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Out-of-Body Romance

Dreamed c.1984 by Gayle Delaney

Twelve years ago, during a three-week ice-skating vacation in Switzerland, I missed my fiancé, Steve, very much. On four different nights, I incubated a dream, asking for a lucid out-of body experience in which I would visit Steve in Califomia. I hoped to assuage the longing in my heart and bring him cheer as well.

After two of the nights I tried this, I had no dream recall at all. On a third night, Steve came to visit me in a happy dream. On the fourth try I had what felt like success.

I had a prelucid dream in which I was hugging Steve and feeling very happy to see him. I suspected that I might be out of my body, but I did not pursue the thought. Steve told me that he was glad to see me, and we talked about how we had missed each other. I awoke refreshed, as though we had just been together.
Steve wrote me that, on that evening at the same time I had been sleeping for two hours in Switzerland, he had a "visitation" from me:
[I was] standing in the kitchen. Then without any precursor, I suddenly felt as if you were really there with me. I talked to you, felt warmed by you, and thanked you for coming.
The only time Steve had this experience of my presence was the same night that I felt I had actually succeeded in visiting him.

We were both less lonely after this experience.

SOURCE: Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney (1996 reprint) p.273-4. Some dates in this ed. reflect 1988 ed., but that'd date this to 1975-76, and it's absent from the '79-81 eds. So I'm assuming this was a 1996 addition.

LISTS AND LINKS: love & loneliness - dream incubation - out-of-body experiences - shared/telepathic dreams - ESP in general - more Gayle Delaney

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