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Otto Preminger

Dreamed by Gayle Delaney, 1972 or '73

It was a beautiful night. The stars glittered excitingly in a navy blue satin sky. Oh, those stars! They twinkled with the spirit of an Irish Setter wagging his tail with joy at the return of his master. Here I was, in Hollywood. I felt welcome and happy and full of expectations that something good was about to happen.

The next thing I knew, I was being led into the spectacular home of Otto Preminger. I had never seen it before. Now, as I sat in the main living room, I savored its beauty. The room was decorated in the best art deco style. There were circular mirrors, palm trees, and blue silks covering great furniture forms. Everything was designed with symmetry and yet surprise. I was surrounded by luxurious and brilliant design reminiscent of some Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movie set.

I awaited the entrance of the great movie producer. What would he say to me? Why was I invited to come here? Would he say, "I want to make you a star"? Would I be able at last to ice-skate and dance my heart out in the movies? I kept waiting for Mr. Preminger to walk into the room. I waited, and waited... and waited.

Slowly, slowly, I began to realize that this marvelous house belonged to me! Somehow Otto Preminger's house was mine!

Upon awakening, I understood the dream in a flash. Otto Preminger is, to me, the greatest of movie producers. That his house was really mine meant that I was the Otto Preminger of my own dream productions. For some time, I had accepted the belief that my dreams were productions of some mysterious forces from unknown worlds of instincts, archetypes, and myths. I called these dream-making forces "my" unconscious. But to tell the truth, some dreams seemed so strange that, as far as I was concerned, they could have come from anybody's unconscious. I had the feeling that dreams were sent to us by the gods or by some agent or part of ourselves that was very wise but often very strange and inscrutable...

In the weeks that followed my Preminger dream, I found that, when I reminded myself that I was the producer of my own dreams and that I had chosen the script, the setting, and the actors, and had directed and organized the whole dream show, the lights went on! Almost all my dreams and their meanings became much more accessible to me... when I worked under the assumption that I produced a dream with great care and skill in order to get a message across to my waking self...

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney, (1996) p.3-5. Date: 1981 reprint of '79 ed. says it was six years ago; '96 reprint of '88 ed. says 15 years ago.

LISTS AND LINKS: nocturnes - greater LA - house & home - beauty - color - dreams personified (or housified) - dreams about dreaming - dreamwork in general - more Gayle Delaney

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