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Celebrity Attack!

Dreamed before 2000 by Pierre Dalcourt, drawn by Jesse Reklaw.

As filmstars beat me up, I ask for autographs; I sell them to fund a sculpture of my beating! Dream by Pierre Dalcourt, drawn by Jesse Reklaw

SOURCE: Jesse Reklaw's Dreamtoons, 2000,; selections from his online comic Slow Wave, in which Reklaw draws others' dreams.


Consider this dream in light of the advice given in many popular dream books: "If you can't recall many dreams, use an alarm clock." Say the alarm wakes you around...

Panel 1. Your dream says media rolemodels are makin' you feel awful, and you can't fight back. Overwhelmed.
Action: None. You're doomed & helpless.
Panel 2. Now you're complicit--even as they beat you, you beg for autographs. And they pause to sign! They need the fans they abuse. Grim humor.
Action: quit your celeb addiction.
Panel 3. Now you've found a way to monetize their assault! You're getting even.
Action: Be clever. Capitalize on your victimization somehow. Cash in! You deserve it, if only in revenge.
Panel 4. You can outsmart them. Expose their abuse--in bronze, in stone! But you may fake a bravery or aplomb you didn't really have.
Action: you're as image-conscious as any celeb. Watch out or you'll even lie to yourself--pretend you LIKE being battered by media.
The complete dream is complex, cunning and subtly self-critical. But if you'd set an alarm and woke with a partial dream, it'd look simple--falsely so. And this is often true. Don't jump to conclusions about dream-fragments! Ask for a replay the next night, and the next; don't rush to judgment. Dreamwork plays long.

--Chris Wayan

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