Shops, Stores and Malls
It's a short list, but I've never liked shopping. Besides, the mall in WATERCATS covers the whole planet. If you can't find something that fits you there... you never really wanted it.
RELATED TOPICS: big-city dreams - theatre - movies - clothes, shoes, fashion - parties and other social events - bars, pubs, clubs, dance halls - - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
BATTERED, WITH SYRUP: by Wayan; 1998/11/6 & 11/21, two healing dreams. I'm a battered girl who sings in a mall. The Dictator (of all people) helps me start healing and learn to fly... CAUTION: BATTERING AND ITS CONSEQUENT DAMAGE |
BRIGHT NICHES IN THE CASTLE WALL: by Jenny Badger Sultan; summer 2003; a series of dreams. Dreams warning of mania and paralyzing shame alternate with calm dreams of life and growth... |
BUNNY GROPER: by Wayan; 2022/2/4; a dream on harassment's roots and goals A fantasy bazaar full of wolf, cat and rabbit shoppers. But my human friend Mark has a booth by the exit, and grabs a rabbit girl's tail! She glares daggers, but seems resigned to harassment... CAUTION: SEXISM OR SPECISM? |
COYOTE'S VAULT: by Wayan; 1994/5/4, a shamanic dream of the future. One of the Time Vaults has opened. That means a historical crisis is at hand. Guess who gets to go in... |
CRONE AND SAGE AT THE MALL: by Wayan; 1991/6/22, a mystical dream-sonnet about malls. I dream up a shining mall. At a booth selling herbs I meet my mentors, Crone and Sage. They tease me for building a venue so banal. But I tease right back: "This place shapes you..." CAUTION: CRITIQUES BUDDHIST PURITY |
CRYPTOMNESIC SHOP: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, c.1839, an early cryptomnesic dream A charming street, a peculiar shop... imaginary, or not? Saint-Denys found it at last, years later, in Frankfurt where he hadn't been since childhood... |
ENVYING LYNN: by a patient of Peter O'Connor; 1985 or before, a positive-Shadow dream. Lynn's changed. She everything I'm not--playful, colorful, free with her money. She finds the coolest stuff. Why can't I find all that Lynn has?... |
THE FLASHBACK: by Wayan; 1985/11/28, a dark dream-farce. I'm a monster working in a shopping mall in Stockton, California, when I smell smoke... CAUTION: FILM NOIR SEX |
GIFTSHOP OF THE DAMNED: by Carmen Knoke, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a comic nightmare It was Christmas and we needed to buy gifts. But the shopping dragged on and when at last we went to the register, the sales clerk laughed... |
GIRL TELEPORTS BALLOONS: by Wayan; 1984/8/23, a dream recurring after 26-year gap A snotty shopkeeper won't let a kid have a balloon, so she teleports one through the display window! Blind to the magic, he just scolds her and takes it away. So her mind reaches through the window to liberate every balloon in his store! And then, 26 years later... |
THE GOLDEN JOCKSTRAP: by Wayan, 2017/3/8, a dream on meeting your own needs I walk into a Castro fashion shop with Dalí décor--golden underwear draped on branches. And my friends all buy it... CAUTION: UNDERWEAR JOKES |
HILLARY’S EYES: by Margaux Williamson; February 2008, a political romance dream Hillary Clinton was trying to seduce me, and doing a pretty good job, too... |
IN THE BIG BOOKSHOP: by Wayan; 2020/6/28, a dream asserting another dream was prophetic! I'm in a construction zone behind the world's largest bookshop, telling a friend that late 2020 & January 2021 will be a mess. I hide that I know it because a unicorn in a dream said so... |
THE INCIDENCE OF BUDDHAS: by Wayan; 1996/4/24, a dream testing me. I'm in a mall that enlightened customers alter with a thought. But too many Buddhas spoil the architecture... |
JUDGE, FLASHER, PIG: by Wayan, 2023/10/22, two parallel, surreal dreams A pig-man hybrid--huge mouth, tiny body--happily eats trash, smirking as I pass... Then a woman bends over to flash me, smirking, as a censorious Judge glares... CAUTION: SCENE 1 GROSS, SCENE 2 SEXUAL |
LAING SAYS: by Wayan, 1983/2/10; a cluttered, comic, goofy predictive dream DREAM: I run into a couple I know. I get gridlocked. R.D. Laing gives me a transpersonal message. DAY: I bump into that couple, get gridlocked, and hear R.D. Laing speak on transpersonal messages... |
THE MAN WHO DESERVED TO DIE: by Jim Shaw; c.1994; a dream of moral rescue I don't want to kill my friend, though his clothes say I must. But a sculptor lets us sit on her metal trees and drink tea instead... |
MCKILLIP'S NEW BOOK: by Wayan; 2010/7/23, an epic literary dream I'm inside a magical novel by Patricia McKillip, amid tricksters, cosplayers, spooks, sex changes, levitation and (sigh) cops... CAUTION: COYOTE SEX |
METAL MACHINE MUSIC: by Anonymous #49, early 1994?, a predictive dreamlet I DREAMED my friend's father died, and a music shop had Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music; NEXT DAY I learned my friend's father died. I went to a shop, and there was Metal Machine Music. I don't even have a turntable, but I bought it anyway. |
MUGS: by Wayan; 1985/12/25, a dream of weird Christmas gifts A shop sells coffee cups covered in tales & creatures begging to be drawn... |
MY LIPS ARE SEALED: by Wayan, 1989/6/3, a moody, psychic, epic, two-part dream. I'm a Romantic poet who defeats the curse of the fountain, to marry; but when our daughter's grown, a new curse strikes me mute, paralyzed. And I mistake this for old age! Then, in real life, my dad wakes up from a nap paralyzed... |
NOT A LICK OF E.S.P.: by Wayan; 2021/10/22, a sex dream not about sex (or ESP) After an impatient bookseller puts me down, I dream I'm licking a girl who nothing pleases... |
OHLONE AT THE MALL: by Wayan; 1994/2/1, a dream of what matters I see two Ohlone women around 1900, starving, naked, despised, their land stolen--and still way happier than... CAUTION: NUDITY |
PALACE OF GOOD POLICY: by Wayan; 2023/11/2, an anti-cynical political dream One night I meet a robot and an alien staring in a shop window at a photo of a Gothic chapel. They're shocked--it's a Galactic legend, the Palace of Good Policy. Pure myth! Or is it? |
RECORD: by Robert Brust; July 1990; a punning, possibly psychic dream I DREAM I buy a record I've wanted. But someone warns "You'll have trouble with it; you should have gone to another store." I WAKE as my phone rings. "A clerical error in our records will delay the supplies you ordered." Wish I'd picked another store... |
SATYR AND TWILIGHT: by Wayan; 2018/9/1, an epic dream perhaps foreseeing the pandemic A spell kills off nearly all humanity and mutates the rest of us. Now I'm a satyr living in a co-op home with unicorns, dryads, cattaurs, and shy vampires. Thing is, I prefer the Apocalypse to what came before... CAUTION: NUDE CREATURES |
SHOW WINDOW: by Charles Fort, c. 1932, a quiet little ESP test I was walking on 42nd Street. On a whim I tried to predict what was in the window of a shop up the block. I pictured turkey tracks on red snow. When I came up to the window... |
STRANGE GIRL STALKING ME IN MY DREAMS: by Mike Hanes; 2010/12/11, a dream recovering a lost dream! This strange girl reminds me "I rode your bike recently but you forgot." She's right! Rode it in an earlier dream... |
THUS BE: by Patricia Garfield, 1970/7/10, a worm-turns dream I'm overcharged at a grocery store--the checker confused my food with someone else's. I grab him, fly high up and drop him, splat. I chant "Thus be: Splat! Squashed flat..." CAUTION: DEATH PENALTY SEEMS A BIT MUCH |
UN-AMERICAN FANTASIES: by Wayan; 1996/7/19, a dreamtale. The All-American Family visits the fabulous Un-American Fantasy Store, where Mom is in for a shock... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY, LANGUAGE |
WATERCATS: by Wayan; 1987/9/10; an epic, clear predictive dream I dream I find a few 'extinct' watercats--in a slum! They talk. They say I'm one of them, brainwashed to think I'm human. I wake, go to a dinner, and hear a tale of... watercats! |
WOLVES IN THE BOOTH: by Thordhr "the Terror"; c.1000, a warning dream Thordhr dreams a pack of wolves attack him in a trade-booth! He wakes sure the trade-fair will be trouble... |
"YOU'RE NOT MY BOSS!": by Wayan; 2019/6/27, a disturbing political dream In a busy, shorthanded market, the store owner's running a checkstand. He mistakes me for an employee and starts ordering me around... CAUTION: AGE & GENDER... BIAS? OR INFORMED JUDGMENT? |
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