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Air-Pirates in Faerie

Dreamed 1984/8/25 by Wayan
for independent cartoonists
and your lonely labors of love


When I first built the World Dream Bank I favored story-like dreams showing dreamwork was more magical, beautiful and fun than people think. But now I'm transcribing old journals and finding a lot of apparently predictive dreams like this--dreams not resolving neatly as stories, but evidence that the waking world is rather more magical than people think. Too.


I'm at a lecture in a stadium seating 50,000. I think the speaker's avoiding an awkward issue, but I'm too shy to speak up in such a crowd. But one guy does--underground cartoonist Dan O'Neill stands up to ask the obvious question no one else had the guts to.

Later, O'Neill sits at a card table at the exit. Selling merch or checking tickets? I go up and say "That was brave, what you did. I want you to have this." Pull off a round plastic pale-yellow St Christopher medal. He looks at it, says "Uh... thanks..." and puts it on the table. Clearly has no idea what it is, to him it's just some cheap kids' prize. At a party in the future, a girl spills her drink on my white pants. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

But I join him & the Air Pirates--his band of cartoonists challenging Disney Corporation.

Night. We climb a winding mountain path. Watch for spying helicopters. I see one, though it's not spying too well: streamers on the rotor-tips form wild eye-grabbing spirals. Pretty. The paper did say the government is trying stunts in the sky. It had a photo of an odd cloud formation: a squarish window opening over Middle America. A literal Launch Window! I'm skeptical and wonder if it's like the Medfly scam.

We ride a funicular around the mountain, above manyfingered lakes (or lobes of one huge lake). Dry pine forest like around Lake Shasta. Black basalt boulders in one valley, vivid on yellow dry grass. A huge full moon SO big & SO bright we can see color; almost day. The funicular car halts at a viewpoint. Snowy mountains, valleys and lakes. Linking the two main lakes is a low, lurid green flat--a tule marsh? I'm excited--important to me that boats can go from one to the other. Boats dot all the fingers, a scattered flotilla.

That surreal moon's both luminous and numinous. Feel like I've entered a midnight world of magic.

At dawn, I find it's true. Marinas and resorts looked normal by moonlight, but daylight reveals this is the future. A planned community around the reedy lakeshores. Low bamboo homes with veg gardens, flowers, walkways; villages linked by monorail. We--Dan has vanished, it's just the other cartoonists in the Air Pirates now--walk down from the station into Faerie. I realize now that's where we are. Reachable only through a night journey.

A bar/cafe or dance-pavilion. Big, light, friendly. My parents show up, but I gradually slip away from them, back to the Air Pirates. They buy me a beer. Though shy, I enjoy the crowd. I'm in white pants, not my usual blue jeans, and someone spills a glass of beer on me. The air's warm so I say "no problem". Wring them while they're on me--I'm skinny enough I can. Amazed I can squeeze so much beer out of my leg. Can even spray a little stream at people. Including my dad. Enjoy it--as insulting to him as if I spat or pissed on him, but he can't complain cuz it's "all good fun". A dark archway between fruit trees. Dream sketch by Wayan.

Evening. The Air Pirates lead us all up to a house on a hill. Gardens. My mom says "Ooh! Bell peppers!" but are they? They hang from a tree like apples. She picks two red and two green, without asking permission--of the gardener or the tree. In Faerie that seems unwise. I apologize to the tree and try to fit the fruit back on. They won't go.

But when I apologize, a door opens on the porch. Empty arch into the dark...

I decide since this is a magic land, maybe I can work some too. I try to summon light in that dark. No. Dim moonlight leaks in from outside, same as before.

Not as before. My eyes go nocturnal, seeing in pitch dark! I can't witch the world, but I can witch MYSELF. It's not perfect; without shadows, things look flat--hard to separate objects. Spangly black inside the arch--the flashes must be random individual photons. I go in.

A hollow hill! Inside is another house with a glowing garden on an inner. In the garden, folk are locked in some strange drama; but I quickly pick up the gist and fit myself in. I play a Hound, a canine person with a preternatural nose for tracking. Sniff out their trails, learn their backstories, deduce the villain of the drama...

My old housemates Barbara and Kenny live here. They're a warm (though bickering) gnome-couple straight out of 'Neverending Story'.

We climb to a peak about a sea of cloud. This is the Air Pirates' secret base. They sail ships into the sky.

At midnight Earth time, we all drink a toast in Grog. Tastes like normal booze to me. Check the labels. Each bottle's a different brand with different ingredients. But all imports--mortal brews. No ambrosia, sigh!

I realize I'm bored. The Pirates aren't as wild as I hoped. Just as the Gnomes were easy-going but... a bit dull and settled. Once Dan O'Neill the risk-taker was gone, Faerie went a bit flat.

NEXT DAY A drink spills on white pants. Dream sketch by Wayan.

Apple trees in Faerie. Dream sketch by Wayan.



I slowly got involved with more artists, dancers and musicians in the San Francisco improv scene. It was a better fit than these comfortable suburbanites; though even in SF I was pretty far out and often felt lonely. Even big-city bohemians blink at psychic dreamers.

DREAM: utopia - trains - scenery - the future - pirates - parties - oops! - splash! - the underworld - hollow hills - eyes & vision - night & darkness - self-flagging dreams - pencil art
NEXT DAY: parties, clothes, color, oops & splash again - film - shamanism - dreams on dreaming - predictive dreams - ESP in general - social advice - digital dream art

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