Gayle Delaney
Gayle Delaney has written several good books on dreams: Living Your Dreams (1979, rev. 1988) is a course in practical dreamwork; in reaction to Freud's and Jung's ideological excesses, she repeatedly warns against "leading the witness". Her cautious, respectful techniques are equally usable in solo work, one-on-one therapy or group workshops. As a therapist, she focuses on problem-solving more than creativity or spirituality (or sheer appreciation of dream experience for its own sake, as life or as art) though she doesn't totally ignore these dimensions.
Her Sexual Dreams (1994) is interesting if not comprehensive; the chapter on the dreams of the sexually abused is powerful and recommended; but in my view she's not serious enough about dreams like Rabid Dogs, on sexist, battering or rage-filled men. Sometimes you don't need better communication; you need to get the hell out while your skin is whole.
I haven't yet read her third book, Breakthrough Dreaming.
RELATED TOPICS: therapy & dreamwork for therapy - Freud - Jung - Montague Ullman - Ann Faraday - Mark Ian Barasch - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
BE FIERCE OR DIE: by Gayle Delaney, between 1982 & '87, a business warning dream I had to negotiate a salary for hosting a radio show. I'd never done such a thing. I asked my dreams. I was shown a land of ruthless warriors with a bushido code. So I went in tough, stayed tough, and... |
CLASSICAL BIRDS: by Anonymous #58, 1979 or before, as told by Gayle Delaney; a wish-granted dream I was tired and sad and mired in routine. I asked for a dream to restore my soul. I found myself under a tree as a chorus of gorgeous birds sang classical music... |
DANCING REDWOODS: by Gayle Delaney, 1973 or 74, an incubated dream My fiancé and I got along impossibly well. I asked my dreams "Can this last?" I dreamed we were two redwoods, happy next to one another for centuries... |
DARK LORD BATTLE: by Gayle Delaney, 1970 or '71?, a therapist-evaluation dream I had to face the Dark Lord. But my inexperienced therapist was unprepared for the battle--he hadn't even put his shoes on! I told him the dream; he got defensive. I switched to a veteran therapist and got much better feedback... |
DOCTOR OR LOVER? by Norma, as told to Gayle Delaney, 1994 or before; a therapist-inadequacy dream? SITUATION: I was attracted to my prospective therapist. I asked my dreams what to do... DREAM: His wife vanishes. We get in bed. I feel such love I ignore how tiny his penis is... AFTER: In the morning, I decide I'd be wise to work with a different therapist... CAUTION: SEX |
EYEBALL MONSTERS: by Mary Ellen, 1979 or before; a helpful, self-explaining nightmare A gang of young men breaks in. I lure them outside and lock my door. They break in again, and this time they're scaly, tentacled monsters. But I ask why they're here, and to my surprise... |
FATIGUES: by Nicholas, c.1977, a punning diagnostic dream I dreamed I was one of several soldiers about to be executed. I told my girlfriend the dream. She asked "What were you wearing?" and I burst out laughing as I saw the pun: "Fatigues!" |
FLAMES: by John, c. 1973, as told by Gayle Delaney; an induced transcendent dream I asked my dreams if I should leave my alcoholic wife. I dreamt we were conjoined flames, green and blue. I awoke hopeful, and knew I'd stay. For eight months my wife struggled. Now she's been sober five years... |
FORGOTTEN JOB: by Kirsten as told by Gayle Delaney, 1978 or before, recurring guidance dreams I wanted spiritual guidance. A guide appeared regularly in my dreams for months, but then vanished. I incubated a dream, and was told "you have a big job you forgot! Come back when..." |
GARDENIAS: by Laurel and Frank, 1979 or before, shared marital-advice dreams Laurel and Frank each dream the gardenia in their bedroom went neglected & unwatered, but with care is now blooming again... |
GET THE PICTURE? by Barbara, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; a prompting dream I was half-drowning, holding our son up in the pool, while my husband tried to take a photo. I kept gasping "Did you get the picture yet?" but he kept saying "Not yet"... |
GRANDMA: by Eileen and Bill, as told by Gayle Delaney, c.1976, parallel dreams My grandma couldn't drive, but after she died, I dreamt she drove my brother Bill and me around--speeding, in fact. When I told him the dream, he filled in details--he'd dreamt it too! |
THE GREAT DREAM by Victoria, between 1988 & '94, introduced by Gayle Delaney; a sex dream on creativity! My husband's sweet, supportive, but not that attractive. It's my brother (meaning creativity) who gives me oral sex to die for, as my parents quarrel and a chorus chants "Ecstasy, ecstasy"... CAUTION: INCEST |
I SWEAR by Nicholas, as told to Gayle Delaney, c.1988; a milestone dream I was in front of the gods on Mt Olympus or in Valhalla. I was scared, but swore an oath to follow my passions and no longer play it safe... |
MMM, GOOD!: by Sarah, as told to Gayle Delaney, late 1976 or early '77, a predictive dream Should I subscribe to Sundance Community Dream Journal? I dream I find a letter--yellowish paper, cryptic blue lettering, a red margin. I eat it! Best thing I ever tasted. I wake and order that journal. It arrives--and the cover is... |
THE MOTORCYCLE-BOOK: by Alyse and Tim, 1979 or before, complementary dreams ALYSE dreams Tim drives a motorcycle-book up a hill, but she doesn't LIKE riding so fast... TIM dreams a wise woman tested him, but found him unqualified to play teacher to Alyse... |
MUSCLES: by Gayle Delaney and "John", before 1979, simultaneous out-of-body dreams I dreamt I was out of my body. My friend John was too, so I slipped into his to see how it felt. Big lungs, big muscles! When I woke, John told me he'd had a great out-of-body dream and was reluctant to wake... |
MY NEW PASSPORT: by Gayle Delaney, 1972/8/21, a life-changing dream Why does my passport have color photos of me ice skating? I haven't in years. Your passport must show your true face. Should I change it, or do they know me better than... CAUTION: SHAMANIC SYNCHRONICITY |
MY SPLEEN: by Ned, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before, a diagnostic dream-pun DAY: I write, exploring my jealousy toward my wife, though I know she's not cheating on me. DREAM: Doctors remove my spleen and wake it up! Now my spleen is out to do me in... |
OTTO PREMINGER: by Gayle Delaney; 1972 or '73, a dream on dreamwork! I DREAM I'm in the mansion of my favorite film producer, Otto Preminger. Then I learn it's my home! I WAKE realizing I'm the producer of my dreams--not some impersonal, instinctive Unconscious... |
OUT-OF-BODY ROMANCE: by Gayle Delaney, c.1984, apparent telepathy On a trip, lonely, I induced dreams about my fiancé Steve, hoping I could visit him out-of-body. On the one night I succeeded, he abruptly felt my presence while awake... |
OVARIES: by "Ann", as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before, a curative dream Ann faced surgery for inflamed ovaries. She asked her dreams for a second opinion. She was told "there's plenty of time for all this:" swimming, meditation, having a baby, climbing a ladder to her law degree. She woke cured! Her doctor said "you must've been misdiagnosed; you just thought you were in pain." CAUTION: SEXIST GASLIGHTING | ||
PENIS IN A BREADBASKET: by Beverly, 1994 or earlier, as told by Gayle Delaney; a marriage-advice dream Beverly dreamt her party guests all wore masks. What were they hiding? Next she dreamt they passed around a breadbasket. In it was her husband's penis! She woke, asked around, and found he'd had affairs with half their guests... CAUTION: GENITAL SYMBOLISM |
THE QUEEN'S WAR: by Marianna as told by Gayle Delaney, before 1994; 2 daddy's-curse dreams Marianna escaped her bossy dad, only to end up with a bossy countercultural boyfriend. In these two dreams she makes the connection, and faces that she's picking Napoleons... CAUTION: BLOODY BATTLE, BAD SEX |
THE QUICKSTEP: by Gayle Delaney, 1976, a joyful lucid dream I face the Quickstep, the final test for high-level ice dancing. I do well, yet the judges fail me--for trivia. Then I realize I passed this test years ago! These judges are my nitpicking inner critics. I ignore them, and joyfully soar, spin and fly... |
RABID DOGS: by Lila, before 1994 as told by Gayle Delaney; an incubated warning dream I asked my dreams why I had no more sexual desire for my rage-prone boyfriend. I dream a nature show says "Rabid dogs can't be cured" and shows the horrible wounds they inflict... CAUTION: THERAPIST TRIVIALIZES URGENT DREAM-WARNING |
RING OF STARS: by Gayle Delaney, c.1967, a transcendent lucid dream I knew the universe worked perfectly. Its existence was joyous, and I was part of it. This was imageless insight, but to aid recall, I summoned images; I depicted the universe by a flowing circle of stars. And I was one... |
SEXUAL DREAMS: by Felicia, Simone, Anons 60-61 & a UCSC student; 1994 or earlier, as told by Gayle Delaney Five short playful dreams exploring sex. Because too many therapists get in the habit of thinking all dreams must wrestle with unhappiness... |
SHE TOOK MY BALL: by Matt, 1994 or earlier, as told by Gayle Delaney; a sex-advice dream After moving in with Gemina, Matt suddenly had erectile dysfunction. He asked his dreams why. He dreamt he was a kid being bullied by his big sister Cindy... |
TAKEN OVER: by Eileen, Jony & Kim, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; parallel nightmares Eileen rose out of her body. A man dared her "How far away can you go?", then stole her body! Jony and their daughter Kim had nightmares of invasion too; all three woke up shaken... |
TANYA'S DREAMS: by Tanya, as told by Gayle Delaney, Jan 1971-June '72; a set of 6 breakup dreams My friend Tanya tries hard to save her marriage, but in her dreams Isidora Duncan, Carl Jung, even the gods themselves warn her to face their deep incompatibility... |
THE TEMPLE COAT: by Gayle Delaney, fall 1972, a pastlife dream A ship-captain insisted some castoff clothes were mine. They fit. As I put on an elegant coat, I recalled it was made in a past life to disguise me so I could enter a temple excluding women... |
TITANIC: by Nina; 1979 or before, an incubated nightmare I ask how my relationship with Scott was going. That night he asks me to sail on the Titanic. I say "That ship will sink!" but he won't listen. I see a skeleton-baby and know I have even more to lose... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE, UNFIT DAD, ABORTION |
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