Hot and Cold
Dreams of heat and cold. Many sleep & dream theories assume dreams are almost entirely visual, auditory and kinetic. Wrong, wrong, wrong!
The topic's personal for me. I experience a lot of temperature changes in dreams because I have a genetic syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos, that gives me episodes of chills and hot flashes. If I get these in my sleep, my dreams incorporate them--I encounter fires, hotsprings, deserts, eruptions... or blizzards, cold swims, and walk-in refrigerators. So don't make Freud's mistake of assuming everything's symbolic.
RELATED TOPICS: fire - ice & snow - climate change - other neglected dream-senses: taste & smell - auras & body energy - ESP - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ALL THE ANIMALS: by Sharon Lynn Pugh; c.1986, an epic, species-bent, funny, feminist dream-within-a-dream I'm a fox-woman. A human man courts me--insultingly. I dream my brain grows till my head hurts, till it splits open, till light gets in. I rant at the last dragon. Strange but kindly, he gives me a picnic... |
ANNE GOT LOST: by Anne's friend; 1936, a warning dream wisely acted on She was headed for a rock wall. The brakes faded; she smelled burning. Then she woke. Her friends laughed, but she asked a neighbor what to do if... |
ANOCHE / LAST NIGHT: by Antonio Machado; c. 1900; a joyful dream poem Last night, as I slept, I dreamt--illusion blessed!--that I had a beehive, here inside my heart... |
BAKE HER PHOTO: by Wayan; 1993/10/24, a short, psychic dream. I dream I've carried a photo with me 17 years, but now... I BAKE it. The next day, I meet... |
BEAN BAR: by Wayan; 1985/12/28, a culinary fable. I don't know beans about right action, so Kokoro, master chef of the Bean Bar, teaches me the stages of true mastery... |
BERNAL ISLET IN 2250: by Wayan; 2007/4/2, an epic undream painting My neighborhood becomes a Huck Finn Eden after global warming turns it into a tropical island... CAUTION: NUDITY, AMBITOPIA |
THE BRUNDIBAR SEA: by Wayan; 2005/12/18, a mystical manifestation dream Biking, I stray into the steamy Brundibar Sea. My bike dissolves! But hot-tubbers explain the Sea manifests what you visualize. Yay! Uh-oh... CAUTION: MYSTICISM AND HOLOCAUST HISTORY |
BUNNY GROPER: by Wayan; 2022/2/4; a dream on harassment's roots and goals A fantasy bazaar full of wolf, cat and rabbit shoppers. But my human friend Mark has a booth by the exit, and grabs a rabbit girl's tail! She glares daggers, but seems resigned to harassment... CAUTION: SEXISM OR SPECISM? |
CAPSICA: by Wayan; 2010, a hot ecological model. Worried Earth's warming a degree or two? Well, Capsica's mean temperature is 35°C (63°F) hotter than Earth. But that's quite pleasant--if you're a Capsican... |
CATGIRL HOODED IN SNOW: by Wayan; 1982, ink sketch of daydream, 11 x 14". I was never sure where her winter cloak ended and her winter coat began... |
THE CHUTE: by Wayan; 1993/11/10, a dream transforming fear. I'm warily crossing an avalanche chute in winter, when my worst fear happens. Then the slide speaks up... |
THE CITY, NOT LONG AFTER: by Wayan; 1998/4/22-30, acrylic cityscape of our flooded future. What my home town will become, if you fools keep burning gas and spewing CO2... |
THE CONCHES: by Wayan; 1996/5/23, a dream on how dreams view the waking mind. A visit to the Conches, a strange race of molluscs who are people only seasonally... |
THE DEAD BABY: by Wayan; 1985/8/4 a dream of hope. My sister gives birth during a killer heatwave. The baby's dead. I play with the body, like a chimp... CAUTION: GROSS |
DELBOEUF'S FERN by Joseph Delboeuf; 1862; the first cryptomnesic dream quoted by Freud. Delboeuf, ignorant of botany, dreams of feeding lizards a fern called Asplenium ruta muralis; years later he finds both lizards and fern in books he read and forgot years before the dream... |
DESERT SLAVERS: by Wayan; 2015/5/29; a grim dream replayed a bit better A gang of slavers catch my family. I flee on a bike but it breaks down. Stranded. Replay! This time I have a gun... CAUTION: GANG, SHOOTING |
DISNEY'S MAKE-OUT DATE: by Andrea Rogers, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a creepy dream I'm in a car with Walt Disney. A blonde comes in out of the rain. He promises to make her a star, and puts his hands... CAUTION: NOT GRAPHIC, JUST UGH |
THE DOCTOR KILLS A TERN: by Wayan; 1988/9/24. A dream poem, Dreamverse #4 Dr Who kills his best friend, a huge white tern, on a whim. Furious, I demand a rewrite... CAUTION: WANTON MURDER |
DOG HORROR: by Wayan, 2023/1/21; a nightmare--but not the dreamer's! I'm cold, tired and wet, and I have to take this dog to college. But when I touch him, he howls in horror. I'm not having a nightmare, I am a nightmare. His nightmare... |
THE DOOR GIRL: by Wayan; 1997/9/6, a road-not-taken dream. A doorway not taken (for the most sensible of reasons) provoked a magical dream of what I missed... |
DREAM HERDING: by Nancy Potter; 1978/11/8 & 11/11, two comic, surreal dreams FERRY: the crossing is rough, but I'm warned I must find my own sea-legs... BUZZ OFF: I step into a family photo, but I'm not welcome in the past... |
THE DRESS CODE OF GOD: by Wayan; 1988/6/1, a didactic if shivery dreamlet Dancers in weird costumes from around the world audition for a contest, but the judge lets them all in, from silly to obscene. Next day, on Doctor Who... CAUTION: POSSIBLY PREDICTIVE; CERTAINLY EMBARRASSING |
DUBIA: by Wayan; summer 2003, a nondream sculpture/prophecy/travelog. What Earth will look like 1000 years from now, with doubled CO2, flooded coasts and melted poles... CAUTION: CALLS GEORGE W. BUSH A BIG FAT LIAR |
ECCENTRIC: by Wayan; 1990/5/17, a two-page dream-comic. I'm a small planet in an eccentric orbit: a one-day summer, a two-day winter. Rest and hibernate, or... CAUTION: SLACKER ETHIC |
AN ELK SHOWED ME A SIGN OF PEACE: by Georganna Malloff; Nov/Dec 1985, vision In the Rockies, in winter, I was freezing until I found the hot springs. In the steam rising, I saw a vision of an elk... |
EMBER IN THE BRAIN: by Wayan; 1983/3/31, a dream about old anger. I'm the Incredible Hulk, forced to do emergency brain surgery. For the patient's burning from within... CAUTION: VIOLENCE AND UNLICENSED MEDICINE |
THE EQUATORIAL BET: by Wayan, 2017/7/24, a dream of a climatological game that politics intrudes on I'm playing 'Drop Me Anywhere' with a friend: I pick the latitude, he picks the longitude. Can I survive naked one day? I pick the equator as my best bet... |
EQUESTRIAN NUNAVUT: by Wayan, 2017/4/27, a dream of a utopia in an unlikely place After a hard day in the recording studio, I dream of our wiser successors, after we drown America: the sentient equines of Greenland and Nunavut... CAUTION: SKINNYDIPPING UNICORNS |
EUROPE'S SPIRITS LIVE: by Davi Kopenawa, late 1989/11 and 1990/10/12-16; shamanic dreams I visited Europe while suffering from malaria. The local spirits helped me, cooling my fever. They prefer to live high in the mountains where the air and water are still clean. White people ignore them, but they're still there... |
EXPLODING SWAN: by Aleksanteri Nevalainen; 2010/9; a surreal anxiety dream In a world where ice contracts & sinks, birds freeze in winter, thaw in spring. But one swan knows better...... |
FEVER HILL: by Wayan; 1991/4/13, a comic Buddhist nightmare. My fever-dreams manifest physically and mess up my whole neighborhood. Seismic inspectors arrive... |
FEVER DREAMS: by Wayan; 1993/9/8, a set of wild feverdreams. While my body expels a kidney stone, weird scenes happen on the astral plane. At least I get to dip the pope. CAUTION: PAIN, PEE, POPE |
A FIRE ENTIRELY WITHOUT HEAT: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2008/9/11; painting in the Box of Dreams On the anniversary of 9/11, I dreamed a friend was welding nude. In his careful hands, the fire was harmless... |
FIREBOWL: by Wayan; 2013/9/14; a diagnostic/climatological/futurological dream I'm in the High Plains, at a huge powwow on climate change. This could become, not a new dustbowl, but a firebowl. As I wake, I find I'm running a fever! And the dream hints what caused it... |
FIVE ELVISH DREAMS: by Dolores J. Nurss; 2005/6/10-2005/6/19, an incubated lucid-dream sequence 1: I visit Elrond and Bilbo in Elvenhome, but overthinking traps me in a timeloop; 2: Elrond says he renounces seriousness for joy, and plans a great, inclusive party; 3: I feel unworthy, but set out on a desert quest with Elrond's young apprentice; 4: I meet joyful, drunken, singing elves but hide in a tree, too shy to join in; 5: I meet a nervous elven singer and a dolphin trapped in a tiny pool in my bedroom... |
FLOCK WISDOM: by Alder; 1958, a magic comic frustration dream My eighth grade class is a flock of birds migrating south for the winter, but we don't migrate the easy way... |
FLOO PORTAL: by Wayan; 2015/12/4, a dreamlet-poem on stepping over lines I live in a huge half-hotel. The only way into the other half is through a fireplace. It's forbidden. But one woman steps through the fire--do I dare follow?... |
FLU PRESCRIPTION: by Qu'lad and Togumalis, 1918 or 19, two shaman's dreams that saved lives Qu'lad, dying of flu in the pandemic, dreamt a wolf told him cold-water baths would save him. He staggered to the river. He lived. He told others. They lived. The shaman Togumalis dreamt his spirit helper, a squirrel, prescribed the same. A century later, hospital records show why it worked... CAUTION: ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE SHOWN AS SUPERIOR |
FOUR TABOOS: by Wayan, 2016/3/15, four dreams on inhibitions I hoped I was over. Climbing out of Childhood Abyss, I literally get a leg up from a girl seeking the Ledge of Teens. A shy girl has to hide she's a were-creature. Gay men make out in the witch-registry to rattle its homophobic guardians. My sister stripteases while scolding me for a mess I didn't make... CAUTION: DUH, SEX TABOOS! KIDS, FURS, GAYS, SIBLINGS |
FOX ON THE TRAIN: by Wayan; 2015/1/9, an advisory dream painted & poemed I'm a guard on a train crossing the desert who falls in love with a refugee fox-girl, despite heavy specist peer-pressure and the archaic Railway Code... CAUTION: NUDE FOX |
GUNNHILDR'S BIRTH DREAM: by Gunnhildr; c. 1150, a surreal predictive dream. I dreamt I gave birth to a white-hot stone shedding sparks. Most folk would find my son strange... |
HAND ME THE MATCHES!: by Wayan; 1984/9/25, a predictive dream. My sisters and I try to kill kidnappers by setting fires. Dumb, huh? The next day I fight a virus--with fever! |
HEAD ON MY TABLE: by Lauren Watley; 2011/2/16, a creepy dream-image with depth After a day of troubling conflicts over race & art, I dream I'm handed a hot, heavy, mossy head--is it art, or alive? |
HEALING THE RING: by Wayan; 1984/8/22, a nightmare on... anger? I bear a Ring of Power meant to corrupt me. I cleansed it, at a cost, but can't wield it till I've read its spell... |
HELL-TORNADO: by Wayan; 1988/7/2, a dream on social engineering. Who built the tornado in the Heartland, that sucks anyone who opens their spirit-wings down to Hell? CAUTION: BAD THEOLOGY, WORSE PHYSICS |
HEPBURNING: by Wayan; 1984/8/1, a nightmare on frustration's fire Kat Hepburn burns inside, as fierce aliens take over our souls. But these parasites forgot they're now bound to our bodies... |
HILL OF FIRE: by Mike and Wayan; 2022/9/10, short parallel dreams MIKE'S DREAM: A volcano erupts. The lava pours into my hotel... WAYAN'S DREAM: Our hill erupts in flame from a gas explosion... |
HIPPIE MISSILES: by Wayan, 1990/7/23, twin dreams of risky leaps leading to flight 1: I try to grow feathers and fly, but half-fail, half-succeed--experience two bodies at once... 2: I fly to escape a hippie cult. They fire heat-seeking missiles! But I may be too cool to track... |
HOT: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream from a subliminal stimulus I'm in a restaurant at a round table. Waiters wrap me in hot towels. I laugh "If I were chilled, I'd love this--but I'm NOT!" I wake to find I am too hot--too many blankets... |
HOT-AIR FEMINISM: by Wayan; 2019/1/3; a harsh political dream The latest MeToo meme is to leave a door open at night with a heater on, so a hot-air plume marks a refuge for women in danger--or, of course, burglars! So I stalk our neighborhood locking doors... CAUTION: DECRIES HOT-AIR NAÏVETÉ |
HOT FEET: by Patient 2 of William Hammond, c.1868, a nightmare--but subliminal or mystical? I'm in the Rocky Mountains. Gold-hungry Mexican bandits capture me and put my feet to the fire, demanding "How do you transmute copper into gold?" I scream "I don't know!", waking to find... CAUTION: TORTURE PLAYED FOR LAUGHS |
HOT POT CAT LOT: by Wayan; 1992/8/6, a timed-release predictive dream. After a bad writing class, I meet a shy catgirl guarding a Mongolian Hot Pot, and discover who I am... |
HOT SHOWER, NO WATER HEATER: by Wayan, 2024/4/26, a self-misinterpreting predictive dream I dream I'm taking a hot shower, then realize our water heater died; this is a dream. "It means I want hot water!" I blurt (in the dream) & wake. Next day, a plumber's error gets me drenched in hot water with no new heater... |
A HOT SKATER: by Wayan; 1997/5/8, a suggestive dream. A skater so hot, she tears her clothes off and starts melting the ice! I'm shy with her: thin ice, you know... CAUTION: NUDITY |
I WAS A SEX SLAVE: by Wayan; 1994/11/20, a dream on isolation I'm a slave dancer. I run for it, and make it over the border. But my owner comes looking for me... CAUTION: NUDITY, SLAVE SOCIETY |
ICERINK: by Wayan; 1980/8/23, a warning dream. Psychodrama seemed like a way to meet cool people. But when I dreamed they were ice-skating rioters... |
ICE-TRAY: by Anonymous #28; pre-1961, a waking intuition so unlikely it suggests ESP I lost two rings. Searched hours; nothing. I hadn't touched the freezer all day, yet I peered into the icecubes... |
IN THE STAR; 1988/9/12 by Wayan; an epic, out-of-body, intrastellar quest-dream I tour the heart of a red supergiant, where dreaming souls explore their fears and heart's desires, unconstrained by solid matter... CAUTION: SWEDENBORGIAN VISION, UNICORN NUDITY |
IRONY: by Wayan; 2007/6/15. A vertical comicstrip burned into (naturally) an ironing board I'm so sick of irony I decide to get my sense of irony surgically removed and replace it with... CAUTION: PLAYING WITH FIRE |
"IT WAS MY BABY": by Janie Legge; 1927/1/15, a nightmare after the flu? I admire a baby, and talk the tired mother into washing it. I go get some clean baby clothes and return to find she's roasting her baby in the oven... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, DENIAL |
JACUZZI JAIL: by Wayan; 1979/10/12, a dream of parental poison. My family has shackled my little sister in the dungeon in the hot tub full of carcinogenic bubble bath... CAUTION: INCEST FEELINGS, TOXIC PARENTING |
JAREDIA: by Wayan; 770K, 26 illus, early 2003, a nondream sculpture/photoessay/travelog. I tilted the Earth to create a tropical supercontinent from Bali to Tierra del Fuego. What will evolve there--and on the new tropical Antarctica? |
JOE COOL IN FINANCIAL HELL: by Wayan; 2009/6/15; Dreamverse #46 When the school district goes bankrupt, students flee creditors into a hell-cave. But Joe Cool can skateboard even on lava in the Pit... |
KEYBOARD TO PIZZA: by Jonathan Coe; c. 1996, a surreal dream of musical failure. Our band from a decade ago plays a reunion gig. It's a disaster even before my keyboard turns into a giant pizza and my fingers start burning on the mozzarella... |
KILIMANJARO: by Wayan, 1983/4/3, a predictive climatological dream I dream I'm visiting a friend who's moved to a high equatorial peak. I'm shocked to find no trees. Next day, I stumble on a book about Mt Kilimanjaro. Its treeline is below ours in California! A high-altitude desert... |
KING OF THE KILN: by Wayan; 1996/11/25, a psychic dream. I dream of a scary king who offers to bake my dreams to strengthen them. Then my friend Mark calls... |
KINSHIP IN WINTER: by Elia Rowan; 2023/6/2, an exoclimatology dream On a scorching world not built for people like us, I find someone who seems to be a lot like me... |
LAING SAYS: by Wayan, 1983/2/10; a cluttered, comic, goofy predictive dream DREAM: I run into a couple I know. I get gridlocked. R.D. Laing gives me a transpersonal message. DAY: I bump into that couple, get gridlocked, and hear R.D. Laing speak on transpersonal messages... |
LAMIA by Wayan, 1988/11/1 with a nightmare by John Ruskin, 1869/11/1 I ask my dreams about sex, and get... sex on a beach with a sea-serpent girl--a lamia. But she gets queasy-- landsick! Too hot for her up here. Help her back in the sea. What a contrast with Ruskin's lamia nightmare... CAUTION: SCALY SEX |
LAVA FOOD GROUPS: by Wayan, 2024/10/16; a surreal diet-advice dream I work in a lava library. Lava is edible, so we all sample the product--warily. But I find I'm healthier if I eat two types, avoiding a starchy third lava... |
LIBRATIA: by Wayan; 2011 (ongoing); tours of a semi-tidelocked planet. Worlds orbiting small stars need to huddle so close for warmth that tidal forces make one side always day, one always night. But if the orbit's eccentric, the sun wobbles--and broad regions are Earthlike... |
LIGHTEN UP, ROADS!: by Wayan; 1994/6/28, a dreamed eco-proposal. Recycling used paint to lighten pavements could lower continental temperatures a fraction of a degree... |
LILIES, DREAMER, FOX: by Wayan; 1998/5/27, acrylic on 46" plywood disk, life study. She didn't want to be there. She closed her eyes and went elsewhere. So I painted where she went... CAUTION: NUDITY |
LIME FROST by Anonymous #53, Jan. 1957, a short psychic dream I felt dread as I peered out my parents' window into the garden. My dad lay on the frosty grass, dead... |
LINDA'S NAVAL by Linda W & Wayan, 1991/8/16; parallel surreal exhibitionist dreams WAYAN: My housemate Linda shows me her weird navel--and pussy, to compare... LINDA: At Christmas, I run through snowy streets, naked except for earphones... CAUTION: NUDITY & AWFUL DREAM-PUN |
LOCKOUT! by Wayan, 1984/12/20; a predictive frustration dream Dream: my family carelessly locks me out of my own home. Try every window & door... A few days later: my new housemate carelessly locks me out. Try every window & door... CAUTION: PREDICTIVE |
MAN OVERBOARD: by Sir Stephen King-Hall; 1916, a lifesaving premonition acted on I was officer of the watch in the Southampton. I knew that as we passed an islet a mile ahead, a man would fall overboard... |
THE MAN WITH THE GUITAR: by Wayan; 1992/7/4, a psychic dream-comic (or illus. text)) A volcano erupts in San Francisco! No human could survive the blast, but one researcher does--what IS he? |
MARS REBORN: by Wayan; 15 pages, 27 photos, 2003/9/22, a tour of a sculpted/virtual world Mars as it will be 1000 years from now, terraformed. A guided tour with photos... |
MARTIAN AIRLOCK and JAGUAR MASK: by Wayan, 2015/6/22, twin shamanic near-nightmares Jaguar Mask: a were-jaguar stuck in human form asks me to sew a new jaguar face on."But won't it hurt?... Martian Airlock: I'm suitless on Mars. Freezing, choking, I dive into an airlock & slam the switch--but it's sabotaged... |
THE MELTING POT: by Wayan; 1982/7/30, a dream warning of a conformist circle They were swimming in the glowing, molten pool of the Melting Pot, and beckoned me to join them... CAUTION: SUICIDE SOUP? |
MERCURY: by Wayan; 1982/3/7, dream-poem of a lost future. Mercury didn't spin! One side fire, one side ice. We farmed in domes, between--until the sun brightened... CAUTION: RETRO SCIENCE |
A MERMAID DISH: by Wayan; 1994/11/13, a parabolic dream A mermaid friend invites me to see an underwater experiment in the Golden Gate... CAUTION: MERMAID BREASTS |
MIDWAY: by Wayan; 1994/2/4, twin shamanic dream-lessons. I'm cold and dark and disoriented! What am I doing wrong? Nothing--I'm just halfway to Alpha Centauri... |
MIGRATION THROUGH FIRE: by Wayan; 1999/9/3, a dream of what matters. I'm a shaggy primitive whose tribe's outgrown our caves. We migrate, and meet two new species of people... |
MITHRAN'S LAKE: by Wayan; 1988/1/17, a predictive dream justifying personal reserve. DREAM: Gay boys, underage girls & my own sister all mock me, sure I want their forbidden sexual fruit at a beach where grotesque trees make their own precipitation and salt-dunes spill into saturated, toxic brine... NEXT DAY: I read Margaret Atwood's The Salt Garden--sex, guilt, and grotesque trees in saturated, toxic brine. CAUTION: SEXUAL GUILT, EXHIBITIONIST TWEENS, APPARENT E.S.P. |
THE MIX-UP: by Marilyn Stablein; 1968, an early comic dream of human-induced climate change Tibetan prayers for good weather are answered too well. Heat wave! Tourists fly in, but planes can't land-- melting glaciers flood the airstrips. So tourists eager to sunbathe in Tibet strap on parachutes, prepare to jump... |
THE MÖBIUS STRIP OF GRIEF: by Ruth Stone, 2004-2008; a dream poem You say you're leaving me. I go to grab an ice pick to stab you, but my hand freezes to the ice block on the stair--I dare not even dream of murder. Since... CAUTION: RESPONSE TO SPOUSAL SUICIDE |
MUSHROOM-SHAPED ROCK: by Jenny Badger Sultan, 2000/4/14, a happy dream I climb a huge mushroom-shaped rock rising from a hotspring and prepare to dive in... |
NAZIS BURN MY ART: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; the primal art-nightmare Nazis call my simple architectural drawing a social protest, take it at gunpoint, and toss it in the ovens. The commander mocks me with its ashes... |
NORASINGH: by Wayan; 1987/1/15, a Tantric Frankenstein dream. I fall in love with my sculpture of a mythical Southeast Asian creature. Then a mad yogi breaks in... CAUTION: SEX, TANTRA, AND GENERAL WEIRDNESS |
NUCLEAR NIGHTMARES: by Erica DeMane, Michael, Joanne and Scott; c.1984, four creepy dreams Erica dreams that during a protest she's caught in a radioactive flood... Michael dreams a nuclear forcefield makes his fingertips explode and congeal into weird knobs... Joanne dreams she meets nuclear mutants with curling black nails great for peeling potatoes... Scott dreams the world goes silent and white, bleaching out. His hands dissolve... |
ODE TO NOT WRITING ODES: by Wayan; 2019/7/17; a nondream non-ode In an Oakland literary salon (no, not an oxymoron) I'm supposed to write an ode. But it's so hot, and I have surreal dreams to sketch... |
OFF DOVER: by Wayan; 2010/9/30, a dream-based mini-sestina (poetic experiment) I'm biking over the English Channel. So mild & easy after the Greenland-to-New-York run... |
OISIN: by Wayan; 2005-2013, 32 maps and images; a nondream virtual world |
A model of a moon, half-Europa, half-Mars, with (intelligent?) life in seas under a skin of ice... |
ORACULAR RAVENS: by Wayan; 2023/1/24, a genderbent, predictive/synchronistic dream |
DAY: I see Avatar: the Way of Water. Two films in one: Blue Lagoon alternates with Mad Max... DREAM: As an oracle, I have to go topless so the magic mini-ravens can perch on my nipples... CAUTION: BRR, OW!, BREASTS, and SNIPING AT JAMES CAMERON |
ORE PIRATES, by Wayan, 2009/5/29; a dream-poem, Dreamverse #45 |
I'm in a movie version of prehistoric Baja California, mining nuggets that howl, when pterodactyl-worshiping pirates glide in trying to snatch our ore... |
OSENTO: by Wayan; 1991/2/15. Digital painting based on a dream. |
Osento is a bath house that my friends all love. But women only. So I dream I change sex just to... CAUTION: NUDITY, GRATUITOUS HAPPINESS |
OTTER MEDICINE: by The-Fringe, a Crow healer, early 1850s; a shamanic dream with physical effects |
I slept on an island in a scalding hot spring, praying for a dream. I got one--and woke up on the shore... |
OTTER NERD FROM TITAN: by Wayan; 2012/4/15 & sequel-dream (2013/2/9), a dream-poem on social skills |
A suspicious exobiologist warns me that otter from Titan may not be the amiable, nerdy celebrity it seems. But... |
OUR BEST SONG: by Wayan; 1983/10/25, a decade-long dream of song and flight. |
The artcops search-and-destroy our flying band, and my wings are shorn. But ten years later, songless, apathetic, I climb through my TV--and the women of Vietnam show me a new way to fly... CAUTION: LANGUAGE, ATTITUDE, ALTITUDE |
THE PARABLE OF THE CAVE: by Wayan; 1993/9/18, an antisocial dream. |
Plato never did say what shed the light that cast those shadows on his cave wall. I find out. CAUTION: CUT-RATE APOCALYPSE |
THE PEAK WHERE I DIED: by Wayan; 1983/1/16. A dark dream-comic. |
I froze to death trying to climb an icy peak. But I try again, and this time, no holds barred. Wow, am I selfish! But alive... |
THE PEGASI TUB: by Wayan; 2013/11/9, a fun, flirty dream I felt I didn't deserve |
After a rainy hike I'm cold and muddy. In the camp's hot tub, six girls splash and play. They welcome me, but I feel shy. They slowly become winged ponies! Were-Pegasi... CAUTION: HOT-TUB NUDITY |
PLUTO THAWS: by Wayan; 1973/1/19, a mythic dream set on Pluto. |
A quarrel between psychic adepts heats up to a war, thawing Pluto. What will the ice-tribes wish for? |
POD WAR: by Wayan; 1979/10/14, an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" dream |
Emotionless pod-people surround the last free humans. I fight for humanity, but I'm not human or pod--I'm... |
POINTED EARS, POINTED DREAM: by Wayan, 2019/1/4, a surreal dream |
I walk home in cold rain; my hooded robe soaked. It has holes for my long pointed ears. Hit a thriftshop to buy a dry one, and run into two girls I crushed on but ran away from: Danielle is comforting Cary who's crying. Their ears are pointed too. Wait--who are we?... CAUTION: GUILT FOR SINS OF OMISSION? |
POLES NOW, TROPICS LATER: by Wayan; 1997/3/27, a dream on the pace of change. |
I'm a Martian revolutionary, making the glaciers grow. The equator's still dry, but change is coming... | RAINBOW TUNNEL: by Wayan; 1995/4/9 (MP3+lyrics), a global-warming nightmare song |
In our steamy future, after the cities drown, I'm hiking through Rainbow Tunnel, when I meet a holy man... |
MY RAPPEL-MAD SISTER: by Wayan; 1984/7/14-15, twin dreams on being halfway. | My sister hoists us up to the Goddess's country too early, or too late: the ice is thawing, |
RED-SPATTERED DANCERS: by Wayan, 2023/2/15, a surreal predictive dream |
DREAM: I climb a stair to a surreal space where kids dance in tights spattered with wet red paint. NEXT DAY: I watch Wednesday--Wednesday Addams dances & gets spattered with wet red paint... CAUTION: NUDITY, ESP SPECULATION |
REFLECTIONS IN THE POOL: by Wayan; 184K total, 2 panoramas; a 1994/7/2 dream. |
Night. A mirror-maze of contradictory preachings. But in the secret mermaid pool, I find love. Then... sphinx-angels war in the air! A war of riddles. Can I, a batwinged devil, make peace? CAUTION: SEX, NUDITY, MEAN ANGELS, AND ONE HAPPY DEVIL |
RING OF WHITE WATER: by Wayan; 1983/1/30, an epic astral dream. |
I'm a raft guide on a circular river that may just be reincarnation. A girl in my tour group jumps ship: she dreads the white water of rocky relationships ahead... CAUTION: METAPHYSICS, SEX, WEAK SOULS... |
RINGSHADOWS: by Wayan; 1985/3/6, an otherworldly ecodream with subtle advice. |
Earth has rainbow rings. They're braided like Saturn's, so their shadows create tinted microclimates... |
RIVER CROSSING: by Harriet Tubman; mid to late 1850s; a lifesaving intuition |
Leading a party out of slavery, I got off the road when God warned me to. He insisted I must ford a cold river. Turned out the slaveowner had posted a reward at the station ahead; we were saved by divine guidance... |
RUBBERNECKER: by Wayan; dreamed 2000/4/24; a ghost comedy. |
I dreamed of a woman whose jeep stalls on the Antarctic ice. Along comes the ghost of a Volkswagen... |
SANTA CLUMP: by Wayan; 2009/9/16, an absurd dream-poem; Dreamverse #54 |
I find myself sitting on toy trains and fake snow as I'm told a fable: how a herd of department-store Santas got tragically lost in a blizzard... |
SCALDED: by Wayan; 1993/7/3, a near-nightmare. |
The feud between our magical families is getting ugly. Hawk-Head's dad throws boiling water on me, so I... CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
SCORCH: by a California woman; 1944, a lifesaving olfactory hallucination (clairsniffance?) |
I smelled scorching paint; my heater was about to burn the house. But I'd moved--my old house was six blocks away... |
SEAPOLE: by Wayan; 20 illus., 2002-3, a nondream sculpture/photoessay/travelog. |
Tilt a globe so neither pole has land to build icecaps on, and extrapolate. Earth becomes a warm, flooded world like and unlike ours... |
SERAFINA AND RAM DASS: by Wayan; a 2000/11/6 dream anticipating an 11/9 experience with auras |
A Finnish shaman/witch gives me a lesson in night flying; in the waking world I meet Ram Dass and sense him speak astrally before his body can get the words out... CAUTION: HIGH MYSTICAL QUOTIENT; IF ALLERGIC, AVOID |
SESSILE UTOPIA: by Wayan; 1998/8/8, a utopian dream that hid a precise stock tip |
A writer invents an absurd setting for his Utopia, a lens of ice floating atop Saturn's atmosphere--but then such sessile lenses turn out to be real. The dream's details suggest buying a certain stock. I do, and... |
SET ON FIRE: by Wayan; 2017/10/15, a dream on reckless stupidity |
Yuppies with a lighter set me on fire--not even out of malice, just idly. I'm a shaman, I can survive it, but I'm not immune to pain... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE, UGLY POLITICAL COMPARISONS |
SHAPESHIFTER FEVER: by Wayan; 1989/1/30, a dream poem. |
A summer love affair with a shapeshifting alien turns awkward when she gets a high fever, and... CAUTION: UGH! |
SHINER TOWN: by Liza Cody, 1996 or before; a dystopian-future dream |
The Second Ice Age. London's domed. I find a body in the swimming pool--blood in the water. I flee to Shiner Town. The Empress gives birth, and her babies feed on the blood of Sephardic Jews... |
SHIVERIA: by Wayan; 2002-3, travelog/sculpture/sketches of an alternate Earth |
I tilted the Earth, and worked out its new ecology--part Mars, part steambath. Visit the Mediterranean Abyss ruled by giant ravens, and Patagonia, ruled by mammoths, and Antarctica's jungles, ruled by lemurs... |
SHOCKWAVE: by Wayan; 1996/7/27, a predictive nightmare. |
My childhood home explodes into a vast pyroclastic cloud that comes boiling toward me, miles away... CAUTION: DOOM |
SIBERIAN TIGER VERSUS MUPPETS: by Chris Wayan 2020/12/9; a what-if dream |
I wake in a strange frozen bedroom. Oh. My bed is Siberia! That means there are tigers. Clearly the way to defend myself is with giant stuffed toys... |
SIPHONIA: by Wayan; 30 p, 2006-14, a nondream virtual world, in progress; maps, tours |
First, suck up 90% of Earth's seas. Now wait 90,000 years for life to adapt. The continents are now Tibetan plateaus above steamy new Deeps, ruled by giant parrots, ravens and otters... |
SIPHONIAN QUARTET: by Wayan; 2010/4/10, four baffling parallel-world dreams |
1: Purple squid saboteurs flood our cliffhouse. 2: My oyster-ranching girlfriend has a snobby aunt. 3: I wake in a stranger's bondage fantasy--ugh! 4: Shepherds on the sea-floor watch for gliderwolves... CAUTION: EMBARRASSING BONDAGE DREAM |
SKY-THAW; 2012/6/8 by Wayan; a comic, surreal, political dream-poem |
While watching two rooftop actors (one a chicken) I noticed the icebergs in the sky were melting at last... |
SNOWDRIFTS: by Catshall; c. 2014/11/5, a dream-haiku on the drought |
I dream of snowdrifts too deep to get back home, even though... |
SNOW STALLION: by Wayan; 1994/6/4, a tangled political/spiritual dream. |
I'm a peace terrorist trapped in Squaw Valley, herded like a mare by a huge stallion made of snow... And then the dream shifts. I blurt out the truth behind our idiotic waking world! And wake believing it... CAUTION: MERMAID AND HORSE NUDITY |
SPRINTERS AND SPHINX: by Wayan; 2009/11/13, a dream poem. |
Divers made of ice win the Traffic-Leaping Olympics. But I think they cheated! I seek my friend the Sphinx... |
SQUISH!: by Farelle-Moon; early 2006, drawn 2006/4/6, a comic furry sex dream |
I went to bed with a stuffed wolf, and found myself in a hot tub with a cute wolf guy, only now I seemed to be the plush one... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY |
STINKING RICH: by Wayan; 1993/1/20, a dream about class rage. Stupid class rage. |
I envy and resent a rich family's mansion so much I break in and sabotage their giant meat freezer... CAUTION: HOSTILITY, ENVY, WASTE OF BAD FOOD |
STORM WARNING: by Wayan, 1993/3/17, surreal comic of an atmospheric dream |
Thirsty deer invade the hall. Children play in the dunes encroaching on the city. Will those ominous red clouds drop rain? Or sand? |
SWIMMING IN VAN GOGH'S OCEAN: by Amandaclay; c.2011/12/9, a dream of love & beauty |
On a cruise to Catalina Island, I find friends, a boyfriend and a magical sea of color... |
TAROT: THE SOLAR REVOLUTION: by Wayan; Tarot card, 3x5", summer 1979. |
The card of revolution! The old towers of strength come down, not via war but obsolescence... |
TEMEMTIM: by Wayan; 1995/3/3 and 3/16; two linked archeology dreams. |
My cold-sensitive dinosaur friend makes a find at our archeological dig by thinking like the Old Ones... |
THINGS WASH OFF: by Wayan; 2009/4/22, a dream fingering the cause of a breakup; Dreamverse #49 |
Those Hollywood lovers in the tub seem perfect together, until... oh, read the title! CAUTION: RACE- AND GENDER-BENDING |
THIRTY DAYS; 1980/4/15-16 by Wayan; a poem on an ill-timed premonition--or something worse |
Did sex turn creepy because I sensed the madman stalking us? Or did our sin (casual sex) summon him? CAUTION: CREEPY SEX, CREEPIER PREMONITIONS |
A THOUSAND BIRDS: by Wayan; 2008/2/28, a mystical little dream |
I watch Disney animate the Legend of the Thousand Birds, who pull a wireframe sleigh of light right through a dark, material Santa... |
TIE MARK UP: by Wayan, 2019/2/1, three dreams warning lifelong habits demand serious change |
1: Crystal-skulled wizards, dino & lionfolk parade by. 2: I curl up with three skittish beasts. Patience! 3: My friend Mark tries to rape me. I tie him up, seek a restraining order. Will the cops believe me? CAUTION: RAPE ATTEMPT |
TIGER: by Andrea McFarland, 2023/4/21; a dream of an anima? shadow? familiar? |
A Bengal tiger slips into my room. Others panic and want to call the police, but I feel protective... |
THE TIGER WHEEL, by Wayan, 2009/4/25; a dream-poem, Dreamverse #44 |
A tiger-couple on an ice floe must choose: swim for land, or ride the current full circle back home, risking starvation? |
TILT!: by Wayan; 2002-3, a nondream study of four alternate Earths |
I drilled new poles in my globe and tilted the Earth. Ice Age or Carboniferous? Flood or drought? Come visit tropical Antarctica, the Thai Desert, the Hawaiian glaciers, the jungles of France! |
THE TOAST OF CREATION: by Wayan; 1981/11/21, nondream crayon/ink image |
How the world was really created. God said "Let it be well done" and it was well done. CAUTION: TECHNOLOGICAL BLASPHEMY |
TOO MUCH TO BEAR: by Wayan; 1997/4/28, an alt-world 10p. dream comic or text w/pics |
I dreamed that huge nouveau-riche polar bears invaded San Francisco, evicting us locals... CAUTION: CORRUPTION, URSACIDE, MATH! |
TOURIST TRAP: by Wayan, 2024/3/24, a nightmare of ignored warnings |
I bike up a Hawaiian hill toward a lava fountain. A house catches fire, but it's blocks ahead. I go a bit closer. Then a heat-shimmer shows deadly gas has crept ahead of the flames... CAUTION: FATAL MISJUDGMENT |
TOWER OF THE MARTIAN DEAD: by Wayan, 1983/7/7; a dream-poem of an exo-Valhalla |
Climbing a mountain on Mars, I reach a hall where I'm transformed into a cryophilic being. Then I feast on methane soup with the heroic Martian dead... |
TRISKELION: by Kristopher Saknussemm, c.1986, a surreal false-waking dream |
Only up close do I see that the map of these mysterious continents is made of moths. I wake in Polynesia. By the bed, in a jar, floats one of my hands. For no reason, I begin to cry... |
TRITONIAN FOXTAUR U.: by Wayan; 2016/9/10, a wish-fulfilling dream set on Triton |
I'm an exchange student at the Solar System's best university for the magic arts; my classmates are methane-breathing foxtaurs... |
TSUNAMI PERSEVERANCE: by Wayan, 2020/1/7, one of twin warning dreams |
We flee a tsunami. Inland. Up a hill. Onto a roof. One by one, the flood plucks us away. Long past hope, I climb a flagpole. As I cling to the very top and the mud rises to my lips... CAUTION: GRIM PREDICTION |
UNIVERSITY OF THE SIERRA: by Wayan; 1975/10/30, a pun-studded dream poem |
Jealous of newlyweds, I grind my teeth. But the Ice Age ground the Sierra's granite teeth, and they're lovelier for it... |
UNSHADE TREES: by Wayan; 1981/7/18, an advice-dream. |
Unshade trees are ugly. But my friends list their uses: casting shadows lighter than sunlight, keeping land clear of other trees, and the fruit. Fruit? WHAT fruit? Am I blind? |
VAMPIRE TESTS: by Wayan; 2015/8/22, a lurid dream-response to a quiet day |
Captain Kirk is testing vampire myths on a world where they don't bleed you dry. At the moment, three vamps are sitting in a tent in a sunny meadow, queasy but alive... CAUTION: FINANCIAL VAMPIRES? |
VENUS UNVEILED: by Wayan, 2004/8/30; a virtual world with c.200 photos, maps, portraits. |
Tour Venus as it will be in 1000 years, after terraforming: paradise for dozens of intelligent species! |
VOLCANIC OATH: by Wayan; 1972/5/20; poem of a teenage Tolkien nightmare. |
DAY: our ex-cat comes back, needing surgery. Dad doesn't want to pay. Big quarrel. DREAM: Cats, birds, elf-girls; in their asteroid library, a tale of oath-breaking... Now I'm the one who stole a tooth of jade from the volcano hall. Greed... erupts! CAUTION: NUDE BIRD-ELF, DEATH BY LAVA |
VOLCANISM, IMPACTS, AND MASS EXTINCTIONS: by Wayan; 2019/4/25; reaction to a startling book |
This symposium, airing a dispute between geologists & astronomers who just don't read each others' papers, had multiple revelations--big hazards, bigger holes in our knowledge, and bigger opportunities... CAUTION: CHART! WITH NUMBERS!! |
VOLCANO: by Michel Leiris; Sept.1939, a waking day so surreal he thought he was dreaming |
"I am the Volcano!" the red-bearded man said. His family was certainly hot-tempered enough. Leiris landed on the growing islet of the vent. Lava flowed, the sea was hot, the ground shook... |
WARM FUZZIES: by Wayan; 1990/2/20, an origin-myth dream. |
I take a shortcut with the Warm Fuzzies, boating on lava through the earth's core, and now when a volcano erupts, I know who it is that's quarreling beneath.. |
WAYMO BALLOONISTS: by Wayan; 2021/7/16, a surreal predictive dream |
Huge balloons labeled "Waymo" in bad Chinese are taking over San Francisco. But the sexy balloonists seem to be more into masturbation than conquest... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM OR OBJECTIFICATION? |
THE WIND FROM HELL: by Wayan; 1981/4/21, a dream-poem. |
Hot air rises, right? So there's a monsoon from Hell, lifting souls. Lucky for us that gravity balances it... |
XANADU: by Wayan; 2006/6/6, a nondream virtual world |
An alternate Titan, Titan as it should have been, with ethane seas full of life... |
YOU NEED TO FIND HER: by B. Bigham; 2010/4/27, a strong psychic dream of history | I walked into a 19th century home--and family quarrel. Decades passed in seconds; then the house burned--with me in it. Two years later I learned the house and its history were real... |
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