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Ore Pirates

Dreamed 2009/5/29 by Chris Wayan; Dreamverse 45

for Guy Maddin and his neo-silent films

THAT DAY Abyssia, a world whose deeps are Earth's heights and vice versa. Globe by Wayan; click to visit.

I work on Abyssia, an alternate world I'm building with a simple formula:

  1. remove Earth's water
  2. make every height a depth, every depth a height, turning Earth's geography inside out or upside down...
  3. pour the water back on, and...
  4. see what the world looks like!
I've made a relief globe and finished a world map; tonight I start the first close-up page describing a landmass: Filipinia, a mountainous mini-continent. Rough in a page or two of text and a couple of altitude maps.

But it's slow work extracting gold from recalcitrant ore...


When I scream, no one can hear.
I'm trapped in an early Hollywood film,
all silence and smoky sepia glare.
I'm brown. I live in a mining town,

in stone-age Sonora or Baja, below
saguaros totem-tall. We mine
a living, squirming, howling ore.
It lets us fly, when pure.

As I tug an ore-cart up the hill
on wood rails under smokewood shade
to be smelted into purest yell,
pirates speck the sky. A raid!

Rickety sepia gliders,
rib-bat-wings asymmetrical,
as if built by pulque-drunk riders
to worship Pterodactyl.

And that's exactly who they are:
for this is silent Hollywood! Each
raider dangles claws on lines
trawling our desert floor to snatch

our howling nuggets. Or miners, us!
Yet it's absurd--these rough-
stitched fliers couldn't waft us off:
even their crab-claws weigh too much.

But this is silent Hollywood.
Film, archeology, flight, all
infant disciplines. Rubes won't care
or even know. Abysmal, their

ignorance leaves producers free
to film feverdreams! Like Doyle's
Lost World, or King Kong. So I'll
soon be carried off by pre-

historic air-pirates. Ore-pirates. By
my producer's obsession led.
Logic? Just a Vulcan dream
twelve thousand years ahead.

digital sketch of a dream by Chris Wayan: I'm in the low desert of prehistoric Baja California or Sonora, mining nuggets that howl, when batwinged air-pirates swoop in to steal our ore.
thumbnail sketch of a dream by Chris Wayan: I'm in the low desert of prehistoric Baja California or Sonora, mining nuggets that howl, when batwinged air-pirates swoop in to steal our ore.

LISTS AND LINKS: LA & Hollywood - film - time-travel - weird dream devices - flying - pirates - deserts - hot & cold - dreams about dreaming - dream humor - natural laws - dream poems - the Dreamverse project - the next Dreamverse: Joe Cool in Financial Hell - two more dreams of Baja/Sonora: Man with the Snake and The Desert's Purpose

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