & triads --
tricksters --
trolleys --
trucks --
true love --
true names --
trust & mistrust --
truth & lies --
tubs --
tuna --
tundra -- hidden
tunnels in your walls --
turtles --
TV --
twelve-step programs --
twins & doubles --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
UFOs (unidentified flying objects) --
ugliness & beauty --
ukiyo-e (Japanese prints) --
Montague Ullman --
ultrasonics --
umbilical cords:
Silver Cord,
Slaves Don't Dance --
my uncle Hugh --
uncollapsed probabilities (in physics & shamanism) --
underdogs --
underwater dreams --
the underworld (caves, not the Mafia) --
undreams --
unicorns --
unidentified flying objects --
unification --
other universes --
university life --
uplift (altering species for their benefit not ours) --
urges & hunches --
Utopia --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
vaginal symbolism --
values & goals: guiding stars --
vampires --
vanity --
vats & strange brewings --
vegans & vegetarians --
vegetables --
vehicles --
veldt --
vessels (cups, bowls, tubs); for ships, see boats --
violence --
virginity --
vision --
visions (hallucinatory) --
visits from the dead --
visual puns --
vitamins --
volcanoes --
vortices --
voyeurism --
vulva symbolism --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
tales of the waking world --
walking on water --
war --
warnings & advice --
warrior codes of honor --
washing --
wasted opportunity --
watches --
water --
watercolors --
waterfalls --
wealth & poverty --
the Web --
weddings --
magical wells --
were-creatures (selkies, werewolves, etc.) --
wet dreams (underwater dreams, okay? If you want sex, go to sex!) --
whales --
whirling --
whirlpools --
Who, Doctor (dreamed courtesy of the BBC) --
Wicca --
wilderness & wildlife preserves --
willpower --
winged horses (pegasi) --
wishes --
witches (warts, curses, silly hats) --
witches (real: pagans & goddess worshipers) --
wizards --
Rita Wolff, dream-painter --
wolves --
women: see gender, sexism, butch & femme, birth & babies, dream moms... --
woodblock prints --
work, work issues, workplaces --
workaholism --
worldhopping --
other worlds --
worms & creepy-crawlies --
writing & writers --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
Xanthe, my friend & fellow dreamworker --
Xmas dreams --
X-rays --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
yiffing sex dreams of animal people --
yin-yang symbol --
You are lunch or will be if you're not careful --
You're not human! --
Your culture changed --
Your identity changed --
Your language changed --
Your race changed --
Your sex changed --
Your species changed --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - numbers
Dawn Z., sculptor, painter & dreamer --
a zebra's date ends badly --
Zen dreams --
zoom! dreams of speed --
zoos & animal preserves --
Zooop, a fellow dreamer --
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Numbers
4 Jungian functions --
9/11 attack --
12-step programs --
World Dream Bank homepage - Art Gallery - Favorites: Shorts, Great Dreams, Art - On dreamwork - Bibliography
Indexes: Subject - Author - Date - Names - Places - Art media/styles
Titles: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - IJ - KL - M - NO - PQ - R - Sa-Sk - Sl-Sz - T - UV - WXYZ
Email: - Catalog of art, books, CDs - Behind the Curtain: FAQs, bio, site map - Kindred sites