Telepathic and Shared Dreams
Apparent telepathic dreams. Some of these go even further, and are better described as shared dreams--or at least simultaneous dreams set in a shared universe.
I suppose this is glaringly obvious, but... you can't research telepathic dreams alone. Whether it's a formal dream-group or a looser circle of friends or a single soulmate, you have to trust someone with your dreamlife, to compare notes. If you won't tell your dreams, you can't tell if you've, uh, teled!
There's a variant type of telepathic dream listed here--complementary paired dreams. I won't even try to explain these in the abstract: R.D. Laing is a short example, and The Swaffham Tinker is the shaggy-dog archetype for this weird and funny sort of dream-linkage. They're a variant of cledonic dreams, in which the dream sends a message to someone other than the dreamer.
Not listed here: dreams 'merely' featuring telepathy inside the dream--either you or a dream-character communicates mentally. Me, I think experiencing telepathy first-hand is just as fun as flying... but most readers wanted evidence of real-world ESP. So I've stuck to that here, and given telepathy in dreams its own page.
The mere possibility dreams may sometimes be psychic complicates interpretation--already a can of worms! Clearly many dreams are about inner situations and are metaphorical, but if some pick up external information and need to be taken more literally as warnings or prompts, how can you tell? Not easy. But I'd like to propose one sort of dream to look at as potentially psychic: dreams actually mentioning ESP in them. My own dreams mentioning telepathy often do echo what a friend is going through; dreams mentioning prediction or set in the future often do predict something. An infrequent type, but useful: let's call them self-flagging dreams.
RELATED TOPICS: telepathy experienced with dream characters - cledonic dreams (dreams bearing messages meant not for the dreamer) - predictive dreams - psychokinesis - sorry, no separate list for clairvoyance yet! - psychic dreams in general - ESP and society - pseudo-psychic dreams - shamanic dreams - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ALCOHOLIC CAT: by Montague Ullman's patient, 1950/2/24, an eavesdropping dream PATIENT: I dreamt of a dangerous cat and a mixture of cream and booze called 'appealing nausea'... THERAPIST: I heard a lecture on feeding alcohol to cats til they choose milk laced with booze... CAUTION: WILL BOTHER E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
ALIEN GIRL, SACRED PEAKS: by Wayan; dreamed 2005/11/25, two dreams on long-term goals I'm one of a trio of swimmers in a pool, making out--under the surface only. Must we hide? I'm near Shiprock with a flying-saucer girl who sees the nearby crags and far snowy peaks as all the same size and distance... how to teach perspective? CAUTION: SKINNYDIPPING, GROPING |
AVENUE OF TREES: by Anonymous #34; July 1911?, early 1924?, 1934/3/30, & Jan. 1947; four death-omen dreamlets, one predictive Every decade or so, I dream a loved one says farewell and walks down an avenue of trees. I wake to find that person's dying... |
BADGE SLANDER: by Wayan; 1993/4/18, a psychic nightmare. I dream I'm being slandered by the leaders of a dream organization! Turns out it's quite true... |
THE BANKERS' TABLE: by Lily and Wayan; 1991/7/28, parallel/shared/telepathic dreams Lily & Wayan have simultaneous dreams of bizarre quarrels over seating bankers at picnic tables... |
BATMAN'S LOVE: by Wayan; 1996/3/26, a dream-epic of love and time. A New Age graduation party spurs a wild dream of the spiritual odyssey of Catwoman, starring Alexander the Great, Batman, God, and Rumi the poet (played by Frank Zappa)... CAUTION: MORAL RELATIVITY |
BEATING UNCLE FESTER, or, ACHIEVING BILUMIA: by Wayan; 2013/3/31, a stupid telepathic dream I screw the lightbulbs in my ears again, and this time, they stay. I sit down at the piano, and as I play... |
BETTY STOPS BY: by a Kentucky woman pre-1961, a farewell visitation dream? I was moved that Betty came to see my two babies despite her illness, but shocked when her father told me... |
BIGAMIST: by a Carolina waitress; 1945, a telepathic dream A sad, frail, very pregnant woman with dark brown hair told me she was my boyfriend's wife. The next day... |
BILLIE: by Billie's Mom; 1945/1/20, a psychic warning dream My son Billie, his Navy uniform soaking wet, cried "Oh, Mom--it's so terrible!" and shrank into a baby again as I held him... CAUTION: EXPLOSION |
BOOK OF GOLD: by a four-year-old; pre-1961, an apparent telepathic flash A woman urged her friend to give her daughter a musical education. Without hearing this, the child went hunting for... |
BREAD CHESS: by Helen's fiancé; 1930-33, a detailed psychic dream Stalin's police held my fiancée incommunicado. But I dreamt of her prison, cellmate, and the odd game they played... |
BREAK-IN: by Andrea McFarland; 2011/4/21; a psychic warning dream A thief was breaking in. I tried to flee, but my dad got in the way. Woke up, went out to my car, and found... |
CHASM by Nancy Price; 1948, a telepathic nightmare. The scenery's so lovely my mother walks off a cliff! As I wake, a neighbor falls out a high window... |
CHINA AND AMERICA: by Alder and Wayan; 1997/9/23, telepathic dreams. Two giants wrestle in the Chinese mountains. Who'll win, Red or Yellow? But when I wake... |
CLAIRAGONY: by a Philadelphia woman, Aug 1951, a sympathetic heart attack her mind misattributes I had a heart attack--but it faded in minutes! The phone rang. I knew at once my dying mother was gone... |
CLARENCE, GO THIS WAY: by a Michigan mom and son, pre-1961, a shared dream I dreamed I sat high in a pine tree when my son stumbled through the woods, clearly lost. So I called... Meanwhile my son, off at college, dreamed he was lost in a forest when he heard a voice above him call... |
COFFINS: by Beryl and Wayan; 1983/11/5, dark parallel/shared/telepathic dreams
Twin dreams of ghoulish games backstage at a theater. And they anticipated real long-term ghoulishness... CAUTION: SLOW DEATH |
COLOSTRUM FIRST!: by Lily and Wayan; 1998/2/27; a shared dream A dream of exhibitionist girls playing with breast milk turns out not to be symbolic, but psychic... CAUTION: BREASTS |
COMMUTE: by a Massachusetts woman, pre-1961, a recurrent telepathic prompt I pick up my husband at the train station daily, but he never calls--I just know when he arrives... |
CREEPINESS: by Scottopic; 2001/11/30. A hypnogogic nightmare. I'm in bed sleepily petting my cat, when I see my cat across the room! What's on my legs? It's big. My cat chases it off... through the wall? My room is sealed. Where did it come from, where did it go?... |
CRITIC: by Robert Brust; June 1990; a dream reading either the future or another's mind I DREAM I'm discussing art with a critic who's been hard on my paintings. But now he's friendly! TWO HOURS LATER: he calls, interviews me about my new show, then publishes a nice review... |
CUT THROAT: by Dr. Walter Bruce, 1883/12/27; a psychic nightmare I saw one man stalk another. Unprovoked, he cut his throat. I felt I knew him but couldn't see his face... That night, my brother-in-law was brutally murdered in just this fashion, outside a wedding party... CAUTION: GRIM. 19TH-CENTURY GRIM. |
DAWN'S TOILET: by Dawn Z and Wayan; 1999/1/6, two strongly parallel dreams Wayan dreams of surprising Dawn on the toilet while she dreams that flushing away evidence of Foul Play won’t work... |
DIAGNOSTIC BATTERY: by Wayan; 1988/4/20, a nightmare of backstabbing that came true My sister & her new guru tests me psychologically--only it looks like a test to destruction... CAUTION: EMOTIONAL CRUELTY |
DIANE'S TRIANGLE: by Wayan; 1985/10/18, a psychic warning dream. A disturbing dream of my sister and her best friend turns out to be warning me of a sex secret... CAUTION: INCEST TENSION, SURREAL SEX, CHEATING |
DICK, HOW WONDERFUL: by Dick and his mother; 1951-54, shared telepathic hallucinations As a man on shore patrol in Manila is attacked, he and his mother simultaneously see and hear each other... |
DOG OR... KITTY?: by Cory and Wayan, 2019/5/1, shared predictive dreamlets. Wayan dreams of petting an adorable cat-dog. The same night... Cory dreams of meeting an adorable dog-cat. Later that day... At the beach, Cory meets a woman with a dog named... Oh. You guessed. |
DOG THIRST: by Cecy and Wayan; 1991/10/7, shared or telepathic dreamlets CECY: In a desert, a thirsty dog jumps out of a tree--the first known dog suicide... WAYAN: I'm a talking dog. Our owner denies us enough water, so we protest... |
DON'T CRY, IT'S ONLY A DREAM: by a Massachusetts mom; pre-1961, a dream not predictive but telepathic! As soon as I gave birth I had a nightmare my brother would be in a serious auto crash. When I warned my mom... |
DON'T DO THAT, MARION: by Marion; 1947, a two-way telepathic intervention? I planned suicide. Then my friend 1000 miles away said in my ear "Don't do that, Marion." Next day an airmail... SUICIDAL NARRATOR |
DON'T SETTLE FOR HALF: by Wayan; 2010/1/21; an advisory dream about dreaming Struggling to recall a magical dream, I suddenly get a single, simple image. ... |
DOUBLE DREAM: by "Anonymous #23 & 24"; pre-1963, two linked false-predictive dreams Mother & daughter both dream Mum runs over a little girl. Next morning she spots the girl in the road--warned, she swerves. But bystanders see no child... |
DREAM OR REALITY?: by Ben Torter, 1994?, a (subliminal? psychic?) lifesaving nightmare I'm in a small pond. A monster goldfish stalks me. I seem trapped in place, and wake in panic, sheets drenched--to find my pet goldfish gasping on the floor... |
THE DREAM TO LAST YEARS: by Elizabeth Church; 2004? to March 2008; repeated meetings with a guardian--in dreams & out! For five years now I've been dreaming of this guy. Many dreams, same guy... |
EGYPT: by AE (George Russell); 1890s?, a brief telepathic vision I wondered where a friend was, and felt as if I were walking at night near the Sphinx. Months later... |
AN ETHNOHISTORICAL INTERVIEW: by Will & El Nichols, c.1935? ; linked dreams leading to treasure Will and El each dreamed of gold buried under a walnut tree near Tulpehocken. They didn't talk about it, just walked up there and dug. They never said how much they found, but they were rich for the rest of their lives... |
EYES IN THE BLACK SQUARE: by Mark Varitz and Wayan; dreamed 1985/1/14, telepathic or shared dreams WAYAN: I wake deep in the night. From the black square of a curtainless window, eyes are peering in at me... MARK: I wake to find a black square trapdoor in my bedroom ceiling. From the dark above, eyes peer in at me... |
FAMILY STORE: by Mark Ian Barasch's father, c. 2000; a subtly psychic dream healing a family I dream my son the writer's living above our old family store, the one that failed in the Depression... |
FAREWELL, FRIEND: by Lu Yuan Ming, between 386-550 CE; a psychic dream DREAM: Lu's best friend had to go away. They composed poems on the sadness of parting... DAYS LATER: Lu learned that on the night of his dream, his friend had been killed in an uprising... |
FARIBA AND YALDA: by Fariba Bogzaran & her friend Yalda, c.1997, shared/mutual dreams After 18 years of exile, Fariba in a lucid dream visits her old friend Yalda, in an unfamiliar home. That night, Yalda has a lucid dream in which Fariba visits. On waking, each writes to the other... |
FATHER'S COFFIN: by Anonymous #63, 1852/12/31, a timely psychic dream On New Year's Eve, I 'woke' to find my room full of light. A coffin lay on chairs; inside was my father. My watch read 12:40. I woke again. A day later the letter arrived. My father had died at 12:40... |
FIRST LADY: by Alder; 2008/7/2, a possibly psychic dream-within-a-dream. I'm the First Lady. I have a dream that my husband's assassinated, and wake and try to warn him... |
FLAMING LEAVES: by Dr. Adele A. Gleason and John R. Joslyn; 1892/1/26, a shared dream. Adele: alone & scared in a dark wood--but her friend John came & shook a tree; it burst into flame! John, the same night: found Adele scared in a dark wood. Shook a bush & it burst into flame... |
FLEEING KAMPUCHEA: by Laura Lawrence; early 1990s?; recurring nightmares of a future client's life My Cambodian village was burned, my family murdered. At 12, I was the oldest survivor; I led a band of kids to the border... |
FURMAKI: by Wayan & Alder; 2018/11/15, anime-tinged telepathic/shared dreams. We sneak out of the movie to explore Upstairs. My friends hide from the staff in storage nooks for rolls of fake-fur. They turn into kitsune, catgirls & deergirls... |
GARDENIAS: by Laurel and Frank, 1979 or before, shared marital-advice dreams Laurel and Frank each dream the gardenia in their bedroom went neglected & unwatered, but with care is now blooming again... |
GAUZE: by Georges Limbour and Michel Leiris; 1924/7/27, a dream shared for a moment? My friend Georges was sleeping on my couch. I woke to find him fighting free of gauze that tied him to the sofa. As he woke, it faded away. He'd dreamt of it. I'd seen his dream... CAUTION: JUST WEIRD |
THE GHOST IN MIRIEL'S BUG: by Miriel & Wayan; 1985/10/1, an apparently shared dream WAYAN: I dream a transparent ghost steals my sister Miriel's white VW bug... MIRIEL: I dream about a ghost and my old white VW bug that was stolen... CAUTION: E.S.P. CLAIM |
GOSHEN: by Percy Konqobe; 1940s-1960s?, a lifelong recurring psychic dream I hear voices: "The road to success is in Kafkat, in a place called Goshen." I look back, and see seven male shadows... |
GRAMPA GOT AIMED: by Wayan; 1987/6/17, a psychic dream. The girl I love has a family that'll stop at absolutely nothing to destroy us. But I'll fight for love... CAUTION: SEX; EMOTIONAL VIOLENCE; MOLESTATION HISTORY |
GRANDMA: by Eileen and Bill, as told by Gayle Delaney, c.1976, parallel dreams My grandma couldn't drive, but after she died, I dreamt she drove my brother Bill and me around--speeding, in fact. When I told him the dream, he filled in details--he'd dreamt it too! |
GREEN SHOES: by Debbie Ifasi and "C."; late 1988? shared or parallel dreams DEBBIE: I dream of my friend G's new girlfriend C (who I've never met) and tell her "you'll never fill my shoes." C: I dreamed I met Debbie. She wore green shoes, and said "See these shoes, you could never fit into them"... CAUTION: WILL ANNOY E.S.P. DENIERS |
GUARDIAN GHOST: by an Oklahoma girl; 1919, a dream (?) of ghostly advice I dreamed my late stepdad warned me to stand by my mom--she'd be in trouble soon--gossip & blame... |
HE REMARRIED: by an Iowa divorcee; 1907, an unlikely oracular flash My mother's face took on a sudden expression of astonishmendt--possibly agony. She said "Your father is remarrying." I laughed. 'Impossible. He'd have told me. I had a letter from him only a few days ago..." |
HILDA'S DEATH: by Sister Begu, 680/11/17, as told by the Venerable Bede; a clairvoyant dream Hilda, founder of two monasteries, dies in one. Begu, in the other, 13 miles away, dreams Hilda's been taken to heaven. She tells her sisters. Messengers arrive... |
HILL OF FIRE: by Mike and Wayan; 2022/9/10, short parallel dreams MIKE'S DREAM: A volcano erupts. The lava pours into my hotel... WAYAN'S DREAM: Our hill erupts in flame from a gas explosion... |
HIS VISIT HOME: by Anonymous #26 as told to Louisa Rhine; 1924/5/15, a predictive hypnogogic dream I saw my husband come to my bedside, smile, visit our little son in his crib. Then he vanished. But at dawn, my husband, dressed exactly as in my... |
HOP: by Emily Joy, Maddie, and Kathe, 2004/3/31; three linked dreams of a single character Three friends in one bed dream three dreams in one night about a talking rabbit with a persistent request... |
A HUNDRED-FOOT BEAGLE: by Wayan; 2002/3/22, an identity- and gender-bent dreamlet I'm my friend Dawn, at a convention for my job. But I get insulted. I walk out. Lost in endless parking lots, by a dumpster, I make a bizarre wish... CAUTION: APPARENT TELEPATHY |
I GOT OUT: by Wayan; 1992/1/4, a psychic dream drawn as a 9-page digital comic I flee our love triangle when Abe turns mean. He's telepathic, but I have my escape all planned: the goldfish, the snakepit, the caves... CAUTION: THREESOME, SNAKES, MOTORCYCLE FATALITY |
I SEE'D THEY DID: by a Wisconsin 4-year-old; pre-1961, a waking vision (clairvoyant? telepathic?) He asked abruptly "Did Aunt Myrtle and Uncle Charles have a wreck with a train? I see'd they did..." |
ID FLOWERS: by Wayan; 1989/10/8, a dream of wish and fear The villagers warned me not to walk in the alien graveyard; for at night, the Id flowers wake... |
INSTANT SON: by Lily; 2014/9/25, a telepathic dreamlet I dreamt I met my friend Karen, looking like she did years ago... except she was towing around a son about seven years old! And she'd been childless. I called her, and... |
IRENE'S DREAM: parallel (linked?) dreams by "Irene May" and Jack Kerouac, c. Aug 9 1953 IRENE tries to mold Francesca like clay to bring her back to life, and does--for a moment... JACK finds his brother Gerard dead, and all Jack's words can't revive him... |
INVADE GREECE, OR ELSE!: by Xerxes I and his uncle Artabanus; 480 BCE, three linked, deceitful dreams. Xerxes twice dreams a god orders him to attack Greece. So he asks his uncle to dream of the god to confirm... |
JACK IN THE DITCH: by Jack's mom; 1944/6/6, 6/7 & 6/8, three apparently telepathic dreams Jack was a parachutist on D-Day. His mom dreamt of the strafings, the ditch he hid in, the deaths of his comrades... |
JAPANESE RAIL CRASH: by an Air Force wife; 1927, a clairvoyant or telepathic dream The track gave way and many cars fell into the bay. People crawled out of the windows as waves broke on the wreckage... |
JIM'S POWDER: by Helen; pre-1961, a telepathic warning dream I dreamt I was begging Jim not to kill himself, but when I woke, I couldn't bring myself to call. I hardly knew him... CAUTION: GUILT OVER (PREVENTABLE?) DEATH |
JUMP OVERBOARD: by Graham Greene; 1925/12/11, a possibly psychic nightmare. Wednesday night I dreamed I had to jump overboard... that night there was a wreck off the Yorkshire coast in a storm and the captain ordered his men to jump into the sea... |
JUST KNOWING: by a St Louis woman; summer 1934 and 1941/11/20, two very pure ESP experiences I suddenly knew I had to get off the bus and wait for the next. We passed the first bus, on fire... I was at Thanksgiving dinner when I felt my mother dying two thousand miles away... |
KIM SINGS, CAPOTE DIES: by Wayan; 1984/8/27, a murky telepathic dream of secrets A psychic dream revealing my co-worker's secret desire gets tangled with the death of Truman Capote... |
KING OF THE KILN: by Wayan; 1996/11/25, a psychic dream. I dream of a scary king who offers to bake my dreams to strengthen them. Then my friend Mark calls... |
KOLCHEC: by Al Davison (Jan.1977-1978) & Sara Welponer 2000, sketches of a shared dream-figure AL repeatedly drew a bizarre, recurring dream-guide named Kolchec; years later he met SARA, who'd painted her dream-guide, a distinctive spook named--oh, take a guess... CAUTION: WILL DISTURB ESP SKEPTICS |
LADDER OF FEAR by Mike & Wayan, 2021/2/9; parallel dreams MIKE: A reckless friend races up a hazardous ladder. I follow slowly, reluctant, scared. Almost a nightmare... WAYAN: Mike recklessly climbs an outdoor ladder as lightning strikes. Scary! Wait--this dream feels psychic... CAUTION: APPARENT E.S.P. |
LAING: by R.D. Laing; 1983/2/18, two excerpts from a talk on transpersonal dreams. R.D. Laing gives two examples of dream-spillage suggesting it’s not passive but playful... |
LIME FROST by Anonymous #53, Jan. 1957, a short psychic dream I felt dread as I peered out my parents' window into the garden. My dad lay on the frosty grass, dead... |
LINDA'S NAVAL by Linda W & Wayan, 1991/8/16; parallel surreal exhibitionist dreams WAYAN: My housemate Linda shows me her weird navel--and pussy, to compare... LINDA: At Christmas, I run through snowy streets, naked except for earphones... CAUTION: NUDITY & AWFUL DREAM-PUN |
LINSCOTT'S NIGHTMARE: by Steve Linscott, Oct. 1980; jailed for a dream! Linscott dreamt of a murder and woke to find it'd happened down the block. Friends nagged him to tell the dream to the investigators. He did. They tried him for murder... |
LION FATIGUE by Xanthe and Wayan, 1989/8/24; parallel dreams on, well, L.F. Wayan: a mother mountain lion got quantum-entangled with farm animals, exhausting her... Xanthe: my dogs hurt this lion and I had to tend and calm it all night, exhausting ME... |
LOIS THE FLIRT: by a Florida woman; pre-1961, a psychic dream of jealousy My husband was standing against a wall with both arms around this woman's waist, and they were laughing... |
THE MAD DATER: by Mark Varitz and Wayan; 1996/10/29, linked (telepathic?) nightmares. Always ask permission to throw rocks at your date. No, not those big ones! Where's the nearest hospital? CAUTION: SURREAL DATE ABUSE |
MANDALA OF THE EIGHT DREAMERS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2007/9/16, painting of a group's dreams Our dream-group's dreams had a lot of imagery in common: circles, groups, meditation. I fused them into this piece... |
MARCOUX'S DREAMS: by Shirley Marcoux, 75/11/4, 76/4/2, 4/28 & 6/24; & one by Cheryl, 76/4/3 Four apparently psychic dreamlets of a gun in a desk, a guy needing to hide, a canyon with woodpiles & a locked gate, and a blonde girl named Cathy... CAUTION: SMALL DREAMS, LARGE IMPLICATIONS FOR E.S.P. |
THE MEGARA INN: by an Arcadian Greek c.200 BCE; two dreams that don't prevent a murder but do solve it A traveler dreams his friend's attacked, but he ignores it. Next he dreams his friend begs him to at least avenge him... |
MERLOO'S BROTHERS: by Joost Merloo, two apparent psychic nightmares, 1943 and c.1946 Joost Merloo escaped the Nazis, but had two neurologically impaired brothers who couldn't flee. On a troopship, he dreamed the Nazis burst into their ward... |
MIRIEL INTERRUPTUS: by Miriel and Wayan; 1978/9/5 and 1978/9/6; two embarrassing parallel dreams Wayan dreams he and his sister grope toward sex in the kitchen, when two of her friends burst in... Miriel dreams she's having sex with a boy from her choir, when two of her friends burst in... CAUTION: FRUSTRATION, INCEST, CAUGHT IN SEX |
MIRYAM'S THEFT: by Wayan; 1996/9/24, a psychic dream on being used I'm a ghost dwarf in love with a Lady trapped in a magic Arabian castle. But our love is being used... CAUTION: SEX, BETRAYAL, SACRILEGE |
MISCARRIAGE: by John Donne; 1612, a clairvoyant hallucination. Donne, in Paris, was alarmed by a vision of his wife holding a dead baby. At that hour, in England, his wife... |
MOM ON THE WING: by a tail gunner; 1942-45, a lifesaving warning dream I saw my mother standing on the tip of one wing of our plane. She was dressed in white flowing robes and calling my name, warning me of danger... |
MUIR AND BUTLER: by John Muir, August 2-4 1869; an intuition acted on. Sketching on North Dome, thinking only of the glorious Yosemite landscape, I was suddenly possessed by the notion that my friend Professor J. D. Butler was below me in the valley... |
THE MURDERS: by four Wayans! 1971/7/14; a family has simultaneous psychic nightmares. Nearly everyone in my family dreams of a mass murder as it happens nearby. But my dad's sure it's his own evil id, and my mom clams up, and my sister forgets. And me? I doubt the whole thing for ten years, until... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE VIOLENCE |
MUSCLES: by Gayle Delaney and "John", before 1979, simultaneous out-of-body dreams I dreamt I was out of my body. My friend John was too, so I slipped into his to see how it felt. Big lungs, big muscles! When I woke, John told me he'd had a great out-of-body dream and was reluctant to wake... |
MY MOTHER & I: by J.S. & his mother, c.1910?, shared/parallel dreams MY DREAM: I was walking a hilly road, my uncle ahead, my stepdad behind; trying to keep them in sight. My mom appeared and I woke. MY MOTHER'S: the same. She told me hers before I told her mine. She thought it meant my uncle would die first, then me, then... CAUTION: APPARENT TELEPATHY, BUT MISINTERPRETED MEANING |
NAPPING IN PATERSON: by a Paterson mom; pre-1961, a lifesaving intuitive flash I was downtown when I knew I had to hurry home. I found it full of gas. As my husband napped, our two-year-old had turned on all the stove jets... |
NED'S KISS by Ned's mom and sister Ethel; pre-1961, cledonic dreams of a playful revenant I wished I could kiss my son farewell. That week, Ethel called. "I dreamed Ned kissed you, not me! I was hurt. He laughed like anything and kissed me too..." |
NEW BRIGHTON MURDER: by Annie Howie Mudie; 1912/12/20, a sloppy oracular dream Someone said "There's been a murder in the Victoria Hotel, and the murderer slept in your house." Three weeks later... |
NEWS AT ELEVEN: by a widow-in-process; 1948/10/27, a somatized empathic waking nightmare My heart began beating like a sledge hammer. I couldn't imagine what was happening, and got frightened... |
NO STRINGS ATTACHED: by Wayan and Miriel, 2024/9/19; parallel surreal dreams WAYAN: A woman shows me a bizarre instrument she built--but how does it play? Flutes without holes link lutes with no strings! MIRIEL: A woman urges me to play a bizarre instrument with flutelike struts: "Bow it like a cello." But it has no strings to bow... CAUTION: APPARENT TELEPATHIC OR SHARED DREAM |
THE NOTE: by Wayan; 1976/12/31, a psychic nightmare. On New Year's Eve, I dream my college no longer welcomes me. New Year's Day, I wake to find it's true... |
NOT THROES; RECOVERY: by Wayan; 2013/6/1, a telepathic, diagnostic dream In a grassy depression, a small animal is thrashing. Death-throes? No. Calisthenics! But not under the animal's control. Someone's testing... |
THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRACKS by Anonymous #35; summer 1934, a psychic dream The engine pinned a young man under it. A crowd gathered, but no one saw the girl on the far side of the tracks... |
OUT-OF-BODY ROMANCE: by Gayle Delaney, c.1984, apparent telepathy On a trip, lonely, I induced dreams about my fiancé Steve, hoping I could visit him out-of-body. On the one night I succeeded, he abruptly felt my presence while awake... |
PAD ON THE FLOOR: by Cory and Wayan; 2020/9/13, parallel, apparently telepathic dreams. CORY: I'm in a government complex. Tired, but guards harass me. At last they let me nap on a floor pad. WAYAN: I'm in the Student Union. Need to study, but guards harass me. Yet they let my friend sleep on a... CAUTION: APPARENT E.S.P. |
PAT'S WARNING: by Pat, Allen and Gerry; 1947, a ghostlike warning from a living person's unconscious In occupied Germany, Pat flags down two friends just before a truck crash. Except... Pat was in England at the time. She sensed they were in danger, but... |
PIRANDELLO'S BAT: by "Anonymous #22"; pre-1963, an absurd predictive dream I dream of a garden in Italy. Arches, roses. Then a bat flies in! Next day I open a book of Pirandello's plays, to find... |
PONDICHERRY: by Toni Emrich, 1991/6/6, and Margaret Thomas, 1991/7/??, linked asynchronous dreams EMRICH: I'm in a conference center in "Pondecherry", even though it feels nothing like India... THOMAS: A woman picks fruit off a tree by a pond and calls them "pondicherries--with an 'i'"... CAUTION: WILL ANNOY E.S.P. DENIERS |
"POOR MRS TIMMS!": by JD Beresford's 4-year-old son, Jan/Feb 1918 Our son woke in the night crying "Poor Mrs Timms; poor Mrs Timms!" We knew no such woman, but it turned out she lived nearby. That day, her son had died in France... CAUTION: IMPLIES WE'RE TRAINED OUT OF A 6TH SENSE |
PRINCESS LILY: by Dou Xun, as told by Pu Songling; before 1679: recurring psychic dreams, or fiction? Dou dreams he marries Lily; when a monstrous snake attacks her huge family, he reluctantly hosts them all... when he wakes, they turn out to be bees driven from their hive by a (very real) snake... |
PRISONER OF DREAMS: by Margherita Guareschi, c.1951, as told by her husband; episodic dreams Margherita's dreamworld is lonely, empty, endless. She wanders on foot. Her husband gets her a bike, a patch kit, and when she crashes, hears her cry for help--while awake... CAUTION: MARITAL TELEPATHY OR ITALIAN HYPERBOLE? |
A PROPHETIC DREAM: by William Archer; 1921/4/24, a quiet predictive dream naming names. A literary agent proposes a novelization offer from a writer I've barely heard of. Twelve weeks later... |
PSYCHIC FAMILIES ARE SO MUCH FUN: by Wayan; 1980/7/21, a true story of ESP. My sister's avoiding our nosy parents, but I sense they'll run into her soon. I just didn't know HOW soon... |
THE RED SPHERE: by Madeline; 2006/12/13, twin (diagnostic? psychic?) nightmares Calmly, I watch a girl trapped in a lab try to escape, and die; and watch a man lose his head to a hungry thing... CAUTION: GRUESOME |
RONALD'S FORBIDDEN FIELD: by Ronald, patient of Jan Ehrenwald, before 1954, a telepathic dream? DREAM: a distinctive house with a tempting green field by it. But the field's forbidden... DAY: Ronald's analyst had rented that house--but the adjacent field was forbidden... CAUTION: E.S.P. THEORIES |
THE ROWAN: by Graham Greene; 1921, a possibly psychic nightmare. The ship I was on going down in the Irish Sea. It was not till yesterday, looking at an old paper, I saw about the sinking of the Rowan in the Irish sea... |
SALLY: by Sy Montgomery, Jan. 2008?, an apparent dog-telepathy dream I dreamt I was trying to save dying puppies; then a new dog appeared at our door, one I was sure we had to find and adopt. We found Sally, and it turns out, when I dreamt of doomed puppies, she was trapped in a freezing basement, trying to save hers... CAUTION: PET ABUSE; APPARENT CROSS-SPECIES TELEPATHY |
SATANIC LION’S WARNING: by Eldon B.; 2007/1/19, a nightmare with poltergeist activity I fled a demon into a shadowy construction zone where an even worse telepathic lion-devil lured me in with soothing flattery. I woke shaking--and then things in my room began to move... CAUTION: DEMONS, POLTERGEIST PHENOMENA |
SCROLLS: by Chris Wayan 1989/2/17, & Mark Varitz 1989/2/18; parallel dreamlets CHRIS: I find what may be a magic potion, if it has a scroll hidden in the liquid... MARK: I'm underwater. Spirits dance around me, on top of sunken scrolls... |
THE SECURITY GUARD: by Wayan; 1994/12/30, a nightmare on anger. A crazy security guard with a squirt gun full of acid kills freely over and over, for the court system keeps paroling... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
SELF-MADE COW: by Wayan; 2013/4/10, a surreal psychic dream. I'm in Santa Cruz with my friend, a shocking-pink stuffed toy cow with sewed-on accessories: big red lips, a floral wig, and a third eye. I wake, draw the dreamcow--and my sister calls from Santa Cruz to sing me a song about... |
SEVASTOPOL: by Sydney Dobell: 1855/9/8, an apocalyptic, possibly psychic dream A friend scoffed at Biblical talk of the apocalypse, but as we spoke, the evening star came down and burned all our cities. I knew it was no ordinary dream. Next day came the news: the Russians had burned the city of Sevastopol... CAUTION: WAR CRIME |
THE SHADOW OF LIBERTY: by Wayan; 1989/7/8, a comic nightmare, possibly telepathic. My sisters get bored with the game of power, so I watch TV-- until it melts, and a terrifying giant rises to chases me... |
SHAMANIC CHEW-TOY: by Wayan; 2011/3/16; nested dreams of strange women Compulsively honest spirit-women with waterjugs invade my friend's house. I wake to find my girlfriend's obsessing on hair loss. To calm her, I babble about limb loss... and wake again to find she was a dream too. |
SHASTA OCCUPATION: by Wayan; 1996/11/1, a dream of telepathic spill-over. I'm teaching in a wizard's college near Mt Shasta when one astral world decides to occupy another... |
SHIRT GIRL: by Zooop and Wayan; 1993/10/17, a shared, embarrassing telepathic dream. A fictional niece acting sexy in a shirt, plus... water balloons? I woke, and a friend told me HER dream... CAUTION: DREAM INCEST, KIDS WITH GUNS, GENERAL WEIRDNESS |
THE SHOP SPILLED OVER: by AE (George Russell); early 1890s, a telepathic flash Closing my eyes I saw an old man and a red-haired girl in a shop. My workmate was writing home... |
SILENT CRASH: by Vera and Wayan; 1992/8/14, a shared (predictive?) dream. Wayan dreams a jet crashes in dead silence. Meanwhile Vera dreams of being ON a jet that... |
SILKY'S BRIDGE: by Wayan, with brief parallel dream by Liz; 1987/5/7, apparent shared dreams WAYAN: I'm a cat climbing on sea-cliffs. Fear I'll fall. Run into Silky, an archer firing a line across to an islet. Now the Deer People can build their gossamer bridge... LIZ: I was hiking along a trail atop sea-cliffs. But I feared I'd fall... |
SLEAZE: by Cecy and Wayan; 1991/7/28; subtle shared dreams. Wayan: A sleazy brother calls the cops, blaming us for a fire he set... Cecy: A sleazy brother calls in a fire while not even trying to put it out... |
THE SNAKE UNDER SOMEONE'S BED: by Miriel and Wayan, 1978/10/19, shared/telepathic dreamlets Miriel dreams of a green snake under her bed. Meanwhile her brother Wayan dreams of a green poisonous snake under his bed... |
SNAKES AND CENTIPEDES: by Russ Thornton; 2008/11/1, a shared/telepathic dream. Two snakes fight as centipedes emerge from under rocks. I tell my friend. Next day her co-worker tells her the same... |
SOCK PUPPETS OF THE GODS: by Dee and Wayan; 1994/4/14. Parallel shamanic dreams! I dream I'm suicidal; but I'm saved when I'm shown the flow of human development--the same pattern, from souls to civilizations! Eddies and knots recur, but the challenges slowly get more spiritual. NEXT DAY: I learn what my shaman-friend Dee just dreamed. And now I'm unsure whose dream this is... CAUTION: IDEAS |
SUDDEN DEATH: by Cory; 2008/3/1 to 2008/3/14, a series of dreams on a friend’s suicide. I’ve had premonitory dreams of friends’ deaths, but never ones clear enough to spur action... |
THE SWAFFHAM TINKER: by John Chapman and a London shopkeeper; c.1454, two interlocked dreams Chapman dreams he must walk 100 miles to London Bridge; on the bridge, a stranger says "dreams are nonsense! Why, I dreamt of buried treasure 100 miles away, in some town called..." |
TAKEN OVER: by Eileen, Jony & Kim, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; parallel nightmares Eileen rose out of her body. A man dared her "How far away can you go?", then stole her body! Jony and their daughter Kim had nightmares of invasion too; all three woke up shaken... |
TANDEM DREAM IN KATMANDU: by Clancy Cavnar; 1998, two parallel dreams not acted on Two of us meditation students dreamed one night that we were ice skating in Holland, helping each other... |
TED'S DEATH: drawn by Joey Epstein from her aunt's mid-1980s dream; a psychic dream Ted died of CO2 poisoning in Hong Kong. His mom dreamed he came to tell her it was painless. To prove he was real, he told her... |
THREE DREAMS: by Al Davison and two friends, 1985, a shared nightmare I dreamed I checked my neighbor's flat for prowlers; I got shot and fell out a window. The same night my neighbor dreamt she asked me to check her flat, I got shot and fell out a window; the same night her best friend dreamt she came by and saw from street level the gunmen and my fall out the window... CAUTION: VIOLENT ATTACK FROM THREE VIEWPOINTS |
THROUGH THE WIRES: by Wayan; 2007/9/16, two surreal contrasting dreams I meet some alien wolves, and see the social scene as they do--pack, status issues. But then... I cross a pasture & slip thru a barbwire fence, as I explain cows, wires & organic life to an energy-being... |
TIME TO QUIT SWINGING: by Wayan; 2015/2/25, a punning, erotic, cledonic dream In the steampunk world of the Parasol Protectorate, I'm on a swing, fondling four friends who I'm in love with--all four! I won't give any up. Yet it's time to quit swinging... CAUTION: SEX ED CLASS, POLYFIDELITY |
TITANIC IMAGE: by Graham Greene; 1912/4/14?, a child's nightmare as the Titanic sank One image has remained with me for more than sixty years: a man in oilskins bent double under the blow of a great wave... |
TO GET DOWN FROM OUR APARTMENT: by Jack Kerouac, ca. Halloween 1957, a telepathic nightmare? My mom had to climb a ladder down the side of the Empire State Building; I'm told she fell and died... |
TOWARDS BREAK OF DAY: by WB Yeats and Georgie Yeats, Dec. 1918; Simultaneous dreams sharing mood & theme not images. Yeats sees but cannot touch the waterfall he loved so in childhood; Georgie, the magical white stag in King Arthur... |
THE TRAIN: by John Hollander; spring 1974; a poem based on a shared dream A couple slips in and out of sleep, dreams, one another's bodies and dreamworlds, trying to connect... CAUTION: FREUDIAN SYMBOLISM, LITERATE WRITING |
TRESPASSERS IN MALANCHAI: by Hyal; Feb 1996, an epic dream with an apparently psychic intrusion. A maneless lion-boy wins his people’s respect. While training, he sees weird trespassers who seem to be from someone else's dream... and ten years later, he finds that dreamer. |
TWO GUITARS: by Marc Ian Barasch, c. 2000; a multileveled psychic dream I dream my daughter's selling two unused guitars. They seemed symbolic until I told her the dream and... |
VARTENA: by Wayan; 1986/9/9, a psychic nightmare. I'm the referee, or 'Vartena', of a violent high-school game of waterpolo. A friend nearly drowns! Next day... |
THE VERA DREAMS: by Vera and Wayan; 1991/7/25 & 8/3, a set of shared/psychic dreams. I dream my friend Vera's ordered to just study & sleep--no play, no dates. Then I dream Vera works with gangs as an armed peacekeeper. I tell her; Vera's shocked, since... |
WE GO IN PEACE: by Florence; pre-1961, a telepathic dream-report of another's death experience My father-in-law looked me in the eye and said, 'Florence, the Lord is my shepherd and we go in peace'... |
WHAT REALLY HAPPENED: by a Coon Rapids woman, early 1993; a psychic, near-lifesaving dream I dreamed my husband told me he'd been in a car crash and was in a frozen ditch not visible from the road near our house. I woke and called 911 who found him just twenty minutes later... |
WHOSE DREAM IS THIS, ANYWAY?: by Anonymous #25, c.2005, as told by Patti Allen; a cledonic dream A dreamer I know dreamt she was fired by a Mr Bleeden. Baffled her, but made shocking sense to me! My dad... |
WOUND-BARGAIN: by a Marine from New York; 1918/9/12-14, a prediction and possible alteration of the future I was sure I'd be wounded, but dreaded being crippled. So I tried on injuries! I settled on a flesh wound in my left shoulder... |
XANTHE'S TUNNEL: by Xanthe & Wayan; 1999/6/11, two possibly telepathic dreams I'm a dyke playing baseball in Golden Gate Park. Some guys harass us and run into a tunnel. I follow, but... |
ZELIG FLIES: by Wayan, 1984/4/29, a psychic, lucid dream epic. I careen from a sacrificial marriage-altar to the Oracle Harper's secret pool, into the jaws of Leviathan and the joys of lucid flight, shifting from male to female and gay to straight--till I meet the Dragonfly People themselves... CAUTION: STUPID, STUPID SEX CULT! |
ZOOOP'S MAZE: by Zooop and Wayan; 1999/1/21, apparent shared/telepathic dreams. I wander a sunken maze, meet a playful woman, find a hidden treasure. Meanwhile, my friend Zooop... |
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