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No Strings Attached

Dreamed 2024/9/19 by Wayan and Miriel (as told by Wayan)

Weird instrument in two siblings' simultaneous dreams; sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I'm riding across town on a heavy iron bike--well, an iron sculpture of a bike (iron tires!)--it weighs more than I do. A hard, slow, tiring trip (sorry!)

I reach my goal--a luthier's shop. Three sisters run it--wiry little Latinas with short curly black hair. Cute, and they flirt with me. I'm surprised, as I reek of sweat from pedaling that iron joke around.

They show me the back room, where they make their signature instruments--big lobed wooden things with multiple struts (like flutes or bike-struts) between gourdlike resonators. Not just one lute-neck, many.

Do you blow into the tubes? But I see no holes. Pluck the strings? None to pluck. Maybe they're not done, and the holes or strings come last?

I'm carrying one such instrument--to trade in, to repair? A contrast to my heavy iron bike, but some parallels too--ungainly, surreal. I don't explicitly think "This is a dream", but I sense these twin Dr. Seuss constructions symbolize some strange message. But what? Baffling.


My sister Miriel calls up to tell me her dream.

I was asked to look after a weird instrument with flutelike struts.

The owner told me "You don't blow it. You bow it, as if it's stringed." I was holding a bow, but I wouldn't even try--I could see it had no strings.

Miriel laughed and added "I know what it means. In most parts of my life I'm kind of shy, but... musically, I bow to no one."

WAYAN: bikes - sculpture? - puns - labs, workshops & mad inventions - guides - musical instruments - lucid, surreal & self-flagging dreams
MIRIEL: siblings - guides - music & musical instruments - puns - dream humor in general - humility vs. pride - more Miriel dreams
COMPARED: shared & telepathic dreams - psychic dreams in general - self-flagging dreams (dreams signaling they're an odd type)

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