What kind of sculpting? 3-dimensional figures in any medium--traditional statuary, dolls, puppets, life-casts, fossils, bas-reliefs, parade balloons, inflatable sex dolls, waxworks, Pixar characters--even the act of sculpting where the art is lost... or never was.
A major subtheme is the Pygmalion myth: statues come alive.
RELATED TOPICS: dreams of dreams (no, I wasn't joking above. Of course you can dream about dreams and dreaming!) - paintings - watercolor and silk-dyeing - pencil and charcoal - pure digital art - ink - felt pen and colored inks - comics - posters and picture-poems - art and artists - creative process - models, studies and studio art - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
AICORN'S BANANA: by Wayan; 2016/6/13, a dream-parable on owning your tastes An artificial intelligence acquires fans and has orgies with her groupies. Her creators don't care as long as the advertisers get product placement. But she has this size fetish... CAUTION: VIBRATORS |
ALP VARK: by Wayan; 1983/11/24-25, an epic comic psychic dream.
I'm kissed by the Holy Aardvark, but my bond with my dad is strained by ESP he can't accept... |
ALTARED MANSION: by Wayan; dreamed 2004/10/18, a dream on all the world's religions I'm touring a gloomy, firelit Victorian mansion filled with icons and idols from every faith in the world, while this funny theme song loops in my head. What is that song? CAUTION: MUSLIM RANTER; EMBARRASSING SONG |
ANCIENT RUINS, AND A GIFT FROM DEEP OCEAN: by Jenny Badger Sultan; two dreams (2016/11/19, 2017/1/18) on dreamwork, memory & amnesia 1: Ruins in India. Fascinating but age-blurred; wish I could see the carvings better... 2: Giving presents at a party, I hand a girl a vertebra from the abyss, encrusted with jewel-like barnacles... |
ANSWERING JUNG: by Wayan; 2005/7/5, a dream parodying one of Jung's key dreams After reading Jung's dreams, I have an anti-Jungian dream of sexy nightmare-statues waiting to come alive, like the tree I draw & bring to life with my literally magic marker... CAUTION: NUDE STATUES |
BED VORTEX: by Wayan; 2002/10/24, an abstract Halloween portrait of the hypnogogic state I sculpted a plaster abstract, then found it wasn't. A vortext of bedsheets, faces, hands, bodies... |
BEET: Five Dreams One Night: by Wayan; 2013/10/30, Halloween dreams as minipoems Parasites, Rambo, huge fetus-beets, an exhibitionist and a living statue advise me on my love life... CAUTION: NUDITY |
A BIG WET KISS TO YOU, TOO: by Wayan, 1999/11/9, a dreamlike ceramic. My abstract sculpture just got fishier and fishier, til it grew these big red lips... |
BISON AND SPINDLE: by Wayan; 2016/6/29, twin dreamlets of strange creatures First, in a maze, I meet a huge bison with her calf; then, in a school gym, I meet an even bigger alien, twiggy, spindle-shaped, mysterious... |
BIVOUAC: by Richard Turner; 1981, a dreamlet with sculpture-advice A young Tibetan boy approached me with his arms full of the shapes I had been working on for the past week. To my delight I found the material, textures and colors I had been searching for... |
BLUE MER-ANGEL: by Wayan; 2000, ceramic sculpture, 11.5" long. Seems strange to have no hands. How do dolphins get things done? By not needing to get things done? CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
BLUE HOLES: Wayan; 1958 or early 59. Visionary sculpture by 4-year-old. This was my first sculpture. I was around four. The rest of the preschool class made bunnies and snowmen. But I'd been peeking at Isamu Noguchi and Henry Moore in my mom's art books, so... |
BLUEBEARD DRAG: by Wayan; 2008/9/5, a creepy dream-poem, Dreamverse #22 On the waterfront, I meet a seductive girl. Well, guy. Well, serial killer. Um, I think I'll leave now... CAUTION: HOMOPHOBIA OR SURVIVAL INSTINCT? |
BOBCAT: by Anonymous #44; 1996?; a surreal diving dream Scuba diving, we find Atlantis. Beautiful Greek statues. But some kid painted a baseball in Aphrodite's hand. And the bobcat diving with us has been holding its breath for an hour... |
BRITISH TRIANGLE: by Wayan; 2019/8/18, a dream of another life. I'm a middle-aged British writer in a triad with a sculptor and a dairy farmer who seem happy sharing me. But it's a small town, so we must be discreet... CAUTION: TRIAD THAT WORKS |
THE CAMBODIAN GIRL: by Wayan; 1996/4/2 dream, sculpted 1998/11/9. VERY mixed media--the boat is warped wood. And the story is warped more... CAUTION: SEX, SHAME FROM EARLY TRAUMA |
CAPRICES: by Wayan; 2006-, a trio of nondream variant Earths: Land is sea, sea is land: that's a lotta land! Seas siphoned off by alien chefs. A lotta different land! High is low, low is high, abysses are land. Surprisingly sparing land... |
CARYATID SWEET, GUIDE SOUR: by Wayan, 1999/9/2, a dream about that crazy conscious. My guide in India says the Third World's doomed, but a stone dancer in the ruins winks behind his back... CAUTION: NAKED CARVINGS |
THE CAT: by David B.; 1991/9/24, an eerie sculpture come alive In the woods outside a modern art museum, I'm being stalked by Giacometti's huge skeletal cat... |
CAT DANCER: by Wayan; 1996/8/15; dream figure 15" tall; clay, wire, acrylic I have recurring dreams of this sexy feline anima or familiar who loves dance. CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
CAT PEOPLE KISSING: by Wayan; clay carving of dream figures, 1996/8/29, 8" tall. An early dream-based sculpture carved out of dry white clay as if it were soft stone... |
CELEBRITY ATTACK!: by Pierre Dalcourt, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a complex dream on celebrity As a mob of Hollywood stars beats me up, I ask for autographs--and get them. I sell the autographs to fund a statue of the beating--but with me smiling... |
THE CENDANCERS: by Wayan; 2011-16, a 32-figure sculpture project with 250+ pics A wild troupe of sexy, surreal, centaurlike dancers mostly built from Barbie dolls... CAUTION: EXPLICIT NUDITY, FUR, BARBIE |
CENTAUR AUDITION: by Wayan; 2012/1/7 and 2012/1/30, two linked Pygmalion dreams Non-dream centaur ballerinas invade my dreams, because they long to be in the World Dream Bank... CAUTION: BARBIE CENTAUR NUDITY, CASTING-COUCH OVERTONES |
CIVIL AFTERMATH by Wayan, 2024/1/5, a dream I hope is not predictive A guy smashes homes with a duckbilled train; gunmen shoot up shops near the tracks. The ensuing civil war burns all. Years later, we live on hardscrabble farms. Global Texas! CAUTION: GLOBAL TEXAS! |
CLAY AND HOP: by Wayan; 2009/10/30, a dream poem with sketches; Dreamverse #63 I touch the secret soul of a cancer survivor, upsetting her. To apologize, I become a goofy hopping god... CAUTION: FONDLING SACRED FIGURINES |
CLAYMATES: by Wayan, 1968-70, three mythological claymation figures. By my teens I knew I wasn't human. So I sculpted, animated, loved and worshiped effigies of furs... |
CLEO'S REVENGE: by Wayan, 2017/1/7, a sculpture of a dream warning "Don't hide sexual attraction" I meet Cleo from Monster High. I like her. Why, that's pedophilia! (Huh? She's AGES old.) Once I hide my Cleophilia, ALL sexual feelings vanish! "I'm sickly & sexless." Oh. The Mummy's Curse! CAUTION: SEX-DENIAL; NUDE CENTAUR |
THE COIL: by Wayan; 1999-2000. Mad instrument design that might just work A spiral dream-instrument I'm building, that's easier to play than a piano or guitar, and a lot snakier... |
CORNER TORSO: by Wayan; 1996/9/18 to 1998/7/21; a surreal nondream sculpture. A surreal statue of a naked body spilling out of the wall as if someone's caught between dimensions... CAUTION: NUDITY |
COSMIC MAYPOLE: by Georganna Malloff; 1976-80s, dream-based drawings and totem poles I dreamed all the creatures of the world were dancing around a maypole. My friends and I sculpted a totem pole from the dream... |
COWBOY, HORSE, CAT: by Rick Veitch, Nov 1973, an initiatory dream A graduation parade has a papier-maché cowboy (hollow ego?), a giant rampaging stallion (unconscious), and a mama cat who calms him (anima)... |
COYOTE ANGEL: by Wayan; 2000/1/3, sculpture of dream figure. A shapeshifter caught in the moment of transformation, just as her arms unfold into smoky wings... CAUTION: NUDITY |
CRAG: by Wayan; 1999/12/9; 12" sculpture of a daydream. Who sculpts landscape? So I tried a crag with a pool in a hollow on its knee, windows like red eyes... |
CREATING WINGS: by Robert Southey; 1805. Beauty to nightmare to flight. Saints and devils in a sunken statuary garden turn too real for comfort; so, creating my own wings, I fly... |
CUTTLEBONE: by Wayan; 1999, sculpture, 7", plaster/acrylic; a nondream improv. If you can't tell what it is from the thumbnail, cheer up. It's indescribable full-size, too. |
DANCING ROBBANE: by Emily Joy; 2007/8/1, sculpture of a dream sculpture. The clay came alive, shaped itself, started dancing...and mutating. |
DAWN SAYS 'SCULPT MASTURBATION': by Wayan; 1997/8/3; an advisory dream I dreamed my sculptor friend Dawn insisted I sculpt a girl really, um, relaxing. Took me a mere 13 years to act on the dream! CAUTION: SKETCHED & SCULPTED MASTURBATION |
DECLARING INDEPENDENCE: by Patricia Garfield c.1946, Fiona '51, Lenore '58 & Helen '62 Four teens dream their moms are monsters: Patricia sees hers as a demonic doll, Fiona finds her mom's a wolf, Lenore's is a grinning vampire, and Helen's is a bossy, punitive octopus... |
DESTRUCTION OF THE NIGHTMARE TOWERS: by Dustin Shuler; c.1955-1965, recurrent nightmare made performance art As a kid, when I had a fever I always had the same nightmare: a high brick or stone wall shaking apart, faster and faster. This scared me very much. Finally, in my teens, I... |
DOGGIE IN THE WINDOW: by Wayan; 2020/1/2, an embarrassing dream poem The guest room has a giant plush doggie. Next thing I know, I'm humping her doggie style, on the windowsill where the girl driving the backhoe can see... CAUTION: CRINGEWORTHY SEX |
DON'T SETTLE FOR HALF: by Wayan; 2010/1/21; an advisory dream about dreaming Struggling to recall a magical dream, I suddenly get a single, simple image. ... |
DRUGGED, SHRUNK AND DAUBED: by Wayan; 2008/11/1, a dream-poem (Dreamverse #38) I'm worried an alien charity is brainwashing an ex-prostitute. When I wake, she's still there--at 2/5 scale!... |
DUBIA: by Wayan; summer 2003, a nondream sculpture/prophecy/travelog. What Earth will look like 1000 years from now, with doubled CO2, flooded coasts and melted poles... CAUTION: CALLS GEORGE W. BUSH A BIG FAT LIAR |
EASTER HEALING: by "Clairity"; 2008/03/23, a joyful lucid dream I will a clay cat to come to life, then start healing real cats and dogs and... |
EFFORT VERSUS APTITUDE: by Wayan, 2017/8/23, a dream about... oh, read the title. I urge a cafe to host a talented Tarot reader with an amazing aura, but the owner says "Anyone can be psychic with practice." Oh? Can practice make you Einstein, too? |
THE EGYPTIAN EXHIBIT: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a psychedelic Pygmalion dream I panic as statues come alive at the museum, but they're all about energizing a mystical pyramid... |
ELVEN DANCER: by Wayan; late 1998, 14" mixed-media sculpture of waking fantasy. I'd been reading Francesca Lia Block's I WAS A TEENAGE FAIRY... CAUTION: NUDITY |
ENTER, NERO!: by Emperor Nero; c. 58 CE, a series of guilty surreal nightmares. After murdering his mother, Nero dreams he's losing control: ships drift, statues chase him, and his own tomb says... |
ERECTION 2000: by Wayan, 2000/11/28; ceramic sculpture 9" tall; response to stolen 2000 election. A candidate glad to shake your hand... though not all you voters will want him to... CAUTION: ANOTHER PRICK RUNNING FOR OFFICE |
ESCAPE BY INTUITION: by Wayan; 2010/1/11; four dreams of breaking through I must see a community as a whole, and intuit my way out of a sealed room, and spot details, and join a trio in bed... CAUTION: NUDITY IN LAST DREAM |
FALADA: The Goose Girl's Best Friend: by Mardi Storm, recurring predictive dreams c.1975-79, sculpted c.2000 I had recurring dreams in which a talking horse’s head was nailed to a tree. Strangely, this was before I read "The Goose Girl" in Grimm's fairytales... CAUTION: GRIMM ALL AROUND |
FASHION SHOOT: by Wayan, 2000/11/30; nondream ceramic sculpture 10.5" long. Inspired by a fashion outtake of model and director clowning. I fused the director and the camera, and... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
FESTIVAL OF THE MOTHERS OF RAIN: by Rachael Dutton, c.1984; a dream-based sculpture group The whole village welcomed in the Mothers of Rain. An aged deer had visions. A young mother gave birth. All the creatures and spirits danced... |
FIND SOMEONE SPIRITUAL, STUPID!: 1996/9/5, by Wayan; dream-figure, clay, 9" tall A sculpted reminder I hung over my desk like Clinton's sign "It's The Economy, Stupid!"... CAUTION: NUDITY, PRESIDENTIAL MOCKERY |
FIREBOWL: by Wayan; 2013/9/14; a diagnostic/climatological/futurological dream I'm in the High Plains, at a huge powwow on climate change. This could become, not a new dustbowl, but a firebowl. As I wake, I find I'm running a fever! And the dream hints what caused it... |
FLOATING WOLF AND BUTTERFLY: by Wayan; 2010/12/21; a furry advisory dream The city museum's new levitating sculpture shows a space reef explored by a floating wolf who needs no spacesuit--vacuum adapted! |
FLOWERHEADED CAT: by Wayan; 2005/8/17, two bizarre, sexy, advisory dreamlets My co-worker flashes a lot. Her boyfriend helps--flaps her skirt up to bare her pussy. What's their agenda? In a dream-sculptor's studio, I pet her lily-headed cat, who purrs. I think "At least her pussy likes me..." CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, PUNS, PETTING |
FOAM, FURS, DREAMS: by Wayan; 2012-16, a blog on sewing giant dream plushies; 43 dreams! My dreams urge me to build furry dream creatures with joints, muscles & bones, then to heal myself by mating with them... CAUTION: FETISHISM, FURRY NUDITY & SEX |
FOUR ELEMENTALS: by Wayan, four recurrent 2009 dream-figures, 2010/1/1 to 1/14 For the New Year, I draw a group portrait of the old year's main dream-figures. Four needs came up constantly... |
FOX-MOTHER: by Wayan; 2008/8/12, a dream poem; Dreamverse #2. The goddess of the Cult of Clutter catches a little thief, and tastes her to see if she’s worthy... |
FUTURES: by Wayan; 2003/9/22, a nondream ecological sculpture series A set of travelogs (with orbital photos) of Earth, Mars and Venus on the same day--as they are 1000 years from now... |
GIRDERS AND DUST: by Wayan; 1983/10/23; a dream touring the ruins of childhood. I dreamed I returned to a childhood park and found mostly ruin. But one magical thing survived... |
GOD OF THE GULF: by Wayan; 2021/3/3, a dream warning piety has hazards I'm in the Gulf of Mexico watching the Creator of North America place mountains, rivers and ancestors just where they belong. I wake knowing this pious, static view is immoral... CAUTION: CRITIQUES TRADITIONALISM |
THE GODDESS OF WYRE: by Edwin Muir; 1925, a dream of soul-rebirth After 25 years I land on my native island of Wyre, to touch an ancient clay figurine, who grows young and wakes... |
GRIMOIRE AND PACT: by Wayan, 2013/8/4, twin dreams of infestations of... health? illness? sex? magic? Two sisters want to lick me all over, but they lick everything; weird gut-fauna make them immune to toxins... Fairy eggs infest my home--become worms, then tiny horses, then mothwinged hobbits, then adult fairies.... CAUTION: NUDE EQUINES & FAE; PARASITES (OR SYMBIOTES?) |
HALF'S HARD: by Wayan; 2014/11/24, a frustration dream hiding a diagnosis and prescription Night. Broken metal sculptures, a welder too horny to weld safely, and a steel panther longing to be whole and loved... CAUTION: KINKY SCULPTUROPHILIA |
HEAD ON MY TABLE: by Lauren Watley; 2011/2/16, a creepy dream-image with depth After a day of troubling conflicts over race & art, I dream I'm handed a hot, heavy, mossy head--is it art, or alive? |
HELP, NOT CURE: by Wayan; 1996/12/26, a dream on autism. Gay angels try to help an autistic woman. Change her past? Only if they pass the Ass-Backward Guardians! |
HERM: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/9/8; painting in the Box of Dreams In a domed tower, we all look up bewildered by a statue like an ancient herm, floating in mid-air... |
HERON HAREM: by Wayan; 1981/6/14, a dream with a moral. I'm a heron working in the Civil Service. I want to blow the whistle, but then how would I support my... CAUTION: BIRD-SLAVERY? |
HIT ROCK: by Wayan; 1985/10/13 nightmare & picture challenging it I dreamed I blinded myself because mere appearances lead to racism & sexism. Only the blind know truth... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY, SEVERE IDIOCY |
IGIL: by Ösküs-ool, c.1000 CE, a musical advisory dream My beloved horse outraced our ruler's best--so he killed my horse. I dream he tells me "Make a fiddle from my bones, skin and horsehair, then play our story, and I'll return"... CAUTION: GRISLY, BUT APPARENTLY IT WORKED |
IMMOLATION MAZE: by Richard Turner; 1973, a nightmare expanded into both sculpture & story Saigon, 1973. Lost in a fabric maze. I find, wearing Buddhist robes, the skeleton of a dog. Years later I write of Buddhist monks burning themselves, and build an ominous maze... CAUTION: SUICIDES BY FIRE |
IN THE COURSE OF WORK: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007?, a dream sculpture Is that a madwoman riding a horse, or a cougar pouncing on a deer, or are these dream-creatures wildly making love? |
IO: by Wayan; 2007, revised 2015, a model of Jupiter's moon Io I'm fascinated by Io's feverish colors and tumultuous landscape, so I sculpted a detailed portrait and came to some tentative conclusions about what we see... CAUTION: AMATEUR SCIENCE, OH NO! |
IRENE'S DREAM: parallel (linked?) dreams by "Irene May" and Jack Kerouac, c. Aug 9 1953 IRENE tries to mold Francesca like clay to bring her back to life, and does--for a moment... JACK finds his brother Gerard dead, and all Jack's words can't revive him... |
IRONY: by Wayan; 2007/6/15. A vertical comicstrip burned into (naturally) an ironing board I’m so sick of irony I decide to get my sense of irony surgically removed and replace it with... CAUTION: PLAYING WITH FIRE |
JAREDIA: by Wayan; 770K, 26 illus, early 2003, a nondream sculpture/photoessay/travelog. I tilted the Earth to create a tropical supercontinent from Bali to Tierra del Fuego. What will evolve there--and on the new tropical Antarctica? |
KAKALEA: by Wayan; 2012/7/23 to early 2017; a good world on a bad hair day We search for exoplanets whose stats are Earthlike. But mass, chemistry, warmth and air do not a biosphere make! Geography alone--the mere placement of lands and seas--can also make a world lush or barren... CAUTION: CENTAUR BARBIE NUDITY |
KING OF THE KILN: by Wayan; 1996/11/25, a psychic dream. I dream of a scary king who offers to bake my dreams to strengthen them. Then my friend Mark calls... |
KRELKIN AND KIOSK: by Wayan; dreamed 1994/5/1, sculpted 1999/8/31-12/11; a career-advice dream? A sculpture of me as the sexy singing beast who lures the Reading Man out of his Moral Kiosk... |
KRELKIN CONTEMPLATING: by Wayan; 1995/6/7 dream-figure sculpted 1998/7/17 in Paperclay A small statue of this beautiful creature who keeps appearing in my dreams... CAUTION: NUDITY |
LAMIA by Wayan, 1988/11/1 with a nightmare by John Ruskin, 1869/11/1 I ask my dreams about sex, and get... sex on a beach with a sea-serpent girl--a lamia. But she gets queasy-- landsick! Too hot for her up here. Help her back in the sea. What a contrast with Ruskin's lamia nightmare... CAUTION: SCALY SEX |
THE LAST JUDGMENT: by Esther Raucher, c.1950; a childhood dream grows into a big sculpture group I fled a snake by flying. I felt guilty, I knew it was cheating. Years passed. I made tiny clay figurines. Years passed. I drew a chicken lady with a halo. Years passed. I sculpted a flock of BIG... CAUTION: NUDE CHICKEN LADIES |
LEBBIRD ECSTATIC: by Wayan; 2006/8/20, not-quite-dream sculpture; 7 pics A sensual moon-worshiping flying feline who’d inevitably evolve in certain Pegasian solar systems... CAUTION: NUDE LEOPARDESS |
THE LEMON SEA: by Wayan; 1982/2/22, a dream warning. I wake up as someone else. I go through her working day, till Captain Kirk comes to take me to... |
LEOPARDS AT THE FRINGE: by Wayan; 2014/3/28; poem of a cryptomnesic species-bent thespian sex dream I'm at the Fringe Festival, onstage in a Performance Orgy, playing two roles: a leopard with human pets and a leopard's human pet. But I'm not quite playing... CAUTION: STAGED ORGY |
LET GO THE SAFE: by Wayan; 2014/2/6; poem of a lucid flying dream I'm pushing a safe off a roof in Berkeley so it won't be pushed off the roof (yep, you read that right) but it pulls me with it! Either die, or go lucid and fly... |
LONELY NO MORE!: by Wayan; 2000/3/27, a sculpture of American singlehood. The Dating Fairy, built on lonely evenings waiting for her to call me back--whoever "her" was that week... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES |
LUCID LIVING: by Wayan; 2007/4/8, a quasi-lucid dream of the future with 9 illustrations Honesty induces a joyful state with lucidlike powers. So I bike across the Lake of Time, open the book of my future, and see... CAUTION: SEXY SKETCHES FROM THE FUTURE |
LUNAR REPUBLIC BORDERGUARD: by Wayan; 1996/8/30 sculpture of 1995/11/14 dream. A looming figure on the border of the new Lunar Republic, who told me it's time to turn from war to art... |
LYR: by Wayan; 7MB, 2005, 80 pages w/200+ drawings and maps; a virtual planet A vast sea-world with 7 times Earth's mass, whose isles are home to at least 19 intelligent species... CAUTION: CUTE ALIENS, WEIRD SEX CUSTOMS, GODLESS EVOLUTION! |
THE MAN WHO DESERVED TO DIE: by Jim Shaw; c.1994; a dream of moral rescue I don't want to kill my friend, though his clothes say I must. But a sculptor lets us sit on her metal trees and drink tea instead... |
MARIANNE'S DREAM: by Marianne Hunt c.1817, as told by Percy Shelley; a dream-poem. A black anchor floats in the sky to the east. Impossible cities rise on mountaintops, only to erupt in flame. The sea rises to drown them. On a plank, I ride the flood. In the ruins, I find angelic statues--who wake... |
MARS REBORN: by Wayan; 15 pages, 27 photos, 2003/9/22, a tour of a sculpted/virtual world Mars as it will be 1000 years from now, terraformed. A guided tour with photos... |
MARTIAN VIGILANTE: by Wayan, 2006/3/25, an absurdist nightmare on inner killjoys After a busy exhausting day, I find myself on a dream street flirting with a really cute artist. Until this stumpy green Martian slithers up, calls us criminals, and threatens us with a raygun... CAUTION: DUMBEST INNER CRITIC EVER |
MER-TIGER: by Wayan, 2014/9/21-2016/7/7; a nondream surreal soft-sculpture used as a dream-tool! I got a big thrift-store toy tiger to shade my head as I slept (which worked; better dreams in the tiger's shadow!) then sewed on a crest, mane, fishtail, fins... CAUTION: PLUSHIE/SEXTOY |
MOONCAT: by Wayan; 1995/11/14; a subtle dream-comic about sonar. text version Near a mysterious sculpture garden on the moon, lives the blind, bike-riding sage I seek: Moon-Cat... |
MUGS: by Wayan; 1985/12/25, a dream of weird Christmas gifts A shop sells coffee cups covered in tales & creatures begging to be drawn... |
NO STRINGS ATTACHED: by Wayan and Miriel, 2024/9/19; parallel surreal dreams WAYAN: A woman shows me a bizarre instrument she built--but how does it play? Flutes without holes link lutes with no strings! MIRIEL: A woman urges me to play a bizarre instrument with flutelike struts: "Bow it like a cello." But it has no strings to bow... CAUTION: APPARENT TELEPATHIC OR SHARED DREAM |
NORASINGH: by Wayan; 1987/1/15, a Tantric Frankenstein dream. I fall in love with my sculpture of a mythical Southeast Asian creature. Then a mad yogi breaks in... CAUTION: SEX, TANTRA, AND GENERAL WEIRDNESS |
NOSER: by "Anonymous #13"; pre-1963, a predictive dream An orange tiger with wolf ears jumped on me. I was surprised but not scared, as if it were just a big dog. The next day, shopping, my daughter thrust an orange wolf-eared hand-puppet in my face, jaws open... |
NOUVELLE BARBIE BODS: by Patagia, 2012/12/22, a playful poem on a dream-diorama I visited my friend Chris Wayan's workshop and found him building a dance troupe of joyfully obscene centaurs out of Barbie dolls... |
ORB: by Walter de la Mare; before 1939; a feverdream image I held the strangest and most entrancing object I have ever seen: the very citadel of life itself!... |
OWL TAVERN: by Dan O'Neill; before 1994/11/2, a dream-comic I stumble into a bar where the TV stars from my childhood are drunkenly arguing metaphysics--Howdy Doody, Beany & Cecil, Flipper... |
PALAIS IDÉAL: by Ferdinand Cheval; dreamed 1864, built 1879-1912, a life-defining dream I dreamed I built a palace, but for fifteen years I kept silent, ashamed. Then I tripped over a beautiful stone. I took it home. Next day I collected more... |
PEGASIA: by Wayan; 10MB mini-site (200 maps & images), spring 2006 to present (ongoing); tours of an alien moon. A contest! Here's a wide, fertile world full of empty ecological niches for intelligent creatures. Design one! |
PEGATAURESS WITH BLUE WINGS: by Wayan; 1993/4/2 & 1997/11/19, a sculpture fusing two dreams. I was a ballerina in blue who learned to fly; and I met a centauress who loved dance too. The dancers fused... |
PESCADERO MONET: by Wayan; 1983/11/4, a happy art-cult dream. Monet is over 100 now, living in an art colony. I visit him, but my parents come along. Bad idea... |
PHOTOS LURE SOULS: by Wayan; 2016/3/12, dream of summoning spirits I'm photographing lifesize furry statues. How explicit, how sexy? If I get shots they like, souls will be lured to enter their bodies and bring them alive... CAUTION: NUDE CREATURES |
PLANET-SCULPTING APE: by "AE" (George Russell); mid-1870s, a childhood characterological dream. On a cloud in space I met an ape molding a model of Earth, glancing at the original far below. We were much alike... |
PLUSH BEAR: by Wayan; 1994/8/3, a grotesque dream poem. Two mimes terrorize our art class in a stretchable bear-suit. Well, we HOPE it's just a suit... |
POKEY?: by Wayan; 1993/4/15, a dreamtale on my soul. My lover's turned into a tiny living pull-toy, trapped ankle-deep in a wheeled platform. Can I free her? |
POLYMELIA: by Emily Y. Chan, 2016/12/13 or before; a nightmare drawing I dreamed I saw this statue of a woman wearing a round hat or bowl that covered her entire head. When I got closer, a bunch of arms sprouted from under the hat/bowl, moving like spider legs... |
PUT TWICE AS MUCH IN: by Wayan; 2003/9/22, a dream warning how much it takes to change All the claymation figures I made in my teens are gone but one. And the centauress has a broken hip and spindly leg. I start to mend her, but I need TWICE the clay I thought... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
QUEEN OF SPELLS: by Graham Charnock; c.1995, a dream of anger management? Charnock loathes fantasy and its fans, but can't escape it--he dreams an evil sorcerer is foiled by a shopgirl and her stone-carving lover... |
RA CATS: by Wayan; 2002, an image inspired by a cutting-board. A friend gave me a meat-cutting board, with channels for the blood. Eww. So why'd it become three cats worshiping the sun? CAUTION: NUDITY |
RABBIT-EARED DOE: by Wayan; dreamed 2008/4/29, a dream of statues come passionately to life A hunter catches a Rabbit-Eared Doe by her yard-long ears, pulls on them like reins, and mates with her! She doesn't object; maybe ear-pulling's normal for her. Should I intervene? I can't tell if this is love or rape! CAUTION: STRANGE FURRY SEX |
THE RAINBOW SLEEPER: by Wayan; 2000/9/20, sculpture of a dream about a mega-sculpture In Rainbow Food Co-op, a huge statue of a sleeping woman emerged from the floor, shedding shoppers... |
RAISE YOURSELF!: by Wayan; 1998/7/5, 17" nondream sculpture Why wait for the Rapture when you can use a chinup machine and raise yourself off that cross?... CAUTION: NUDE PSEUDO-CRUCIFIXION, SACRILEGIOUS SELF-HELP |
REBEL OWL: by Wayan; 1971/10/9, a dream so mysterious it mystified its inhabitants My city's invaded and occupied. I become a gigantic Owl and fight with impossible stamina. But in the end I'm dead, stuffed, on a museum wall. Can I let go NOW? CAUTION: WAR |
RESHAPE MY FACE: by Wayan; dreamed 1988/9/21; a dream on the benefits of indulgence Lounging in the sun, I do a magical make-over--molding my bones to give myself more room for intuition, judgment, nerve--all the while feeling shallow & indulgent for self-improving!... |
RUBY UNICORN: by Wayan; dreamed 2012/11/15; a sculptural dream. THAT DAY: My bandmates want to record crowd-pleasing songs. I want to record our strangest ones... THAT NIGHT: In a woman's art studio, I'm struck by a low, feline, muscular unicorn mare, carved out of a giant ruby. I ask, and she says "Oh, that's not mine. I found it in the trash"... |
SCONCES: by Wayan; finished 1999/5/14. Dreamlike but functional sculptures. Flame-like sculptures meant to hang on the wall and cup living plants... |
SCULPTING WITH NEIL GAIMAN: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a complex predictive dream I take my friend Neil Gaiman to a park where we sculpt a giant horned head. Months later we collaborate on a graphic novel. The course of the project's full of echoes from the dream... |
SCULPTOR OR WRITER?: by Lucian of Samosata, c.135 CE, a career-advice dream As a boy, my family urged me to aim low and follow our trade: stonecarving. I dreamt two strong women fought over me, a grubby sculptor and an elegant writer. I sided with the writer, and she let me ride in her flying chariot... |
SELF-MADE COW: by Wayan; 2013/4/10, a surreal psychic dream. I'm in Santa Cruz with my friend, a shocking-pink stuffed toy cow with sewed-on accessories: big red lips, a floral wig, and a third eye. I wake, draw the dreamcow--and my sister calls from Santa Cruz to sing me a song about... |
SELF-MADE GIRLS: by Wayan; 2000/2/15, a public dream. Two souls coalesce from bars of light into human beings by the power of words. Words like stupid, ugly... |
SELL THE GODS, AND RAISE HELL!: by Wayan; 1994/1/26, a dream riddle. Reactionaries smash a paper. To rebuild, the editor must sell the sacred tiki carvings! But gods don't LIKE being sold... CAUTION: MORAL QUANDARY |
SERAFINA AND RAM DASS: by Wayan; a 2000/11/6 dream anticipating an 11/9 experience with auras A Finnish shaman/witch gives me a lesson in night flying; in the waking world I meet Ram Dass and sense him speak astrally before his body can get the words out... CAUTION: HIGH MYSTICAL QUOTIENT; IF ALLERGIC, AVOID |
SERRANA: by Wayan; Oct-Dec 2004, a sculpture/webtour; 60 maps, photos & sketches A dry little world with many small seas, Serrana has at least six intelligent species and an anarchist culture. It's a tribute to Ursula Le Guin's anarchist utopia, "The Dispossessed", and Kropotkin's theories of biological cooperation... CAUTION: ANARCHIST POLITICS, ALIEN NUDITY |
SHIP OF JADE: by Wayan; 2009/11/7, an illustrated dreampoem on dreampoetry! Dreamverse #64 My dreams are made of lovely carvable jade. Too bad my tools and skills suit our plastic age... |
SIBERIAN TIGER VERSUS MUPPETS: by Chris Wayan 2020/12/9; a what-if dream I wake in a strange frozen bedroom. Oh. My bed is Siberia! That means there are tigers. Clearly the way to defend myself is with giant stuffed toys... |
SILKY AS A CATTAUR: by Wayan; 2014/1/4-2016/1, a soft-sculpture dream-portrait-plushie-sextoy An ambitious freestanding lifesize sculpture of a feline centaur girl with working joints and muscles so she's posable. And huggable. And... CAUTION: NUDE CATTAUR |
SILKY AT THE GATE: by Wayan; 2016/2/26, dream of a statue come alive My girlfriend, a lifesize doll in the shape of a feline centaur, gradually comes alive, walking around on her own and flirting with me... CAUTION: NUDE CAT-TAUR |
SIPHONIA: by Wayan; 30 p, 2006-14, a nondream virtual world, in progress; maps, tours First, suck up 90% of Earth's seas. Now wait 90,000 years for life to adapt. The continents are now Tibetan plateaus above steamy new Deeps, ruled by giant parrots, ravens and otters... |
SEX FLOWER: by Wayan; 1996/11/8, clay & acrylic sculpture, 9" tall. Robe or petals? Head or lilybud? Face or tongue or clit or slit? An eerie hybrid of person and flower... CAUTION: SOMETHIN' HAPPENIN' HERE, BUT WHAT IT IS AIN'T EXACTLY CLEAR |
THE SHADOW OF LIBERTY: by Wayan; 1989/7/8, a comic nightmare, possibly telepathic. My sisters get bored with the game of power, so I watch TV-- until it melts, and a terrifying giant rises to chases me... |
SILKY'S INVERSION: by Wayan; dreamed 2014/4/24, a surrealist dream My anima, a black mare, is upside down, hanging on the ceiling! Rears downward. And she's changed sex! Not a mare today, a stallion! A gay, humanophilic stallion... CAUTION: VERY QUEER FLIRTATION |
SKIMMING TOWARD FREEDOM: by Wayan; 2002/1/18, a dream with 3 sketches. My girlfriend and I can fly, but detectives shadow us. How to lose them? By sticking to the beach and... CAUTION: BIZARRE CREATURES, FRANK LANGUAGE |
SNAKE COIL: by Wayan; 2000/11/1-14, dream-sculpture. I tried to be like my classmates--use tools, control what I made. But I couldn't. It came alive, and... |
SOLE RETRIEVAL: by Wayan; 2005/10/6, a punning spiritual dreamlet Guards in a museum confiscate my goofy purple-warted shoes, then lose them! I fuss till they find them. For it's vital to retrieve my, uh, soles. |
JOSÉPHINE'S DREAM: by Josephine?, painted by Angelique Benicio, 2008-'23, a flying-dream painting At the beach, facing down a wave taller than you, the only thing to do is levitate discreetly... |
LOLLIGAGGING: by Angelique Benicio, betw. 2008 & 2023, a reverse-gravity dream Embodying that upsetting feeling when you're crawling on the ceiling... |
O SONHO VIVIDO: by Angelique Benicio, betw. 2008-'23, a lunatic dream-painting The red string tying that creepy puppet to the child sitting on the moon has broken... |
A SPHINX IN CLAY: by Wayan; 2017/2/25, a dream urging me to face my heritage. Also sculpt! I'm a half-sphinx--human dad, sphinx mom--stuck in human form so far. Will I ever learn to shift? I practice--sculpt my elegant feline future self... CAUTION: SPHINX NUDITY |
SPHINX IN HEAT: by Wayan; 2006/8/20, terracotta dream-statue Trying to sculpt a dream-figure who's acting blatantly sexual teaches me it's as hard to show lust as supposedly subtler feelings... CAUTION: NUDE SPHINX |
THE SPHINX WANTS CLEANING: by Thutmoses IV, c.1400 or 1405 BCE; a god's dream-bargain Thutmoses napped in the shade under the Great Sphinx--then buried to the neck in sand. The resident sun-god complained of the sand; "the throne is yours if you'll clear it off..." |
SPOTTED FAWN DODGES ARROWS: by Amanda Strong; 1998, a dream on the power of names Soon after I was given the name Spotted Fawn, I dreamed I was one, fleeing faceless hunters under the full moon. There's history in this... |
THE STAGMAN: by Wayan; 2000/4/7, waking landscape with dream figure. A slightly surrealized San Francisco landscape--not that it needed much help... CAUTION: PINK PAGAN TOES |
STANDING UP CITY: by Wayan; 1970, childhood imaginary world As a kid, my Ecotopian fantasy city was hollowed out of living rock, with hanging gardens and terraces... |
STATUES ON ICE: by Wayan; 2021/3/12, a dream of blue politics Weird blue snow covers a dump of unwanted historical statues, but they seem less political than... strange. Is that a griffin? What's really getting covered here? |
THE STONE THE BUILDER REJECTED: by Wayan; 1998/10/3; plaster sculpture ca. 9" across. I love curves, not the chunky forms of this machine-ruled world... |
STONE DANCER: by Wayan; archaic (16-color!) digital improv, 1991/1/16 to 2/1. Not a dream--one night I just found myself painting Potatohenge. For two weeks I fussed.. |
STREAMLINING: by Wayan; 2004/11/10, a dream within a dream I dream I'm an otter, and wake into a dream about sculpture--and learn my style's due to my species... |
SURF THE SAN ANDREAS: by Wayan; 2008/8/21, 3 short dreampoems, Dreamverse #11 Through twin gates of dream--not ivory and horn any more, but fear and trust... Three castles on the sea: a Mock Kremlin, a Ship of Toiletpaper, and a Ship of Brick and Beer... A mad old surfer of the San Andreas Fault, impossibly riding earth-change... |
SWALLOWED!: by Wayan; 1990/7/30, a warning dream. An ancient pictograph inspires me to try a meditative technique: shrinking and letting myself be eaten... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
SWIMMING IN VAN GOGH'S OCEAN: by Amandaclay; c.2011/12/9, a dream of love & beauty On a cruise to Catalina Island, I find friends, a boyfriend and a magical sea of color... |
SWISS-CHEESE FAIRY: by Wayan; dreamed 1983/7/15, sculpted 2000: ceramic/wire/silk, 17" I met an elfin girl who's tattooed realistic vaginas all over her body, as... decoys? For she has... CAUTION: NUDITY, TATTOOS, TABOOS... |
TELEPATH TREES: by Wayan; 1993/9/11, a how-the-other-half-lives dream with 7 pics I dream Edward Abbey shows me a secret grove of telepath trees. That night, in my dreams inside my dream, they meet me... |
TEMENOS: by Wayan; 1997/6/17, a psychic dream. I'm at a Robert Bly camp for men only. But I'm no man--not even human--some faun or satyr-like species... CAUTION: THIS 'TEMENOS' IS A SACRED PHALLIC IMAGE |
THARN: by Wayan; 2006, 45 p, 200+ ill., a nondream virtual world: maps, photos, portraits, tours Tour a rugged, scenic moon with air and water in deep canyons sheltering a dozen intelligent species CAUTION: ANARCHISM, NUDITY, SCIENCE |
THREE DREAMS & A COINCIDENCE: by Rick Veitch, c.1996, predictive shamanic dreams Three dreams set on Abenaki holy ground, of weird shamans--one ashen, one pumpkin-headed, the third goofy-faced--lead me to visit the site. Where I find the river's washed up that third shaman's face... CAUTION: WILL BOTHER E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
TILT!: by Wayan; 2002-3, a nondream study of four alternate Earths I drilled new poles in my globe and tilted the Earth. Ice Age or Carboniferous? Flood or drought? Come visit tropical Antarctica, the Thai Desert, the Hawaiian glaciers, the jungles of France! |
TILT THE GLOBE TO MAXIMIZE BIOMASS: by Wayan, 1987/8/15, 1990/3/31 & 6/10, 1993/8/10, four dreams prompting Planetocopia I dreamed I took a globe off its stand, drilled new poles, and put it back on tilted, so that most continents are greener; Tokyo, Alaska and Tierra del Fuego are now all tropical... Over a decade later, dreams forgotten, I start what I think is a nondream art project, by tilting... |
THE TORTURER: by Wayan; 1997/7/13, a predictive nightmare A free-lance torturer chooses me for his victim. He has the right. I bluster, but when I fall asleep at last... CAUTION: NO PAIN, BUT GORE |
TOVE JANSSON DRAGON: by Wayan; 1999/8/23 nondream 11" sculpture: papier-maché, marbles. I kept seeing the image of a creature like someone in a Tove Jansson book... |
TRITONIAN FOXTAUR U.: by Wayan; 2016/9/10, a wish-fulfilling dream set on Triton I'm an exchange student at the Solar System's best university for the magic arts; my classmates are methane-breathing foxtaurs... |
TWILIGHT ANIMA RISING: by Mardi Storm, 2005, a dream leading to artistic defiance I dreamed of a unicorn rearing in the desert. I wanted to sculpt it and applied to Burning Man but was rejected. So I sculpted the unicorn anyway, out of playa mud. It was a hit... |
UNGIRDLE THE TREE: by Wayan; dreamed 2018/10/6, a shamanic warning dream |
I'm a girl living alone in a forest. I go patrolling after a storm and find a red cable strangling a tree. Though scared, I climb up and tear it off. But there are more... CAUTION: POLITICAL INTERPRETATION |
UNICOITUS INTERRUPTUS: by Wayan, 2024/10/21, a triple sex-frustration dream |
1: My unicorn girlfriend and I are in bed. As we near orgasm, idiots bumble in, wanting help. 2: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... 3: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... CAUTION: SURREAL, BUT PREDICTIVE |
THE UNICORN MASK OF IGNORABILITY: by Wayan; 2009/10/13, a predictive dream; Dreamverse #59 |
My family home's invaded by ancient Egyptian architects. So I put on my unicorn mask and eavesdrop on their plans... |
UNICORN ORGY: by Wayan; sculpture group based on 1995/4/22 dream, finished 2004/3/30; 1' tall. |
A sculpted orgy of unicorns, dryads, and werewolf-satyrs designed to stand sideways on your wall... CAUTION: SEX |
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream. |
I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul... CAUTION: SWEARING, DRUNK LIONS, CYBORG SURGERY, AND GOGGLE-BARFING |
A VASE OF FUR: by Wayan; 1998/11/18, a dream of a surreal future. |
A woman goes on a quest with an alien friend, and returns with only a furry musical vase: her friend! And from how the vase purrs, I'm not so sure if she wants to be changed back. |
VENUS UNVEILED: by Wayan, 2004/8/30; a virtual world with c.200 photos, maps, portraits. |
Tour Venus as it will be in 1000 years, after terraforming: paradise for dozens of intelligent species! |
VIXENTAUR: by Wayan; dreamed 2005/7/8 & 2016/10/25; dream sculpture |
Fusing two dream images, I sculpt an odd fox-taur people with complex family trees--up to four parents each! CAUTION: NUDE FOX, WEIRD SEXUAL CUSTOMS |
VIXTORIA; by Wayan, 2016/8/24-2017/9/19; a soft-sculpture dream-portrait/plushie/sextoy |
I dreamed I was an exchange student on Triton, where I had an affair with a classmate, a cute centauroid vixen... CAUTION: INTERSPECIES (AND INTERPLANETARY) SEX |
WALRUSHMORE: by Wayan; 1982/1/8; a dream pun with political bite |
In my sister's house I saw a magazine cover showing that famous national monument in the Black Hills: Mt Walrushmore... |
WHAT TO DO IN A WIZARD'S LAIR: by Wayan; 2013/4/23, a comic dreamlet |
A friend who's a sorceror's apprentice shows me his Dark Master's tower. And his Dark Master's bed strewn with all his stuffed animals! I just can't resist... |
WINTER DREAMS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; winter 2004/2005, a painted series of color-dreams. |
After teaching a class on color, I had a series of vivid dreams about color, and tried fusing them into one painting... |
WITCH AND WITTENS: by Wayan, 2012/2/20, a dream on sexual ambivalence |
I never find girls I dislike hot... so why do this smugly seductive witch and all her pointy-hat minions simultaneously attract and repel me so? CAUTION: JUST... WRONG. |
WOLF EXOGAMY: by Wayan; 2010/12/19; a furry dating-advisory dream |
A dream of human and wolf people intermarrying provokes both a sculpture and a more wolfish attitude... |
WYVERN: by Wayan; 1997/9/3 to 9/18, 22" ceramic sculpture; recurring dream figure. |
I dreamed of a dragon-woman on a reef. She was my guardian, but she let me drown! She had her reasons... CAUTION: SCALY NUDITY |
XANADU: by Wayan; 2006/6/6, a nondream virtual world |
An alternate Titan, Titan as it should have been, with ethane seas full of life... |
"YOU'RE SO GAY!": by Wayan; 2013/1/24. A psychic dream of a time-short oracle.
I'm in line to meet a shockingly accurate psychic. But she's running late, so as I frame my question... CAUTION: I'M NOT GAY BUT I SURE AM QUEER |
ZEMMYO: by Myoe Shonin; c.1221/4/20, a spiritual Pygmalion dream. |
A doll sent from China breaks into tears over her exile here in Japan. I reassure her and she becomes real... |
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