Dares, Bets, Wagers
On the other hand, some of the dares listed below are unbelievably self-destructive. Lose-lose propositions! These, I suspect, aren't dream creations as much as descriptions of how I'm getting lured into trouble in waking life. Pride's primitive, but powerful! When you're challenged, as in Bike from a Bomb, it's so easy to meet the challenge just to prove yourself... when there's absolutely nothing to gain, and much to lose.
RELATED TOPICS: races, contests and competitions - play - money - taking the initiative - opportunities grasped - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ADRIAN TRIED: by Wayan, 1991/3/12, an embarrassing dream. Adrian and Jennifer and Michelle try very very hard to get my attention, but I'm a bit oblivious... CAUTION: SEXUAL STUPIDITY |
AMERICAN TANKA: by Wayan; dreamed 1989/7/26, painting-poem-story on 30" disk, 1995. I dreamed I circumnavigated the entire Buddhist wheel of existence in a single night... |
ANNIE, GET YOUR GOWN!: by Wayan; 1988/9/14, a comic dream. I'm Annie Oakley, sharpshooter, facing something scarier than gunmen: a formal ball introducing me to my new husband's family--Austrian aristocracy! What's an American gal to do? |
ARISTOTLE'S WIVES: by Wayan, 1984/5/20, a dueling-philosopher dream. Aristotle keeps marrying my friends and fucking them up. So I challenge Mr. Logic to a shamanic duel... CAUTION: THE F-WORD. OOPS, TOO LATE! LESBIAN FISH, TOO. |
THE ARMS POLICY: by Wayan; 2000/4/7, a nightmare. The government has a harsh policy on armed dissidents. Not the kind of arms you think... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
BALANCE?: by Wayan, 1984/10/10, a dream about dreams. Silky, my sentient starship, gives me a scolding about playing it safe... |
BAR BET: by Wayan; 1982/4/30, a dream-quest on not settling for less. On a bar bet, we seek God. We reach the Isles of the Blessed, but they're complacent. We want the wild God, the real God, the Bad Taste God. Onward, pagan questers! Because we want to win our bet. CAUTION: LAZY-ASS ANGELS |
BETRAYING DREAMS: by Wayan; 1987/11/6, a dream about dreamwork. As I hike across the tundra to win a bet with God, I realize I've been subtly betraying my dreams... |
BIKE FROM A BOMB: by Wayan; 1981/3/14, a bikemare. Idiotically, I bet I can escape an atomic bomb on my bike. Maybe if I ignore stoplights... CAUTION: IRRESPONSIBLE WEAPONS USE |
CHAPERONE AND REBEL: by Wayan; 1998/5/18, a flirtatious dreamtale. A girl with a magic swimsuit flashes me, as her Iranian fundamentalist aunt glares from beyond the veil... CAUTION: NUDITY? OR ILLUSION? |
COEURL: by Wayan; 1980/2/26, a dream of surprise transcendence I'm trapped in an alien hotel, my true love has gone radioactive, and the only way out is to turn into a giant, scary... CAUTION: CLOSET LESBIAN. LITERAL CLOSET. |
CORPSE-BUG: by Wayan; 1994/12/1, an allegorical sex nightmare. I'm a hippie girl in San Francisco, in hard times. To escape the Four Horsemen, I lie down with Death... CAUTION: GANGS, CREEPY SEX |
DARE: by Catshall; c. 2013/6/13, a haiku on an incubated nightmare I challenged my dreams to hit me with their worst. And they did... |
A DEAL WITH GOD: by Wayan; 1987/10/21, a heretic dream. Evangelists pester me until I get so mad I make an on-the-spot deal with... CAUTION: MAD AT CHRISTIANS AGAIN |
DREAMS IN WAR TIME: by Amy Lowell; c. 1917, a chain of seven small dream-poems Terse dreamlets quietly catch World War I's effect. Faith died in the trenches... |
ELBERETH PAUSES: by Wayan; 1989/6/26, a dream on postwar ethics. After the Lord of the Rings falls, Elbereth herself is sent to heal the land. But she has a troubling neighbor... |
FURIOUS FLIGHT: by Wayan; 1998/11/8, a dream on managing rage. I lose my temper. I don't just fly off the handle--I fly off a cliff and out to sea! Why'd I risk drowning?.. |
THE GHOSTMASTER: by Wayan; 1992/6/16, a dreamtale of the Shadow. I win a starship from the hostile Ghostmaster; in space I gain the confidence to confront him, and find... |
GOAT DARE: by Wayan; 1984/8/22, a sex nightmare. A girl and I climb a half-built tower to get some privacy from my nosy, sneering parents. But they find us during oral sex, and their scorn melts my girlfriend into a goat... CAUTION: SEX, HUMILIATION, FAMILY VALUES |
GOTTA BE ME, OR...: by Wayan; 1989/9/5, a surreal sex dream with advice A friend tells me her sex fantasy. We try acting it out, but roleplaying has bizarre effects... CAUTION: SEX GAMES |
HAUNTED BUT HAPPY: by Wayan; 1990/10/13, a labyrinthine dream. Some Christian oneirologists barge into the Haunted Firehouse. But I pose for nude unicorn photos, and... CAUTION: DUMB CHRISTIANS, EXHIBITIONIST UNICORNS, ETC. |
HIS MINE: by Wayan; 1985/12/2, an epic Wild West dream I'm a hobbit seeking Henry Fonda's haunted gold mine. And find it. Or is that chocolate? But then I'm caught in a shamanic showdown in a bar where they serve real spirits... |
THE HOLY HARP: by Wayan; 1994/3/22, a dream of musical guilt. The Goddess's harp, that calls in the seasons, just passed on. But the new harper has a shocking admission... |
INDIA ON THE SECURITY COUNCIL?: by Wayan; 2000/4/21, an annoying dream on peace. India wants a seat on the UN Security Council, but what of Pakistan? The UN has a modest proposal... |
LILY OXYGEN: by Wayan; dreamed 1984/1/19, drawn 2000; a strong psychic dream. I'm Emily Dickinson reborn in 2100 as a breeder of hydroponic lilies, till my dad drafts me as an Arctic energy-prospector, where I meet a ghost, a fiery Beast, a new me, and the girl of my dreams... CAUTION: QUEER-POSITIVE, NUDE PROSPECTORS, GNOMIC DICKINSON QUOTES |
THE LIMIT OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE: by Wayan; 1974/3/13, a dream of madness. Deep in the caves, a Voice announces I've gone as far as the human mind can stand. But ahead, I see... |
LUNCH-SNIFFER, or, THE PRIVATE NOSE by Wayan, 2022/11/7; a silly predictive dream DREAM: a weird-looking guy says he's a Private Nose, who can read my life history by sniffing my lunch. He gets a lot right--but just as much wrong. NEXT DAY: My sister takes me to lunch & orders tea-leaf salad. Our waiter is... |
A MAMMOTH FIGHT: by Wayan; 1996/2/26, a dream of another life. A tacky other life... I'm a fight promoter. But my biggest deal ever is growing out of my control. Mammoth versus Rex, sure. But now it's a four-way bout--schoolbus, whale... CAUTION: CRASS ACT |
MARCO TO WIN: by Violet Tweedale, 1893 or 4; a predictive... something We went to visit a well-known psychic. As an afterthought I asked about an upcoming race. The answer was firm: "Marco to win..." We made a lot off her tip. But when I thanked her later, we were shocked to learn she'd never heard me! Then who had spoken?... CAUTION: WEIRD EVEN FOR SPIRITUALISTS |
A MARKET STREET CONCERT: by Wayan, 1998/4/2, a sexy dreamfable. On a downtown street, a classmate is singing for change. I can't resist seeing if I can distract her... CAUTION: THEY'RE BOTH EXHIBITIONISTS |
MY WILDCAT WOUND: by Wayan; 1994/7/8, a dream on gender trauma. I'm a wildcat in a cat/fox team led by a woman who wants us to merge with a man/wolf team... CAUTION: LANGUAGE |
ORCA TOWS: by Wayan; 1984/5/25, a dream with impact. I show an Ohio friend the latest California sport. But we haven't quite worked out how to land just yet... |
PERISSA: by Wayan; 1997/9/13, a sexy dream-comic (small screen, slow loading? Illus. text) When Perissa, an exhibitionistic centaur, bares her body in a crowded Coliseum, she also bares a human-supremacist plot... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, SPECISM |
PET ME DARE!: by Wayan; 1996/2/7, a sexy healing dream; 2p. dream-comic (or ill. text) After whining all day that I lost my anima, I dream I'm petting a cat. Who purrs, and grows, and grows, and purrs "Pet..." CAUTION: PUSSY TROUBLE |
POKER WITH A DEMON: by Wayan; 1980/8/15; a comic predictive financial dream. I'm authorized to play high-stakes poker with a scary-looking but rather nice demon... |
POKING THROUGH THE NET: by Wayan; 1993/8/6, a dream on evading repression. Cultists must wear a burqa and confess their sins daily. So why's their beach such a pickup scene? CAUTION: NUDITY UNDER FISHNETS |
SIGNORINETTA: by Alfred Douglas; late May 1908, a predictive (and profitable) dream. I dreamt a grey filly won the Derby. My friend, a fan, said no fillies were racing this year; but he forgot one named... |
STAY GROUNDED!: by Wayan; 1988/2/27, an unexpectedly grounded dream. I'm playing poker with a dragon. But we barely dare move: we're both crackling with thousands of volts... |
TAHOE DRAGON: by Wayan; 1980/8/16, a dream of flight and fire A dragon killed a friend, and threatened worse. I had to fight. We dueled mid-air, over Lake Tahoe... |
TAHOE TAROT: by Wayan; 1988/4/13, a silly mystic flying dream. My sister and I are playing cards in the air high over Lake Tahoe. The stakes? The world. But we both cheat... |
TAKEN OVER: by Eileen, Jony & Kim, as told by Gayle Delaney, 1979 or before; parallel nightmares Eileen rose out of her body. A man dared her "How far away can you go?", then stole her body! Jony and their daughter Kim had nightmares of invasion too; all three woke up shaken... |
THE TEACHER: by Lord Vivian, 1874; a predictive dream he bet on... for another! DREAM: a stranger tells me "The Teacher" won the Handicap. AWAKE: At the track I meet the man in my dream! He says The Teacher is now called Aldrich. But Aldrich's owner discourages me. A friend trusts my dream & wins £1,000... |
THREE SEVENS: by George Antheil; summer 1932; a psychic dream in a dreamlike time I dream I play 7 and win three times at Monte Carlo. I wake and head for the casino with witnesses... |
THE TIGER AND THE WOLF: by Jo; 2011/1/15; a dream of temptation A black dog leads me into the fairy wood. I'm curious what happens to those who walk under the tree where the Lightning Tiger lurks.... |
TRESPASSERS IN MALANCHAI: by Hyal; Feb 1996, an epic dream with an apparently psychic intrusion. A maneless lion-boy wins his people’s respect. While training, he sees weird trespassers who seem to be from someone else's dream... and ten years later, he finds that dreamer. |
TRIGO: by Edith L. Willis; 1929/6/4, an induced automatic-writing prediction (profitable, too) In an idle moment I held a pencil and asked the air who'd win the Derby. 'Trigo' meant nothing to me, but was listed at 32 to 1, so... |
VIEWFINDER: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2000/5/31, a dream-ritual declined A friend explained she planned to be a human viewfinder, bendng into an arch for a male spirit to dive through. I didn't want to risk it... |
THE VIDEOGRAPHER'S APPRENTICE: by Wayan; 1994/7/29, a predictive/warning dream. Blondie Wiggle builds a Video Igloo. But I'm allergic--TV kills me! A BAD omen for our video project... CAUTION: TV KILLS (BUT YOU KNEW THAT) |
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