Ancient Mare-Kin Graveyard
dreamed 2008/9/1 by Wayan.
Ancient Mare-Kin Graveyard, a dream-song; vocals, bass sax and marimba by Chris Wayan, 2013, 2:47, (2.7 MB)
Won't play? Plain MP3
An archeology site; grotesque
haunted for twelve centuries by a green-eyed chilly breeze.
till our people's name is wrong
But today, a TV crew said
the ancient Mare-Kin." A guy
bone man--even in the fu-
ain't ground in your skin, you're just
of extinction's history.
he a dim projector be.
is not always funerary.
tell him all round holes are drains.
not one pocked and tiny ball
But even if they are, this smug
peewee golf. Just plies his trade
He's an archeology sight grotesque |
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