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The Bunny Groper

Dreamed 2022/2/4 by Wayan

I'm in an ancient market with stone-walled booths, roofed with modern tarps. Low sun, but still warm. The air's dry. Desert?

The market's not crowded, but diverse; mostly women, but not all strictly human. Outfits diverse, sexy, and heat-adapted. Flamboyant hats for shade. Short skirts and bikini tops. A gauze robe showing that tigirl's sexy stripes, a wrap skirt parting at the back so as not to bind that grinning wolf-girl's tail, a sari baring that human's tattooed belly...

There's my friend Mark! Not shopping; he tends a trade booth, right by the exit. We talk. But his aura troubles me; he's gleeful, bad-boy, as if he's getting away with something. What?

He shows me. When a warren of rabbit-people try to pass his booth to leave the market, he grabs and pets each girl passing within reach. They flinch, squirm and glare.

He laughs and tells me "these rabbit girls are irrationally phobic; I'm helping them get over it by seeing that a man's sexual predatory instinct is nothing to worry about. Sex isn't death!"

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
But it's obvious they hate this. His groping would be insensitive for anyone, but Mark's a sex-abuse survivor--of all people he should know better...

... or is he just blind? I keep forgetting other people don't see emotions directly, in the aura. But can he really not read rabbit body language and expressions? They're glaring daggers.

But they don't raise a fuss--guess it's just one more hassle from one more predatory jerk. This Arabian Nights furry fantasy clearly lacks a MeToo movement.

Then I realize... it's a dream. Yet I do not go lucid--not exactly. I don't realize it's MY dream. What I realize is... this is MARK's dream! I have no right to judge--the rabbits may be parts of him. It's his inner world; I'm trespassing.

But then... in the sexual sense, so is he.


LISTS AND LINKS: deserts - hot & cold - markets, malls, shops - wolves - rabbits - animal people in general - babes, hunks & sexy critters - flirting & come-ons - dreams of & by Mark - violence - bias & prejudice - gender - self-flagging, lucid & book-inspired dreams - pencil dream art

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