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Dreamed 1985/12/25 by Wayan
for RC Gorman and
Stephanie Peaches


Christmas at my family's. We watch the Nutcracker Suite with Baryshnikov and Gelsey Kirkland. She's so fluid and French and slinky as a cat. Sexy. But what a stupid plot!

Soon as the TV's off, the quarreling starts. Our dad scolds my sister Miriel for trying to treat her nonstandard arthritis herself. "You're an amateur! You should respect doctors more!" Miriel points out that they had 20 years to work on her (costing thousands) and never helped. My father ignores her (valid) point, and keeps weaseling--pretending not to hear her, selectively, so as not to address her arguments. Digs at her all evening. And our mom blandly sides with... whatever he says.


I'm in a shop full of coffee mugs. A sign says CLASSICS ON SALE. Apparently classics = antiques--that is, any mug with a chipped rim or broken handle! Sale? Discounted from antique prices to... normal. That is, quite pricy.

They're stacked in a lattice, rather precariously--to examine them seems risky. But I do, and find most are bland pastels I don't even like. But I find three mugs with deep colors and designs showing people and creatures, telling stories. Now these I like!

scenes of animal people on 3 mugs; dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
  1. A Navaho girl herding sheep, guarding against coyotes. Well, not physical sheep. Just spiritual sheep. Businessmen in gray wool suits. MBA-A-A...
  2. That classic fairytale Goldilocks and the Board of Directors. Directors for the World! Half are Indians, half are animal people. I wish.
  3. A witch's hut where the creatures in the Zodiac live--plus some visiting constellations. The equine ones are sexy--Sagittarius the centaur archer is a graceful mare, and so's Pegasus. I think this mug tells a story too, like the Bayeux Tapestry... but did the ancients read to the left or right? I'm not sure which way the story goes!
The thing about stories on mugs is, you can never see it all at once. The whole can only be seen in the mind. Rather like a novel, or a long TV series. Or a dream.

NOTES, YEARS LATER A female Sagittarius; dream sketch by Wayan.

LISTS AND LINKS: holidays - family values! - nagging & criticism - dream stores - sculpture - narrative art - dream humor - animal people - centaurs & pegasi - babes, hunks & sexy creatures - Native Americans, especially Lakota Trainscapes - even creepier businessmen: Poltergeist! - weirder councils & boards: Satyr & Twilight, Dad on the Board & I Thought He Liked Me - pencil dream-art - Gelsey Kirkland leads a Sex Workshop - a punning set of mugs in Jesus Heads

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