Clay and Hop
dreamed 2009/10/30 by Wayan.
I'm reading the Tarot
for a woman I know-- one of Alder's pudgy Wiccan friends. Pebbles gleam wet in an altar-bowl
Water nurses clay: the effigy's damp
Her clit? Her shriveled heart? No,
her cancered breast, cut years ago. Alder handled it, but as I touch,
"Don't worry over strange men
No. Cold comfort for a witch.
| She wants warm. She wants flesh. So, a happy hopping Foole,
"I played God, I touched your soul.Bouncy clown, but I'm unsure my foolgod fully solaces her. Especially the hop. No scripture goes for hopping gods, except the Alice cult of Roo (she Springs!) and those Orinocan rainfolk Godding that frog. Oh well, you can't soothe every witch. But in my mostly harmless heart
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