In the Big Bookshop
Dreamed 2020/6/28 by Wayan
In my dream, I wake up remembering a dream that prompted me to go down to the biggest bookshop in the world, and talk with one of the shelvers who I like.
I do as I'm told.
The girl at the security portal--it's a poor neighborhood, they get theft--knows me by sight and waves me in, bag and all. Says "She's in the back." She knows? That I'm sweet on her co-worker? Sheesh, then all the staff know...
It's a long hike. This place is even bigger than Powell's! Ahead, an empty area--they're expanding again. Staff exit. I peek. Construction out back. I look around... a dark area under the freeway where homeless people camp. One of them glares at me feral as an owl. I get nervous.
I cross a huge street to get back to one of the staff's back entrances. It's a good hundred yards wide, and takes forever. Inexplicably, no one guards the gate; I slip back in.
Oh. It's unguarded because there's nothing to steal. A construction site still open to the sky; just a maze of red brick walls, half-built, and great piles of tawny sand. Well, she wanted me to see the expansion...
Here at last I find her. She vents her worries about the construction. The owner (well the largest partner, and the one leading the expansion) hasn't gotten the usual federal guarantee for a loan they qualify for, and worries the Feds will be paralyzed by the pandemic forever...
I say "I'm a dreamworker, and my opinion's just intuitive not logical, but my dreams predict Federal insanity right up to inauguration as Trump thrashes around... though a strong recovery soon as he's out."
I like her, but don't know her quite well enough yet to preface that with the truth: "A unicorn in a dream told me..." or to add "...and if a unicorn tells me in a dream, it's true." Even though dream unicorns have been, in MY experience, way more reliable than, say, media pundits. Or presidents.
But I don't say that. Not yet. I just read a book by advice columnist Miss Manners; she argued that building friendship has to be gradual in this uncertain world, and the quick chumminess pushed since the sixties doesn't work. Reliability works.
Then I wake. And realize I just dreamed that I saw an earlier dream as prophetic... it isn't just my waking judgment, then; my dreams think Unicorn Timeforks is still valid. And if so... it's gonna be a hell of a fall.
Chaos up to inauguration day? Silly me, trusting unicorns and dreams. When it turned out to be so peaceful.
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