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Dreams of slips, mistakes and costly errors. Of course, cost is subjective...


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The World Dream Bank has 4000+ dreams plus 1000 more pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

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ACCIDENT: by Jules Engel; 1970? Nightmare turns to surreal sport, inspiring animated film.
A large dog was chasing me, but somehow we got turned around and began racing.
As I caught up with the dog, any bit I passed went invisible--but the rest of the dog ran on
unfazed. When I won the dog vanished entirely. Awake, I animated the dog running, then...
ADRIAN TRIED: by Wayan, 1991/3/12, an embarrassing dream.
Adrian and Jennifer and Michelle try very very hard to get my attention, but I'm a bit oblivious...
AFTER BIRTH: by Wayan, 2004/9/29, astral acrylic painting
Never mind an afterlife! What if, before life, we were spirits with no idea what happens after birth?...
AIR PIRATES IN FAERIE: by Wayan; 1984/8/25, a complex predictive dream
DREAM: The future. A party. A woman spills her drink on my white pants. Off to Faerie, where fruit trees are mean...
NEXT DAY: I do not wear white pants to Sally's party. So? A woman spills her drink on Sally's white pants...
DAY AFTER: I open a book on musicals & see a shot from The Wizard of Oz: Dorothy baiting an angry fruit tree...
THE AIRPORT AUTOMATIC PHOTOGRAPHY BOOTH: by Julie Doucet; 1997/11/19, a dream-comic
At the airport, a new automatic photo booth shoots your memories!
Julie can't resist... and emerges, excited, to find that...
ALICE'S LETTERS: by "Alice"; late 1960s?, a dream of spiritual advice
I mail some letters that will solve everyone's problems, but a man argues we need problems...
ALTHEA'S CHICKEN: by Wayan; 1990/3/27, a nightmare-farce.
My sister Althea decides my house has demons, and hires an exorcist who botches things, so that...
ANCIENT MARE-KIN GRAVEYARD: by Wayan; 2008/9/1, a dreamsong (MP3+lyrics), Dreamverse #18
I'm a ghost watching future archeologists dig up a site of my people--and get it so wrong...
THE ANGEL: by William Blake; early 1790s; a gender-bending dream-poem
Blake dreams he's a young queen with an uneasy relationship to her guardian angel...
ANNABEL ROSE: by Emily Joy; 2006/12/14, a ghostbusting dream on... love? sex? what?
Edgar Allen Poe confronts his dead girlfriend, who wants to drag him into the grave with her...
ANNE GOT LOST: by Anne's friend; 1936, a warning dream wisely acted on
She was headed for a rock wall. The brakes faded; she smelled burning.
Then she woke. Her friends laughed, but she asked a neighbor what to do if...
A PEEL FOR APPROVAL: by Wayan; 1990/9/24, a cautionary dream
Ariana's a brilliant young writer, but how she plans to escape her family is alarming...
APOLOGETIC OGRE: by Wayan; 1990/3/1, a nightmare.
I hop on a bus in mythical Greece, and this woman's guardian angel acts racist. OK, I'm an ogre. So?
ARAGORN'S LIVER: by Wayan; 1983/1/29, a health-warning nightmare.
I'm a hobbit in Silicon Valley, stalking Ring-wraiths down El Camino. But one of them's stalking me...
ARIANA'S EVENING: by Andrea McFarland; 2022/4/28, a dream of a long-lost love
Fifty years after I drove him away with high-school idiocy, I get one last kiss before...
ARROW OF FIRE: by Archbishop Anselm, King William Rufus & a monk, 1100/8/1, 3 predictive dreams
Anselm dreams God orders King William's death by an arrow of fire; the
King dreams his blood covers the sun. Waking, he mocks a third man's ominous
dream, goes hunting, and dies bloodily at sunset, an arrow in his heart...
ARTIE SHAW: by John Wren-Lewis, 1971/8/17?, a comic predictive dream
DREAM: I write a book involving spies and Lord Snow, but give him a cover name: Artie Shaw.
TWO WEEKS LATER: My wife & I go on the Tonight Show; unexpectedly, Artie Shaw shows up!
I tell him the dream. He turns pale, saying "No one knows this--I wrote a book under the name..."
AS A HILLSBOROUGH CHILD: by Barbara Gordon Paine; c.1960, a poem on a child's ear for idioms
As a Hillsborough child I never heard the crash of twentynine
walled streets that fell with a force that moved us away...
AT LEAST HE'S A DOCTOR: by Wayan; 1982/4/7, a sharp warning dream.
I'm a Puertorriqueña who falls for an Anglo doctor, but he's not what he seems...
THE B SIDE OF THE PENIS: by Wayan; 1996/8/26, a sex dream about reprogramming.
I erase my sexual tape, and start over. Am I male, female, gay, straight? Uh-oh! What SPECIES?
THE BABY: by Gloria Reiser; 1991/3/20; a nightmare of a migratory pregnancy
I'm pregnant. I feel abortion's wrong, but can I safely bear a child at 45? But then...
It's my son's ex-girlfriend who's pregnant and my son's the father! But then...
It's my daughter who's pregnant. At least her boyfriend's supportive. But...
BAD WRITING by Graham Greene, 1975/5/5, a dream warning of perfectionism
My family needs money, so I must publish. But my first draft is trash. My secretary and
my mistress try to calm me down but I consider suicide. At least then I won't have to see it...
BALANCE?: by Wayan, 1984/10/10, a dream about dreams.
Silky, my sentient starship, gives me a scolding about playing it safe...
BAND-AIDS: by Bagheera Pardus; c.1985, a lucid re-entered nightmare turned to joy.
Giant snakes chased me. I go lucid, turn & slay one. As I woke, the snakes cried. So I re-entered...
BAST SABOTAGE: by Wayan; 1995/1/22, a dream on dreams.
In old Egypt, a part of me sabotages my audience with Bast, the Cat Goddess. Why?
BAT AND UMBRELLA: by David Small; c. 1960/3/1, a nightmare exposing deadly child neglect
I'm an orphaned bat in an alley in a storm. I mistake a broken old umbrella's ribs & flaps
for... my Mom! I unfold Mom, and discover...
BATMAN'S LOVE: by Wayan; 1996/3/26, a dream-epic of love and time.
A New Age graduation party spurs a wild dream of the spiritual odyssey of Catwoman,
starring Alexander the Great, Batman, God, and Rumi the poet (played by Frank Zappa)...
A BEAGLE, THREE WOLVES, AND A SETTER: by Wayan; 2009/2/6, a dream-poem; Dreamverse #50
Fresh off the Beagle, Darwin meets three wolf-girls, but has distinctly Biblical inhibitions...
BEGGARS IN SPAIN: by Wayan; 1994/12/10, a dream on reason & intuition's mutual mistrust
Two rivals stand for reason & intuition. Why can't they
cooperate, see each others' virtues? Trained insecurity...
LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCI: by John Keats, April 1819, a sexy nightmare poem
A knight falls in love with a fey woman, until her previous victims warn him in a nightmare that she is...
BETRAY MY ANIMAL FRIENDS: by Wayan; 1999/11/12, a dream of brainwashing.
As humans settle infospace, will we cheat other species trying to evolve into people?
Are we already doing it? Admiring & documenting creatures we've written off as doomed?
BEWARE OF OVERSTIMULATION: by Wayan; 1980/12/30, odd dream advice.
A sex-ghost appears in my bed, but when overstimulated,
she tends to fade out. Bad reception!...
BIKE FROM A BOMB: by Wayan; 1981/3/14, a bikemare.
Idiotically, I bet I can escape an atomic bomb on my bike. Maybe if I ignore stoplights...
THE BIKE KNIGHTS: by Wayan; 1992/7/6, a cautionary Jungian dreamtale.
Two unarmed sisters on bikes easily defeated a dragon, but in a
rematch he killed them, and all other challengers. What changed?
BIRD ASSASSIN: by Adam Shaw, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a no-kindness-goes-unpunished dream
I'm a giant cartoon bird. I had to assassinate a friend--twelve times!
Eleven times I killed him, but I spared him the twelfth. He said...
BIRD, CAT, TREASURE: by Anna Kingsford; 1877/8/3, two warning dreams in one night
Should Anna quit hiding her psychic dreams? She dreams a cat eats her bird & burglars loot an open house.
Maybe keep hiding?
BIRD CRASH: by Emily Joy; 2007/3/12, a set of didactic nightmares
Such pressures there are on the sick to act well! I implore you, ignore them all...
BIRDS ON FIRE: by Wayan; 2008/9/15, a political dream-poem, Dreamverse #26
George Bush leads a hill-tribe raid against the hill-tribe led by Osama bin Laden... and I'm stuck between...
BLACK MAGIC: by Wayan; 1986/11/10, a dream of love and rage;
Chapter 8 of UNICORN TAG, though it can stand alone.
A packet of magic soupmix sends me upstairs to a secret wizards' lab.
They've summoned a demon they can't handle: the furious Black Unicorn...
BLESS MY PHOBIA: by Wayan; dreamed 1992/8/15; story + silk painting.
I was Eve's guardian angel the second time round, and I blew it again. But this time, it came out right....
BLIND by Robert Irwin, 1996 or before; a dream of one sort of blind leading another.
I guide a blind man through the People's Palace of Marvels. Vaguely lucid, I create an ice rink.
If I can do that, I can heal the blind, right? Wrong! He's let down--furious. I misunderstood...
BLUE SOUP, NO SPARK: by Wayan; 1985/6/1, an epic dream on outgrowing God
A visit to a world where they fear blue soup ends in death and resurrection, so I'm pissed at my boss--God.
BOB THE TREE: by Catshall; c. 2013/6/21, a dream-haiku on our marriage
I dreamt Bob was a tree-god enthroned in ivy. I said...
BODY MESS: by Wayan; summer 1981, ink, 3x5" surreal nondream sketch.
If artists do this with ink, what makes you think genetic engineers will do any better with flesh?...
BOGNOR MARRIAGE: by Thomas Hood; 1825; a newlywed nightmare
I found a honeymoon cottage by the sea, and the old landlady gave me a very reasonable rate. Everything was fine...
BOND: by Wayan; 1981/10/31, a nightmare where I'm the nightmare.
I'm James Bond. Captured and questioned, I lie to the enemy: the senators of the
Committee on Intelligence Activities. Till I see myself through their eyes...
BONK VERONICA: by Wayan; 1997/4/1, 9-page dream-comic on body image
The world's first all-bulemic band, Veronica and the Vomits, provokes a riot at our local punk club. So I go to
Anorexic Bootcamp where models learn self-defense under fire, as calories and fat jokes whiz by...
BOTTLECAPS: by Anonymous #54; late June 1968,69,70? a surreal psychic dreamlet
Reaching into her coat pockets, my sister pulls out fistfuls of bottlecaps.
Silly dream! Then my sister visits. Reaching into her coat pockets...
BOYS DON'T CRY: by Wayan; 2000/1/7, twin sex nightmares reacting to a movie seen two days later!
DREAM 1: My date Lana changes to my housemate Alder to my dead friend Beryl, who talks of pastlife trauma...
DREAM 2: Sexy deer-girls and ice dancers get me and my sister hot, but a ghost disrupts impending incest...
TWO DAYS LATER: I see Boys Don't Cry--settings, situations, characters & even names from my dream!
BRANDY'S CURSE: by Wayan; 1996/10/23, a bizarre dream (even for me).
After I saw the film "Surviving Picasso" (he's brilliant but treats women like dirt)
I dream a sexy friend asks me to remove a strange curse. But can I?...
BREAKAWAY ISLAND: by Vladimir Nabokov; 1964/11/5, a travel-anxiety dream turned predictive
Hurry to the station to catch the train--or is it a sky tram? a ship? a hill? an island?
Climb its flank, but fissures open--it breaks up. I'm adrift. Next day, on TV...
THE BREAST BANDIT: by Wayan, 1984/5/31, an embarrassing dream.
I'm bad. I'm really bad. I know I shouldn't have done it. But my mail-order breasts were late...
BREEDISM: by Wayan; 1989/1/16, a snappish dream of the future.
I'm a reporter interviewing survivors of a plane crash--a puma and a pit bull. Can I survive the survivors?
BRETON SELKIE, or, VERIFY AURAS!: by Wayan; 1995/11/10, a cautionary, possibly psychic dream.
I meet a sexy seal-girl. Being single and desperate, I overlook a slight values conflict...
BRICK AND SKIN: by Wayan; 1988/10/18, a dream of spiritual stretching.
I'm analog myself, but in Tibet, I meet a digital shaman whose body's a sort of ...
THE BRIDGE: by Wayan; a 3-page comic from two linked dreams, 1989/5/28 & 1989/10/1.
The Hunt of the Unicorn (yeah, guess who I am), as I fly through the worlds fighting Reaganism...
BROKEN GLASS by Nancy Price; 1948, a dream of working to death.
Helping out talking animals until I'm exhausted, I suffer a fatal accident. What am I being warned of?
BROTHER: by Noelle Stevenson; c.2000-2012?, recurring rescue dreams
I kept dreaming of a boy in striped pajamas. I had to save him every night.
Until one night I failed. I just couldn't. I knew who he was--my brother who...
BROWN DRESS: by Wayan; 1984/2/11, 9-page digital comic of a sexy healing dream.
A champion swimmer tells me how she turned a sexual humiliation into excitement and liberating power...
BUCKLEY'S BLOATED BOMB: by Wayan; 1983/11/20, a political nightmare.
I meet William F. Buckley and his beloved pet pig. Only
the hog's a live H-Bomb, and the leash is a trigger...
BURMA SHAVE: by Wayan; 1982, a poem on dreams.
If you dream, don't drive. If you drive, don't dream. A public safety message from the other world.
BURN THE EGGS: by Wayan; 2008/1/20; a magical advisory nightmare with 15 sketches.
Fighting an absolutist theocracy, my dragon-soul burns the
church's dragon-nursery. The cost is terrible: a black vortex...
BUT AS YESTERDAY by Nancy Price; 1948, a dream of being sacrificed
Our gods demand sacrifices. I let Mother mutilate me so I'd be unfit. But the priests turn out to be blind...
BUT, THEN LIFE BITES: by Wayan; 1983/2/13, a surreal (but nondream) feltpen sketch
After seeing Picasso's massive cubist women running on a beach, I found myself drawing
a lighter version--except she (I) waved this bitter banner. But then I was ill at the time...
BUTTERFLY HABITAT: by Wayan; 2000/3/3, a dream on the price of memory.
'You always hurt the one you love', but this girl seems unaware she's proving it's true for ecology too...
BYE-BYE, OLD FILM!: by Wayan; 1981/1/24, a psychic dream, with a 2015/5/22 follow-up.
My friends destroy all my old films and give me a 'new' one--but it's from 1900! Then I wake to find...
CART WITH HUSBAND: by Mrs. T, pre-1961, a predictive nightmare
A cart came by, drawn by a white horse, on its way to the hospital. In that cart was my husband....
CASSANDRA AND OTTER: by Wayan; 1982/3/14, a reassuring nightmare.
I take Cassandra's prophecies seriously, but she can't make sense of my future.
So we go see an otter with a crystal ball. But he's installed a new security system...
A CAT AND HER GIRL: by Wayan; 1979/5/15, a deep little dream.
I'm a doctor in the future, trying to heal the neurolink between a girl and her cat...
CENTAUR QUARTET: by Wayan; 1982/2/26, 83/12/24 & 84/10/16, recurring dreams of my spirit family.
Can our interspecies family survive? Our very instincts clash around solitude/boundaries, sex and incest
THE CHANGED RIVER: by E.M. Martin; 1914/11/25, the quietest apocalyptic dream on record
Humanity slowly 'improves' a river until the stream just disappears!
Ominous--since it's the river of nature, time and God...
THE CHAPARRAL OF TIME: by Wayan; 2008/10/21, a timetravel dream-poem: Dreamverse #36
I snorkel over time-reefs to an era of talking animals--but why crash on the head of rocker Suzi Quatro?
CHARACTER ISOLATED BY A DEED: by Wayan; 1992/3/13, a dream's eye view of waking minds.
People SAY they like realistic characters they can identify with, but they don't ACT like it...
CHEAPSHIP!: by Wayan; 1996/8/6, a nightmare on trained stinginess.
Why did I sign on as a crewman on the Cheapship, a freighter
that's falling apart? And yes, I do mean that literally...
CHEESE AND SCAB GRAPES: by Wayan, 1988/8/9, a warning/predictive dream I firmly ignored
DREAM: my parents nag me to go on a picnic, then bring plastic cheese and sprayed, scab grapes. Eat this & I'll get sick...
DAY: a farewell lunch at work. No one likes her, so folks brought only plastic cheese & scab grapes. I eat a bit & get sick...
CHESTERTON'S POUNCE: by William Archer; 1920/4/6, a literary nightmare
G.K. Chesterton was a leopard, and he ambushed George Bernard Shaw... Oh, the blood! Why didn't I intervene?
THE CHIANG-SHIH: by Julian Garberson; 2004/8/23, a surreal Han Dynasty nightmare
A vampire wrestler on the Throne of Heaven pins me. Visualization and prayer don't free me--in fact, they get me killed...
CHICKEN DREAM POEM: by Hastings Wyman, Jr., pre-1983, a dream of liberation
A mass breakout of baby chicks. They say "Now we know how, so we'll
go where we choose." And maybe it's about more than chickens...
CHOCOLATE BALLS: by Wayan, 2022/5/10, a surreal furry dream on Covid bloat
I find I'm a self-made... critter. A plushie sewn with zippers so I can stuff any bits of me that
seem flat or limp. But my filling's not cotton, polyester or foam. It's chocolate! So I have...
CHOCOLATE SPILL: by "Anonymous #8"; pre-1963, a nondream time-glitch of a few seconds
The jug of chocolate sauce smashed on the floor, forming a dark pattern. Then the scene melted and, like a film
loop, restarted. Horrified, I screamed "Don't touch it!" But the pitcher fell, the sauce made its predestined shape...
CLAIRAGONY: by a Philadelphia woman, Aug 1951, a sympathetic heart attack her mind misattributes
I had a heart attack--but it faded in minutes! The phone rang. I knew at once my dying mother was gone...
COLLAR OF GOLD: a Welshman of Kemmeis District; 1170s? A recurring dream of treasure
A rich man dreamt thrice that hidden in St Berner's Well near his house was a golden collar. He reached in and...
THE COMING DARK: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 2002/3/2; a dream on one disaster averted, and one... not.
I climb down a cliff before night strands me; but in town, risky adolescent games cause a crash...
CONRAD'S CRASH: by Jessie Conrad, 1905?, a clairvoyant or telepathic nightmare
Night. Rain. A hansom cab. The horse slips on the wet pavement, toppling the cab with my husband inside.
I woke sure it happened. Next morning a postman tried to tell me of the crash, but I told him...
CORPSE-BUG: by Wayan; 1994/12/1, an allegorical sex nightmare.
I'm a hippie girl in San Francisco, in hard times. To escape the Four Horsemen, I lie down with Death...
THE COUNTRY OF THE DEAF: by Wayan; 1982/7/18, dreampoem with stunning Freudian typo
I'm forced to come out to my mom. Not that I'm gay; that I'm psychic,
and find the roar of the mind-deaf unbearable. But Mom's selectively deaf...
COYOTE PAJAMAS: by Wayan; 1983/12/17, a Dantesque dream-epic.
I'm Coyote, keeping the Business Prophet from taking over Dante's Peak. But it turns too personal...
A CRAIGSLIST BARGAIN: by Wayan; 2006/10/1. A dream of another life; possible ESP.
I'm an Asian kid in Pacifica, California. I offer my annoying parents for sale on Craigslist. Enter a cop...
CROCODILE DREAM: by Patagia; 2015/10/5, a nightmare-poem on recklessness
Closer I edge to admire their scales, the glint of their teeth, and shape of their tails. They cast a strong spell...
CROSSTIME HEALTH RISK: by Wayan; 1999/7/23, a warning dream of parallel worlds.
A man learns to hop between time-branches, but like all transportation, this has epidemiological risks...
CROW RIDE (ONE-WAY TICKET): by J.P., c.1920, a trickster dream
A crow offers me a ride. I hang on tight and he flies me up into a beech tree where lots of other crows
perch and talk. Then he flies me to another tree and leaves me. I think "How am I gonna get down?"...
CRUSHED BY NETLEY ABBEY: by a Mr Taylor; 1704? A warning dream.
A English carpenter named Taylor demolishes Netley Abbey despite
dreams warning he'll be crushed by stones falling from a window...
"CRY, BABY!": by Wayan, 1985/8/17, dream-farce with a warning.
The only man in the Miss America Japanese Tea Ceremony Swimsuit Pageant, I learn a tearful lesson...
CURSING ISABELLA: by Wayan; 1992/8/19, a thoughtful dream of sorcery.
How I cursed Isabella the sofa sorceress, cursed her with a blueberry. And why that stinks...
CUT-PRICE by Molly Brown, 1996 or before, a comic nightmare
I got a discount nose-job. My nostrils crept up to my eyes. I complained. They lowered them--
to my chin. I complained. They said "What do you expect for 25 quid?" I left the clinic with...
CYCLONE REPAIR: by Anonymous #36; pre-1961, a forgotten warning dream
Months ago, I dreamed of that exact wall--I fell and was hurt. So today I told my foreman
I'd rather work on the ground. But by 11, I forgot. I climbed up to nail in some blocks...
CYCLOPS, or, THE ANSWER TO MY PRAYER: by Wayan; 1993/8/24, a spiritual nightmare.
In the far future, I relive Odysseus' tale. To save my life I must give up realistic hope, and focus on...
THE CYGNET BALL: by Wayan; 1996/3/26, a dream on assertion.
At the Ball, I feel up women, who idly enjoy me like... hors d'oeuvres! Wait, is that what I wanted?
DALI CENTAUR: by Wayan; 1981/12/12; a surrealist nightmare.
I dreamed I saw what looked like an ink sketch by Dali of a horse--but I was dead wrong...
DARE: by Catshall; c. 2013/6/13, a haiku on an incubated nightmare
I challenged my dreams to hit me with their worst. And they did...
THE DARII: by Wayan; 1994/8/15, a predictive dream of another life.
I'm trying to prevent a race war, but can I kill someone I admire? And if so, can I live with it?
DEAD, ALIVE, DEAD: by a Minnesota teacher; well before 1960, a predictive... something.
Mrs Brown was dead; I recalled helping at her bedside. My mother swore she was alive and I'd never met her! Then...
DEANNA ON THE MAYAN STEPS: by Wayan; 1992/7/8, a nightmare poem.
Climbing a Mayan pyramid in Yosemite with Deanna Troy from the
Starship Enterprise, we meet a gunman who wants to sacrifice...
DETECTIVE DEE: by Wayan; 1992/2/1, a dream on MPD .
The clues point toward my own anima as the murderer, but Detective Dee finds the even odder truth...
DICK, HOW WONDERFUL: by Dick and his mother; 1951-54, shared telepathic hallucinations
As a man on shore patrol in Manila is attacked, he and his mother simultaneously see and hear each other...
DILL: by Wayan; 1988/9/9, a dream-poem about reverse theft
I'm a reporter. In the mall, I get my pocket picked repeatedly--
but the thieves keep slipping mysterious stuff in, not out...
DINO YARMULKE: by Wayan; 2015/10/13; an odd little dream and portrait
I carelessly burst in on a friend, a gay dinosaur, during a Jewish holiday rite,
startling him so he raises his spiny crest, levitating his yarmulke...
DISASTER DREAM: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream on the struggle of dreamwork?
Trump wackos bomb the World Trade Center. I flee New York. Morticia Addams puts us up. Inside the
dream, I fall asleep. When I wake I ask "was the attack a dream?" Morticia says it was smaller. I try to
write it all down on my bedsheet, but the ink spreads. I wake again, sure I need to wash the sheet...
DISTRACTUS: by Wayan, 2004/5/5, a comic sexy diagnostic dream... that baffled me.
Sex in a meadow? A protest march distracts us. But a friend warns me of a disease, Coitus Distractus...
DOGGIE IN THE WINDOW: by Wayan; 2020/1/2, an embarrassing dream poem
The guest room has a giant plush doggie. Next thing I know, I'm humping her
doggie style, on the windowsill where the girl driving the backhoe can see...
DOLPHINS: by Larry Vigon; 2001/8/6; a dream personifying dreams?
The beach. Smoke? No, spray from hundreds of dolphins hunting. I thought
a giant wave was coming in, but it was just a trick of the light through fog...
DRAMATIC PARASITES: by Wayan; 1995/6/28, a dream on fear of success.
I project I'll make a lot more money soon. Good, now I can support all my lazy friends! Wait...
DRANK IT ALL: by Julia Wertz, (mid?)2011, a nested nightmare
Fighting alcoholism, I dream I drink all the booze in a bar, then wake up shaken...
so shaken I reach for the bottles by my bed and drink THEM, then wake up shaken...
and clutch my cat, wondering if I'm still dreaming--will I wake up again?
DREAM?: by Kjartan Arnorsson; fall 1993, a dream in shocking contrast to waking life.
On my way to a wedding, I dream I'm in a war. I liberate a camp of prisoners. But one man's so injured
he can't be moved. We have to leave him behind. My rescue of his fellows has effectively killed him...
DREAMING TO SURVIVE: by Christoph Gassmann, 2001/8/13 & 2003/9/2: two lifesaving dreams
A spot on my elbow triggers a dream of being in a suicide clinic, getting the injection, starting to die. Yet
for two years, I put off having that spot checked! Only after a second warning dream do I go in to find...
DREAMS EXPLAIN DREAMS: by Wayan; 1994/5/31, a dream in a dream in a dream.
I'm the composer Schumann, till a nightmare jumps me and I wake. And wake. And wake...
DUBIA: by Wayan; summer 2003, a nondream sculpture/prophecy/travelog.
What Earth will look like 1000 years from now, with doubled CO2, flooded coasts and melted poles...
EARLY MORNING DREAM: by Brian Cronwall, c.1986, a surreal dreamlet turned poem
Night. Heads shaved, in loose-fitting gray robes, the young men swing from eave to eave. Two lose their grips.
Hard fall. Blood. Assistants call ambulances. Others swing on, house to house, before dawn...
EDDY DROPPED: by Frances's sister; pre-1961, a laughed-at warning dream
My brother-in-law Eddy was out hunting with a boy whose shotgun had its safety off. Suddenly Eddy...
EGBERT DEFIES DREAMS: by one of Boisil's disciples, c.688, as told by the Venerable Bede; a stubborn dream
Egbert decides to go convert the Germans. A brother monk dreams twice that God wants Egbert in Scotland, but he
sails--and nearly drowns. At last he gives in. Another monk sails to Germany. Two years later he returns defeated...
THE EGYPTIAN GOD: by Wayan; 1991/12/21, a 7-year precognitive dream.
Egyptian archeologists dig up a living god. He sees us as dolls to play with, but we've grown up...
EIGHT INJECTIONS AND A SHOCK by Georgina, Dec. 1987, as told by Peter James; a predictive dream.
Georgina woke me. "I had to give a rich acquaintance eight injections in the neck. He left, climbing on high-voltage cables.."
That day, we met a rich friend who had a ski accident. He got a new therapy: eight injections in the neck, then electroshock...
ELBERETH PAUSES: by Wayan; 1989/6/26, a dream on postwar ethics.
After the Lord of the Rings falls, Elbereth herself is sent to heal the land. But she has a troubling neighbor...
THE ENCHANTED WOMAN: by Anna Kingsford; Feb. 1877, an epic prehistoric dream.
Goaded by a green spirit of envy, an Ice Age sorceror kidnaps Adam's Eve, arresting human evolution...
ENGINE GENIUS: by Wayan; 2005/2/4, a health-warning dream.
At my mechanic's garage, a child prodigy rebuilds a car engine. Gawking, I nearly plow into the crowd...
ERICEPAEUS: by a multilingual woman, c.1918/12/25; a psychic dream told to Jung
Jung's patient dreamed of a strange name, Ericipaeus. She didn't know Jung had been studying a minor god
named, he thought, "Ericapaeus". He'd misread the manuscript; the name was actually spelled a third way...
THE EVEREST MARATHON: by Wayan; 1986/4/12, a wild dream epic, part 3 of Unicorn Tag.
In the great race up Everest, I become an e-snake, cross 3 eco-bubbles, beg a
wary deer-taur to splice my spine, help Ariane my childhood crush, and solve
the Dream Equations. Climbing Everest takes not strength but... trust?
FALL FROM A STAR: by Edwin Muir; 1920, a hypnogogic shamanic initiation
Escaping the tiny red plush room inside a star, I dive back to earth. Oops. A beast eats my broken body. My soul waits...
FATHER-IN-LAW THE WHIP: by Wayan; 2019/10/13, a Jungian dream inspired by anime?
I wander a weird palace full of books, seeking my father-in-law, but find
only a blindly-flailing whip anchored in the floor, creating a dome of pain...
FETAL PAUSE: by Wayan; 2008/8/31, a nightmare-poem, Dreamverse #17
As I write a sad sex dream, a madman curls up fetally in the road outside my window. I'm slow to call 9-1-1, and...
FIGURE AND FIELD: by Wayan; May 1990, a poem on the dark side of a human ability
We see patterns everywhere... but that also means we relegate nonpatterns to the background...
FILLING THE ANCESTORS' SHOES: by Wayan; 1995/9/24, a shamanic dream.
A dream of a shaman named Fred who tried to use a bear as a lightbulb. Fred, Fred, Fred...
FIND SOMEONE SPIRITUAL, STUPID!: 1996/9/5, by Wayan; dream-figure, clay, 9" tall
A sculpted reminder I hung over my desk like Clinton's sign "It's The Economy, Stupid!"...
FIRST NIGHT IN FIJI: dreamed May 1980 by S---; an unheeded warning dream
Far from home, about to wed a man I barely knew, I dreamed I was a lion in an open cage I dared not leave...
FIVE ELVISH DREAMS: by Dolores J. Nurss; 2005/6/10-2005/6/19, an incubated lucid-dream sequence
1: I visit Elrond and Bilbo in Elvenhome, but overthinking traps me in a timeloop;
2: Elrond says he renounces seriousness for joy, and plans a great, inclusive party;
3: I feel unworthy, but set out on a desert quest with Elrond's young apprentice;
4: I meet joyful, drunken, singing elves but hide in a tree, too shy to join in;
5: I meet a nervous elven singer and a dolphin trapped in a tiny pool in my bedroom...
FIVE HOUNDS, FIVE DEFENSES: by Wayan; 2015/9/18, an explicit advisory dream
Five agents hound me. Literal hounds--in trenchcoats. They stand for my five worst life-troubles. Luckily,
they can't cooperate--they're from rival agencies! And the dream spells out what works against each one...
THE FLYING COW: by a cow-buyer, as told by Pu Songling; before 1679, a perverse predictive dream?
A farmer dreamt his new cow grew wings and flew away. Next day, he sold that cow at a heavy loss. Walking
home with the cash, he found a tame falcon, and tied its leg to his moneybag. One guess what the bird did...
FORGOTTEN JOB: by Kirsten as told by Gayle Delaney, 1978 or before, recurring guidance dreams
I wanted spiritual guidance. A guide appeared regularly in my dreams for months, but then
vanished. I incubated a dream, and was told "you have a big job you forgot! Come back when..."
THE FOUNT OF CANADIAN WISDOM: by Wayan; 1982/11/17; a dream-poem on miracles. Stupid miracles.
A Jungian figure dispenses Wisdom. Overwhelmed, annoyed, I try to shut him up
by manifesting money out of nowhere. But nothing shuts up the Fount of...
FOUR OF TEN: by Wayan; 2021/4/3, four examples from ten dreams in one night
Books are clothes, and always were. A potato makes me lie, and everyone gets it but me.
Sex in a crowd disarms the Mom Squad! And a Mystic Autistic's soul explores my room...
FOX-BOY: by Wayan; 1997/2/28, a dream fable.
A boy offends his uncle the King, who transforms him into a fox. Grounded! But Fox-Boy runs away...
FRACTURE SPEEDS MARRIAGE: by Wayan; 2001/1/1, a dream of advice on health and romance.
A baseball star got her leg broken. It stalls her career,
but helps her marriage. Did she need a "break"? Do I?
FREAKY DREAM, or, HEART IN MY STOMACH: by Ratiries Steelclaw; c. 2004/3/30, a dream comic
I felt like my heart was in my stomach. My friend Lyx opened me up & said "It is." She scolded me for eating it...
FREUD'S FOUR POINTS: by Wayan; 2008/11/11; a dream critiquing four of Freud's dream-theories!
Freud and I argue dream-theory while we're stuck in an elevator that projects dream-examples on the walls...
FREIGHTER DROPS A NUKE: by Wayan; 2021/6/8, a health-warning nightmare
Am I on this ship's bridge, or only watching on video? It matters, because that other ship
half a mile ahead just exploded, and the shockwave's about to crush us like a soda can...
GAFTA: by Wayan; 1996/5/9, a pro-sabotage dream.
The aliens offer us a Galactic Free Trade Agreement, but my friends and I think it's a disastrous deal...
A GAME OF CROQUET by Graham Greene, Jan. 1984, a theatrical joke of a dream
I was at a play, A Game of Croquet, with lines that flowed so well I felt as if I'd written it myself...
GENERAL COGNY'S CRASH by Graham Greene, 1968/9/10, a psychic little warning dream
Greene woke shaken. "I dreamt of catastrophe. I hope nothing has happened to one of my family or a close friend."
A few miles away, an airliner had been shot down, killing all. On board was his friend General René Cogny...
GIMME YOUR CAR: by Wayan; 1987/9/16, a predictive/warning dreamlet
Dream: a woman wants to drive my old hippie bus. But a tire's missing! She pushes. I don't think it's safe...
Next evening: my housemate wants to drive my old hippie bus. She pushes, but I don't think it's safe...
GIVE TRAVIS ONE MORE CHANCE: by Wayan; 1980/10/13, a desperate dream.
I'm detective Travis McGee's lover. But we always die by the book's end! My solution is drastic...
(MY) GLASS BODY: by Wayan; 1993/9/16, a dream on sensitivity.
After I visit the crystalline people, a young diamond-wizard
stalks me all the way to my home in the Meat World, and says...
THE GLASS MISSED ITS CUE: by Frederik van Eeden, 1904/9/9, a lucid dream experiment
I knew I was dreaming but the world looked quite realistic. I struck a wineglass with all my strength--a risky act,
if I were awake. It didn't shatter. But when I looked again, it lay broken! Like an actor who'd missed its cue...
GO YOUR OWN WAY: by Peter Birkhäuser; 1942-45?, three advisory dreams plus a realist painting, '44.
Peter draws painstaking realism til his tense hand turns into a horn!
An anima urges him to walk into a blue light.
He & Sybelle struggle against a crowd walking the wrong way...
GOLD EGG: by James Russell Lowell: 1850s? a dream-poem
I dreamt a couple toss out a shabby old hen. But it lays golden eggs! She becomes an eagle and carries me off to...
GOLD VERSUS DIAMONDS: by Wayan; 1972/1/20, a shameful dream fable.
We're children seeking gold in a fairy wood. We meet some elf-kids,
chase them off, and dig where they played. Then their parents show up...
THE GOLDEN PAW: by Wayan; 2009/4/12, a dream on speaking up
An Oxford teaching assistant sexually blackmails one of his law students, but to his shock she goes public...
GOLDIE'S RHINOPOTAMUS: by Wayan; 2013/4/10, a Fellini dreamjoke with advice.
I'm in Venice. The police chief (armored) and Goldie Hawn (near-naked)
ride a skittish monster. Turns out bareback works better...
GRAVE: by Wayan; 1999, a poem of everyday life, if this is your everyday life.
So I looked out my window and saw this guy burying a tiny robed woman in a trench in the street...
GROUNDHOG DAY: by Wayan; 1994/9/2, a dream-comic (or text with pix)
James Hillman is the first psychologist on the moon! He sees a shadow and
panics like a groundhog--mistakes it for Death. Not his own shadow, but MINE...
GUDRUN'S FOUR HUSBANDS: by Gudrun Osvifursdottir; summer 988, plus spring 1026
Four childhood dreams predicting Gudrun's life; plus a predictive dream by her husband Thorkell Eyjolfson
Gudrun dreams of four treasures: a hood, a bracelet, a ring, a jeweled helm. Her cousin sees them as four marriages...
HALF-ELF: by Wayan; 1996/2/14, a predictive dream fable.
A biracial girl doubts her own heritage; a human friend has to confirm the obvious. So what am I blind to?
HAMM: by Wayan; 2008/9/26, a dream poem; Dreamverse #31
A lecturer tries to help the homeless founder of Hamm's Beer, robbed by bankers. But the talk may harm more than help...
HATCHET JOB: by Ann Faraday, 1972 or 3; a lucid shamanic predictive dream
DREAM: I'm in the Arctic facing a hostile mob. I insist "I'm dreaming; you can't hurt me." They try!
I look down at my body, stuck full of hatchets, and say "See?" They slink off, looking sheepish...
TWO DAYS LATER: I'm in northern England. A reporter snaps "Dreams won't help the miners..."
A HAUNTED HOUSE INDEED!: by Anna Kingsford; 1887/4/12, an epic ghost dream
I was warned about soul-devouring art in the haunted house, but I didn't expect to find an entire art salon...
HE HAS REPENTED: by Frederick Greenwood; before 1894, a pre-Freud discovery of the unconscious
A con artist fools me and a waiter. But if my dreamfolk are all me, who's fooling whom?
HEADING FOR A FALL: by Wayan; 1993/11/2, a dream of drastic shortcuts.
I crash my car on the way to therapy. I ask my dream why. And it tells me! Deliberate, but not suicidal...
HEIST THE GOLDEN EGGS!: by Wayan; 2008/7/18, a dream of do-it-yourself tech--and ethics
Two teens crack a bank with a homemade rocket--but forgot a crowbar! Caught, but
the bank can't press charges; the kids have proof the bank uses slave labor...
HELL HALL: by Anonymous #3; c.1920?, a dream of initiatory cannibalism
A revival meeting goes bad--suicides, 'long pig', a hell-pit. If you sup with the devil, carry a long fork!
HER ONLY FRIEND: by Wayan; 1996/7/1, a dream of worms turning.
A sorceress trains a kid as a prostitute who'll spy on her powerful clients. But her training has side effects...
HERE COMES A CHOPPER: by Wayan; 1983/6/20, an absurd nightmare on families and denial
The helicopter over our family home dipped too low. CRASH! Burning rotors in the living room.
I call 9-1-1, but the pilot scolds me! "Calling over a little explosion like this!"...
HERON HAREM: by Wayan; 1981/6/14, a dream with a moral.
I'm a heron working in the Civil Service. I want to blow the whistle, but then how would I support my...
HITLER'S CAR: by Wayan; 1982/6/9, I review a creepy book. Then my dreams review ME.
A book claims Hitler led not a political party but a cult out to apply mystical theories--like Manson! Then I dream...
THE HOG AND VIBRATOR SHOW: by Wayan; 2014/11/7, an obscene comic nightmare
The gameshow has two old men humping sextoys on the floor as the audience
watched. That wasn't the gross bit. It was when they released the hogs...
THE HOLY HARP: by Wayan; 1994/3/22, a dream of musical guilt.
The Goddess's harp, that calls in the seasons, just passed on. But the new harper has a shocking admission...
HOMEBOUND: by Sunshine; 2015/3/21, a dream posing an ethical dilemma
Elves are making humans grow tree-doors back to Faerie. But are they invasion-scouts, or just going home?
HOT SHOWER, NO WATER HEATER: by Wayan, 2024/4/26, a self-misinterpreting predictive dream
I dream I'm taking a hot shower, then realize our water heater died; this is a dream. "It means I want hot water!" I
blurt (in the dream) & wake. Next day, a plumber's error gets me drenched in hot water with no new heater...
HUNG BY ELDER: by Wayan; 1997/7/30, a nightmare.
A disowned heiress and I sneak onto the family estate, but they'll go pretty far to hide their skeletons...
HYDROGEN INITIATION: by Wayan; 1981/1/6, a shamanic nightmare.
I'm an initiate in a Sung Dynasty monastery. But I have no idea how far the hazing can go...
THE HYPOTHALAMUS: by Georges Perec; October 1971, a dream of embarrassment. Dream #95
I learn my book A Void, supposedly written without the letter E, has lots of them--
crawling with errors. But at least I can spy on the neighbors...
I AM A BIRD by Nancy Price; 1948, a dream of another life... well, two.
I live as a small falcon, glad I'm no longer human. But when that life ends...
I CAN'T JOIN THE TRIBE: by Wayan; 1997/8/12, a nightmare on madness.
After the eco-crash, I try to join a tribe in the jungle that was Oakland. But they reject me, for good reason...
I DIED AND WALKED AMONG THE LIVING: by Starvibes, 2013/1/4, a warning dream?
My little daughter and I hardly notice when a truck kills us. Unseen, I calmly observe the alarm of the living...
I DIDN'T DIVE IN: by Herbert Read; before 1938, a dream-poem experiment.
I watched her dive into the lake... and fail to come up. Her golden cloak
floated on the water. I hesitated just a moment, and...
I FIGHT FOR BEAUTY: by Wayan; 1990/1/1, an incubated dream within a dream within a dream.
From Hawaii to Wyoming, I fight for beauty, always waking to find I'm someone new...
I LET RATS: by Wayan; 1994/4/22, a nightmare on appeasement.
A bold rat comes right up to me. I don't want to provoke it, so I stay quiet. And let the rats...
I TURNED OFF JESUS: by Chris Baker; 2011/2/18; an "oops!" dream
Playing Mario Kart, I stray into a darkness where Earth floats, burning.
And then Jesus speaks up! But I carelessly hit the OFF button...
I WANT MY INHERITANCE: by Wayan; 1989/12/18, a dream on family brainwashing.
My family calls me a blonde bimbo and won't give me my inheritance, so I take drastic steps...
ICARIAN PAIN: by Wayan; 1982/10/19, a dream of flight, shyness and pinching yourself.
I meet some cute dancers, but rather than flirt, I just try ballet leaps too. I get more than I bargained for...
ILARYA'S MIRACLE: by Ilarya, c.1639, a suspension of reality in order to... buy a fish?
A cranky nun wants fish. Ilarya, the monastery's cook, sets out to buy one--a long walk, and unsafe after dark.
So Ilarya asks the sun to halt! She buys her fish, cooks, feeds her patient, and forgets to tell it to set...
IN IO: by Wayan, 1981/8/7, a wild otherworldly dream with 3 illustrations.
I live on Io. It's nicer than its photos. At least inside, where the oceans are--where I grow a second head...
INSIDER DATING: by Wayan; 2017/4/2, a dream of how others see us?
I dream my friend's amused that I date women to steal work-secrets; I get rich off
insider trading, while they get fired. Only... I don't! Where'd he get this idea?...
INVADE GREECE, OR ELSE!: by Xerxes I and his uncle Artabanus; 480 BCE, three linked, deceitful dreams.
Xerxes twice dreams a god orders him to attack Greece. So he asks his uncle to dream of the god to confirm...
THE ISLAND FURIES: by Wayan; summer 1975, a dream of self-control.
When warring Greek isles kill a peacemaker, her three best friends start a vendetta! But she wanted peace...
IT DOESN'T ADD UP: by Wayan; 1995/6/26, an arithmetical dream.
Dream math often seems bad, but I think the discrepancies are a signal, not noise...
IT'S TOO LATE!: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a surreal apocalyptic dream
I'm in World War II, asking a reporter to keep quiet about our secret weapon.
But it's already gone off, melting and distorting the whole cartoon world. It's...
JACK DANIELS: by Wayan; 1983/10/14, three dreams critiquing a (real!) ESP experiment gone awry
A car crashes & burns--but the driver bailed! No one to save...
A miner stabs a baby "because everyone not underground is evil"...
Radar O'Reilly from MASH, President Calvin Coolidge and I confuse who's who...
JACOB'S LADDER: by Jacob, grandson of Abraham; c. 2050 BCE; a self-fulfilling prophetic dream.
Jacob dreams of angels climbing to heaven. He meets God, who promises
the Holy Land to him and his tribe. Jacob uncritically accepts...
JIM'S POWDER: by Helen; pre-1961, a telepathic warning dream
I dreamt I was begging Jim not to kill himself, but when I woke, I couldn't bring myself to call. I hardly knew him...
JUANA'S ROCKET: by Wayan; 2010/9/4; a dream on how facing abuse can fan inflammation
DAY: I find old photos showing my dad ogled my sister, the Lee girls, and teens he met at the beach.
DREAM: Juana Lee wants to fire a rocket launcher--indoors. The house'll burn! But she won't relent...
JUNG'S PREMONITIONS OF WORLD WAR I: by Carl Jung, 1913-1914; five ignored warnings.
Jung was told in dreams and visions that Europe would soon drown in blood. But he just couldn't believe it...

See also Oops! K-Z
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