Dreamed 1981/3/14 by Chris Wayan
I'm in a barren concrete room in the foothills of Redwood City, arguing with a fatalist.
He says "You can't affect ANYTHING."
I say "My own individual effort can affect myself and others, even in the face of BIG things."
"Ha! Right. Nuclear weapons!"
I make him a bet. "Let's test it. You set up a Hiroshima-sized bomb right here and now, on a ten-minute fuse. I bet that I can save myself entirely with my own strength--no outside help, no motors, not even power tools."
He takes the bet. (Think it was ten minutes--I may have cut it fine, said only five, which isn't much margin.) He thinks I'm gonna try to disarm his A-bomb of course. I can't possibly get a safe distance away, since cars are banned, right?
But I run outside and hop on my bike and zoom down the road to the flats--in 5-10 minutes I can get a mile or two or even three away if I run all the red lights.
I do. Ride right down the middle of 4-lane streets too. I'm confident I can win. It's not an H-bomb--its radius of serious destruction shouldn't be too much over a mile...
In the dream I never notice that I've accepted a bet with no reward! EVERYONE loses! If the other guy wins, I'll be too dead to pay, he'll be too dead to collect. At best, I'll win by surviving--with a fallout dose. And how many third parties will die or be poisoned with us?
Nukes and fallout usually have to do with my health (or lack of it).
I think the dream is warning me of an ominous long-term pattern. I'm playing "chicken" with my health! Daring myself to go to the edge of illness.
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