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Tourist Trap

Dreamed 2024/3/24 by Wayan
For Greta Thunberg

I'm visiting Hawaii. I want to see the fire-fountains. Bike through a suburb. The top of a magenta fire-plume peers over the hill-shoulder. Steady climb up the slope toward the summit and a full view.

A bloom of red ahead. A house burning on the summit! Seems to be just the one, so I push on toward it, astonished and curious. Then I notice a heat-shimmer over homes and cars just blocks away. A cloud of scorching hot but invisible gas is leisurely advancing--an advance guard well ahead of the flames. Takes a while to ignite houses and gas tanks. But it takes far less heat to kill me.

I think "this is bad" and take a deep breath of normal air and turn round and try to coast my bike away, but it's already curling round me, an invisible over-affectionate cat, and my face and hands start to sting and I'm running out of breath. Soon I'll be forced to inhale that oven air. If it's even air, not poison gas.

I heard no sirens warning of danger; my curiosity seemed innocent enough.

But stifle or roast, now I'm going to die.

I bike away from an eruption filling a suburb with hot, toxic gas. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


But it's true of the world too. The heat shimmers, but politicians and capitalists hush the alarms. Mustn't cause panic!

LISTS AND LINKS: biking - islands - Hawai'i - volcanoes - suburbs - fire - heat & cold - gimme air! - dying in dreams - nightmares - health advice in dreams - workaholism - global warming - JW Dunne's dream: Pelee - digital dream art

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