Flirting and Seduction
And a surprising number of these dreams use flirtation symbolically, to stand for interests of quite different kinds. Flirtation can lure you forward through difficult matters, when you're scared, reluctant... or brainwashed not to look.
RELATED TOPICS: dating dreams - love - sex - dreams with romantic advice - lost opportunities - opportunities grabbed - attractive men - attractive women - attractive monsters - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ADRIAN TRIED: by Wayan, 1991/3/12, an embarrassing dream. Adrian and Jennifer and Michelle try very very hard to get my attention, but I'm a bit oblivious... CAUTION: SEXUAL STUPIDITY |
ALL THE ANIMALS: by Sharon Lynn Pugh; c.1986, an epic, species-bent, funny, feminist dream-within-a-dream I'm a fox-woman. A human man courts me--insultingly. I dream my brain grows till my head hurts, till it splits open, till light gets in. I rant at the last dragon. Strange but kindly, he gives me a picnic... |
ARMLESS: by Wayan; 1997 portrait of dream figures (pencil/digital) A strange, horny, frustrated being, part human part horse, who lacks hands to hold the centaurs... CAUTION: NUDITY AND SEXUAL TENSION |
AZOREAN PAN: by Wayan; 1988/6/3 & 6/6, two subtly predictive dreamlets on a Greek god 1: On a mid-Atlantic islet, a farm family plays music to summon the Greek god Pan. It works! 2: A mystical picturebook shows Pan & his mermaid lover. Again I'm told music summons Pan! CAUTION: GOAT-GOD NUDITY |
THE BAR PET: by Wayan; 1994/12/4, a disorienting dreamlet. I meet a sex-kitten in the Underground Cartoonists' Bar, but her body language makes no sense to me... CAUTION: UNDERAGE FLIRTATION... OR IS IT? |
BARING THE BREAST: by Carla Young, 2010/2/27; dream painting and scene I'm half-naked at an arty dinner party, talking to a man I really think I ought to recognize... who is he? CAUTION: TOPLESS JUNGIAN |
BAY WINDOW: by Wayan; 1999/6/15, a healing exhibitionist dream I'm naked, flirting with two cute women. People can see us in our bay window, but I just don't care.... CAUTION: CARTOON NUDITY |
A BEAGLE, THREE WOLVES, AND A SETTER: by Wayan; 2009/2/6, a dream-poem; Dreamverse #50 Fresh off the Beagle, Darwin meets three wolf-girls, but has distinctly Biblical inhibitions... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, SPECISM, PUNS |
BIRDSUIT: by Wayan; 1983/2/17; a 4-page dream-comic. I try to fly in my birdsuit before I have feathers! Can I? Starring the cast of Three's Company... CAUTION: LAME SEXUAL INNUENDO TYPICAL OF THREE'S COMPANY |
BRAID OF SILENCE: by Wayan; 1989/1/24, a brief dream-poem We're slaves on the moon. But we're slowly stretching our freedom in the shadows, undoing the Braid of... |
BUNNY GROPER: by Wayan; 2022/2/4; a dream on harassment's roots and goals A fantasy bazaar full of wolf, cat and rabbit shoppers. But my human friend Mark has a booth by the exit, and grabs a rabbit girl's tail! She glares daggers, but seems resigned to harassment... CAUTION: SEXISM OR SPECISM? |
CAT REPELS DINOSAURS: by Wayan, 1984/8/12, a film-inspired surreal dream DAY: I thorn-puncture my hands while gardening, and write stupid poetry about it... EVE: I watch Little Darlings, a teen sex farce that turns weirdly serious... DREAM: a Mysterious Pussy guards us librarians from stinky alien dinosaurs... CAUTION: SEXUAL INNUENDO??? |
CAT-FOX: by Wayan, 2022/4/7, a surreal covid-frustration dream I live in a highrise. But a fox appears on our balcony! Through the glass door, he flirts with our pet cat-fox. But wild foxes can carry distemper, so I keep the door locked. Useless! This urban pioneer is talented. He steps through the glass... |
CELEBRATE BOTH: by Henry Sultan, 2005/6/26, a painting that blends two dreams At a snake-weaving party I flirt with my anima, who tells me how the cake fell off the roof. I think “At last we’re really connecting!”... |
CHAPERONE AND REBEL: by Wayan; 1998/5/18, a flirtatious dreamtale. A girl with a magic swimsuit flashes me, as her Iranian fundamentalist aunt glares from beyond the veil... CAUTION: NUDITY? OR ILLUSION? |
CHELSEA AND THE PRESIDENTIAL COMPLEX: by Wayan; 1999/12/25, an odd political (?) dream. I was hot tubbing and flirting... so how'd I end up as Chelsea Clinton running for office? |
CHESS DEVIL: by Wayan; 1997/8/5, a humiliating nightmare. I try to rescue my girl friends losing a boat-chess game to a devil, but they'd rather be with bad-boy him than me... CAUTION: NUDE DEVIL |
CHRISTA'S FUR: by Wayan; 2018/6/9, a smutty spiritual dream-poem riffing on Leonardo's 'Last Supper'? In an alternate Judea, I long for a female Christ and her lesbian apostles. My lust is unrequited, till a small Sex Kitten gives me some wise advice... CAUTION: CAT NUDITY, BLASPHEMY |
CIRCLES OF BONE: by Linda Puffer, 1977/4/27, a poem on a surreal body-image dream I realize a bone is protruding between my left armpit and breast. I put Maria's hand on my breast and ask her to feel the bone. But no one grasps what it really is--something sticking out from my heart... |
A CLINTONIAN AFFAIR: by “Kate”; 2008/2/18, a dream of strange political bedfellows indeed Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush were having a secret love affair, and I was sharing their bed... |
CLOCKTOWER: by Wayan, 1986/4/2, a predictive dreamlet DREAM: a girl peers in my window & flirts with me. But why's she perched on a miniature clocktower? NEXT DAY: on campus, I spot a girl perched on a ledge of a new miniature clocktower. Oh, that's... CAUTION: CHILDHOOD TRAINING: "MEN ARE SCUM" |
CLOSE THE GATE: by Emily Joy; 2004/11/19, a dream of decision. My foxy lover teases and tempts, but I can't let him into the patio for fear he'll hurt the rabbits… CAUTION: UNFUNNY BUNNY PUNS |
CO-DRIVE: by Wayan; 2008/6/24, a dream of escape... through cross-gender cooperation? I escape a dark cell, cram with friends into a car and co-drive to LA, steering along with a woman in my lap... CAUTION: EITHER SEX SYMBOLISM, OR SOMETHING MORE SUBVERSIVE |
CRAZY JANE GROWN OLD LOOKS AT THE DANCERS: by W.B. Yeats; spring 1929?, a dream-based poem Crazy Jane watches a dancing couple's passionate games, and envies even their hate; to her, it's part of love... |
THE CYGNET BALL: by Wayan; 1996/3/26, a dream on assertion. At the Ball, I feel up women, who idly enjoy me like... hors d'oeuvres! Wait, is that what I wanted? CAUTION: WEIRD SEX CUSTOMS |
DETECTIVE DEE: by Wayan; 1992/2/1, a dream on MPD . The clues point toward my own anima as the murderer, but Detective Dee finds the even odder truth... |
DEER VERSUS PIGS: by Wayan; 2015/5/20; twin dreams; joking or serious? Deer-mares join our theatre class. Adorable! Then pig people. Not adorable. I wake & sketch them. Hear voices--sexy singing deer on TV! Wow, my dream was predictive! And then I wake AGAIN... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
DINOSAUR BARD: by Wayan, 2005/2/7, a dream-poem advising song Dinosaurs and tigers fill my music club. Not that it takes many to fill it. So spiky! A dino bard croons. A tigress leaps onstage & snuggles up! Music hath charms... |
THE DINOSAUR ELEVATOR: by Wayan; 1992/11/22, a paradoxical dream. The dinosaurs I meet manage to prove BOTH leading time-travel theories! Yet they're incompatible... |
THE DISPLAY: by Wayan; 1997/10/17, a natural history dream. I'm trapped in a nature documentary about mating displays among humans... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, PBS NARRATION, AND OTHER EMBARRASSMENTS |
DISTRACTUS: by Wayan, 2004/5/5, a comic sexy diagnostic dream... that baffled me. Sex in a meadow? A protest march distracts us. But a friend warns me of a disease, Coitus Distractus... CAUTION: (DISTRACTED) SEX |
DONNA'S FALLOUT: by Wayan, 1972/2/6, 2/26, 2/29 & 3/4: sonnets & watercolors of 4 sex dreams. When I was 17, an older girl pushed booze at me and came on to me... in front of my parents and teachers! For months, I had ambivalent sex dreams trying to process what Donna taught me--not all of it negative... CAUTION: WEIRD SEX; ADULTS BEHAVE BADLY |
DRAGON BANNERS: by Wayan; 1987/3/19, a dream on the value of inner emptiness. A dragon's daughter seeking her inheritance defies a sneaky dragon-realtor out to own the world... |
DRAGON/WOMAN: by Pam Cardiff, 1994/6/20, a dream of a dad's curse A mage turns his daughter into an ugly dragon. She pines for a sailor, but though they make beautiful music with magic crystals, he rejects her... |
DRAGONFLY BUS: by Wayan, 2023/3/28; four dreams on halting runaway feelings A girl writes a whole movie to get a shy boy to hold her; I stupidly summon a monster dragonfly-bus; a devil-suited jerk hogs a musical's stage TWICE; leeches crawl from the treasure-box I opened... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, SEXUAL FEAR/GUILT |
THE DREAM: by Theodore Roethke; before 1958; a dream-poem? Or not? A mysterious night-encounter with a shapeshifting spiritwoman as elusive as Roethke’s poetry... |
DREAM OF A DREAM OF NIGHT: by Robert Watson; 1960s, a dream-poem The goddess of Night is in love with me, but I'm married, and tired, and just full of excuses... |
DREAM SHORTAGE: by Wayan; 1985/12/1, an appropriately short dream. I meet two women in dream-prison. One's a giant, one a miniature. A fairy? She says, 'No, I'm..." |
DURING DREAM-DROUGHT: by Wayan; 1997/5/7, a journal exerpt. Sitting in an eviction-lawyer's waiting room, of all places, I discover my next artistic direction... CAUTION: SEX/GENDER ISSUES |
THE ELEVATOR PROPOSAL: by Wayan, 2004/10/15, a dream baring a subtle lifelong pattern I'm in an elevator with a giant guy with a hotel cart bearing a silver platter. On it, an erect penis. The guy tries to enlist me in his program to... what? CAUTION: CARTOON PENIS |
EMPRESS AND PIG: by Doug Williams; 2006/10/10, a dream of romantic beginnings A pig led me off my path to meet a lady. I told her my true name, and felt something shift... |
ENKIDU: by Gilgamesh of Uruk, c. 2750 BCE, an early prophetic dream The hero Gilgamesh troubles his city till he dreams the gods will send him a best friend & lover, Enkidu... CAUTION: SEX |
ERÉNDIRA: by Wayan; dreamed 1984/10/3, a grotesque predictive dream 1: Mimes stage an Orgy For Peace. Shy, I wait my turn. Should've run off with that girl eyeing me! 2: My friend Diane says "Men are selfish!" I pop her safety valve; she vents a great cloud of rage... Two days later: I go see the film Eréndira; it's full of scenes & lines from my dream... CAUTION: CHARITY PROSTITUTION BY MIMES |
ESCAPE BY INTUITION: by Wayan; 2010/1/11; four dreams of breaking through I must see a community as a whole, and intuit my way out of a sealed room, and spot details, and join a trio in bed... CAUTION: NUDITY IN LAST DREAM |
A FAMILY VISIT: by Wayan; 1996/8/4, a dream of alarming family values. A yard sale in a small town turns out to be my family selling porn. But they want to push more than their sexual values on me... CAUTION: TWISTED FAMILY, ELEPHANT ABUSE |
FANFOX: by Wayan; 2001, self-portrait as a fox woman. This foxgirl had my own uneasy mixture of exhibitionism and wariness. Baring sex, but not my face... CAUTION: NUDITY |
FAWN AND DEMON: by Wayan; 1990/7/15, twin dreams of desire. A doe I meet is as horny and shy as me. We're similar: torn between desire and fear... Then I meet a slacker succubus. She may just let herself get seduced toward freedom... CAUTION: SEX |
FIGURE DRAWING: PEEKABOO: by Wayan; 1989/1/2, crayon based on photo Girl peers out from a satin robe hiding only her face. Look at me! Hide! I know those contradictory feelings. CAUTION: NUDITY |
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: by Wayan; 2004/5/20, a dreamsong (MP3+lyrics); Dreamverse #0 I meet a monster--half earthworm, half giraffe. Then I realize she’s kind of cute... |
FLOWERHEADED CAT: by Wayan; 2005/8/17, two bizarre, sexy, advisory dreamlets My co-worker flashes a lot. Her boyfriend helps--flaps her skirt up to bare her pussy. What's their agenda? In a dream-sculptor's studio, I pet her lily-headed cat, who purrs. I think "At least her pussy likes me..." CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, PUNS, PETTING |
FLY WITH ME?: by Wayan; 2024/1/7; a flying dream of course! But an odd one. DAY: I research a weird Salvador Dalí dream-painting mingling, flight, tigers and sex. DREAM: I flirt with a talking cat. Want her to fly with me. But she wants something earthier... |
FOOD CAME BETWEEN US: by Wayan, 1993/4/25, an incubated epic diagnostic dream. The terror of Navy breakfast, the joy of filterfeeding, how to marry pudding, and a sniper lunch with kisses... |
FOUR OF TEN: by Wayan; 2021/4/3, four examples from ten dreams in one night Books are clothes, and always were. A potato makes me lie, and everyone gets it but me. Sex in a crowd disarms the Mom Squad! And a Mystic Autistic's soul explores my room... CAUTION: PUBLIC SEX? PROBABLY. |
FOX ON THE TRAIN: by Wayan; 2015/1/9, an advisory dream painted & poemed I'm a guard on a train crossing the desert who falls in love with a refugee fox-girl, despite heavy specist peer-pressure and the archaic Railway Code... CAUTION: NUDE FOX |
GALILEO FALLS: by Wayan; 1979/11/7, a mysterious dream . I was a closet unicorn. SO closet, I didn't even know what a unicorn was, till I went to college and met Lindsay, who was half and could pass... |
GEOMETRY OF DAWN: by Bruce Kawin, c.1983, a sexy metaphysical dream? My anima sends me on peculiar journeys--smoke rings, islands, conversations with a stone-- but at last it's just us. She has something more she wants to teach me. On that bed... CAUTION: ASTRAL COME-ON |
GET THEIR ATTENTION: by Wayan; 1999/4/24, a queer little dream. My friend Linda and I are walking in the Castro, when a tourist girl jams her tongue in Linda's mouth... CAUTION: SERIOUS TONGUE |
GHOST DOGS: by Wayan; a 1993/4/2 temptation dream done as a 1-page digital comic I meet a wolf who invites me to join Dr Who's pack of sexy Ghost Wolves. Just one catch nobody mentioned. To be a ghost, you have to... CAUTION: FLIRTATIOUS WOLVES |
GOLD EATER: by Wayan; 1993/1/15 dream drawn as 9-page comic. I'm an orphan shapeshifter enslaved by a gold-eating monster. But I meet a cat-girl with a hammer... CAUTION: BAD FOSTER-DAD; CAPITALIST MONSTER; VIOLENCE (TO VENDING MACHINES) |
GORDO'S EYES: by Wayan; 1981/2/14, a dream warning. The old cartoon character Gordo has another girlfriend. But his pets say he only loves the hunt, not her... |
THE GREAT DREAM by Victoria, between 1988 & '94, introduced by Gayle Delaney; a sex dream on creativity! My husband's sweet, supportive, but not that attractive. It's my brother (meaning creativity) who gives me oral sex to die for, as my parents quarrel and a chorus chants "Ecstasy, ecstasy"... CAUTION: INCEST |
THE GRIFFINS' LESSON: by Wayan, 2018/6/1, a pair of predictive dreamlets I live through two teens' nightmares, then "wake" with them to find they were drugged by a third party! Why? Then I'm with a cheery wagon-crew of flirting griffins & talking horses, pulling a cart made of grammar or logic. Six days later... detailed images from both dreams appear on TV! CAUTION: CREEPY, THEN SAPPY, THEN FREAKY |
GRIMOIRE AND PACT: by Wayan, 2013/8/4, twin dreams of infestations of... health? illness? sex? magic? Two sisters want to lick me all over, but they lick everything; weird gut-fauna make them immune to toxins... Fairy eggs infest my home--become worms, then tiny horses, then mothwinged hobbits, then adult fairies.... CAUTION: NUDE EQUINES & FAE; PARASITES (OR SYMBIOTES?) |
GUIDE IN THE RUINS: by Wayan; 1996/11/20, a hopeful dream of ruin. Through vast Soviet ruins to the modest rooms where the new Russia lives. As I fall in love with my guide... |
HICKOPHOBIA: by Wayan; 1996/5/13; 2-page dream-comix (or plain text version) Whenever I run out of ballet class to Japanese without asking my classmate Wendy out, I change sex... CAUTION: LANGUAGE |
HILLARY’S EYES: by Margaux Williamson; February 2008, a political romance dream Hillary Clinton was trying to seduce me, and doing a pretty good job, too... |
HINDU GOD: by Judy Landaiche; Dec 1990, a sex dream with multiple twists It started like a nightmare--someone behind me, a groping hand that's not human... It was a Hindu god! He made love to me. Felt great until he said: "You're taking too long!"... CAUTION: SEX WITH A SELFISH DEITY |
HOCKEY: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a flirtatious dream-scene I'm a hockey player. A woman strips to a bikini, wondering if she's attractive. My erection says she is... CAUTION: BRRR! |
A HOT SKATER: by Wayan; 1997/5/8, a suggestive dream. A skater so hot, she tears her clothes off and starts melting the ice! I'm shy with her: thin ice, you know... CAUTION: NUDITY |
HUMBLE THREE-EYED GIRL: by Wayan; 2008/12/30, a dream on giftedness and shame I meet a circle of students with up to five eyes. The lone three-eyed girl is embarrassed, indeed ashamed she's merely attained enlightenment... |
I FIND MYSELF CRYING: by Anonymous #51, before 1978, a cathartic dream of acceptance I was in a sort of commune. A girl snuggled up to me and I got an erection. I felt embarrassed and apologized. She said "NEVER apologize for THAT..." CAUTION: SEXUAL SHAME/HEALING |
ICARIAN PAIN: by Wayan; 1982/10/19, a dream of flight, shyness and pinching yourself. I meet some cute dancers, but rather than flirt, I just try ballet leaps too. I get more than I bargained for... |
INCEST IMPROV: by Wayan; 2005/6/13, a flying-dream poem, Dreamverse #21 Improv-dancing with my sister, I get turned on. But then a repressed Asian girl joins our dance, and... CAUTION: INCEST MENTIONED. OOPS, TOO LATE. |
IN THE STAR; 1988/9/12 by Wayan; an epic, out-of-body, intrastellar quest-dream I tour the heart of a red supergiant, where dreaming souls explore their fears and heart's desires, unconstrained by solid matter... CAUTION: SWEDENBORGIAN VISION, UNICORN NUDITY |
JETCATS: by Wayan; 1990/5/24, a surreal dream hiding a message about others Our black cat Purr and our new blonde kitten fly around as if jet-propelled dive-bombing the roof. Alarming, but their cat-reactions aren't like mine-- fast as a test pilot! For me it'd be suicide; for them, just playing... |
J.F., T.B. AND ME: by Dream Junkee; 2008/1/24, a lucid nightmare-comedy Lucid, I summon a sexy literary character. But he tries to take over my personality and make it his lucid dream... CAUTION: VAMPIRE-SLAYING |
KARMA AND HER SISTERS: by Emily Joy; 2006/12/27, a sexy dream that turns tragic. One boring lonely day, I meet a cute teenage bunny who wants to play with me! But half an hour later… CAUTION: LANGUAGE, INTERSPECIES FLIRTING, AND LOSS |
KIBBLE FROM HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1986/10/13, a dream on love and money. I'm a dog princess, on a world where kibble falls from heaven. When I meet our species' guardian angels... CAUTION: DOG NUDITY, LAWYERS |
KISS THE CATS: by Wayan; 2008/8/23, a dream poem, Dreamverse #13 I have to kiss a mess of cats. Fishy, but I'm not chicken. My real beef is with the humans watching... |
KRELKIN: by Wayan; 1974/10/9, on nonhuman figures recurring in dreams My psychology professor insists that nature spirits faded away as science rose. But I still dream of krelkins! Jasha is the one I know best... |
LAMIA by Wayan, 1988/11/1 with a nightmare by John Ruskin, 1869/11/1 I ask my dreams about sex, and get... sex on a beach with a sea-serpent girl--a lamia. But she gets queasy-- landsick! Too hot for her up here. Help her back in the sea. What a contrast with Ruskin's lamia nightmare... CAUTION: SCALY SEX |
THE LESSON: by W.H. Auden; 1942, a poem on three linked nightmares I'm told "Your lives are not in order." The golden crown's too heavy. And I win my lover's hand--only the hand. What are my dreams accusing me of? CAUTION: SEVERED HAND, SUBTLE GUILT |
LINDA'S NAVAL by Linda W & Wayan, 1991/8/16; parallel surreal exhibitionist dreams WAYAN: My housemate Linda shows me her weird navel--and pussy, to compare... LINDA: At Christmas, I run through snowy streets, naked except for earphones... CAUTION: NUDITY & AWFUL DREAM-PUN |
LOIS THE FLIRT: by a Florida woman; pre-1961, a psychic dream of jealousy My husband was standing against a wall with both arms around this woman's waist, and they were laughing... |
LONG ROAD TO HEAVEN: by Edwin Muir; 1920, an epic hypnogogic shamanic initiation Creatures in the primal sea touch my third eye, dragons cry their eyes out, I fight the Sphinx, and arrive at last in... |
LORD OF THE UNDERWORLD by Wayan, 1989/2/11; a chthonic transformation dream While spelunking, I blunder into the Lord of the Underworld's court where dragons swim--and become one! My human friends stare at me, coiled with my two mates. Do they even know me now? CAUTION: SCALY THREESOME |
MARIAH: by Wayan, 1994/9/23, a mystical flying dream. An un-jealous wind lifts me above the San Francisco hills, so I can hunt for my love: the Muse... |
MARTHA'S FALL: by Barbara, Martha, and Wayan; 1977/5/18. 3 linked warning, sex, and flying dreams
Wayan makes love to Martha's double, then sees her soul watching from the shadows... Barbara can't reach Wayan to say farewell... Martha falls off a mountain and decides to let herself die, just to see what happens... CAUTION: SEX, ABUSE ISSUES |
MARTIAN VIGILANTE: by Wayan, 2006/3/25, an absurdist nightmare on inner killjoys After a busy exhausting day, I find myself on a dream street flirting with a really cute artist. Until this stumpy green Martian slithers up, calls us criminals, and threatens us with a raygun... CAUTION: DUMBEST INNER CRITIC EVER |
MARVIN, CRASH: by Rick Veitch; Feb 1974; a predictive/warning dream My "friends" pull me away from the girl of my dreams, push booze & pot at me, and won't even try to climb the rope to success. But Marvin saves Evel Knievel from a motorcycle crash. Sounds good--until, ten years later, I hear how Marvin died... CAUTION: GRIM AFTERMATH |
MEREDYTH AND LILLY: by Meredyth Watts; May 2010, 2010/11/14 and 2010/12/7, episodic dreams I dream over & over of the same place, time, & woman. We fall in love. Strangely, I'm the one who gets pregnant... |
MISTRESS TOOTHSMOOTH: by Yves Delage, 1915/1/20, an early anima dream I'm in the cellar, petting a tiger-cat. She speaks inside my head: "I'm tired of living on bread. I need meat." I make excuses--it's pricy--then see big hanging quarters of meat. I hide them! She says "Call me Mistress Touttmouss"--well, something like that--I know it's English, but can't make it out til I wake, when I see... |
MOSQUITO: by Kelly McCracken, 1994?, a dream of... bloodsuckers? At first it's Michael J. Fox flirting with me, and I'm not excited, he's kind of a loser. Then it all changes, and he's a monster mosquito humping me, and I hear someone saying "Do me, do me." Him? Or me? CAUTION: SUBTITLED "THE UNSEXIEST SEX DREAM EVER" |
A MUSLIM CHEETAH: by Wayan, 2004/12/2, a dream of fundamental ambivalence A cheetah is a saboteur for a violent Islamic group. I'm attracted, but tear into her; "You plant bombs in the name of a rulebook meant for apes not cats!" CAUTION: NUDE CHEETAH; CRITIQUES HOLY BOOKS |
MY MUSLIM MOTHER-IN-LAW: by Wayan; 1995/3/25, a dream on repression. How exactly did I acquire a mother-in-law snooping on my phone calls, when I don't have a wife? |
MY DREAM OF CELIBACY: by Sibbie O'Sullivan, c.1984, a flirty lost-opportunity mermaid dream I lie on the bottom of the pool. The life guard lifts me in his strong arms. We flirt till my legs fuse, ready to go deep; but he says "It's only a part-time job" and turns away. In day, the highschool pool lies empty, widowed of water... |
NEWBIES NEED RULES: by Wayan, 2024/9/5; a dream on learning social skills A martial arts class. Teachers act instinctively, and free the advanced students from rules. But I'm so new I need rules! Classmates who think I'm stupid or willful are wrong. Pure inexperience... |
NIGHTMARE 1944: by Ira Sadoff; before 1981, a temptation-nightmare?! On my side of the fence, Austrian winter--gray skies, snow. On the other, warm sun, and a frighteningly beautiful German woman. She invites me over the border, to join her--and the terrified people being dragged off in carts to... CAUTION: HOLOCAUST HINTS |
NO "I": by Wayan; 2003/10/22, a dream of identity loss. I'm in San Francisco trying to throw Sauron's Ring into the Cracks of San Andreas. But a sexy sorcerer steals my sense of I! How can you act without a self? |
NOCTURNE: dreamed 2011 & 2013/11/19 by S---; nested, incubated advisory dreams
After asking "Am I ready to say yes to someone new?" I dreamed I met my old love... |
NOCTURNE: by Wayan; 2023/9/20, a book of improv paintings on dreams Inspired by Shaun Tan, I fill a black-paged photo album with 36 improv paintings. They become a tour of my dreamworld, led by my anima Silky, a literal nightmare... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, WEIRD DREAM IDEAS |
NORTH FLEET OF THE RAIN: by Wayan; 1974/7/10, an alien-invasion-solution dream A vast galactic fleet hovers around Earth, demanding Rain. Whaaat? I fight an alien leader, and find out what their long drought has been... CAUTION: UFO SEX |
THE OCCUPATION: by a patient of Peter O'Connor; 1985 or before, a therapy-guiding initial dream. Touring an underground maze, I meet a woman I like. But her brother bristles. Then, from a height, I see the ventilation pits of the labyrinth laid out like a map. The Japanese invade! Hide in the jungle. Women in rags butcher centipedes & mice... CAUTION: UNHAPPY MEALS; OVER-JUNGIANISM |
OGIE YOSHA CHANTEUSE: by Wayan; 1991/8/8; a flirtatious predictive dreamlet I dream I'm jamming with a girl in red--she sings a line, I echo or challenge it, she sings another. Fun! Who is she? I wake realizing the band I saw before sleep, Ogie Yosha, had that back-and-forth style... but no female singer. Sigh! A friend calls. "Didn't you love the lead singer, isn't she cute?" Whaaat? She wasn't there! Until... later that night. CAUTION: POSSIBLE E.S.P. |
OJIBWAY DREAM NET: by Regina de Cormier-Shekerjian, c.1984, a dream-poem of a visiting animus I hung the dream-net over my bed. It worked. A blue-winged man with a leg of silver came to me, drummed, danced, offered to teach me secrets. Awake, I found a blue feather caught in that net... |
ON DRAGONS: by Roswila; July 1986, three poems of dragon dreams The first two dragons numb my pain. I demand it back, and soon regret my haste. But the third dragon I seduce, for I'm a dragon now... |
ON THE SEASHORE: by Gabrielle Bell; between 1998-2002; a lucid dream-comic I'm on a beach in Mexico with a baby--my only souvenir of an affair I can't recall. I'm a mom? My whole life will change! Wait. Is this real, or... |
ONE FRUIT REMAINS UNEATEN: by Catshall; November 1983, a journal dotted with dreams My day life as an artist and explorer of the San Francisco underground scene gets regularly commented on by my dreamlife... CAUTION: SEX, BONDAGE |
ORANGE: by Jim Shaw; c.1994; a wordplay dream? A coy, giggling giant orange bounces onto a man's bed, trying to seduce him, and... |
THE OTHER PILLAR: by Roswila; 2007/12/9, a double dreamku A kinky seduction slips into something more uncomfortable: the Qabbalah? Or possibly leather... CAUTION: EROTICA OR ESOTERICA? |
OVERLAY: by Wayan; 1984/2/11, 1995/8/26, and 2004/9/11, 3 dreams shape a 9-page comic on living with ESP Dreams of translucent fairies, centaurs, robots & gnomes prompt me to cartoon on transparent overlays to show how dreamworlds overlay ours... |
PANIC ATTACK IN MY SLEEP; 2012/1/11 by Rainier Mathee; a nightmare on every level No work, no friends, no lover. People power-drill their own skulls. My uncle's going insane. And when I call 911... CAUTION: BLEAK |
THE PEGASI TUB: by Wayan; 2013/11/9, a fun, flirty dream I felt I didn't deserve After a rainy hike I'm cold and muddy. In the camp's hot tub, six girls splash and play. They welcome me, but I feel shy. They slowly become winged ponies! Were-Pegasi... CAUTION: HOT-TUB NUDITY |
PERISSA: by Wayan; 1997/9/13, a sexy dream-comic (small screen, slow loading? Illus. text) When Perissa, an exhibitionistic centaur, bares her body in a crowded Coliseum, she also bares a human-supremacist plot... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, SPECISM |
PLANET CAT: by Wayan; 1995/11/12, a First Contact dream of love. I'm the first man on Planet Cat, falling in love with my guide. And then I'm the Cat, falling for an alien ape... CAUTION: NUDE CAT |
PLUM CRAZY: by Wayan; fall 1973, an early surreal but nondream poem Plums float through the autumn air, sending us airmail kisses. If we'll accept delivery... |
POKER WITH A DEMON: by Wayan; 1980/8/15; a comic predictive financial dream. I'm authorized to play high-stakes poker with a scary-looking but rather nice demon... |
POKING THROUGH THE NET: by Wayan; 1993/8/6, a dream on evading repression. Cultists must wear a burqa and confess their sins daily. So why's their beach such a pickup scene? CAUTION: NUDITY UNDER FISHNETS |
RAINBOW SPLASH: by Wayan, 2023/4/23, a furry-porn dream hiding art advice! I'm in an alt-world Berkeley where mythic creatures shop on College Avenue. Marigold the unicorn flirts with me. Rainbow Dash the pegasus has turned male. Very very male... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY (AND CRUDITY) |
RANI: by Wayan; 1994/1/28, a dream about choice, with 8 illus. A Borges story of a were-tigress provokes a dream of a ranch crawling with weird were-women. Weird, but I LIKE them... CAUTION: NUDE CREATURES |
REHEARSING THE LOVE SCENE: by Wayan; 1999/9/17, a dream of advice. An insecure girl who looks like my anima is rehearsing a controversial love scene with an alien wolf... |
REJECTED! SO?: by Wayan; 2004/11/12, a dream of political AND personal advice A middle-class girl rejects me, and a newsman declares my politics irrelevant. "Liberal media" my ass... CAUTION: POLITICS |
RIBBING: by Wayan; 1992/12/25, an assertive dreamtale. After seeing 150 years of family photos, I dream of being teased by time-traveling cheerleaders, and... |
ROLL IT!: by C.W. Truesdale, before 1983, a flirtatious, pun-rich falling dream I'm sitting in a car teetering in the front row of a theater balcony. By me, R. is licking a cherry- flavored sucker. As the film crew yells "Roll it!" my foot slips on the brake and I do... |
SAX: by Wayan; 1991/5/19, an 8-page digital comic--a true nondream story. Alone in my blue room, I heard sax music. Two sunbathers were jamming outside my window... CAUTION: SEX AND SAX |
SEXUAL DREAMS: by Felicia, Simone, Anons 60-61 & a UCSC student; 1994 or earlier, as told by Gayle Delaney Five short playful dreams exploring sex. Because too many therapists get in the habit of thinking all dreams must wrestle with unhappiness... |
SHEEPISH: by Wayan; 1985/9/24, a clear but stupid psychic dream. Floundering through the snows of 1917, I fall in love with actress Linda Evans, who is a sheep teaching ballet. When I wake... |
SING TO SUMMON COURAGE: by Wayan, 2019/4/21, a surreal dreampoem Day: an exhibitionist teen uses sex to sell charity cupcakes, while her mom glares... Dream: I date the exhibitionist, but her dad imposes weird trials, as I sing for courage... |
SIX DREAMS: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a very busy night! 1: A flooded bathroom becomes 2: a glass water-piano; 3: my friend strips in a restaurant, so 4: they serve me gutted dog. 5: Dolls teach prostitution, as 6: a rhino rubs up to an elephant-bear... |
SLAVES DON'T DANCE: by Wayan; 1999/8/1, a 17-page Shakespearean dream-comic (or ill. text) Stolen by the Fairy Queen, I'm forced to nurse her great project: creating life! But her synthetic baby is... |
SLIDES: by Wayan; 2018/1/28, a surreal playful flirtation dream I cross San Francisco on public transit--a network of children's slides. One leads into... A wormhole full of aliens, where a goofy-haired reporter interviews a hacker... |
SOCK PUPPETS OF THE GODS: by Dee and Wayan; 1994/4/14. Parallel shamanic dreams! I dream I'm suicidal; but I'm saved when I'm shown the flow of human development--the same pattern, from souls to civilizations! Eddies and knots recur, but the challenges slowly get more spiritual. NEXT DAY: I learn what my shaman-friend Dee just dreamed. And now I'm unsure whose dream this is... CAUTION: IDEAS |
SORTING HAT, DRUNKEN CAT: by Wayan; 2013/10/18, a steadily mutating warning-dream I discover a Sorting Hat, as in Harry Potter--and it moves in with us. Our cat crawls in and plays peekaboo. She becomes a teenager eager to get drunk at Thanksgiving--like every adult in her life. But she's not puking drunk like them, so she must be OK! Just as I think I am--I only overwork to exhaustion. CAUTION: DRUNK TEEN CAT, SEVERELY ALCOHOLIC ADULTS |
SPHINX IN HEAT: by Wayan; 2006/8/20, terracotta dream-statue Trying to sculpt a dream-figure who's acting blatantly sexual teaches me it's as hard to show lust as supposedly subtler feelings... CAUTION: NUDE SPHINX |
SPLIT THREE WAYS: by Wayan; 2010/8/24, a quantum dream of overwhelm On the freeway, my car and I split into quantum possibilities. I steer both entangled cars till I split again--now I have to steer three cars with just one pair of hands and eyes... |
STRANGE GIRL STALKING ME IN MY DREAMS: by Mike Hanes; 2010/12/11, a dream recovering a lost dream! This strange girl reminds me "I rode your bike recently but you forgot." She's right! Rode it in an earlier dream... |
STUCK SNAKE: by Wayan; 2011/9/8; a set of dreams that out-Freud Freud Girls flash and strip and crawl into bed with me, but I'm blind to their interest-- till I become a snakeboy and discover the real limitations of phallic symbolism... CAUTION: NUDITY, STUPIDITY |
SURRENDER DARCY!: by Wayan; 1982/6/14, a dreamtale on pride and prejudice. I'm Doctor Who, being chased by an air-surfer who demands we give up a reserved, proud man named... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
THE SWEET WALL: by Wayan; 2011/5/8, a charming but mysterious dream vignette A lonely little girl plays on a swing in her yard. A shy young faun or satyr who has a crush on her conjures up a strange gift: a translucent wall of candy... |
SYLVIA, OR, PUN-DREAMS: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, early 1860s? 4 dreams of French puns A comet grows hair, a girl named Rosalie becomes a bed of roses, writing in a beautiful hand appears on a beautiful hand, and Sylvia becomes a talking forest bird... |
TANDEM DREAM IN KATMANDU: by Clancy Cavnar; 1998, two parallel dreams not acted on Two of us meditation students dreamed one night that we were ice skating in Holland, helping each other... |
TEETH IN HIS THIGH: by Wayan; 2008/10/30, an embarrassing dream-poem: Dreamverse #37 The Conference on Love has two sexy speakers. One says "my teacher's stalking me" but she clings to him. Love? Hate? Both? CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM--but what are these two exhibiting? |
TERTIARY INFECTION:by Wayan, 2016/4/28; a therapeutic/advisory dream of a helpful disease Flying saucers land, and give us weird compulsions. I catch an unusually mild case, a tertiary infection, and find I'm actually better off... |
THEN I REVISIT SELMA CALIFORNIA: by Jack Kerouac, late Oct. 1952, a predictive dream I dream of strange wide brown houses on the tracks... A knock wakes me--our train's moving out. As we pass through San Mateo, I see them on the rails, ready to roll--the first prefabricated homes... |
THIRD EYE: by Wayan; 2009/3/25, three diverse dreamlets on the same theme: enlightenment 1: Three sisters flash me; one has a third eye in there! Clothed, it's blind. Was she just enlightening herself? 2: In the future, most cars self-drive. I'm the last driver using my own muscles and mind. Can I hold out? 3: A friend charts all of history's wars to prove: democracies don't fight each other. So to get peace... CAUTION: NAKED EYE |
TIGER TALL: by Wayan; 1992/7/3, a marathon dream. I'm a tiger from Planet Cat, visiting Earth to run in San Francisco's "Bay to Breakers" race. I knew racial tensions were high, but why is William S. Burroughs out to kill me? Oh. Because... |
TORTOISESHELL GUILT: by 'Monk Eye'; 2014/9/9; a nightmare on spaciness and its risks I was enjoying an evening with this generic guy. Although there were two cats as big as bobcats in the room, I let Poodle, my tortoiseshell, in... CAUTION: GRUESOME CATFIGHT |
UNCLE MAC'S SECRET GENIUS: by Andrea McFarland, 2023/1/22, a surreal dream My uncle Mac has a secret scheme to free us all from the Rat Race, but his dancing mouse-headed robots (and climate change) get out of hand... |
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream. I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul... CAUTION: SWEARING, DRUNK LIONS, CYBORG SURGERY, AND GOGGLE-BARFING |
WERECAT SYNDROME: by Wayan, 2017/4/23, dream advice on Asperger's. Or masculinity? Werecat Syndrome runs in my family. Academics assume I'm a savage predator. Why? All I want to do is rub up against girls and find one who purrs back... |
A WISE WRITER PROTECTS HER EYES: by Wayan; 1998/8/19, an advisory dream. A writer I meet is either flirting with me obscenely, or advising me about eyecare, or... are those the same? CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM |
WITCHMARE SEDUCES TWILIGHT: by Wayan; 2021/3/12 & 13, a dream with a confirming follow-up DREAM: Witchmare the sorceress patiently wins over Twilight, a unicorn who thought she was straight. NEXT NIGHT: at a queer picnic, I find I know my orientation--witches! But I'm less sure what sex I am... CAUTION: LESBIANS, UNICORNS, FANART, COMPLEXITY |
WITWEET WAYAN: by Wayan, 1979/1/10, a dream of butch and femme. Six generations in the future, I find a poodle who can defuse the bomb my snotty friends can't... CAUTION: MAD SCIENTIST, EXHIBITIONIST GIRLFRIEND, POODLE MOCKERY |
WOLFWALL: by Wayan; 1994/1/31. Daydream/trance digital drawing Drew all night in a trance and only learned at dawn what this flirting otter and wolf were trying to tell me... CAUTION: NUDITY AND SEXUAL THEME |
A WOMEN'S WORLD: by Wayan; 1996/8/6, a psychic dream. I visit Earth during an all-female era. I'm a woman, can pass for local--so why do I lie to fit in? CAUTION: SEXIST SLUR |
YOGA SAINT: by Wayan; 2010/12/4, an incubated, disturbing diagnostic dream I dream I meet my headaches! An ascetic yogi who punishes jokers, flirts and cynics for worldliness... |
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