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Lava Foodgroups

Dreamed 2024/10/16 by Wayan

I'm working at the library where I did 40 years ago. Our workload's changed--now instead of sorting books, we sort lava--two kinds. By hand. The previous corporate policy was to lump all sorts together, but now the reuse market has changed and purity's needed and we have a big backlog of mixed magma to sort.

I'm near the end of a long table where we sort--with caution. You don't want to scorch your hands. Or lips. We snack on the job. Lava is of course hot but edible--with caution.

What you do is, you scoop a dollop out a huge lake of magma, toss it in a smaller insulated bowl where YOU sit, floating in the lava, and sort it, poking and... eating? Yes, it's our complimentary on-the-job breakfast, all lava-hot. Bolides (volcanic eggs), blast-fried potatoes, and crater-roasted vegs. Wait, three lava food groups? But our guidelines only cover two.

I think the eggs and vegs are healthy for me--though hot, right at my tolerance-limit. But I need to limit starches. A bit's okay, but overall, carbos are riskier than volcanic heat!

I float in a bowl in a lava lake, holding a small bowl of lava to eat. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: dream jobs - libraries - surrealism - food, nutrition & metabolism - volcanoes & lava - heat - health advice - artists & the arts - pencil dream art

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