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Crone and Sage at the Mall

Dreamed 1991/6/22 by Wayan

Dream of a gleaming mall. I head for that booth
where our wrinkled couple, Crone and Sage, display
their dry life-giving roots. Of them, said Yeats,
"their eyes, their ancient, glittering eyes, are gay."

Crone teases me. "Why bother with this mall?
We raised you up to see heart-truth, not all
this outward form, this silly buy and sell. You
don't need things. And when you rarely do,

You're practical. Why wrap us all in glitz?" I say
"I dreamt a stage where you'd be drawn to play
because I like YOU, not that abstract Truth
you represent. And what makes you Greats

Embody tangibly is need. One jinseng please.
Mortal desire can be a tool." I too can tease.

Two ancient sages in a mall. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


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