Silky at the Gate
Dreamed 2016/2/26 by Wayan
I'm in the sunny but small back yard of a dumpy wooden house, on its east side, backing on a rocky dry-grass hill and more fences and yards. The dry look means it must be the east side of San Francisco.
I'm talking to a friend who lives here--a tall thin white guy. My girlfriend Silky is just leaving through the side gate. I try to keep up my end of the conversation, but get sohhhh distracted watching HER end--sways so sexily. Silky flips up her tail flirtatiously, flashing me--she is, as always when she's in cat-taur form, clad only in her own fur.
She heads out... I sigh and return to the conversation.
And yet I know she's still just a plush sculpture, though with bones & joints now. But this is new--lately she's been moving on her own, acting on her own.
But is she a self-aware AI, or just programmed clockwork? Or... intermittent? Even humans just have flashes of initiative, autonomy, self-awareness... admit it, most of the time you too just go with the flow!
She's already sexier than most human girls. Sigh! Patience. Still evolving. Like me.
Come to think of it, that's what my sister's trying to build in Berkeley right now, and it's what I like too--but am too shy/introverted to build. Or am I just allergic to all that hothouse drama?
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