Gold Egg
How a student in search of the Beautiful fell asleep in Dresden
over Herr Professor Doctor Vischer's Wissenschaft des Schönen
[The Science of Beauty] and what came thereof
dreamed 1850s? by James Russell Lowell
This peculiar poem comes from Lowell's collection Under the Willows, ca. 1867. It plays off a myth in which Zeus (in disguise) begs hospitality from a poor couple, Baucis and Philemon, rewarding them with a hen who lays golden eggs. Did Lowell really fall asleep and dream this, or just make it all up? It's not safe to question a poet who'll rhyme you sent with translucent. Such a man is capable of anything.
I SWAM with undulation soft, Adrift on Vischer's ocean, And, from my cockboat up aloft, [crow's nest] Sent down my mental plummet oft In hope to reach a notion. But from the metaphysic sea "What's Beauty?" mused I; "is it told Then o'er my senses came a change; Old gods in modern saints I found, |
Truth was, my outward eyes were closed, Although I did not know it; Deep into dream-land I had dozed, And thus was happily transposed From proser into poet. So what I read took flesh and blood, I saw how Zeus was lodged once more DAIMON 'twas printed in the book [Greek: SOUL] He paused upon the threshold worn;
Plain feathers wears my Hemera, | And has from ages olden; She makes her nest in common hay, And yet, of all the birds that lay, Her eggs alone are golden." He turned, and could no more be seen; "The stranger had a queerish face, She's quite too old for laying eggs, Some eighteen score of such do I
Philemon found the rede was good, [rede: advice] | And, turning on the poor hen, He clapt his hands, and stamped, and shooed, Hunting the exile toward the wood, To house with snipe and moor-hen. A Poet saw and cried: "Hold! bold! To him Philemon: "I'll not balk But scarce the poet touched the bird, As when from far-off cloud-bergs springs
She gripped the poet to her breast, | And ever, upward soaring, Earth seemed a new moon in the west, And then one light among the rest Where squadrons lie at mooring. How tell to what heaven-hallowed seat
Here was the bird's primeval nest, I know not how, but I was there And in the nest an EGG, of gold
Daily such splendors to confront | Is still to me and you sent? It glowed as when Saint Peter's front, illumed, forgets its stony wont, [wont: habit] And seems to throb translucent. One saw therein the life of man, I knew this as one knows in dream, "Bless Zeus!" she cried, "I'm safe below!" Each day the world is born anew
Rightly? That's simply: 'tis to see | Some substance casts these shadows Which we call Life and History, That aimless seem to chase and flee Like wind-gleams over meadows. Simply? That's nobly: 'tis to know
Beauty, Herr Doctor, trust in me, | No chemistry will win you; Charis still rises from the sea: [Charis: Grace] If you can't find her, might it be Because you seek within you? |
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