Ore Pirates
Dreamed 2009/5/29 by Chris Wayan; Dreamverse 45
for Guy Maddin and his neo-silent films
I work on Abyssia, an alternate world I'm building with a simple formula:
But it's slow work extracting gold from recalcitrant ore...
When I scream, no one can hear.
I'm trapped in an early Hollywood film, all silence and smoky sepia glare. I'm brown. I live in a mining town, in stone-age Sonora or Baja, below
As I tug an ore-cart up the hill
Rickety sepia gliders,
rib-bat-wings asymmetrical, as if built by pulque-drunk riders to worship Pterodactyl. And that's exactly who they are:
our howling nuggets. Or miners, us!
But this is silent Hollywood.
Film, archeology, flight, all infant disciplines. Rubes won't care or even know. Abysmal, their ignorance leaves producers free
historic air-pirates. Ore-pirates. By
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