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Age and Elders

Dreams about aging, old age, seniors or elders.

RELATED TOPICS: age-bent dreams (you're older OR younger) - longevity and lifespan - life-stages: birth and babies - children - play - school - puberty - college - love and marriage - parenting - work - death - dreams set in other times - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.

What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

ACORN AND PELT: by Wayan; 1983/7/19, a simple sex dream growing to a mystical extravaganza
I fall in love, defying kidnappers, dwarf-tossers and
Toulouse-Lautrec, until I become a time-traveling bunny...
AM I EPHEMERAL?: by Wayan; 2006/7/6, a puzzling dream of alienation
I live in a colony of long-lived observers of humanity. But am I one? Or a short-lived human pet?
AMPLIFIER: by Alder; 1999/11/13, a dream on self-underestimation
I was always the weakest magic-worker I knew. But when demons threatened my grandchild...
ANNE SEXTON: by J.D. McClatchy; 1974/10/4, a predictive dream.
I dreamt my friend Anne Sexton's death was on the news.
I woke, the phone rang, and I learned she'd...
ANOTHER DREAM OF BURIAL: dreamed 2009 or before, by W.S. Merwin; poem of recurring dream
The garden varies, but I have always turned away and walked into the whole world. So far...
ARIANA'S EVENING: by Andrea McFarland; 2022/4/28, a dream of a long-lost love
Fifty years after I drove him away with high-school idiocy, I get one last kiss before...
ATMAVICTU: by Carl Jung, c.1919/12/4; portrait of dream figure in a different phase of life
Jung's ally in killing the murderous German archetype Siegfried was Atmavictu.
Here he's worn out, turning to stone, ready to manifest as a different guide...
AVENUE OF TREES: by Anonymous #34; July 1911?, early 1924?, 1934/3/30, & Jan. 1947;
four death-omen dreamlets, one predictive
Every decade or so, I dream a loved one says farewell and walks
down an avenue of trees. I wake to find that person's dying...
AVOID THE MATRIARCH: by Wayan; 2011/7/8; a dream of, well, avoidance
I love a girl in a big Singapore clan whose matriarch hates me.
But the omens say confronting her will be disastrous...
BEETLE TIME: by Wayan; 2018/8/18; a dream-poem on time-slip
A beetle helps me on a fairytale quest, then founds a great house;
but only a year later, he's an ancient patriarch, and I'm still young...
BETTY STOPS BY: by a Kentucky woman pre-1961, a farewell visitation dream?
I was moved that Betty came to see my two babies despite her illness, but shocked when her father told me...
BLIND ANCESTORS: by Wayan; 2007/8/6, a nightmare poem about all of us
While we’re at work, Blind Ancestors come smash up our homes...
and we all see zombie vandal relatives as normal...
BLUE LIPS, GOLD EYES, ORANGE JUICE: by Wayan; 1997/5/8, a warning dream.
In a world where respectable men wear masks, an old, old man rebels in the crudest way he can...
BOB THE TREE: by Catshall; c. 2013/6/21, a dream-haiku on our marriage
I dreamt Bob was a tree-god enthroned in ivy. I said...
BOGNOR MARRIAGE: by Thomas Hood; 1825; a newlywed nightmare
I found a honeymoon cottage by the sea, and the old landlady gave me a very reasonable rate. Everything was fine...
BORN IN A CAVE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2007/4/20 to 2007/8/9, a painted series of rite-of-passage dreams.
I keep dreaming of awkward but successful transitions into new life, and paint them all in one landscape...
BOTH MOURN, BOTH DIE: by "J.H., Esquire", 1694/12/9, a double premonitory dream
J.H. dreamt both his mother and Queen Mary appeared in mourning. Within days, both were dying...
THE BOULDER DISSOLVES: by Myoe Shonin; mid Dec. 1230, an old monk's dream of liberation
I was trapped inside a boulder, but as I chanted it melted around me until it resembled a discarded skin...
BOX OF DREAMS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2007 to 2009, a boxed set of 19 small dream-paintings
A sequence of short dreams full of creatures. They warn I'll face leukemia...
BRIDGE, MOON, PROFESSOR, SHOES: by Dorothea Tanning; 2003? Poem of a flying dream
The moon invites me to go flying, but I get tired of magic and just want to go shopping...
BRIGHT NICHES IN THE CASTLE WALL: by Jenny Badger Sultan; summer 2003; a series of dreams.
Dreams warning of mania and paralyzing shame alternate with calm dreams of life and growth...
BUFFALO PERSON: by Plenty Coups, summer 1857; a child's time-traveling, tribe-saving dream
I was led into the future, where all the buffalo disappeared, to meet a frail old man by a ranch house...
BUTLER'S CROSSING: by David's father; 1941/8/24, a (heeded or unheeded?) warning dream
He saw a vehicle coming toward him at great speed. The light was so bright it blinded him. He screamed...
BYRON'S DREAM: by Lord Byron; 1816, a dream of a love denied
An epic dream on the lifelong effects of unrequited love, compressed into seven stanzas...
THE CAT: by Peter Birkhäuser; 1949 on, recurrent dreams, painted '55?
A mysterious old woman with cat-face and claws threatened me; she seemed
to be guarding a treasure. Sometimes she appeared as a praying mantis...
CLAIRAGONY: by a Philadelphia woman, Aug 1951, a sympathetic heart attack her mind misattributes
I had a heart attack--but it faded in minutes! The phone rang. I knew at once my dying mother was gone...
CLAY AND HOP: by Wayan; 2009/10/30, a dream poem with sketches; Dreamverse #63
I touch the secret soul of a cancer survivor, upsetting her. To apologize, I become a goofy hopping god...
CLOWN: by Naguib Mahfouz; early 1995?, a surreal dream.
My town transforms into a circus--trapeze artists, elephants, clowns. At first I loved it, but when I went home...
COOLIDGE'S DUCK: by Wayan; 1981/4/29, a political dream.
Calvin Coolidge takes over the White House and invites
his rich fossil friends over for a bath and a song...
CRAZY JANE GROWN OLD LOOKS AT THE DANCERS: by W.B. Yeats; spring 1929?, a dream-based poem
Crazy Jane watches a dancing couple's passionate games, and envies even their hate; to her, it's part of love...
CRONE AND SAGE AT THE MALL: by Wayan; 1991/6/22, a mystical dream-sonnet about malls.
I dream up a shining mall. At a booth selling herbs I meet my mentors, Crone and Sage.
They tease me for building a venue so banal. But I tease right back: "This place shapes you..."
CURMUDGEON I: by Wayan; 1981/7/24, a silly dream.
That broccoli business made the new pope controversial, but when he goes off to find his girlfriend...
DAD FALLS ASLEEP AT THE PODIUM: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2008/3/8; painting in the Box of Dreams
My father is supposed to speak, but he falls asleep onstage. I rush up to try and rouse him, but...
DAD'S DATES: by Wayan; 2008/8/17, a dream poem, Dreamverse #8.
After my mom's death, my dad starts dating again, while I hide out and wince. Can't I do anything positive?
DANCE OF THE SUN: by Wayan, 1972/10/23, an epic mystical dream
I cross a hostile continent to a magic commune, fall in love with a flying girl who slaps a
soul-spark into my head, and follow an alien goddess leading the Dance of the Sun...
DEAD, ALIVE, DEAD: by a Minnesota teacher; well before 1960, a predictive... something.
Mrs Brown was dead; I recalled helping at her bedside. My mother swore she was alive and I'd never met her! Then...
DISEASE OF THE HEART: by Virginia Woolf; 1929/11/2, a false diagnostic dream--or is it?
I dream I have just six months to live. I go through a dozen phases and moods, preparing for death...
DREAM OF KOA RETURNING: dreamed 2009 or before, by W.S. Merwin; dream poem on a ghost dog
I reached back slowly hoping to touch your long amber fur wondering if you might be a dream...
THE DUKE OF VENICE: by Wayan; 1981/5/25, a dream on moneyphobia.
The Duke complains things just aren't what they were. As I hear what he liked, I'm increasingly...
EAR TO THE, UH, WALL: by Wayan; dreamed 1983/10/10
Granny's magic nipple helps me foil the yuppies dumping toxic
waste. But does it count if I did it just to save my own...
EMADRO: by Wayan; 1983/6/4, a wild dream on clinging--and letting go.
An elephant sinks in the North Sea, and the Oracle Mink says a wizard did it. Can old Lady Gandalf help?
THE ETHICAL CANNIBAL: by Wayan; 1993/7/25, a health-advice dream?.
I meet a man who's lived centuries on an all-cannibal diet. He has ethics, though: he sticks to roadkill! Except...
EXPERIMENT WITH TIME by Nancy Price; 1948, a shamanic-initiation dream declined?
I meet a girl who's 16 and 61, who tells me dreams are lives, not messages.
But then I must fly over a sinister parade...
THE EYE by Nancy Price; 1948, a nightmare of resisting torture
A staring Eye tries to break me; his cats & robots flay me. Yet his birds rebel in sympathy, & I refuse to die...
FERDINAND'S ASSASSINATION: by Joseph Lanyi; 1914/6/28, a historic predictive dream.
Lanyi dreamed in detail of the assassination of his friend Archduke Franz Ferdinand hours before it happened...
A FILM-ORIENTED DREAM: by William Desowitz, spring 1980; dream collaging four diverse movies
I fondle the noses of two masked girls in red leotards--parodying part of a Clockwork Orange...
I'm excited to see Last Year at Marienbad, but either the actors mumble or the sound is bad...
Night. I fly, as in Fellini's , but out of control. The wind takes me, I'm terrified...
My grandmother attacks me with her crab-claw, then retreats, chanting the film title Shoeshine!
FILM STARS by Nancy Price; 1948, a surreal predictive/diagnostic dream
I'm a film actress, but the producer isn't happy with my legs, so make-up takes them away to be redone...
FINALLY I'M AN OLD WHORE: by Jack Kerouac, Jan/Feb 1953, a burnout dream... or his fears for the future
Finally I've turned into an old whore... a silly Jack Kerouac whore with that same old tired old gasafaycagoo...
FOUR WHO COULD ONLY GET HALF-WAY by Nancy Price; 1948, a frustration-dream with deep advice
I'm one of four mediocrities: all our efforts come to nought. Mum says "You're netted, but you can fray the ropes...
FOXY ANCESTOR: by Wayan; 1998/7/25, a subtle dream.
A famous inventor is descended from foxes. Their faces teach me something about beauty and character...
FRANKLIN'S NECK: by a dying Kansas grandmother; 1953/7/5, an unheeded warning nightmare
"Oh no" she moaned. "I don't want Frankie to go to that camp. He must not go there." She began to cry...
FREUD'S FOUR POINTS: by Wayan; 2008/11/11; a dream critiquing four of Freud's dream-theories!
Freud and I argue dream-theory while we're stuck in an elevator that projects dream-examples on the walls...
THE FUR SIDE, or, GESTELLA: by Wayan; 2013/7/2; a dream-critique of a feminist fable
After reading a fable about a murdered werewolf, I dream a tough old woman
with golden wolf eyes joins our school lunch table, where the furry minority sits...
GANDHI RUNS: by Wayan; 1997/8/1, a fusion dream.
Gandhi and I must run barefoot across a burning racetrack miles wide... the Ascetic Desert?
GARDEN OF THE GODS: by Wayan; 1995/10/6, a dream of slowth.
In the Garden of the Gods, I sit through sun and rain. For gods aren't the gardeners, they're the crop...
THE GIANTESS OF THVERA: by Viga-Glum Eijolfsson; early 940s?, a very public clairvoyant dream.
Viga-Glum dreamt a giantess came to visit. "She is the spirit-guide of my grandfather in Norway. He is dead...
GOLDFISH: by Michel Leiris; June 1940, a surreal waking vignette
The Nazis advance on Paris. We help refugees at the train station. An old woman has a pet goldfish
and a black cat. She can't carry a fishbowl across wartime France, and doesn't want to abandon...
GRAMPA GOT AIMED: by Wayan; 1987/6/17, a psychic dream.
The girl I love has a family that'll stop at absolutely nothing to destroy us. But I'll fight for love...
GRAMPA HAS SPOKEN: by Wayan; 1989/11/26, an oracular dream.
In a worldwide junkyard full of warring spooks, I finally meet the one whose message I need to hear...
GRANDMA: by Eileen and Bill, as told by Gayle Delaney, c.1976, parallel dreams
My grandma couldn't drive, but after she died, I dreamt she drove my brother Bill and me
around--speeding, in fact. When I told him the dream, he filled in details--he'd dreamt it too!
GRIEF KIVA: by Wayan; 1980/2/16, a lucid psychic dream.
In a Hopi underworld, I find even lucid dreaming can't cure guilt and grief over losses yet to come...
HAIL AND FAREWELL by Nancy Price; 1947/6/6, a revenant dream-message
A dying colleague haunts me all night. He says "crossings are often unpleasant" but death's not bad...
HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT: by Wayan; 1994/4/3, a dark dream.
As my grandmother is dying, I have a dream about what really went on in her house...
I OVERSLEPT: by Wayan; 1992/6/12, a dream of loss.
I oversleep. A lot. All my friends are dead, along with my century...
IT'S A DEAD MAN'S PARTY: by Wayan; 1988/10/18, a nightmare of identity.
I find myself at a creepy party supporting a dead man who's running for office. And am I Dan Quayle?
JAMES MERRILL REMEMBERED: by Rachel Hadas; around May 1995; two dream-poems
Soon after my friend and mentor James Merrill died, I had recurring, elusive dreams about him...
THE KEROUAC TREE: by Wayan; 2 ill., 1983/3/18, a dream of fame and time.
The true story of the very first tree-hugger. Not Kerouac! You'll never guess. In fact, you'll say it's impossible...
KISS OF A SAVAGE: by Wayan; 1993/10/28, a dream of deep time.
I wake to find I'm a museum exhibit 15,000 years from now--a primitive man...
LATER IN THE DAY, WE'LL CROSS OVER: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/7/16; painting in the Box of Dreams
I know we will cross the water surrounding the heart of Jerusalem, but not yet...
LBJ OR WOODROW?: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; July-Sept 1955 and Feb-Mar 1968, recurring paralysis dreams
From the neck up I was me; from the neck down, Woodrow Wilson in his old age, paralyzed.
My presidential aides divided up my duties, and ignored me...
LBJ'S CAGE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; May-June 1924, recurring teenage nightmares
I found myself in a cage, with only a bench and piles of old books. A mirror showed
I was old and twisted with speckled skin. In horror I said "I must get away"...
LBJ'S RIVER NIGHTMARE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; Feb-Mar 1968, a nightmare on political paralysis
I was trapped in a river, trying to swim to shore. But I was in a powerful eddy. No matter which way I swam...
LBJ'S STAMPEDE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; 1913-14?, a childhood nightmare anticipating a presidency
As a boy I dreamt I was trapped in a wooden chair, paralyzed, as a stampede
rushed toward me, just as my grandmother was paralyzed and chair-bound...
LET ME PASS!: by Alice Sheldon/James Tiptree; January 1974, a punning gender nightmare
Alli/Tip is lured/tricked into a pen full of women, and tries to get out by repeating this ambiguous plea...
LINCH-PIN: by George Stevens; c.1895? a frustrating psychic dream
George sees a cart-crash pinning a friend. He yells to bystanders to free the wheel, but they can't hear him...
LONGEVITY PLANS!: by Wayan; 1998/8/22, a nondream speculation.
Lifespans are growing, but do we incorporate that into our life-planning? Oh, hell, do I plan at ALL?
LUNCH WITH THE STARS: by Wayan; 1981/2/2, a dream on beliefs.
I'm in a loving animal dance troupe, but wake to find I'm alone.
For consolation, I eat at The Terrace, and meet stars. Not film stars...
MATRONIZED: by Wayan; 1996/5/25, a real-life vignette.
An older woman I know nags me about food. Suddenly my mind flips our genders and weights...
A MISCARRIED LIFE: by Wayan; 1981/2/12, a dreamlet just a century long.
I'm Mattie, a pregnant girl on a Lewis and Clark expedition. I miscarry, and they tell me...
MOM DRIVES: by Frances R. Storey, 1994?, a warning dream--but of the future, or now?
I'm back in the suburbs, but decades have passed. My mom's really old & blind.
Yet I insist she should drive the car, not me. She pulls out in front of a huge truck...
MOON-STRIPED TIGER PROWLING: by Sylvia Rosen, 1975/6/29; dream poem
The foul old fossil woman had carved and burnt her own flesh in the name of art;
we washed her till she was reborn young. It was my turn next to enter the water...
THE MOTORCYCLE-BOOK: by Alyse and Tim, 1979 or before, complementary dreams
ALYSE dreams Tim drives a motorcycle-book up a hill, but she doesn't LIKE riding so fast...
TIM dreams a wise woman tested him, but found him unqualified to play teacher to Alyse...
MOVING: by Roswila, 2007/10/13 and 2007/10/23; a recurring dreamku
My dreams support a radical break from my past--to let go of possessions and friends in a cross-country move...
THE MUMMY: by Wayan; 2003/10/13, a Rarebit Fiend nightmare.
A horror film and Rick Veitch's dream-comix provoke a nightmare
warning me that guilt about my dad is wrecking my life...
MY LIPS ARE SEALED: by Wayan, 1989/6/3, a moody, psychic, epic, two-part dream.
I'm a Romantic poet who defeats the curse of the fountain, to marry; but when our daughter's grown,
a new curse strikes me mute, paralyzed. And I mistake this for old age!
Then, in real life, my dad wakes up from a nap paralyzed...
MY MOTHER'S CLOSET: by Rachel Hadas, c. 2000;
a dream-poem provoking a 2008/9/16 dream by Chris Wayan
I was in my mother's closet, trying on her outfits, and trapped in Hamlet, too...
MY NINE SELVES: by Wayan, 2023/7/18; a dream hinting at a new phase in life
Strangers ask me about my nine selves, and I find I know exactly what they mean!
The last three are new and odd--calm quiet states that heighten paranormal senses...
MYRNA, LOOK AHEAD: by Myrna, drawn by her daughter Joey Epstein; before 1988, a dream of a revenant ghost's advice
After Myrna's husband gave up diabetes treatments to die at home, one night she felt him behind her in bed, and he whispered...
NORASINGH: by Wayan; 1987/1/15, a Tantric Frankenstein dream.
I fall in love with my sculpture of a mythical Southeast Asian creature. Then a mad yogi breaks in...
OLD ADAM: by Robert Southey; 1804/12/7, a comic dreamlet.
I meet the original Adam. He complains Eve neglects him, but he hopes to meet one of his cleverer descendants...
THE OLD WITCH: by Wayan; 1991/8/1, a dreamtale on abandon.
A Hollywood sex goddess confronts the Ingenue who's supplanting her. Just how far will she go?
THE OLD YOUNG MAN: by Anna Kingsford; 1880/2/21, a dream of a step-in soul
Malaria nearly kills a talented young artist; he must retrain from scratch. Why? Well, he's not exactly himself...
OLDER AND YOUNGER: by 'Rasselon'; 2009/11/17, a dream of erotic deviousness
The older sorceress I'm in bed with plans to marry me off to a younger woman, but I distract her with my tongue...
OLYMPUS UNMASKED: by Wayan; 2022/8/10, a far-future dream
On terraformed Mars, we set out to climb Mt Olympus without
oxygen masks. The first miles are OK, but the air thins until...
THE OTHER ROOM by Nancy Price; 1948, a predictive dream
A writer I haven't seen for 40 years gives me a drink, but all I want is to find my mom in The Other Room...
PAPA: by Hélène Cixous; 1996/5/15; a revenant dream on workaholism
I'm in my papa's waiting room. I beg him to take a break from his patients now that he's dead, and walk with me...
PASS THE VIAL ON: by Wayan; 2000/4/18, a dream of renunciation
A vagabond king showed me the way into Faerie, and it made my fortune. But now it's time to pass the gift on...
PEGGY'S CAKE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; l998/10/26 , a nightmare plus surrealist painting.
At a party I meet a friend I thought was dead. She's become a small talking rabbit made of cake, and I...
PESCADERO MONET: by Wayan; 1983/11/4, a happy art-cult dream.
Monet is over 100 now, living in an art colony. I visit him, but my parents come along. Bad idea...
PHILOSOPHER: by Wayan; 1992/7/31. Nondream digital picture-poem.
I worked at Stanford too long. I got tired of observing the mating displays of the purple-prose patriarch..
PICARDIAN ANGELS: by Wayan; 1993/1/7, a dream of time and wishes.
I walk on Martinique with Captain Picard of the starship Enterprise. He's here to see a dreamy boy...
PICARD'S ANGELS: by Wayan; 1993/1/7, a poem; alternate treatment of the dream PICARDIAN ANGELS
As a boy on Martinique, Jean-Luc Picard wished for so much so hard, his angels have to work overtime...
PIGEON WITH A HEAD LIKE QUEEN VICTORIA: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 2010/7/26, painting of a pest
A pigeon with a head like Queen Victoria's keeps fastening onto
my clothing with its beak, and this nagging feels familiar...
THE PLACE OF SPROUTING CORN: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 1989/1/10 & 1989/6/28, twin initiatory dreams.
I'm shown corn plants growing from skulls, and it seems like I must plant some skull-corn myself...
PLUTO: THE NEWEST PLANET: by Lena, 2023/3; a dream warning of coming change
A disintegrating board game reminds me to take time to enjoy things beyond work and activism...
PORTRAIT OF LADY DRACANTHRA: by Wayan; mid-2001, acrylic dream painting.
Among the family portraits in the hall of my ancestors was this one of a formidable old... woman, I guess.
THE POWER OF THE BUTTERFLY: by Lisa Gale Garrigues ("Cory"); winter 1997,
a dream of flying, shapeshifting and spiritual advice.
When a flood traps me in my cabin, I dream I meet
an old man who warns me "Let your butterflies go"...
PURSUED, I RAN INTO THE BARN: by Dorothea Tanning; 2003? A nightmare-poem
A monster's out to eat my dog--and maybe me. We get cornered in the barn...
RAZI AND THE HOLY WINO OF SHASTA: by Wayan; 1994/9/1, a redemptive epic dream
20,000 years from now, a deer-harpist named Razi finds the Holy Wino's not quite the ruin he seems...
THE RICH WRECK THE WELL: by Jim Shaw; between 1987 & Jan. 1995, a dream of Heaven
A movie version of heaven. Souls line up for rejuvenation from a great
fountain. But fat old rich guys crash the line, demanding to be first...
They were both beauties and look rather feline to me--I'm drawn to feline beauties still, and wonder...
ROBINSON JEFFERS AS A SHAMAN: by Wayan; 1996/7/28, a life-review, with 2016/10/22 followup
Jeffers, that harsh, visionary, ecological poet, seems drunk on Darwinism,
blind to kindness--or is he just reporting Big Sur's true, mean spirit(s)?
ROOSTERDOG: by Larry Vigon; 2003/4/22; a nested dream
In the woods I catch a beautiful rooster. It doesn't struggle; it turns into a dog.
We make friends. We sleep together in the wood; I dream we grow old together.
The dog's owner wakes me; farewell, dog! But at least the funeral has caviar...
RUBBISH: by Naguib Mahfouz; dreamed 2001? A dream of advice from the dead.
My dead friend lost patience with the local dump, so I beat the trash--and out came shining people...
SATYR: by Wayan; 1999/4/1, a frustrating wish-fulfillment dream (yes, both).
I'm a faun, the oracle for a Greek village. But my predecessor set up rituals I want to change...
THE SEA WOLF'S BRAIN: by Wayan; 1999/11/21, a psychic dream.
For years the Sea-Wolf enslaved me. He said I had to fight him and win to be free. I'm ready at last...
SHADOW PUZZLE: THE LORD AND HIS SERVANT: by Wayan; 1984/5/23, a reflective dream.
A puzzle-game of eyes and mirrors and shadows starts revealing the players' deepest secrets...
THE SHAKEN PROFESSOR: by Wayan; 1996/2/11, a dream explaining amnesia and memory.
A great teacher abruptly blanks out. Memory loss is scary, but the empty moment bared a deeper fear:
THE SHRINKING POPE: by Sorcha; 2005/4/1, a Jane Bond dream
I'm the only one who can stop the plot to kill the Pope--but if he keeps shrinking like that, will it matter?
SHRUNKEN MEN: by Wayan; 1992/2/21, a dream on the masculinity crisis.
Day: Robert Bly's book Iron John, claiming men need male mentors, annoys me.
Dream: the giants co-opted Captain Picard of Star Trek, but we don't need him to rebel...
SKY AND PRESTER JOHN: by Wayan; 2009/9/30, two short dream poems with sketches; Dreamverse #57
My neurotic sister and I both lust for a girl named Sky; then I flee a gang of popes and lamas and mullahs...
SORRY WE DRANK ALL THE BEER: by Wayan; 1986/6/3, a dream on the use of rage
The future. Humanity's trapped--no energy. Because aliens looted our world before we evolved! Now...
SPIDER CRONE: by Wayan; 2019/12/20, a nightmare of helpful advice
Lost in the rainforest of Olympic National Park, I stumble into the wrong cabin:
the hut of Time herself. Or is she? She asks me to clean up, but spare her web...
SPIRITUAL TESTS: by Wayan; 2000/8/28, a predictive dream
As my dad lies dying, I dream my sister and I face spiritual tests
given by slacker angels who'd rather be on TV. Learn to let go!
STEAMROLLER: by Richard Wilbur, late 20th Century; an embarrassing dream.
As the steamroller flattened me I became quite a lovely stained-glass window...
STRANGE SERVICE: by Gordon B., early 2006, a transcendental dream
The old man sang in the empty church, then looked at me and snapped his fingers. I was filled with voices...
SURF THE SAN ANDREAS: by Wayan; 2008/8/21, 3 short dreampoems, Dreamverse #11
Through twin gates of dream--not ivory and horn any more, but fear and trust...
Three castles on the sea: a Mock Kremlin, a Ship of Toiletpaper, and a Ship of Brick and Beer...
A mad old surfer of the San Andreas Fault, impossibly riding earth-change...
THE TAO OF DENNIS THE MENACE: by Wayan; 1986/4/17, a dream of a wise mentor.
Chased by purple squid from Jupiter, I seek refuge with a guru the Goddess recommends for me...
(A comic frustration dream hiding a warning)
Our tennis game's spoiled by rubber rackets, fierce grandmas,
Good and Evil (those identical twins) and a bully on stilts...
THIEF OF DREAMS: by Wayan; 1996/11/29, a sexy soul-swap dream; a 22-page comic (or text w/pics)
I was a mermaid trying to find Count Coyote's stolen dreams, so I could marry my human girlfriend...
THE TOOTH: by SAO (Shawn Allen O'Neal), 2003?, an epic, oracular, baffling dream
Psychics give me an incomprehensible reading. A book from the tree-library gives only Victorian dating advice.
At last a madman gives me a treasure-box holding a tooth that unfolds into slices carved in unreadable symbols...
THE TRAIN ON TIME CAFE: by Wayan, 1981/12/20, an epic political dream.
Silicon Valley goes enthusiastically fascist. I hide in a berry patch. They build a shining world, and then...
MY TUTELARY UNCLE: by Wayan; 1993/5/28, a shamanic dream.
I'm half Anglo, half Kwakiutl. My uncle the shaman died,
but he still wants to teach me his medicine...
THE 1200-STEP PROGRAM: by Wayan; 1987/12/17, an illustrated dreamtale.
I'm climbing a tower, as my dad, Apollo, drunk, throws bottles at me from the top, breaking bones...
TWO CENTURIES OF PROGRESS: by Edwin Muir; 1938-9, two dreams and an extraordinary mini-essay
Yesterday, Hitler marched into town. I was born before the Industrial Revolution, and am now about 200 years old...
TWO WITCHES: by Melissa McClanahan, 2013/9/8, a short painted dream-comic
Two witches, maiden and crone, ride a flying monster made of two magically fused trolls.
But I know somehow that the two are really just aspects of a single powerful sorceress...
UNCLE MAC'S SECRET GENIUS: by Andrea McFarland, 2023/1/22, a surreal dream
My uncle Mac has a secret scheme to free us all from the Rat Race, but
his dancing mouse-headed robots (and climate change) get out of hand...
A USED POPE: by Wayan; 1983/12/25, a Christmas dream.
A friend buys a frozen used Pope, to navigate her starship with Papal infallibility. Call me a Luddite, but..
VERITY'S WINGS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/8/21; painting in the Box of Dreams
My friend Verity's given a beautiful set of wings. I'm envious until I consider what angel wings imply...
WE GO IN PEACE: by Florence; pre-1961, a telepathic dream-report of another's death experience
My father-in-law looked me in the eye and said, 'Florence, the Lord is my shepherd and we go in peace'...
THE WHEEL by Nancy Price; 1948, an early, intense dream of Future Shock.
Lost in an industrial maze, my memories hopelessly outdated, I resign myself to the Wheel...
WHITE-HAIRED WOMEN: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 2002/5/4, a dream painting
I'm in a ring of seven white-haired women, our arms all interlocking.
When I woke I had fun working out the pattern of those interlinked arms...
THE WILD HUNT: by Carl Jung; Sept. 1922, a clairvoyant dream hinting what death is
A huge wolfhound tore past me. My blood froze. The Wild Hunt was carrying off a soul...
WILLPOWER (HAPPINESS): by Wayan; 1991/1/17, a didactic dream.
At age 90, the first female high-rise steelworker tells me
why she did it--and why she regrets it now...
THE WORLD'S FAIR: by Wayan; 1983/3/18, an illustrated dream fable.
The same night I learn of the Kerouac Tree, a wise old man shows me the world's fair. Not the event...
YES, EMMA, ONE POUND ONIONS: by a Canadian girl; pre-1961, a distracting dream prediction
I was in a small room with a single bare lightbulb and an old man at a desk writing. The phone rang.
He answered--said, 'Yes, Emma, one pound onions, a dozen oranges." Two days later...
YOU LOSE EVERYTHING: by Rachel Yoder, spring 2023, a dream of discovery and loss
The house I'm looking at has unexpected rooms, even a pool, but another buyer beats me out.
An old woman says "Don't worry dear, in time you lose everything." A comfort at first, but then...
"YOU'RE NOT MY BOSS!": by Wayan; 2019/6/27, a disturbing political dream
In a busy, shorthanded market, the store owner's running a checkstand.
He mistakes me for an employee and starts ordering me around...
YOU'RE THE EAGLE: by Wayan; 2000/2/8, a dream fable.
A hermit spends his life wrestling with shadows. His only disciple becomes famous. Who was happier?

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