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Dreamed late June 1968, 69, 70? by Anonymous #54

This is a precognitive dream and although it happened years ago, I still remember it vividly. Early on a Sunday morning on Father's Day I woke both myself and my husband by laughing out loud.

The dream consisted of one scene and no dialogue. My sister, ten years my junior, stood before me in a bulky coat, put her hands in the coat pockets, and, when she pulled them out and extended her arms toward me, I could see each hand was filled with bottle caps. That was the complete dream.
I told my husband about the silly dream and later we told my father about it at the breakfast table.

Around noon my sister, her husband, and two sons arrived for Father's Day dinner. My sister, who was pregnant, was wearing a very full, lightweight summer coat. As I was hanging up her coat she called to me to bring her cigarettes from the coat pocket. I returned to her with the coat, and while I still held it, she reached into the pockets and came out with--not cigarettes--but two handfuls of bottle caps.

As you can see, the only difference was that in the dream she was wearing the coat, while in reality I was holding the coat. When she saw the bottle caps she exclaimed, "Look at what the boys put in my pockets." The sensation that my husband, my father, and I felt at that point is indescribable!

SOURCE: Working With Dreams by Montague Ullman and Nan Zimmerman, 1979, pages 310-11.

LISTS AND LINKS: family - sisters - kids - oops! - dream humor - predictive dreams - ESP in general - Montague Ullman - a mystic dream of bottlecaps: Trail of Pogs

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