Perissa's Reserved Seat
Dreamed 1997/9/13, drawn as comix 1999, by Chris Wayan.
Small screen, slow loading? Illus. text version
The illustrations for Perissa were digitally tinted, but the graycale designs were originally generated by an ultra-high-resolution graphics peripheral--too hi-res for the Web, really. It has drawbacks--a clumsy interface that takes time to learn (for example, to erase, you have to turn the whole unit upside down! Unbelievable! What were the designers smoking?) but it's incredibly powerful once mastered.
The device is called a "pencil"--a silly name, just "pen" plus "silicon" misspelled (and it doesn't even contain any--if industry rumors are correct, it's all carbon-based nanotech), but what do you expect from inventors on drugs?
Anyway, remember, you saw the word here first, folks! Pencil. In years to come, we'll all be using them.
I've just finished (I think) a painted version of Perissa's tale, showing a beach vignette from the viewpoint of the dream-figure I've neglected here: Giriko.
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