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Los Angeles

Dreams about, or set around, greater Los Angeles, which I've interpreted broadly--the whole triangle from Topanga & Malibu east to Riverside & south to Orange County, plus Catalina offshore. Excluded: the long Santa Barbara-Ventura coast, greater San Diego, and the inland desert.

RELATED TOPICS: New York, London, Paris, San Francisco, big-city dreams in general - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.

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ABOVE THE WHITE TOWER: by Wayan; 1990/1/14, a flying sex-change dream of love
Flying in a wild wind, I mate mid-air with an alien, get pregnant, change sex, fight the inlaws...
BILLIE: by Billie's Mom; 1945/1/20, a psychic warning dream
My son Billie, his Navy uniform soaking wet, cried "Oh, Mom--it's so terrible!"
and shrank into a baby again as I held him...
by Wayan; 2002/5/29 - 2004/5/11, a diagnostic, predictive dream-series; Bleeding Heart as comix
A tree-girl moves to Hollywood to make film deals, but jealousy stabs her...
BRADBURY'S DEATH IS A LONELY BUSINESS: by Wayan; 1994/1/12, a book review? Or a life review?
Bradbury's Mars was based on his life in Venice, California. What worlds grow out of my San Francisco?
CAMPION'S WARNING: by Wayan; 1994/6/12, a warning dream--but not warning of what I think.
On the beach, seated at The Piano, director Jane Campion warns
"Avoid Hollywood, they'll snip away at your vision..."
CO-DRIVE: by Wayan; 2008/6/24, a dream of escape... through cross-gender cooperation?
I escape a dark cell, cram with friends into a car and co-drive to LA, steering along with a woman in my lap...
DIPSOMANIA: by Dick in L.A.; pre-1961, a suicide-preventing ghost/voice
I couldn't find Mrs. B and feared she was suicidal. But I heard my late mother say "She's in that hotel..."
DOLPHINS: by Larry Vigon; 2001/8/6; a dream personifying dreams?
The beach. Smoke? No, spray from hundreds of dolphins hunting. I thought
a giant wave was coming in, but it was just a trick of the light through fog...
THE EUCALYPTUS WARNING: by Wayan; 1993/8/6, a punning health-advice dream.
Bad puns link an ecological dream of a forest being murdered by inches, and a dental exam...
FESTIVAL OF THE MOTHERS OF RAIN: by Rachael Dutton, c.1984; a dream-based sculpture group
The whole village welcomed in the Mothers of Rain. An aged deer had visions.
A young mother gave birth. All the creatures and spirits danced...
FILM STARS by Nancy Price; 1948, a surreal predictive/diagnostic dream
I'm a film actress, but the producer isn't happy with my legs, so make-up takes them away to be redone...
A HOBBIT IN L.A.: by Wayan; 1990/1/8, a dream on wishes.
I'm a hobbit woman in Los Angeles, hiding a magic weapon
from Sauron. No, not THAT weapon. The wishing-bucket...
HOT JUNGLE LOINS: by Mary Fleener; 1975, an erotic dream-comic.
I'm in a jungle, making love with various well-endowed spirits...
JOHN SAYS GOODBYE: by Mary Fleener; August 1970 or '71, a comic of a psychic farewell dream.
After a summer apart I dream my friend John and I fly hand in hand. Bliss! Strange, he has long hair and no beard...
MIDNIGHT'S CHILDREN: by Wayan; 1992/9/5-6, a literary/diagnostic dream.
I'm in a tribe of post-Crash kids with psychic powers, trying to keep nukes from rising again...
MOON-STRIPED TIGER PROWLING: by Sylvia Rosen, 1975/6/29; dream poem
The foul old fossil woman had carved and burnt her own flesh in the name of art;
we washed her till she was reborn young. It was my turn next to enter the water...
MY FAVORITE DREAM OF 1991: by Mary Fleener; 1991, a joyful dismemberment dream.
My friend Carol and I are carrots. We crawl out of our vegetable bed
through the kitchen window, and end up happily hot-tubbing in soup...
THE OLD WITCH: by Wayan; 1991/8/1, a dreamtale on abandon.
A Hollywood sex goddess confronts the Ingenue who's supplanting her. Just how far will she go?
ORANGE: by Jim Shaw; c.1994; a wordplay dream?
A coy, giggling giant orange bounces onto a man's bed, trying to seduce him, and...
ORE PIRATES, by Wayan, 2009/5/29; a dream-poem, Dreamverse #45
I'm in a movie version of prehistoric Baja California, mining nuggets that howl,
when pterodactyl-worshiping pirates glide in trying to snatch our ore...
OTTO PREMINGER: by Gayle Delaney; 1972 or '73, a dream on dreamwork!
I DREAM I'm in the mansion of my favorite film producer, Otto Preminger. Then I learn it's my home!
I WAKE realizing I'm the producer of my dreams--not some impersonal, instinctive Unconscious...
THE POLYGAMOUS PILOT: by Wayan; 1990/9/25, an unlikely predictive dream.
My friend the Polygamous Pilot is up in an ice-storm, hanging powerlines on the sky, when...
SHARKBIT AND WARY: by Wayan; 2017/11/17, a dream explaining my own social caution
At the beach, I see a swim team wading in. One girl teases a laggard wader,
not seeing her huge scar. She says "I won't swim till the shark-risk is mapped"...
SHE LIVES TO 140: by Wayan; 2017/7/13, a dreamlet urging crankiness
I meet a 140-year-old hermit in her black chadoor,
skateboarding down a hill near her sacred dream-spring...
SWIMMING IN VAN GOGH'S OCEAN: by Amandaclay; c.2011/12/9, a dream of love & beauty
On a cruise to Catalina Island, I find friends, a boyfriend and a magical sea of color...
SYBIL SUE FLANNERY: by Wayan, 1986/10/29, a dream noir.
I'm Sybil Sue, a hard-boiled shapeshifting shamus, on the track
of the most wanted bankrobbers in LA: the Bad Girls...
THROUGH THE WIRES: by Wayan; 2007/9/16, two surreal contrasting dreams
I meet some alien wolves, and see the social scene as they do--pack, status issues. But then...
I cross a pasture & slip thru a barbwire fence, as I explain cows, wires & organic life to an energy-being...
AN UNEXPECTED MOVE: by Wayan; 1998/12/17, a peripatetic dreamtale.
In the Los Angeles ruins, a wizard-gang jumps us. Desperate, I try a crazy un-Angeleno move: I use my feet...
WALL TO WALL WATER: by Larry Vigon; 2003/3/18; a surreal, beautiful dreamlet
The home we were to stay in was on fire. The next had a living room
that was shallow water, wall to wall, where turquoise fish swam...
WERE-TROUT: by Wayan; 1997/8/2, a dating-advisory dream.
I'm a one-legged hopping hermit in the ruins of LA, and my only hope
for love is to conjure up a girl out of a trout and a puppy...
WHODUNIT? AND WHAT DID THEY DO?: by Derek Gullino, late 70s? Five nightmares, five years old
1: Dad picks up Bigfoot; he bites off my ear. 2: Dad abandons me in a canyon full of wolves. 3: The man who
killed my family hands me his ax. 4: Bees move into my pillow. 5: A marionette with razor-nails lures me close...

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