Dreamed 1991/1/17 by Chris Wayan
I dreamed it was 2020 and I still didn't know what to do with my life.
I met an old, old woman, who said:
"I was a high-rise steelworker--about the first woman to break into the field. I never had a fear of heights, I was quite a good welder, and I liked the work, which paid very well.
"But my co-workers and bosses never quite accepted me. That HURT.
"Oh, I was proud of our towers, but I had no fun. They never saw me as an equal.
"So I proved I was.
"And proved it.
"And proved it!
"It was my willpower, you see. It made me be strong. To show them, or maybe me.
"So now I'm old. I wish I'd quit, found work with people I loved. Or even liked!
"But I was too disciplined.
"I'm ninety years old, and all I've ever learned is:
"Watch out for your god-damn willpower."
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