But I'd go further. Many of my dreams of disability in general seem to be diagnostic: health warnings about the body parts in question. They can also be social rather than psychological: in English an able assistant is called "my right arm", and dreams can similarly treat organizations or social circles as bodies subject to limb-loss, mutilation... and augmentation.
RELATED TOPICS: blindness & deafness - paralysis - weird dream diseases - multiple personalities and personality fragments - personality integration - the four Jungian/Native American functions: sensing, feeling, thinking, intuition - body image - beauty and ugliness - mad dream surgery - gengineering, Frankensteins, organ thieves - hands & handlessness - legs & feet - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
THE ABUSE PANELISTS: by Wayan; 1997/2/6, nondream journalism A whole convention of adults abused as kids shows me how hard it is to hide the damage... CAUTION: ABUSE ISSUES |
ARMLESS: by Wayan; 1997 portrait of dream figures (pencil/digital) A strange, horny, frustrated being, part human part horse, who lacks hands to hold the centaurs... CAUTION: NUDITY AND SEXUAL TENSION |
ASTRALNAUT: by Wayan; 1994/7/30, a reverse ghost dream. I have amnesia. Plus, I'm dead. But I have this great NASA job! Only there's a saboteur... CAUTION: SNOTTY ABOUT CHRISTIANS AGAIN |
BACKWARD BOOB: by Wayan; 2018/6/17, a grotesque dreamlet I pass a jogger with her upper torso twisted 180 degrees round, unable to see straight... CAUTION: DISSES IGNORAMUSES--YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. OH WAIT, YOU DON'T. |
BALLOON DRUG: by Patricia Garfield, 1974/2/3, a dream on thought-forms While writing about Tibetan dreamwork, I dream I'm on drugs and see myself in a mirror, first old & scarred, then young & sexcrazed. I think "This'd scare me if I hadn't been reading up on Yoga stuff!"... |
BAT AND UMBRELLA: by David Small; c. 1960/3/1, a nightmare exposing deadly child neglect I'm an orphaned bat in an alley in a storm. I mistake a broken old umbrella's ribs & flaps for... my Mom! I unfold Mom, and discover... CAUTION: LIFE-THREATENING CHILD NEGLECT |
BATTERED, WITH SYRUP: by Wayan; 1998/11/6 & 11/21, two healing dreams. I'm a battered girl who sings in a mall. The Dictator (of all people) helps me start healing and learn to fly... CAUTION: BATTERING AND ITS CONSEQUENT DAMAGE |
BERYL BORROWED IT: by Wayan, 1986/3/8, an absurd dream. My top-heavy friend Beryl borrows my ass and legs to become a centaur so she won't fall over. But I want them back, so... CAUTION: CRUDE AND STUPID |
BLACK BLOT EYES: by Wayan, 2023/12/22, a predictive little nightmare DREAM: I see photos of smiling couples at the beach, but someone's scribbled on them: just black blots for eyes. Creepy. DAY: Read a fantasy novel in which a prince has a cursed double, identical except: he has black blots for eyes. Creepier... |
BODIES DIFFER: by Wayan; 1991? Nondream digital picture-poem summing up a life. Hawk Girl and Pearl Dragon sing a love-duet on the joy of allergies... |
BODY MESS: by Wayan; summer 1981, ink, 3x5" surreal nondream sketch. If artists do this with ink, what makes you think genetic engineers will do any better with flesh?... CAUTION: DON'T DO THIS AT HOME |
BONK VERONICA: by Wayan; 1997/4/1, 9-page dream-comic on body image The world's first all-bulemic band, Veronica and the Vomits, provokes a riot at our local punk club. So I go to Anorexic Bootcamp where models learn self-defense under fire, as calories and fat jokes whiz by... CAUTION: BARF, HORNY ANOREXIC, FOOD FIGHT |
BOY BODY: by Wayan; recurring dreams on body image, 1959-62, drawn Jan. 1996. Or illus. text version A recurring childhood dream on how weird a boy-body is when you've been a girl too many lifetimes. CAUTION: PUBLIC HUMILIATION, NUDE MONSTERS, SILLY GENITALIA |
BOYS: by Wayan; 1993-99, a gender-equity poem. When girls get their clits cut, even the UN takes notice. But mutilate boy genitals, and... big yawn! CAUTION: TALK ABOUT SEX AND VIOLENCE--BUT HEY, IT'S ONLY BOYS |
THE BREAST BANDIT: by Wayan, 1984/5/31, an embarrassing dream. I'm bad. I'm really bad. I know I shouldn't have done it. But my mail-order breasts were late... CAUTION: BREAST THEFT |
BRUSHWOOD BELLY: by An the Black; Easter 1003, a bizarre predictive dream. An dreams a scary woman pulls his guts out and fills him up with brush! He wakes, gets gutted in a feud, and then... CAUTION: BLOODY VIKINGS! |
BUT I WANT TO LIVE!: by Wayan; 1995/8/5, a life-altering dream. My job's to clarify people's deepest wishes. But when I meet two women who truly want to die... CAUTION: SUICIDAL IMPULSES |
THE CAMBODIAN GIRL: by Wayan; 1996/4/2 dream, sculpted 1998/11/9. VERY mixed media--the boat is warped wood. And the story is warped more... CAUTION: SEX, SHAME FROM EARLY TRAUMA |
A CAT AND HER GIRL: by Wayan; 1979/5/15, a deep little dream. I'm a doctor in the future, trying to heal the neurolink between a girl and her cat... |
A CENTAUR SPLITS: by Wayan; 1988/1/12, a Gestalt dream. A centaur divorces, into a unicorn and an unfinished faun-girl, who argue "Forward!" "Not ready!"... CAUTION: TRANSPARENT BREASTS |
THE CHILD ANGEL by Charles Lamb, spring 1823, an otherworldly dream on a worldly plight I meet a half-angel half-mortal child, fruit of an illicit affair. Constantly growing pinfeathers, but never mastering flight; ageless, but unable to grow up; at home neither in Heaven nor Earth... CAUTION: 19TH-CENTURY VERBOSITY |
CHUNKS, or, BABEZILLA!: by Wayan; two dreams 1990/10/4 and 1991/9/4 told as digital comics. I meet a giant psychic baby feared by 12-step people. So I go to the beach and find I'm a shark-bit girl who can have her missing chunks sewn back in--if I still have room for them... |
CHOCOLATE BALLS: by Wayan, 2022/5/10, a surreal furry dream on Covid bloat I find I'm a self-made... critter. A plushie sewn with zippers so I can stuff any bits of me that seem flat or limp. But my filling's not cotton, polyester or foam. It's chocolate! So I have... CAUTION: CRUDE DREAM, AWFUL PUN |
CIRCLES OF BONE: by Linda Puffer, 1977/4/27, a poem on a surreal body-image dream I realize a bone is protruding between my left armpit and breast. I put Maria's hand on my breast and ask her to feel the bone. But no one grasps what it really is--something sticking out from my heart... |
COLLAPSE THEM IN THE ZONE: by Wayan; 1995/4/7, a dream of ghosts and physics. I explore a zone lost in Shroedinger probabilities, and meet time-ghosts who want to collapse into reality... |
COMETS STRUCK MY GIRLFRIEND: by Wayan; a 1998/8/9 dream painted on a 12" record. I knew my new girlfriend was the large economy size but I didn't realize she was a gas giant until... CAUTION: FLATULENT PLANETARY NUDITY |
THE CORE ISSUE: by Wayan; 1992/6/25, a dream from multiple viewpoints The tale of a gray heart trying to heal leads to unicorn-hostage drama in the Transamerica Pyramid... CAUTION: SEX, MAFIA THREATS, VIOLENCE |
THE COUNTRY OF THE DEAF: by Wayan; 1982/7/18, dreampoem with stunning Freudian typo I'm forced to come out to my mom. Not that I'm gay; that I'm psychic, and find the roar of the mind-deaf unbearable. But Mom's selectively deaf... CAUTION: ESP SKEPTICS WON'T RELATE |
CYCLONE REPAIR: by Anonymous #36; pre-1961, a forgotten warning dream Months ago, I dreamed of that exact wall--I fell and was hurt. So today I told my foreman I'd rather work on the ground. But by 11, I forgot. I climbed up to nail in some blocks... |
DALI CENTAUR: by Wayan; 1981/12/12; a surrealist nightmare. I dreamed I saw what looked like an ink sketch by Dali of a horse--but I was dead wrong... CAUTION: YUCK |
DEAD RIGHTS! DEAD RIGHTS!: by Wayan; 1983/10/1, a dream of the other side. I die young, to get it over with, like chickenpox. As I slowly revive, I face bias against the dead. So.. |
DETACHABLE PENISES: by Wayan; 2012/8/9, a brain-mapping conundrum dream I don't have an erection. I have two. But how can my brain register feelings from an extra organ it's not built for? CAUTION: PHALLIC SYMBOLISM? OR SOMETHING ELSE? |
THE DEVIL BY C.S. LEWIS: by Wayan; 1975/12/2, an epic dream on ethics After I die, I join with others to catch the Devil, who's a bag full of bitter, angry souls. But he infects some kids. To free the world of evil, we'd have to kill them. Making us evil... CAUTION: FRUSTRATING AFTERLIFE |
MY DEWCLAW: by Wayan; 1997/6/30; dreams within dreams within dreams Body after body is peeled away revealing truth inside truth... CAUTION: GROTESQUE |
DOCTOR OR LOVER? by Norma, as told to Gayle Delaney, 1994 or before; a therapist-inadequacy dream? SITUATION: I was attracted to my prospective therapist. I asked my dreams what to do... DREAM: His wife vanishes. We get in bed. I feel such love I ignore how tiny his penis is... AFTER: In the morning, I decide I'd be wise to work with a different therapist... CAUTION: SEX |
DREAM?: by Kjartan Arnorsson; fall 1993, a dream in shocking contrast to waking life. On my way to a wedding, I dream I'm in a war. I liberate a camp of prisoners. But one man's so injured he can't be moved. We have to leave him behind. My rescue of his fellows has effectively killed him... CAUTION: GUILT AND LIFE-QUESTIONING |
DREAMKU, SEPTEMBER 2006: by Roswila; thirty dream-haiku with various dates from 1960-2006 One dream-poem in haiku style each day for a month! Ghosts, snow, penguins, yoga babies, elves who leave their tree... |
DRILL TO FLOW: by Wayan; 2011/4/8, an anti-frustration dream A panel of argumentative gods grant me a spare lifetime of piano practice. It takes that long, but... |
THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHIC INVASION: by Wayan; 1999/4/17, a dream about ESP What are the psychological effects of growing up psychic, as others' thoughts and feelings invade you? When other's bodies invade you, it's molestation... |
ERODE THE MUTING CURSE: by Wayan, 2014/8/23, a dream of... health advice? The Fairy Queen curses me, taking away my language. Recovery often takes years, but I practice hard, and speak full sentences--the next day. The Queen is slipping... |
FACE-BEETLE: by Wayan; 1982/2/13, a nightmare with career advice. A monstrous Kafka beetle grows gradually out of my face. And it's a MESSAGE... |
A FAMILY ALBUM: by Wayan; 1981/3/9, folio of nightmarish dysfunctional family. A series of family shadows, as I saw them then. These scenes are NOT literal, is that clear? But the tensions they show were very real... CAUTION: GRIM! SEXUAL VIOLENCE, INCEST, MUTILATION |
FILM STARS by Nancy Price; 1948, a surreal predictive/diagnostic dream I'm a film actress, but the producer isn’t happy with my legs, so make-up takes them away to be redone... |
FOOT CREVASSE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2009/7/11; painting in the Box of Dreams I dream my foot has a huge bloody crevasse. But I study it calmly... |
FOSSIL BARBIE: by Wayan; 1978/9/27; a dream of non-teamwork. I dreamed our medieval football coaches blamed the ugly Potato Person for all evil... CAUTION: NUDE POTATO |
FOUR-EYED BABY: by Xanthe; 1989?, a Jungian dream I met some little hunchbacks in the woods who showed me a newborn baby growing from the moss... |
FOUR EYES!: by Wayan; 1984/5/28, a metaphoric dreamlet. I started life as twins, but slowly we fused. I still have four eyes, though. Then, one day... |
FRANCHISE!: by Wayan, 1995/10/12, a dream-comic (ill. text ed.) with a serious warning. I was the first woman made High Commissioner of Baseball. One day a team of mutants begs a franchise... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, BAD TEAMWORK, HORNY BEES |
FRANKLIN'S NECK: by a dying Kansas grandmother; 1953/7/5, an unheeded warning nightmare "Oh no" she moaned. "I don't want Frankie to go to that camp. He must not go there." She began to cry... |
GET YOUR BODY BACK: by Wayan; 1997/6/11, a dreamed parable. A man dies--his body's chopped up. He ends in Hell. But he's a stubborn guy; he wants his body back. So... |
GINSBERG UNMASKED: by Rick Veitch; 1994 or before; a diagnostic dream Comics character Doctor Blasphemy, on stilts, bares his secret identity: poet Allen Ginsberg! But who chopped off his missing fingers? CAUTION: BLOODY FINGERS |
GLASS EATER: by Wayan; 1982/12/10, a dream on managing ESP. I live in an asylum for fragile psychics. When one man over-uses his talent, he compulsively eats glass... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
GOOEY DICK: by R. Moreau; c. 2015/12/25, c. 2016/3/12, 2016/3/26, a recurring ambivalent sex dream I keep dreaming of sex with my friend Connor. But a wound on his dick oozes white gunk. He says it's common... CAUTION: SEX, WEIRD GENITALIA |
GRAVE: by Wayan; 1999, a poem of everyday life, if this is your everyday life. So I looked out my window and saw this guy burying a tiny robed woman in a trench in the street... |
A GREAT NIGHTMARE, or, The Autistic Dream Lecturer: by Wayan; 1997/1/2, a diagnostic nightmare. I dream I'm addressing a dream convention, but I'm autistic! I MUST act bizarre, just to function... |
HALF-COCKED: by Larry Vigon; 2004/1/4; an alarming dream I'm in the army, in line for a prostitute. An earlier dream cut my cock in two. It heals, but my stodgy technique bores my assigned girl; and the cops break the legs of girls who try to leave. A riot begins--can I even escape? CAUTION: STARTS SORDID, ENDS BRUTAL |
HALF'S HARD: by Wayan; 2014/11/24, a frustration dream hiding a diagnosis and prescription Night. Broken metal sculptures, a welder too horny to weld safely, and a steel panther longing to be whole and loved... CAUTION: KINKY SCULPTUROPHILIA |
THE HEAVIEST FLYER ON EARTH: by Wayan; 1979/1/25, a dream of (clumsy) flight Both my friends can become birds and soar; but all I can manage is angel wings--barely enough to hold up solid-boned me... |
HER HAND ON THE MANTEL: by Frederick Greenwood; before 1894; a disowned predictive dream Greenwood dreams he finds a severed hand on a mantelpiece. The next day it happens! But he sees no moral, so he dismisses it... |
HOT TO TROT or BRAIN TRAUMA or HUMPIN' THE HOG or SAD-EYED SWAN OF LOVE: by Wayan; 1993/8/4, a bizarre, epic dream on finding your way I'm a mare hot to trot (and get laid) in the Big City, but my gay Star Trek friend's brain trauma makes her a clueless alien with a bo(a)ring sexlife--until a sad swan enfolds her in love... CAUTION: ALIEN POSSESSION, CARTOON PIG SEX, SMOKING SWANS |
HUMPBACKED COAT-THIEF: by "Anonymous #15"; c.1919, an acted-on warning dream I dreamed of a beggar in our house who had been stealing. It was a very small man with a hump. Weeks later... |
IN IO: by Wayan, 1981/8/7, a wild otherworldly dream with 3 illustrations. I live on Io. It's nicer than its photos. At least inside, where the oceans are--where I grow a second head... |
JASON: by MariNaomi; 1989, a romantic-warning nightmare The Mummy chases me, then unwraps his bandages to show the mutilated face of my boyfriend. "I'm getting out of jail!" he says. Then the phone wakes me. My boyfriend. He says "I'm getting out of..." CAUTION: CODEPENDENCE, MUTILATION, GUILT AND GRIEF |
JOKE PILOT: by Wayan; 1995/7/15, a dream of defiance. Among aliens, humans are jokes. Fragile and blind, we can't fly starships. Unless we build our own... |
THE KEYRING OF ATTACHMENTS: by Wayan; 1974/5/31, a dream gone too far. Swayed by sinister surgeons, I go all Buddhist and give up my attachments, including various organs... CAUTION: DIVESTABLE GENITALIA |
LAURIE ANDERSON SHENANIGANS: by Larissa King, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a surreal dream I'm watching MTV. Laurie Anderson gets inside my remote control. I try to change channels and she turns my head into an apple. I grope for a potato peeler, and carve a new mouth... |
LBJ OR WOODROW?: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; July-Sept 1955 and Feb-Mar 1968, recurring paralysis dreams From the neck up I was me; from the neck down, Woodrow Wilson in his old age, paralyzed. My presidential aides divided up my duties, and ignored me... |
LBJ'S CAGE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; May-June 1924, recurring teenage nightmares I found myself in a cage, with only a bench and piles of old books. A mirror showed I was old and twisted with speckled skin. In horror I said "I must get away"... |
LBJ'S STAMPEDE: by Lyndon Baines Johnson; 1913-14?, a childhood nightmare anticipating a presidency As a boy I dreamt I was trapped in a wooden chair, paralyzed, as a stampede rushed toward me, just as my grandmother was paralyzed and chair-bound... |
LEFT EYE: by "Anonymous #9"; 1938, a predictive, quasi-reassuring nightmare I dreamed of an explosion--a stabbing pain in my left thigh, right fore-arm, and left eye. Two years later, in World War Two, a grenade... |
LETTERMAN: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a surreal dreamlet Sharon Stone kisses David Letterman, and his head starts distorting as she rants about the film industry's baby-actor monopoly... |
THE LIMP: by Wayan; 1986/7/18, a dream on difference I was working for a London architect. His son thought people shunned him for his limp, but... |
A LOVE AFFAIR: by David B.; 1993/3/23, a 11-page comic of a dark dream My lover's face is shadowed and we are never alone together. Things slip from film-noir to open nightmare when... CAUTION: SEX, DEATH, GUILT |
THE MAD UNVEILERS: by Marie-Claude Girondé, early 2009, a dream painting. The dancers, in a frenzy, stripped themselves. Not just their clothes; themselves... |
MELTDOWN BABY: by Wayan; 1996/10/13, a guilty nightmare. In a Mormon future, my baby climbs a tree and spontaneously disintegrates! I try repotting, but... CAUTION: BAD PARENTING |
MELTDOWN VALLEY: by Wayan; 1993/2/13, a dream of scrupulous balance. A park in San Francisco has melted into a bizarre mutation-zone. Its guardian is a lonely elf-woman... CAUTION: ELF NUDITY |
THE MELTING POT: by Wayan; 1982/7/30, a dream warning of a conformist circle They were swimming in the glowing, molten pool of the Melting Pot, and beckoned me to join them... CAUTION: SUICIDE SOUP? |
MENOLLY: Love Song to a Dragonsinger: by Wayan; 1977, a dreamish poem on giftedness and abuse. As a kid I was haunted by the parallels between Menolly of Pern and me... |
MERLOO'S BROTHERS: by Joost Merloo, two apparent psychic nightmares, 1943 and c.1946 Joost Merloo escaped the Nazis, but had two neurologically impaired brothers who couldn't flee. On a troopship, he dreamed the Nazis burst into their ward... |
MOA: by Wayan; 1995/9/9, a dream on assertion. I was an avian Mr Niceguy with sore knees, till I got some advice from my supposedly extinct big brother... |
MOLLUSCUM FIBROSUM: by Havelock Ellis; c. 1920? A surreal dream of... sex? medicine? A woman models an elegant gown baring her breasts. All five of them. Wait, those aren’t breasts, they’re... |
MOLLY'S PROSTHETIC: by Wayan, 1994/9/22, a dream predicting a mood drug will fail My dad's new wife is a collie. Naturally, she wants a prosthetic arm. But she has no site to bind it to... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, LEERING BUSINESSMAN, DOG WIFE |
MOOSE: by Wayan; 1984/3/12, a dream on the blessings of curses. How the Supreme Court gave my brother antlers, and where his soul went: where I'll go, now that I know... |
MY LIFE ISSUE: ENVIRONMENTAL ILLNESS: by Wayan; 1994/1/2, a warning dream. I dream the real issue in your life isn't the one you complain about most, but the one you hide... |
MY SINE-FRIEND: by Wayan; 1984/3/6, an emotional dream of time and rebirth. An animal-girl I know lives like a sine-wave, first forward in time, then backwards, dying at every zero... |
NEST, EGGS AND LEGS: by Jenny Badger Sultan; l993/9/7, a comic mystical dream Two friends send energy through me, transforming me. Now that my legs are detachable, I can sit comfortably on my eggs... |
NEUTRINO EYES: by Wayan; 1983, a poem on dark matters. ESP is like having neutrino detectors for eyes: what radiates from people's cores blinds you to their surfaces... |
A NIGHT ON MOUNT DIABLO: by Wayan, 1984/6/8, an allegorical four-phase dream. I'm attacked by a narcissist firebird, a rabid rattler-manticore, a masochist bear, and a sexless succubus... CAUTION: INEPT DEMONS |
THE NIGHT OF CHANGE: by Wayan; 1994/2/8, a dream on the order of deep changes. Festival night in a strange town, where, one night a year, dancing in the street transforms you into... CAUTION: SEX TALK |
NIP OFF HIS NOSE: by Wayan, 2020/2/20, four surreal dreamlets about Covid? or... overwork? 1: I sketch two deer-girls making videos. 2: I pull a man's nose off, and milk the scene for drama before... 3: My old boss is convicted of murder! 4: I wake and two friends interpret #3 as "Overwork is killing you..." I wake again. My dream-notebook's blank. No friends here; their interpretation was a dream too.... CAUTION: NUDE DEER |
NIXON NOSE: by Wayan; 1997/12/10, a predictive dreamlet. A dream girl with a giant ski-jump nose turns out to be less symbolic than expected... |
NO FINGERS: by Wayan; 1993/10/6, an indirectly predictive dream. My therapist has no fingers. A fingerless man intrudes on my session, and they use up my hour talking... |
NO MAN IS ISLAND: by Wayan; mid-May 1990, a poem challenging John Donne's, illustrated with dreamselves. No Man is Island. So Men say. I am not a Man... |
NUCLEAR NIGHTMARES: by Erica DeMane, Michael, Joanne and Scott; c.1984, four creepy dreams Erica dreams that during a protest she's caught in a radioactive flood... Michael dreams a nuclear forcefield makes his fingertips explode and congeal into weird knobs... Joanne dreams she meets nuclear mutants with curling black nails great for peeling potatoes... Scott dreams the world goes silent and white, bleaching out. His hands dissolve... |
NUMB CUNT COMES ALIVE: by Wayan; 1996/6/18, a dreamtale on flow. My lover's half-mechanical cunt wakes fully--a first. But what inspired my dream wasn't sexual at all... CAUTION: SEXUAL SYMBOLISM |
ONE-EYED BOY: by Roswila; 2009/4/5, a dreamku on the limits of desire You'd think his Christmas wish would be "a new eye"; well it was, in a way... |
ORIOLE GIRL: by Wayan; 1992/1/23, psychic dream told as illustrated poem. While conducting a census of fairies in Golden Gate Park, I fall in love with an abused oriole-girl, and we try to heal one another... CAUTION: AWKWARD SEX |
ORPHEA: by Wayan; 1995/12/27. Digital painting of a hole in our myths. Krishna, Orpheus, Kokopelli...why are the mythic musicians all guys? Where's Orphea's head? |
PARROT SITTER: by Wayan; 2021/11/19, a flying-pulp-fiction-babysitting dream A girl becomes a raven to cross a pond. Asks me to fly across carrying her (flightless) pet parrot in a bag. I do, but later the parrot falls downstairs. So yuppies call me an irresponsible pet owner... |
PICARDIAN ANGELS: by Wayan; 1993/1/7, a dream of time and wishes. I walk on Martinique with Captain Picard of the starship Enterprise. He's here to see a dreamy boy... |
THE PRODIGY-ALLERGY LINK: by Wayan; 1994/7/21, a clipping and reactions Child prodigies may develop allergies due to immunosystem damage from too much testosterone in utero... |
PUPPY: by Naoki Higashida; March or April 2015, a role-reversal dream I walk home with a puppy to meet my mum, who addresses the dog by my name and invites him in, while I head for my doghouse in the garden... |
RANGE: by Wayan; three 2019/8/19 advisory dreamlets plus 2020/1/8 followup 1: My dad can't see my world. Literally can't see my world... 2: The House of Busyness is unlivable--busy, crowded, noisy... 3: Achievement takes twelve factors; any one can block you... |
RAZOR GHOST: by Wayan; 1974/5/5, a nightmare posing a problem. A man slowly walled in by neighbors till he died, is now a mad, murderous ghost. And he's me! Can I exorcise MYSELF? CAUTION: VIOLENCE |
RECONCILIATION: by Martha Sherwood; 2003/6/19, a dream-parable Even after the Resurrection, a mother and daughter still have issues to clean up... |
ROCKY LOVE: by Wayan; 1984/1/18, a dream farce. A friend's tragic accident confines him to disco roller skates for life! Worse yet, he's in a Rocky Relationship... CAUTION: "ROCKY HORROR" REFS, SEX |
RUBBERNECKER: by Wayan; dreamed 2000/4/24; a ghost comedy. I dreamed of a woman whose jeep stalls on the Antarctic ice. Along comes the ghost of a Volkswagen... |
SALIA AND CHUR: by Wayan; 1989/2/25, a psychic Star Trek dream. Our starship signs up a strange new woman whose quirks turn out to be fallout from slavery... CAUTION: SEX, ABUSE ISSUES |
SAW HER IN HALF?: by Wayan; 2008/8/28, a warning dream-poem, Dreamverse #15 A sorceror's apprentice describes a medical procedure her teacher plans. Yow! I sure wouldn't trust anyone to try that on ME... CAUTION: TALK OF BLOOD AND SEX |
THE SEA WOLF'S BRAIN: by Wayan; 1999/11/21, a psychic dream. For years the Sea-Wolf enslaved me. He said I had to fight him and win to be free. I'm ready at last... |
SERAFINA AND RAM DASS: by Wayan; a 2000/11/6 dream anticipating an 11/9 experience with auras A Finnish shaman/witch gives me a lesson in night flying; in the waking world I meet Ram Dass and sense him speak astrally before his body can get the words out... CAUTION: HIGH MYSTICAL QUOTIENT; IF ALLERGIC, AVOID |
SHAMANIC CHEW-TOY: by Wayan; 2011/3/16; nested dreams of strange women Compulsively honest spirit-women with waterjugs invade my friend's house. I wake to find my girlfriend's obsessing on hair loss. To calm her, I babble about limb loss... and wake again to find she was a dream too. |
SHAPESHIFTER FEVER: by Wayan; 1989/1/30, a dream poem. A summer love affair with a shapeshifting alien turns awkward when she gets a high fever, and... CAUTION: UGH! |
SHARKBIT AND WARY: by Wayan; 2017/11/17, a dream explaining my own social caution At the beach, I see a swim team wading in. One girl teases a laggard wader, not seeing her huge scar. She says "I won't swim till the shark-risk is mapped"... |
SHOCKWAVE: by Wayan; 1996/7/27, a predictive nightmare. My childhood home explodes into a vast pyroclastic cloud that comes boiling toward me, miles away... CAUTION: DOOM |
SINGULARITIES: by Wayan, 1995/5/18 etc. (recurrent dream); drawn late 1994. Black holes can be scary enough outside you, but what if you have dormant ones inside you? |
THE SKIN SECEDES: by Wayan; 1990/1/30, an unappetizing dream. A baby's own skin secedes, forming a snake. It prepares to eat the skinned baby. Shall I intervene? |
THE SKIN'S COMPLAINT: by Wayan; 1996/11/17, a dreamtale. A huge rubbery mass of skin complains I made it sick. I get tired of its whining, and... |
SPONTANEOUS DUCK: by Wayan; 2010/9/14, two dreams on feeling magically inadequate I spy on a girl learning magic in a quilted ditch. She lets me join her telekinesis lesson! Can my mind move a balloon? Then I tour a witch-world where normality's shameful. One kid's not witch or normal--he keeps turning into Donald Duck! CAUTION: DISNEY = DISABILITY? |
SPORECOUNT: by Wayan; 1990/1/5, a dreamtale on patience through change. I'm a hot archeology student till I open the wrong tomb. A plague turns us into green moldy monsters--at first... CAUTION: DISEASE, DEATH, GRIEF, SHAME |
STABBED ALIVE: by Roswila; 2007/10/9, a nightmare-poem I defeat the knife-wielder, in spite the blade in my belly I can't pull out. I may have to let it be... |
SWISS-CHEESE FAIRY: by Wayan; dreamed 1983/7/15, sculpted 2000: ceramic/wire/silk, 17" I met an elfin girl who's tattooed realistic vaginas all over her body, as... decoys? For she has... CAUTION: NUDITY, TATTOOS, TABOOS... |
SWORD IN MY BACK: by Franz Kafka; 1915/1/19, a surreal but un-Kafkaesque dream. I slept late and felt a bit stiff, but until my friends pulled it out of my neck I had no idea... |
THE TAPED WOUND: by Wayan; 1997/10/7, a dream on old tapes... My wound's taped up, but hurts bad. I peel off the bandage. Nothing! Gone. So I check my other body... |
TELEPATH COUNTRY: by Wayan, 2010/5/25; a weird dream image heralding drastic change I'm on the border of human territory. Beyond is the land of the unnerving Telepaths, each one different but every one creepy... |
TICHANE: by Wayan; 1992/11/7. Nondream digital "woodblock print". What the world looks like when you have environmental illness, like me... |
TITANIA: by Wayan; 1981/12/7, 83/1/7 & 2/13 and 84/10/2, a dream-epic in installments Clarence the sappy angel from It's A Wonderful Life and Milton's Lucifer land on Earth, offering treaties. Who to sign with? Clarence thinks we're fine as is, but the Devil's a tinkerer, learning from failures. Failures like me and my girlfriend Titania, the first android with a full palette of feelings. Like the feeling she's fake... |
TORRENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS: by Anonymous #41, 1996?, a surreal word-association dream Asparagus, wings, an unhinged hand, a boxed ghost, butter, sister incest, tomato-pincushions, secret volcanoes, one-eyed integers, chickenleg dresses, mirrors and bananapeel beds... |
THE TORTURER: by Wayan; 1997/7/13, a predictive nightmare A free-lance torturer chooses me for his victim. He has the right. I bluster, but when I fall asleep at last... CAUTION: NO PAIN, BUT GORE |
TRAIL OF POGS: by Wayan; 2004/9/6, my dreams' response to the first Burning Man dream-workshop A trail toward Freedom has extra markers, for it's three trails, superimposed! Not all the cues are for us... |
THE TRAIN ON TIME CAFE: by Wayan, 1981/12/20, an epic political dream. Silicon Valley goes enthusiastically fascist. I hide in a berry patch. They build a shining world, and then... |
TRESPASSERS IN MALANCHAI: by Hyal; Feb 1996, an epic dream with a psychic intrusion. A maneless lion-boy wins his people's respect. While training, he sees weird trespassers who seem to be from someone else's dream... and ten years later, he finds that dreamer. |
TRISKELION: by Kristopher Saknussemm, c.1986, a surreal false-waking dream Only up close do I see that the map of these mysterious continents is made of moths. I wake in Polynesia. By the bed, in a jar, floats one of my hands. For no reason, I begin to cry... |
THE 1200-STEP PROGRAM: by Wayan; 1987/12/17, an illustrated dreamtale. I'm climbing a tower, as my dad, Apollo, drunk, throws bottles at me from the top, breaking bones... CAUTION: DENIAL ABOUT ALCOHOLISM |
UGLY AND HAPPY: by Wayan; 640 x 400, ca. 1991, digital finger-painting. I try to make beauty, try to be beauty, but all the while, this voice keeps snickering... |
UNDO THE PARALYSIS: by Wayan; 1985/7/14, a dream on persistence. In a future society, I'm deliberately, permanently paralyzed. Yet my home-grown cure slowly works... |
UNICORN SURGERY: by Wayan; 1996/5/2, a warning dream. After over-editing a weird poem to Silky, my night mare, I dream that well-meaning surgeons think a unicorn's a defective horse, and try to dehorn her... |
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream. I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul... CAUTION: SWEARING, DRUNK LIONS, CYBORG SURGERY, AND GOGGLE-BARFING |
VICARIOUS ATONEMENT: by Anna Kingsford; 1880/1/31, an anti-shamanic dream Kingsford meets a girl who burns herself as a protest. K flips out! Rants instead of helps... CAUTION: RANT MIDWAY YOU'RE BETTER OFF SKIPPING |
THE VIDEOGRAPHER'S APPRENTICE: by Wayan; 1994/7/29, a predictive/warning dream. Blondie Wiggle builds a Video Igloo. But I'm allergic--TV kills me! A BAD omen for our video project... CAUTION: TV KILLS (BUT YOU KNEW THAT) |
WERE-TROUT: by Wayan; 1997/8/2, a dating-advisory dream. I'm a one-legged hopping hermit in the ruins of LA, and my only hope for love is to conjure up a girl out of a trout and a puppy... |
WHAT'S IN THE BASKET?: by Ceridwens_Descent; 2007/8/4, a dream of embarrassing head loss I cut off my own head! But I grew a new one. Only what to do with the old one? It's starting to rot... CAUTION: SELF-DISMEMBERMENT |
WHICH ROAD? 1999/1/13. Digital sketch of a dream voting for slow. I was on a path winding over grassy hills, while humans zoomed by on a freeway below... |
WHITE-FACED: by John A. Symonds; 1861/7/3, a mutation nightmare My face was leprous white like parchment; my eyes shone with a cold blue eerie light. I shrieked "Papa, don't you know me?"... |
WHO IS OUTSIDE MY WINDOW?: by Krista G.; 2008/6/25, a recurrent false-waking dream. Someone's prowling outside my window. I'm paralyzed in bed, but I force myself into action... |
WINGLESS: by Emily Y. Chan, 2020/12/9 or before; painting of a non-flying dream In this dream, everyone had wings but me. I tried. making my own cloth wings but it didn't work... |
WINGLESS: by Wayan; 1992/2/21; a dream-poem on flight versus guilt Wingless, I try hard to fly, arm-flapping wild. And I rise! Flight's in the mind. But I'm leaving my friend behind! Guilt ties me down--till I see... |
WIRES: by Wayan; 1957-1963, a recurrent childhood nightmare resolved by drawing, 1999/12/8 I was bodiless but trapped. All I could see were these moving wires. Whenever a knot drifted by... CAUTION: MADNESS, TORMENT, TELEPATHY, SEXUAL REBELLION |
WOUND-BARGAIN: by a Marine from New York; 1918/9/12-14, a prediction and possible alteration of the future I was sure I'd be wounded, but dreaded being crippled. So I tried on injuries! I settled on a flesh wound in my left shoulder... |
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