Fossil Barbie
My Prosthetic Foot
dreamed 1978/9/27, digital painting 1992, by Chris Wayan
I used to do Psychodrama. Fascinating people, but I always felt peripheral there, though I wasn't sure why. Then one night, I had this dream:
The Middle Ages were football-mad. I was trying out for a medieval football team. I noticed an odd thing: all our coaches constantly blamed the ugly Potato Person for everything wrong in their world, from murder to mud. Not the Devil, the Potato! Strange. And unfair: the Potato's spiritual goal in life was to grow the first sprouts of the Renaissance, not to be pretty... or to play ball.I woke up. Having woken up, courtesy of the dream, I left Psychodrama too.I wasn't so pretty either: I was missing one foot. But instead of a peg leg, I had an anti-gravity skateboard! So amputation had its good side: I could zoom around faster than any of the two-footed players!
But they wanted a team player, not some skittery one-leg airy-fairy. They wanted tough guys, guys who were grounded--never mind that I could get around better than THEY could!
It took forever, but I finally got tired of their putdowns. So I left.
They blamed the shapeless, sprouting Potato. Those sprouting spots are called eyes. I think the dream hinted that my true crime at Psychodrama was that I saw those cliques too clearly and they didn't like it.
One more potato thing... guess what fueled the Renaissance across northern Europe? Way more food per acre than grains. A superfood. What did they blame in my dream? Just as I was a superplayer they all put down. I was right to skate away.
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