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Dream Jobs

Weird dream jobs and careers. To my astonishment, this page has a good 200 dreams, and that's after I built side pages for archeologists, artists, dancers, detectives, music and musicians, shamans, teachers, writers and publishers.

Some dream jobs just scream they're symbolic--finding you're enslaved for example. Or an archeologist--dreamworkers do after all dig up odd truths about themselves and others, sometimes valuable, sometimes dangerous--if not inherently, then because someone wants them left buried! Dreams of being an explorer, a detective, a spelunker, a medium or psychic can all carry similar implications.

That said, some dreams of odd careers may be literal suggestions. I reject Freud's theory they’re all mere compensation for dull or demeaning lives--if that's all, why not just dream of a nice vacation? And this form of supposed compensation gives you no compensation!

So if you keep dreaming of a new job you like, why not live it? If you did the job asleep, can’t you do it awake? Isn't that the standard theory, that the waking state is so damn clever? If you can perform brain surgery while drunk you can probably manage it sober, yes? (No, that one WAS a metaphor. Kids, do NOT try this at home! Untie your little brother, drop the vodka, put DOWN the scalpel--)

RELATED TOPICS: dreams at work (addressing current work issues) - dream career advice - other dreams showing you alternate lives: your age changes - your sex changes - your race, culture, or tribe changes - your species changes - you're not even carbon-based life! Silicon, steel, energy, data, spirit... - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.

What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.

AMATERASU'S MIRROR: by Lady Sarashina and an unnamed priest, c. 1035/3/22, two dreams of a life-choice
Sarashina dreams (again) she needs to leave court life and a spiritual path. Her skeptical mom sends a
priest to the temple to dream for her! But he too dreams the Goddess shows two life-choices--happy or sad...
THE AMBASSADOR PRO TEM OF DREAMS: by Wayan; 1993/3/1, a dream about dreams.
The real Ambassador of Dreams was moonlighting, so I had to step in
and explain dreams to the waking world...
ANNIE, GET YOUR GOWN!: by Wayan; 1988/9/14, a comic dream.
I'm Annie Oakley, sharpshooter, facing something scarier than gunmen: a formal ball
introducing me to my new husband's family--Austrian aristocracy! What's an American gal to do?
ARAGORN'S LIVER: by Wayan; 1983/1/29, a health-warning nightmare.
I'm a hobbit in Silicon Valley, stalking Ring-wraiths down El Camino. But one of them's stalking me...
ARCHANGEL: by Wayan; 1997/10/19, a dream-farce--or is it?
Sure I've been through hell, but how the hell did that get me elected archangel? And why's my butt itch?
ARCHBISHOP by Graham Greene, Jan.1975, a comic dream
The newspaper said I was to be appointed Archbishop. But the Cardinal had
a detective investigate me, who found improprieties--ones that make no sense...
THE ARRIVAL: by Elizabeth Gibbons, 2014; a spiritual dream about dreams
I'm a priestess from an island of women; I meet an angel
who charges me to harvest all the dreams of the world...
ASTRALNAUT: by Wayan; 1994/7/30, a reverse ghost dream.
I have amnesia. Plus, I'm dead. But I have this great NASA job! Only there's a saboteur...
BANK RIGGED TO FAIL: by Wayan, 2023/10/2, a predictive dream
I find myself working in a bank that won't let us do our jobs. Only one guy can disburse cash!
Lines of angry customers. If management won't change the rules, I'll have to quit...
BEFORE BED: by Mary Ruefle, ca. 1995, a dream-poem on stewardship
In the cathedral, before the nation, I solemnly crown someone with my own detached head...
BILL COSBY'S WIFE: by Wayan; 1994/5/5, one of many creepy dreams about a comedian I loved.
I'm Bill Cosby's wife, finding it hard to cook for him without a stove or fridge...
BLESS MY PHOBIA: by Wayan; dreamed 1992/8/15; story + silk painting.
I was Eve's guardian angel the second time round, and I blew it again. But this time, it came out right....
BOND: by Wayan; 1981/10/31, a nightmare where I'm the nightmare.
I'm James Bond. Captured and questioned, I lie to the enemy: the senators of the
Committee on Intelligence Activities. Till I see myself through their eyes...
THE BOSS'S GUTS: by Wayan; 1993/6/3, a dream on health-sabotage..
Flu. Ow, cramps! But that night I dream of a miner's rebellion against our fat-cat boss. Which side am I on?
BROWN DRESS: by Wayan; 1984/2/11, 9-page digital comic of a sexy healing dream.
A champion swimmer tells me how she turned a sexual humiliation into excitement and liberating power...
BUTTERFLY WOLF: by Wayan; 1982/8/15, poem and paintings of a dream job--and dream lover?
I help run the Dream Hotel, a giant mushroom with grand forest views.
It's the off season; our only guest is this lovely butterfly-wolf girl...
CANARY COAL, MOLE-OWNED SINCE 1873: by Wayan; 1981/11/7, nondream inksketch on chemopolitics.
No more token canaries--the all-canary workforce, that's us. Let's see if these products are toxic...
A CAT AND HER GIRL: by Wayan; 1979/5/15, a deep little dream.
I'm a doctor in the future, trying to heal the neurolink between a girl and her cat...
CENTAUR QUARTET: by Wayan; 1980-84, a dream-series on shamanic families.
Can our interracial ranch-family survive? Not just bicultural. Bispecies! Our instincts clash around sex--and incest...
CHAPLIN: by Wayan; 1974/5/22, a dream on loneliness.
I'm Charlie Chaplin doing magic tricks with the Ring of Power. And I don't even WANT power, just love...
CHEAPSHIP!: by Wayan; 1996/8/6, a nightmare on trained stinginess.
Why did I sign on as a crewman on the Cheapship, a freighter
that's falling apart? And yes, I do mean that literally...
CHEETAH: by Wayan; 1978-86, a poem on turning dreams into art.
I'm a cheetah working as a baker in Coconino County, Arizona, haunted by Krazy Kat...
CHELSEA AND THE PRESIDENTIAL COMPLEX: by Wayan; 1999/12/25, an odd political (?) dream.
I was hot tubbing and flirting... so how'd I end up as Chelsea Clinton running for office?
THE CIRCUS HUMANS' DESERTION: by Wayan; 1988/2/19; an epic holy dream.
I join a circus, but soon all the best carnies sail off to the Blessed Isles. The circus animals pitch in
and carry on--clumsy and lonely. Then a divine herald arrives from the Isles: Donald Duck! He says...
CLONE BREAKUP: by Wayan; 1994/2/27, 5p. comic of a psychic dream (or as illustrated text)
I model with ten blonde clones. They want to be seen as individuals, so it's their last fashion show before...
CLOTHES MAKE THE HERO: by Wayan; 1995/4/9, a dream on the power of tackiness.
I always laughed at those silly superhero outfits. But when it's my turn to fly, I find out why...
A COLONY IN THE HOLLOW HILLS: by Wayan; 1997/8/14, a dream of responsibility.
Hong Kong's not devolving to China, but to Faerie. As governor, I have to defend human rights, so...
COMPLIANCE: by Wayan; 1984/12/20 & 2021/1/9, twin dreams 36 years apart showing cryptomnesia
2021: I dream I'm confessing to friends how I'm over-compliant. I wake, and start transcribing my
1984 journal. Turn the page and find a dream of a horny stallion who's disturbingly over-compliant...
CRIMECON 90: by Wayan; 1990/3/27, a dream about capitalism.
I did what I love. The money didn't follow. So now I have to guard a crimeboss at a theft convention...
CRITTERS IN THE RIFT: by Wayan; 2013/7/18, a weird dream job
I'm the receptionist for a research group of small oracular animals
in an Icelandic rift, who can sniff out the answer to any question...
"CRY, BABY!": by Wayan, 1985/8/17, dream-farce with a warning.
The only man in the Miss America Japanese Tea Ceremony Swimsuit Pageant, I learn a tearful lesson...
CURSE HER IN THE OAK: by Wayan; 2009/9/28, dream poem on an odd job; Dreamverse #56
I'm a girl in rural Victorian England working as the county's magical protector. I have my
hands full: a gang of thievish orphans has holed up in an invisibility tree! Showdown at the oak...
THE DEER'S FIRST DEED: by Wayan; 1984/10/8, a dream of gratitude.
A man teaches literacy to the wild deer. But with no hands, how can they give him anything in return?
DEMON BUDGETING: by Wayan, 2011/9/27, a nightmare on letting things blow over
A demon invades our police station, takes over our captain and lieutenant, and pushes them to fight.
But I know demonic possession can't last long. Our copshow's special effects budget is too limited...
DEVILMENT: by Wayan, 2017/8/13, two dreams on Queen Bee syndrome, fusing Milton & Milton Friedman
A Queen Bee devil kidnaps my grandniece; I kill her to free the child. Turns out even Hell's leaders are relieved.
She returns as a satanic housing developer. Slicker this time, but just as crooked. Must I kill her again?
DEYUPPIFIER: by Wayan; 1985/11/6 a gleeful dream fable.
I built a sex-maze to reprogram businesspeople, but I only grasp its meaning when I fuck City Hall...
DINO TREASURE: by Wayan, 1996/9/1, a treasure-hunt dream.
At the Psychic Faire, I'm a deer-man in a gang hunting treasure, led by a rough tough dinosaur...
DRAMATIC PARASITES: by Wayan; 1995/6/28, a dream on fear of success.
I project I'll make a lot more money soon. Good, now I can support all my lazy friends! Wait...
THE DOG PILOT PROGRAM: by Wayan; 1981/4/23, a dream of doing the impossible.
I get a job in China teaching bus-driving dogs how to fly. I don't know how. Luckily, the dogs...
DOME: by Wayan; 1999/1/31, a dream peeling off a lie.
I'm actress Nicole Kidman, clinging to the dome of City Hall like King Kong, ripping it to shreds! Why?
DON'T WANT HIM TO SOAR: by Wayan; 1991/4/18, a dream of sabotage.
I'm a mechanic helping a visionary build the first plane in a parallel world. I don't want him to crash, but...
DOPPELBRUDER: by Wayan; 1985/5/9, a dream of a self at war over... labels?
Lured to a parallel, feudal world by a marriage-vow, I'm trapped in my double's arrogant, twisted mind...
ECCENTRIC: by Wayan; 1990/5/17, a two-page dream-comic.
I'm a small planet in an eccentric orbit: a one-day summer, a two-day winter. Rest and hibernate, or...
EDITH KEELER: by Wayan, 1975/10/8, an incubated dream giving multiple answers
I asked my dreams to show me my Shadow--what I deny. It showed me at least FIVE! And in every
time-branch, a runaway truck crushed me--the Truck of Ideology. Not that I seemed able to avoid it...
THE EGG PROBLEM: by Wayan; 1990/3/2, digital painting of a magical dream.
I'm an intellectual ballerina trying to stop zombies hatching from stone eggs, but I succeed
only when I become a dragon using touch, scent and visualization to persuade the eggs...
EGG RIVER: by Wayan; 1992/6/1, a dream parable.
I have to care for two gigantic eggs. But I'm at a party where people crack eggs for Slime Races...
EGO FACTORY: by Rick Veitch, late 1974/1, both a Jungian & career-advisory dream
I go to work at the factory, clock in, strip naked, and build my... self! Myself as art.
A long slow job, but when my workmates ask, I'm admit I'm happy with me at last...
EMBER IN THE BRAIN: by Wayan; 1983/3/31, a dream about old anger.
I'm the Incredible Hulk, forced to do emergency brain surgery. For the patient's burning from within...
EMISSARY: by Wayan; 2000/3/22, an astral dreamtale.
I signed a prenatal agreement for weird, uneven luck to turn my life toward art and spirit.
I want to broaden it, but I've lost the contract! So my spirit wife Silky sets out to find it...
EMPEROR OF THE GALAXY: by Wayan; 1988/1/31, a political dreamtale.
The Emperor of the Galaxy can't publish his anti-slavery book as himself, so he quits to become a slave...
EXECUTE ME!: by Wayan; 2014/1/27, a harsh revolutionary dream
I'm condemned to die for fighting a regime that's killed my minority with impunity
for centuries. I have no regrets. They'll hesitate now, knowing they too can die...
FAMILIARS: by Wayan; 1986/4/2, a dreamtale on the dark side of reading.
In ancient Britain, as Christianity moves in, I'm a slave--sailing through centuries, but never free...
FERRYGOAT: by Wayan; 2009/8/15, a dream warning what I was becoming; Dreamverse #48
That levitating bear's not tightrope-walking--she rides a goat strung like soap-on-a-rope. A goat that's me! I'm eating...
FISHERGIRLS: by Wayan; 2.6M, 42 illus.; 1996/7/15; a sexy dream epic.
I had an epic dream lasting subjective weeks--a true other life. It wasn't Earth and we weren't human.
I was a teenage lemur, sailing with two friends into unknown waters--a rite of passage. One night,
my friends curled round me, I saw I didn't WANT to pass the test, be declared a woman, marry, and have pups.
I loved my girl friends. In a world lacking the very word, I was groping toward queerdom.
Sailing into unknown waters! "Here be dragons," the old maps say. And they were right...
2600K loads slowly? Try it in parts: 1: HOME, 650K, 2: VOYAGE, 1200K, 3: BACK 750K.
FIVE HEARTS: by Wayan; dreamed 1989/1/11; sexy psychic unicorn dream-comic (text only: FIVE HEARTS)
I'm a nurse pulled through a glowing well to a world ruled by a five-hearted unicorn, who wants me to...
THE FLASHBACK: by Wayan; 1985/11/28, a dark dream-farce.
I'm a monster working in a shopping mall in Stockton, California, when I smell smoke...
FOOD CAME BETWEEN US: by Wayan, 1993/4/25, an incubated epic diagnostic dream.
The terror of Navy breakfast, the joy of filterfeeding,
how to marry pudding, and a sniper lunch with kisses...
FOSSIL BARBIE: by Wayan; 1978/9/27; a dream of non-teamwork.
I dreamed our medieval football coaches blamed the ugly Potato Person for all evil...
FOUR PERCEPTUAL SCREENS: by Wayan; 2018/1/24, a dream urging me to drop some armor--but not all
I dream my Doors of Perception have four layered screens to keep out mosquitoes, when one is plenty...
FOX AND THE EYE OF GOD: by Wayan; 1984/8/14, a predictive mythic dream
DREAM: I hike up my Career Path into the hills. On a snowfield,
a bird and a fox create the eye of God, who banishes all evil!
NEXT DAY: I read a novel full of images out of the dream...
FOX ON THE TRAIN: by Wayan; 2015/1/9, an advisory dream painted & poemed
I'm a guard on a train crossing the desert who falls in love with a refugee fox-girl,
despite heavy specist peer-pressure and the archaic Railway Code...
FRANCHISE!: by Wayan, 1995/10/12, a dream-comic (ill. text ed.) with a serious warning.
I was the first woman made High Commissioner of Baseball. One day a team of mutants begs a franchise...
FREDDY KRUEGER'S POLITICS: by Wayan; 1992/8/20, a dream of... ambition?
Freddy has plans for me and Telly Savalas's daughter. But to lure us in, he must know what
we want. But what does Freddy want? If we can find out, we might just lure him, too...
FROG ORDERS: by Wayan; 1986/7/4, a dream on piety.
I'm in medieval England on a mission from God, but I meet a Priestess on a mission from...well, we argue.
A FRUGAL GHOST: by Wayan; 2000/3/12, a financial-advice dream.
A Scottish ghost leads us on a treasure hunt, then insists we stop to pick up small change. But it adds up...
GAFTA: by Wayan; 1996/5/9, a pro-sabotage dream.
The aliens offer us a Galactic Free Trade Agreement, but my friends and I think it's a disastrous deal...
GAMESTERS: by Wayan; 1990/8/31, a dream on slavery.
Forced to turn gladiator, I learn these slaves think our free world outside is just another game...
GARGOYLE GO-BETWEEN: by Wayan; 1996/11/22, a Hogwartish dream.
I'm odd kid out in my wizard school till gargoyles raid us, and I puzzle out their tongue, to become...
GIANT'S HANDS: by Wayan; dreamed 1981/12/23, a split-consciousness nightmare
I was a giant carefully & guiltlessly flattening San Francisco--just following orders
to recycle it! Killing how many? While my mind inside the giant's mind was appalled...
GIRL WITH A PROBLEM: by Wayan; 1997/4/12, a surreal dream.
I date a girl with a mysterious syndrome, but soon I become a monkeyfaced con-man. And SHE becomes...
GIRLHEAP, OR CHOICE?: by Wayan; 1998/10/29, a dream on initiative.
I'm on a women's sports team, and I should be in paradise. But I want more; not love exactly, but...
THE GIVE-AWAY: by Wayan; 1982/6/7, a career nightmare.
My parents pray for my success, and arrange a great learning opportunity for me. Really.
GIVE TRAVIS ONE MORE CHANCE: by Wayan; 1980/10/13, a desperate dream.
I'm Travis McGee's girlfriend, and my novel is nearly done. Doomed! Plus, I'm a robot.My solution may be drastic...
GLASS EATER: by Wayan; 1982/12/10, a dream on managing ESP.
I live in an asylum for fragile psychics. When one man over-uses his talent, he compulsively eats glass...
GOD'S DANCE CLUB: by Wayan; 1995/5/2, an apocalyptic dream.
God's dance club, the Universe, is shutting down. God broke his promise that we staff could get on stage...
GOD-SHIELDS: by Wayan; 1990/8/21, a confusing dream of growth.
I'm a fat guy hired as a temp by some unethical gods. Or are they trying to teach me something?
GOLD EATER: by Wayan; 1993/1/15 dream drawn as 9-page comic.
I'm an orphan shapeshifter enslaved by a gold-eating monster. But I meet a cat-girl with a hammer...
GOSPEL GIRL: by Wayan; 1986/11/17, a stubborn dream.
I'm a girl in a desert who God tells to preach a new gospel. But the locals, unlike ancient Rome, have guns...
THE GUARDIAN ANGEL COURSE: by Wayan; 1984/9/29, a long-term predictive dream
I get bored with crime, and then I die. So I take a workshop: How to Find your Guardian Angel. But things go strange...
GYRLFALCON: by Wayan; 1971/11/26, a genderbent, speciesbent & predictive dream
I'm a Gyrlfalcon in a theater, fighting the Wolverine and his Morlocks with my lover the Green Lion...
HALF SHAMAN, HALF STATESMAN: by Wayan; 1986/4/21, an illustrated dream: Chapter 6 of UNICORN TAG, and the full story behind the painting HALF SHAMAN.
I get a scholarship to Shaman U. Some of my classmates are Terran, but I still don't fit in, because...
THE HEDGE KING: by Wayan, 1992/6/14, a gender-bent dream epic.
I change sex to infiltrate a sinister castle, unaware its Lord can spot a shapeshifter--being one himself...
HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR: by Wayan; 1994/2/18, a comic nightmare.
I'm an organic almond grower who's solved the Luminous Snail problem. But my neighbor has an agenda...
HERMIT IN THE PIPE: by Wayan; 1999/5/2, a dream of the end.
I'm a holy man sneaking into a sewerpipe at the beach, to pop anxiety pills in shame. Do they even work?
HERON HAREM: by Wayan; 1981/6/14, a dream with a moral.
I'm a heron working in the Civil Service. I want to blow the whistle, but then how would I support my...
HIS DEER WIFE: by Wayan; 1995/7/9, a dream of love in a parallel world.
I'm a slave, a scribe in the house of a Captain of the New Aztec Empire, when he brings home a wife...
HIS MINE: by Wayan; 1985/12/2, an epic Wild West dream
I'm a hobbit seeking Henry Fonda's haunted gold mine. End up in a showdown at a shamanic saloon...

HISTORY CHANGES: by Wayan; 1994/11/22, a dream of an alternate life.
I'm the token Chinese guy in a jazz band in backwoods Brazil, in the old colonial days, when...
HOBBIT SNIPER: by Wayan; 1998/10/13, a dream on strategy.
I'm a sniper in a desert battle of men against hobbits. Guilty for not fighting openly, but that'd be suicidal...
THE HONEST INMATE: by Wayan; 1997/5/8, a dreamfable on truthfulness.
I'm a psychopath in a prison for the insane. But I fall in love, and change. Blunt honesty fuels the change...
A HOTEL ODYSSEY: by Wayan; 1994/2/21, a Borges dream.
I live in the Infinite Hotel, but the other guests in my wing are no fun. It's time to set sail...
HOW TO BE HAPPY: A FABLE BY TOLKIEN: by Wayan; 1994/6/16, a dream, not by Tolkien.
I'm a librarian in an English village hit by fads--new philosophies and lifestyles. I learn what works:
HUBRIS EGGS: by Wayan; 1981/6/11, a short defiant psychic dream.
I'm wrapping my heavy-metal eggs too slowly, so the Judges sink my car! I set out to get revenge...
HUNT OF THE UNICORN: by Wayan; 1989/5/18, an overlooked psychic dream.
I marry, just to get into a clannish world where I'm seeking symbiotic unicorns. I end up fleeing...
Next evening, a TV movie--Goldie Hawn marries into a clannish world and ends up...
HUNTERS: by Emily Y. Chan, c.2020/12/12, 2024/3/23, and 2024/4/13, paintings of recurrent dreams
First I met an assassin girl who could raise dust storms; then a monster-hunted named Rho;
then I was the hunter, with a futuristic hovercycle and low-tech bow and arrows...
HYDROGEN INITIATION: by Wayan; 1981/1/6, a shamanic nightmare.
I'm a novice in a Sung Dynasty monastery. But I have no idea how far the hazing can go...
I AND I, or, RENTADATE: by Wayan; 1983/6/18, a dream of ego-loss AND proliferation.
After the revolution, I rule. But I get out of touch. So I throw a party and invite me, myself and I...
I THOUGHT HE LIKED ME: by Wayan; 1994/8/16, a dream of rejection... or worse.
I join the Seattle Tribal Council, which of course means marrying them all. The husband I'm to sleep with
on our Council Honeymoon seemed to like me, till he pulls that practical joke...
I WANT MY INHERITANCE: by Wayan; 1989/12/18, a dream on family brainwashing.
My family calls me a blonde bimbo and won't give me my inheritance, so I take drastic steps...
I WAS A SEX SLAVE: by Wayan; 1994/11/20, a dream on isolation
I'm a slave dancer. I run for it, and make it over the border. But my owner comes looking for me...
I WAS AN ELEPHANT HANDLER: by Wayan; 1989/4/3, a genderbent stagestruck dream.
I was an elephant trainer longing to be a star--to win the girl on the flying trapeze. Who's probably straight...
ICK! DOGS!: by Wayan; 1990/1/3, a Star Trek dream.
I'm Jean-Luc Picard, and my Enterprise has been taken over by a pack of brilliant, paranoid wolves...
ILLUSIONISTS DON'T RULE: by Wayan; 1996/8/26, a dream on the strength of logic.
I read Allan Bloom's The Closing of the American Mind; I dream
I'm a pilot who deduces an alien illusionist's in my plane...
I'M A VESTA, NOT A MAN!: by Wayan; 1980/1/6, a dream of when it's over.
I'm the animal guardian of a deep crater, but when a human girl rejects me, I set out to leave...
I'M NOT THE DIRECTOR!: by Federico Fellini; Oct. 1961, a dream pun on denying your lifework
I'm the director of an airport. A mysterious Mongolian traveler lands. Let him in
or not? I try to avoid the decision by lying--say "I'm not the director!"...
ISHI AND SNOID: by Wayan; 1993/8/4, a dream on uncomfortable growth
I'm a California Indian wandering through time, keeping
our secret of time-travel from reckless white guys...
A JOB WELL DONE: by Wayan; 1981/3/2; a dream-farce with a serious warning
The tale of a fawn named Fawn and her mom, a bank-robbing hippopotamus...
JOIN THE WOLVES LATER!: by Wayan; 1980/9/4, a dream of false but useful fear.
Shepherding a group of cityfolks through an alien wilderness, I need a werewolf's help. So why do I lie?
JOKE PILOT: by Wayan; 1995/7/15, a dream of defiance.
Among aliens, humans are jokes. Fragile and blind, we can't fly starships. Unless we build our own...
KIBBLE FROM HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1986/10/13, a dream on love and money.
I'm a dog princess, on a world where kibble falls from heaven. When I meet our species' guardian angels...
KICK HER: by Wayan; 1994/8/9, a gameshow nightmare.
I'm a blonde gameshow bimbo. Each week, I'm beaten up. Ha ha ha! But my bruises are real. At last, I...
KINGMAKERS: by Wayan; 2000/2/21, a dream of mediation.
I'm a political aide to the leader of a hot-tempered, clawed, fanged alien people. And then my boss dies...
KIOSK: by Wayan; 1994/5/1, a 4-page dreamcomic on the power of song (or illustrated text version)
I'm a sexy singing beast, the Krelkin, trying to lure the Reading Man out of his Moral Kiosk...
THE LAUGHING GIRL: by Gordon Wagner, c.1977; a strong anima helps heal a trauma
I was one of just three to survive a roller coaster crash. I dreamed of a playful, laughing girl who drove off a cliff.
Dead, she lay on a bier in a surreal cemetery. But she woke and looked at photos of her old self with curiosity...
THE LEMON SEA: by Wayan; 1982/2/22, a dream warning.
I wake up as someone else. I go through her working day, till Captain Kirk comes to take me to...
LILY OXYGEN: by Wayan; dreamed 1984/1/19, drawn 2000; a strong psychic dream.
I'm Emily Dickinson reborn in 2100 as a breeder of hydroponic lilies, till my dad drafts me as
an Arctic energy-prospector, where I meet a ghost, a fiery Beast, a new me, and the girl of my dreams...
THE LIMP: by Wayan; 1986/7/18, a dream on difference
I was working for a London architect. His son thought people shunned him for his limp, but...
LION-MEN: by Wayan; 1995/7/9, an eye-opening dreamlet.
I'm a traveling Zen warrior talking to a circus girl in a barn. Four guys enter--and my life changes forever.
LION NOW, EMANCIPATION LATER: by Wayan; 2000/5/5, two dreams as my dad lay dying
We must hunt a man-eating lion to protect our village--our village full of slaves. But we
can't deal with our looming social crisis now--gotta focus on the lion in front of us..
THE LITERAL EMPIRE: by Wayan; 1997/11/17, a dream on flexibility.
I join the alliance against humorless humanoids who are invading funny-animal planets...
LOVING A COP: by Wayan; 1981/5/5, a dream on initiative.
I'm a cop's wife, having trouble with his need to protect me. He's hurt if I take too much initiative...
LUNCH WITH THE STARS: by Wayan; 1981/2/2, a dream on beliefs.
I'm in a loving animal dance troupe, but wake to find I'm alone.
For consolation, I eat at The Terrace, and meet stars. Not film stars...
MAELEN AND ME: by Wayan; 1972/5/1, a transmigrational dream.
I'm a psychic circus animal who's just managed to teleport my humanoid girlfriend. It's for our act, but...
MAGIC SCHOOL: by Wayan, 1982/1/26: a waking event and replying dream.
Phyllis Schlafly, killer of the Equal Rights Amendment, provokes a dream of being Captain Kirk
trapped in a magic school with no way out but the graduate exam. Can I learn the lesson of the tree?
A MAMMOTH FIGHT: by Wayan; 1996/2/26, a dream of another life. A tacky other life...
I'm a fight promoter. But my biggest deal ever is growing out of my control.
Mammoth versus Rex, sure. But now it's a four-way bout--schoolbus, whale...
MARINE GEOLOGY'S NOT IT: by Wayan; 1984/6/2, a dream farce.
After finding marine geologists in my chocolate pudding, I'd rather be a Frenchman and insult my wife...
THE MER BUILDING: by Wayan; 2001/2/23, a dream of a double life.
I’m a puma with a night job as a cellist. But my day job with The Architectives is the bizarre one...
MORAL MINNOWS: by Wayan; 1992/9/15, a sociopolitical dream.
A dream explaining why everyone with any moral vision gets filtered out of politics now...
MUPPET WITNESS: by Bill Tjaden, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; an absurd dream
I work in a witness protection program. We hide the Muppet on the bottom
of an empty swimming pool, hand him a long straw, and fill it with...
MY WILDCAT WOUND: by Wayan; 1994/7/8, a dream on gender trauma.
I'm a wildcat in a cat/fox team led by a woman who wants us to merge with a man/wolf team...
NET PROFITS: by Wayan; 1998/7/14, a dream of family values and Web credit.
At a family picnic, my sisters and I fish for scholarships and grants. They put down my art, my website...
A NEVADAN ASS: by Wayan, 2007/5/17, a dream-poem on sabotage in art AND love
DREAM: on a Nevada ranch, I'm a were-horse into mares--when I'm human. And when I'm a stallion?
Why, cowgirls! Always date the wrong species--just to be sure of rejection.
NEXT DAY: I let a class of commercial artists critique my dream-comix. Just to be sure of rejection...
NEW LEVEL!: by "Julian"; 2006/5/22, 3 gamelike dreams in one night, two of them epic
My mom and I road-duel an alien beetle, then investigate a deepspace Marie Celeste;
then I spy for the Angevin Empire to protect the Crown Jewels...
NICHE: by Wayan; 1990/5/9, a nondream poem on new art media, or crashing your computer. Same thing.
A poem linking the dawn of digital art to early, tinny phonographs, cranky film cameras...
OPENING: by Wayan, 1992; incubated automatic drawing
Why don't I push for more art shows? I asked how I feel at shows of my own work, and this came out...
OPHIDIOPHOBIA: by Wayan; 1986/2/12, a dream on race and religion.
I'm a therapist with a client diagnosed paranoid--but are his doctors racist? He's not just black, but scaly...
OR... IS IT YOU?: by Wayan; 1990/2/11 nondream digital painting on marginality.
When I was battered, I briefly lived on the streets. What struck me was how fragile most of us were...
ORDEAL BY INFRASTRUCTURE: by Wayan; 1987/11/22, a Clintonian dreamtale--before Clinton!
I want to join the inner circle of America's political elite.
But to do that I have to survive the Ordeal by Infrastructure...
PARROT TAMES BUSINESSMAN: by Wayan; 2011/10/6, a surreal career-advice dream poem
My last two businesses went bust. So I let a giant parrot talk me into interviewing
her people, who've been settling all those alien ruins in Amazonia. Great career move...
PASTLIFE TRAINING TRACKS: by Wayan; 1981/5/5, a bikin' buddha dream.
I'm biking around a railroad switch-yard. Slowly realize
they're life-paths. People start following me out...
PESSIMIST HELIX: by Wayan; 1996/6/9, a dreamtale.
I work the info desk in a futuristic library. But one question leads me into a DNA-helix, a tornado of doubt...
PLANET CAT: by Wayan; 1995/11/12, a First Contact dream of love.
I'm the first man on Planet Cat, falling in love with my guide. And then I'm the guide, falling for an alien ape...
PLESIOSAUR: by Wayan; 1985/9/5, a comic medical nightmare.
An itchy patient of mine insists he's turning into a four-
headed, man-eating plesiosaur. He left one thing out...
POLES NOW, TROPICS LATER: by Wayan; 1997/3/27, a dream on the pace of change.
I'm a Martian revolutionary, making the glaciers grow. The equator's still dry, but change is coming...
PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD: by Wayan; 2009/10/19, an illustrated dream poem; Dreamverse #61
I get stuck with a one-year mandatory gig as President of the
World, just as Saudi Arabia collapses, and fools rush in...
PRISONS AND STRIPES: by Emily Joy; 2007/10/4, a lucid dream.
In a museum full of spacetime-bubbles holding lost souls, the museum-goers are as weird as the exhibits...
THE PROBLEM OF PAIN: by Wayan; 1984/5/15, a devious dream.
We sail to the Isle of the Blest, but God exiles me to Fargo, North Dakota. But God's up to something subtle...
PRRL: by Wayan; 1997/1/17, an intergalactic dream.
I'm an ambassador from the Milky Way to the energy-beings
who rule the Magellanic Clouds. Or am really just their pet?
PUNKZINE BALLERINA UNDERWEAR: by Wayan; 1995/4/25, a short dream with self-portrait.
Am I a punk dyke or a shy ballerina? Both! And they're complementary facets. Underwear never lies...
QUIT THAT LAB!: by Wayan; 1999/5/2, a deductive nightmare.
I'm working alone in the lab at night, when the lab gear wakes up and tries to kill me...
RABBIT WORLD: by Wayan; 6-page comic of a 1990/9/26 shamanic dream.
I'm a telepathic rabbit defending our world from space-laser attack. We do, but do we modernize too much?
RACK: by Wayan; 2006/4/4; a comic business-bondage dream
My friend Chris gets tied up at the office--that’s his job, looking martyred! But when the boss is away...
REFLECTIONS IN THE POOL: by Wayan; 184K total, 2 panoramas; a 1994/7/2 dream.
Night. A mirror-maze of contradictory preachings. But in the secret mermaid pool, I find love.
Then... sphinx-angels war in the air! A war of riddles. Can I, a batwinged devil, make peace?
REJECT THE TRUMP GIG: by Wayan; 2017/7/5, a dream warning me not to sell out
Now and then I model. I'm offered a gig doing ads for Trump--at $1000 a session! Tempting, but no.
As I go home, my cabbie is shocked--"I'd take that gig!" "But would you really?"...
A RENAISSANCE WOMAN: by Wayan; 1997/7/3, a dreamtale.
I'm an abused girl turning tricks to survive. But this is San Francisco: I join a prostitutes' co-op, and meet...
RING OF WHITE WATER: by Wayan; 1983/1/30, an epic astral dream.
I'm a raft guide on a circular river that may just be reincarnation. A girl in my
tour group jumps ship: she dreads the white water of rocky relationships ahead...
SALIA AND CHUR: by Wayan; 1989/2/25, a psychic Star Trek dream.
Our starship signs up a strange new woman whose quirks turn out to be fallout from slavery...
SAMURAI LIBRARIAN: by Wayan; 1982/10/20, a dream that dreamwork is samurai discipline
I wrote my dreams each morning no matter what--even if I it made me late for work.
They assumed I was sloppy, lazy, spacy. No; disciplined about priorities!
SAMURAI MARE: by Wayan; 1993/2/23, a time-travel dream.
A feral mare will only let me ride her if I quit being
a Japanese diplomat and become... a Samurai!
SATYR: by Wayan; 1999/4/1, a frustrating wish-fulfillment dream (yes, both).
I'm a faun, the oracle for a Greek village. But my predecessor set up rituals I want to change...
SCALES: by Wayan; 640 x 400, 1992. Digital sketch of a dream scene.
I was on a terrace overlooking a waterfall, where a giant rabbit and a musical dragon told me...
SEA MASSAGE: by Wayan; 1995/10/3, a puzzling dreamtale.
I can fly and breathe water. So I fly into art-rich mansions, though
not to steal--I earn plenty from undersea massage...
A SEAMY REALITY: by Wayan; 1999/10/21, a surreal predictive dream.
Sharp seams between realities cross Silicon Valley; I end up in the Dark Castle of the Oracle. When I wake...
SELL THE GODS, AND RAISE HELL!: by Wayan; 1994/1/26, a dream riddle.
Reactionaries smash a paper. To rebuild, the editor must sell
the sacred tiki carvings! But gods don't LIKE being sold...
THE SHAMAN INSPECTOR: by Wayan; 1996/7/31, a dream on core values.
My work as a federal shaman inspector involves judging a rainbow of traditions by a few basic principles:
SHARK SENSE: by Wayan; 1988/12/9, a diagnostic circus dream.
I'm a circus tiger, then a performing shark. One day, I block my human partner's high dive... Why?
A SHELLFISH EPIPHANY: by Wayan; 1996/6/14, a spiritual dream.
Our family of Japanese pearldivers is cast away on an atoll. One day, lonely, scared, I cast away fear...
THE SHIP'S BOY: by Wayan; 1996/12/1, a dreamtale.
Dinosaur people demand to take our Ship's Boy with them. But he knows them! They RAISED him?
SILK PINS: by Wayan; 1992/5/13, a self-mocking dream.
I'm a trade rep for Terra, on a new world. But an old rival, a rep from another world, arrives, and...
SILKY'S REVOLUTION: by Wayan; 1995/9/4, a historical dream.
I'm in an alternate-history American Revolution with Silky the
talking black mare. We sail for Europe as diplomats...
SINK JOHN: by Wayan; 1981/5/25, a dreamtale on "when in Rome..."
My friend has an alien john. Ugly, but that doesn't bother me--it's how he likes to eat bits of himself...
SIPHONIAN QUARTET: by Wayan; 2010/4/10, four baffling parallel-world dreams
1: Purple squid saboteurs flood our cliffhouse. 2: My oyster-ranching girlfriend has a snobby aunt.
3: I wake in a stranger's bondage fantasy--ugh! 4: Shepherds on the sea-floor watch for gliderwolves...
(by a California model, pre-1961, and by a Texas maid, 1945; two predictive dreams compared)
Predictive dreams rarely hint how far they've peered ahead; they just place you in their foreseen future...
SKEPTIC AND DRAGONFLY: by Wayan; 1988/1/28 and 2/8, twin flying dreams.
Big Blonde and her officemates don't believe in flight; but the dragonfly-girl I meet hatched in mid-air...
SLAVES DON'T DANCE: by Wayan; 1999/8/1, a 17-page Shakespearean dream-comic (or ill. text)
Stolen by the Fairy Queen, I'm forced to nurse her great project: creating life! But her synthetic baby is...
SLAVE MARKET: by Wayan; 1998/9/10, a dreamtale on freedom.
Business solved the problem of cheap foreign labor: slavery's legal again. So our firm buys cheap losers...
SLAVES ON RED MARS: by Wayan; 1999/8/15, a dreamfable on will.
As Mars demands independence from Earth, Jovians enslave us all! Now freedom-fighting is personal...
SLEAZE: by Cecy and Wayan; 1991/7/28; subtle shared dreams.
Wayan: A sleazy brother calls the cops, blaming us for a fire he set...
Cecy: A sleazy brother calls in a fire while not even trying to put it out...
SOCK PUPPETS OF THE GODS: by Dee and Wayan; 1994/4/14. Parallel shamanic dreams!
I dream I'm suicidal; but I'm saved when I'm shown the flow of human development--the same pattern,
from souls to civilizations! Eddies and knots recur, but the challenges slowly get more spiritual.
NEXT DAY: I learn what my shaman-friend Dee just dreamed. And now I'm unsure whose dream this is...
SNOW STALLION: by Wayan; 1994/6/4, a tangled political/spiritual dream.
I'm a peace terrorist trapped in Squaw Valley, herded like a mare by a huge stallion made of snow...
And then the dream shifts. I blurt out the truth behind our idiotic waking world! And wake believing it...
SOUL-BOARD: by Wayan; 1989/1/12, a dream poem.
Africa. My horse trusted me as we faced lions and fire, but to face the Soul-Board, he must trust himself...
A SOUND NOT UNLIKE A BELL: by Wendy Xu, c.2021, a dream poem on... poetry itself?
I was desperately arranging cut flowers for something important; the forces
that acted upon me seemed to say "Your life depends upon this assemblage"...
SPECKLED EGGS: by Starvibes; 2008/6/16, a dream of intrigue.
I dreamed of speckled eggs, Caribbean drug traffickers and of
almost drowning near a sinking boat...
A SPHINX'S SKETCHBOOK: by Wayan; dreamed 1994/7/2 & 7/19; a 23-page dream-comic
I find the sketch-journal of a beautiful winged sphinx who left her mythic isle
to explore a great city of crazy bipeds, called San Francisco...
SPILL SPELL: by Wayan; 1995/9/30, a mini-dream.
I'm a Lapp boy in northern Finland, studying shamanism. So why do I pour coffee down a driveway?
SPIT DOOR: by Wayan; 1997/9/7, a flying dream.
My job is to set up portals to other realities, and
create secret routes through our world between them...
SPLAT!: by Wayan; 1995/12/11, a science-fiction dream.
Our physics project is top secret, but a stranger strolls into a meeting and opens a can of green light...
SQUIRREL GIRL: by Wayan; 1973/10/19, a dream poem of love & rockets
Squirrel Girl and I try to find a private room, but Hal the mad computer in 2001
spies on us and our spaceship captain orders us to clean the ion tubes...
STARHAWK THE WITCH: by Wayan; 1983/8/19, 6. illus., an epic, milestone dream.
DAY: I read Starhawk's Dreaming the Dark, on building unity, undoing capitalism;
DREAM: I'm forced to become Time Pilgrim, warning of the dangers of community--indeed, of unity...
STAY GROUNDED!: by Wayan; 1988/2/27, an unexpectedly grounded dream.
I'm playing poker with a dragon. But we barely dare move: we're both crackling with thousands of volts...
HER STINGY DAD: by Wayan; 1998/7/29, a dreamtale on parental ambition-stunting
A single dad loves his daughter, but is so pathologically cheap he's teaching her an unintended lesson...
THE STUTTER: by Wayan; 1995/9/7, a religious dreamtale.
Half our religion-founders were just one guy, repeating till he got it right. Practice makes perfect!
SUPPORT TEAM: by Wayan; 2005/6/6, a dream-comic on what creative leaps need
I'm a married couple--the cook and laundress for an English observatory in 1948.
Why are we testifying to a Labor Party committee that we WANT to be servants? Well...
SUSHI CIRCUS: by Wayan; 1982/2/17, an illustrated psychic dream.
To avoid being stabbed, I flee the Psychodrama Circus. Wisely--the place explodes!
But it's the filling of the sushi roll that really upsets me...
TAHOE TAROT: by Wayan; 1988/4/13, a silly mystic flying dream.
My sister and I are playing cards in the air high over Lake Tahoe.
The stakes? The world. But we both cheat...
THE TAO OF DENNIS THE MENACE: by Wayan; 1986/4/17, a dream of a wise mentor.
Chased by purple squid from Jupiter, I seek refuge with a guru the Goddess recommends for me...
A sex-fantasy dream that shifts backstage and gets real
In Charlotte they want to lynch her just for dancing. I protest. As she leaves town, she tells me...
THEY FEED THEY LION: by Philip Levine; summer 1968; a poem from two dreams
A workmate said "They feed they lion"; two dreams later, the poem emerged as you see it...
THIEF OF DREAMS: by Wayan; 1996/11/29, a sexy soul-swap dream; a 22-page comic (or text w/pics)
I was a mermaid trying to find Count Coyote's stolen dreams, so I could marry my human girlfriend...
THREE-EYED WOLF: by Wayan; 1992/12/14. Digital comic of a dream, done movie-poster style
A 'toon liberation dream. I cartooned a new self and slowly she grew realer, until she ran Disney...
TIGER TALL: by Wayan; 1992/7/3, a marathon dream.
I'm a tiger from Planet Cat, visiting Earth to run in San Francisco's "Bay to Breakers" race.
I knew racial tensions were high, but why is William S. Burroughs out to kill me? Oh. Because...
TIMEDOORS OF THE GODS: by Wayan; 1998/2/17, a mysterious initiatory dream.
I'm mortal, yet I'm offered a residency in the Commune of the Gods,
along with Xena the Amazon Warrior and... Little Red Riding Hood?
TOP-DOWN FREEDOM: by Wayan; 1984/7/19, a dreamtale.
The government quietly ends all taxes and services in a small town just to see what'll happen...
THE TOWN THIEF FEELS CHEATED: by Wayan; 1993/7/27, a dreamtale.
Long ago he cut a deal with the cops. But town's grown, and one victim fights back. Our thief is outraged...
TRAINS COLLIDE: by Dudley Walker; 1928/6/27, a clairvoyant nightmare
I've never done railway work, but here I am signaling a train to approach a station at dawn. A second train hits it head-on...
TRANSFUSION by a New York woman; 1950s? 3 predictive dreams over a 5-year span
I dreamt of the Du Pont lab where I'd work, and my neighbor's future coffin,
and the hospital where my sister-in-law would get a transfusion...
TREFIL, ON SCIENCE: by Wayan; 1994/1/26, a rant on dreamwork as science.
In an oneirophobic society, it's easy to forget that when you do dreamwork, you're doing basic science.
No funding, no team, no lab coat? Can't be science! Unless they mistaught us what science is...
TRUMP ON THE RUN: by Wayan; 1990/3/8, a suspiciously predictive dream
The manhunt is on for Donald Trump, rich sociopath. But he too is pursuing something: happiness...
TRUMPOCALYPSE UNDERLING: by Wayan, 2020/5/3, a reality-based nightmare
Donald Trump is Satan. I'm just a low-level devil, under his thumb.
I feel helpless to stop his businesslike plans for the Apocalypse...
TWO BISHOP APPLICANTS: by Wayan; 1984/11/21, a surreal but mercilessly logical dream.
My mind and my soul both apply for a job in Stanford Cathedral. Their rivalry grows to a shamanic duel...
THE TYRANT'S WIFE: by Wayan; 1980/6/9, a dreamtale.
In our plot to kill the Tyrant, we used his wife. Or... did she use us? She goes mad, but--she's HAPPY...
UNCORK A SUB GOD: by Wayan; 1998/8/11, a cryptic warning dream.
Exploring a sunken sub, my buddies salvage a something ticking. Toss it back, but it won't stay sunk...
AN UNDERCOVER TROLL: by Wayan; 1994/7/6, a dream of personal growth taken too far...
Disguised as a literary troll, I spy on the Neo-Nazis, but my disguise
can't last much longer: I ate a magical herb, and I'm growing...
VAGUELY IN A SICK DREAM: by Jack Kerouac, late Nov. 1953, a dream of cooperative sacrifice
Us guys take turns getting pounded by this fist of cloud that must never hit
the world. It hammers my skull and retreats; we laugh and switch positions...
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream.
I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but
fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters
sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul...
THE VIDEOGRAPHER'S APPRENTICE: by Wayan; 1994/7/29, a predictive/warning dream.
Blondie Wiggle builds a Video Igloo. But I'm allergic--TV kills me! A BAD omen for our video project...
THE VOICE OF GOD: by Wayan, 1993/1/31, a psychic nightmare-epic.
Half-mad with fear, I massacre a cult, till my gun manifests stigmata: a gory miracle.
Then I'm a cultist, resisting the Voice of God pushing all us mortals to murder in His name.
I woke up haunted, and wondered for weeks what this was about... until the Waco Massacre.
VRILLASSA'S ONLY PRIEST: by Jo; 2007/2/10, a dream of meeting God
A job as the only priest on an island colony sounded perfect, only I'm the wrong religion...
WAPATO BIRDS: by Wayan; 1986/2/2, a subtly psychic dream.
I'm a Wapato Bird: part crane, part elk, part tree-bud. Despite my
shyness, I must lead our people's migration to the Grand Teton lakes...
WASHINGTON'S DUNE: by Wayan; 1992/1/18, a dream on perseverance.
George Washington faces sniper fire, kamikaze birds
and critics claiming the fight for freedom is doomed...
WATERCATS: by Wayan; 1987/9/10; an epic, clear predictive dream
I dream I find a few 'extinct' watercats--in a slum! They talk. They say I'm one of them,
brainwashed to think I'm human. I wake, go to a dinner, and hear a tale of... watercats!
WATERSHIP DOWNTRODDEN: by Wayan; 1983/6/22, a dream of another life.
I'm an intelligent rabbit in an alphamale's harem, organizing a feminist movement...
WERE-COMPOSER: by Wayan; 1995/2/15, a trashy dream.
I help a brilliant, starving composer turn his family curse into a profitable business...
WHAT GOD BELIEVES IN: by Wayan; 1984/9/23, a dream of working for a difficult deity
God's my boss, but like a bratty little brother, he's Not Speaking To Me. It's slowing down our office...
WHICH ROAD? 1999/1/13. Digital sketch of a dream voting for slow.
I was on a path winding over grassy hills, while humans zoomed by on a freeway below...
WHO CENSORS BIRTH?: by Wayan; 1994/5/2, a dream speculation.
I'm assisting a hard birth as photos are shot for an article. Why's birth so rarely seen, what do we fear?
WHY COWGIRLS LOVE BROCCOLI: by Wayan; 1987/8/19, a surreal dream of love.
I'm a cowgirl in Nevada circa 1900. In the canyon below Haunted Mansion,
I meet a broccoli-green lizard girl. Naturally I help a lady in distress...
THE WILD HUNT: by Wayan; 1998/7/24, a dream of myth--or abuse?.
We're exploring the English farm we inherited, when The Wild Hunt storms over the hill...
WILLPOWER (HAPPINESS): by Wayan; 1991/1/17, a didactic dream.
At age 90, the first female high-rise steelworker tells me
why she did it--and why she regrets it now...
WINDFALLS IN EDEN: by Wayan, 2000/3/30, a religio-politic dream.
I'm a part-owner of Eden, harvesting windfalls.
But a renter says his Landlord promised him all the apples...
A WISE WRITER PROTECTS HER EYES: by Wayan; 1998/8/19, an advisory dream.
A writer I meet is either flirting with me obscenely, or
advising me about eyecare, or... are those the same?
WOLF BAFFLER: by Wayan; 2019/9/3, a comically surreal dream-poem
My job's to feed the wolves downtown with the heads of tuna-human hybrids; I mystify the pack
with a blend of skating, ballet and rope tricks. Wait, could this work on scary humans, too?
WORKIN' FOR PEANUTS: by Wayan; 1990/12/11, a crude but perceptive dream.
I'm an elephant working in a diner. In the bathroom, I inadvertently summon the Genie of the Urinal...
A WRITER'S MUSE: by Wayan, 1996/12/7, a dreamfable on creativity.
A writer's found in his office mating with an ash-covered creature! But could she be his muse?
THE WRITING CLASS: by Wayan; 1984/3/27, a grumpy dream.
Most writers search for their unique style. Not me--I struggle to convey unique EXPERIENCES...
YOU'RE THE EAGLE: by Wayan; 2000/2/8, a dream fable.
A hermit spends his life wrestling with shadows. His only disciple becomes famous. Who was happier?
ZELIG FLIES: by Wayan, 1984/4/29, a psychic, lucid dream epic.
I careen from a sacrificial marriage-altar to the Oracle Harper's secret pool,
into the jaws of Leviathan and the joys of lucid flight, shifting from male to female
and gay to straight--till I meet the Dragonfly People themselves...
ZERO SUM: by Wayan; 1996/5/29, a game-theory dream.
I'm lecturing to a crowd: "Love's a win-win game, and abuse, lose-lose. But blame is zero-sum..."
ZUCCHINI GIRL: by Wayan; 1996/9/23, a dreamtale on acting out.
I find the truth about my childhood. My parents lied! I hide for days, then dub myself Zucchini Girl
and go onstage, humping squash, calling it performance art! So do my friends see a problem? Hmm...

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