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Dreamed 1997/4/28 & drawn as a comic 1999 (pencil, digitally deepened and tinted) by Chris Wayan
Small window, slow connection? Too Much to Bear--illustrated text version.

P.1 of 'Too Much To Bear', a dream-comic by Chris Wayan. P.2 of 'Too Much To Bear', a dream-comic by Chris Wayan. P.3 of 'Too Much To Bear', a dream-comic by Chris Wayan. P.4 of 'Too Much To Bear', a dream-comic by Chris Wayan. P.5 of 'Too Much To Bear', a dream-comic by Chris Wayan. P.6 of 'Too Much To Bear', a dream-comic by Chris Wayan. P.7 of 'Too Much To Bear', a dream-comic by Chris Wayan. P.8 of 'Too Much To Bear', a dream-comic by Chris Wayan. P.9 of 'Too Much To Bear', a dream-comic by Chris Wayan. P.10 of 'Too Much To Bear', a dream-comic by Chris Wayan.


So don't tell me dreams can't add.
The San Francisco Hyatt-Regency Hotel redecorated as City Hall... for polar bears. Dream sketch by Wayan; click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: weird dream beings - animal people - bears - competition - power & politics - Only in San Francisco - architecture - cold - ice & snow - violence - falling - speed - dream numbers, math & logic - landscapes - comics & pencil dream-art - more Philip Pullman dreams: Serafina & Ram Dass, Wizard versus Witch-Hunter

RELATED: Jenny Badger Sultan dreams My Design for the City Hall Dome, Wayan designs an obscene dome as a De-Yuppifier, and Nicole Kidman peels off City Hall's Dome - Willie Brown again, in The Rosa Parks Effect - Wayan attacks the bear-cult again, in Bonobo and Bear

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