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Dreamed 1984/12/20 by Wayan

I dream I live with my grandparents in Walnut Creek, California, at the foot of Mount Diablo. It's summer. Hot. I'm alone in the house. Strip naked and enjoy the air on my body. I putter round the back patio, water the plants, repot some.

Hear voices. My family's returned! I grab the nearest clothing--a sweater barely big enough to cover my butt. Will they see me, hassle me?

I want to go to my room and get more clothes to avoid trouble; but can I? The back door is locked. Either my sister or my mom did it as they went through! I go round to the side door. Locked. The window? Next door... locked. Windows? Locked, locked, locked.

The very last door I try enters my room directly. And it's unlocked! Slip in and get clothes.

Good thing it was; or I'd smash a window and raise hell, naked or not. Locked out of my own house! I'm furious.

Half naked, I open a red door at the foot of Mount Diablo. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

Our landlady recently pushed her daughter Jamie on us as a new housemate. Her first act on moving in: she absent-mindedly deadbolts the main door so our keys won't work, then leaves for the weekend, locking us out!

I come home from work at dusk and find my key won't work. Locked out of my own house! I go around, try every window and door. Locked, locked, locked. Feel exposed--worry a neighbor'll think I'm a burglar and call the cops. At last I find an unlocked window I can pry open with effort, and crawl inside.

I'm furious--with a tinge of deja vu. I wonder why?

LISTS AND LINKS: house & home - hot & cold - nudity - locks & keys - oops! - embarrassment & anger - family - Jamie - predictive dreams - ESP in general - digital dream art - Same dreamer, year & peak: A Night on Mt Diablo - Same night: Compliance (caution: horny stallion)

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